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Why Does A Successful Intelligent Farang Marry A Bar Girl


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Nice summation Dave.

Don't get too excited there Donz, I look white to most people. Apparently I'm not as pretty as you are handsome :o

edit: also, I've got to go now. I'll check in another time, so if people want to comment without me here, the floor is yours.

Edited by kat
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I think this thread should be summed with the following-

If a successful farang wants to marry a bargirl then its his choice and nobody is entitled to judge him for doing so. :D

Yep.. it would be nice to conclude this topic ... but I reckon the same people would rather keep arguing the same point over and over... :o

totster :D

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Guys, you just dont listen !! Trust me, ive been here over 4 years and I know, over 50% of students WILL sleep with a punter for money, its fact ! Thats 50%+ that will sleep with me, not necessarily you !!!

Listen, you cant give an exact percentage, this percentage is determined by a multitude of things, and its you, not them ! Now if Gonz is 50 years old but has a fair bit of confidence hes going to say 20%, if Steve is half a looker, under 50 and oozes with confidence and wit then he might say 30%, as for me im under 40, handsome, confident and extremely witty therefore, im going to perceive this as 50% !

Now I will reiterate this, 50% (or over) of Thai students WILL sleep with me for money !!! As for terry, hes the kiddy no matter what so he will be right up there too !

Actually, im feeling good today, im going to say 70% !!!! :D

thanks for that tax,

look thats why your my best ever mate tax as your a kind hearted, gentle and a good looking punter.

im a very handsome fella myself and me and you can really pull the birds cant we. :D

look ive said it before that i have so much respect for you that i hope you live for ever. :D

im going to go one step further here tax and say this in front of all who are reading this forum because im loud and proud and never afraid to voice my true inner feelings. :D

if i was batting for the other side id want you for my ladyboy. :D

but im not, so get that thought right out of your frigging head alright !!! :o

cricky's tax, you sure get some funny ideas at times but your my best mate and thats ok with me.

see you latter buddy. :D:D

Talking to yourself again Terry? you know there are people who can help :D

thanks larcoste,

ill run that by tax and see what he reconds :D

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I think this thread should be summed with the following-

If a successful farang wants to marry a bargirl then its his choice and nobody is entitled to judge him for doing so. :o

I would agree it is his choice ..... but people are free to judge him for it too! There are consequences for the choices we make! Thankfully ... if you mrry a BG you are certainly free to choose who else to associate with in your life!

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I think this thread should be summed with the following-

If a successful farang wants to marry a bargirl then its his choice and nobody is entitled to judge him for doing so. :D

I would agree it is his choice ..... but people are free to judge him for it too! There are consequences for the choices we make! Thankfully ... if you mrry a BG you are certainly free to choose who else to associate with in your life!

So because I married a girl that worked in a bar i'm not permitted to associate with certain people? :o

People are of course free to judge but people are also free to kiss my backside if they don't like my choice of partner. :D

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lol .. i meant YOU are free to keep the uptight folks as far from your life as you can.

But yes in fact there are some social consequences to who you pick as a partner. Should you care? Probably not!

Would I care? Yes .... and therefore would make different choices.

Edited by jdinasia
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Hey this is Saturday night in Thailand Sanuk Sanuk!

Try Sunday even. :o

Who keeps track of days when you are having fun. The post he was talking about was yesterday, hence the reference to Saturday.

But I have to admit most days when I wake up I don’t know what day it is. It is simply not important to me. I know I have to report my address to immigration every 90 days and that is really the only date based obligation I have outside of remembering the approximate birthdays of my daughters who seem to get upset if I don’t send them a card.

I have a couple of watches but I rarely wear them. One is an Omega and the other a Elgin. They are actually very impressive watches (especially if you like old things) if I cared to make an impression I guess I would wear them and light my cigarettes with my Dunhill lighter. I really like the dunhill but it weighs too much to comfortably carry. I gave my Armani suites to Goodwill before I moved to Thailand.

I am not an impressive person. I shave every day and I shower twice a day in Chiang Mai 4 times a day in Pattaya.

I do get a lot of haircuts but I don’t want to go into what happens at the hair salons because that would start another controversy as to what percent of hair salons are involved in illicit activities. Although I would say it was within 5 to 50% (just a joke).

To keep on topic although I once was a perfectly dressed and some even suspected intelligent Farang. Why would I have traded my Omega world with its timeliness, sanitary kiss proof society for the denizens of bar girls and hanky panky hairdressers and flirtatious uni girls with blue skirts, white blouses and leg tattoos and farmers daughters? It certainly is not for everyone. Pompous arrogant people filled with themselves and their importance and their culture will not understand. When you arrive on foreign shores you are like a sponge. Some are filled with water of another culture some have squeezed all of that water out and are dry and waiting to fill it with the new culture.

Why would I replace all of my friends from Farang land?

The plastic surgeon who wore a new hand made silk tie every day, he never wore the same tie twice?

The rich ladies who owned homes on islands and took Tango lessons and who did craft projects?

The women who turned my daughters into plastic man hunting pseudo women?

My business associates and best friends who tried to bed my wife and hide personal assets in corporate bank statements?

My attorney?

The doctor who charged my father twice the going rate because he was old and dieing?

These are all a part of the reason an intelligent man would marry a bar girl.

In some ways Thailand is like a modern day French Foreign legion.

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lol .. i meant YOU arefree to keep the uptight folks as far from your life as you can.

But yes in fact there are some social consequences to who you pick as a partner. Should you care? Probably not!

Didn't you want to kiss his backside... :o

totster :D

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First of all let me just say that I am only here to respond to this whole ridiculous debacle started with a claim made and backed by members here that 50% of Thai university students are prostituting. I know it's off topic but heck if my post gets it closed down then I'm fine with.

I just want you people to know that I'm already aware that after posting this I am going to get a hefty amount of responses that will say 1) I am in denial, 2) I misread/misinterpreted/misunderstood what was said earlier, or 3) I am one of the wh0res for posting. SO you guys can just cork it up and save us all from your usual ignorant opinions. I am not in denial, I have read all the freaking 16 pages and I am sure not selling myself after school despite me being a Thai born/raised/speaking/reading/listening/writing university student.

Now let's get to the point.

I was referred to this topic by a shocked Farang who seems to be one of the very few out there who actually realise that not all Thai girls are prostitutes. I am very well aware of that stereotype believe me I have been in numerous encounters with ignorant Farangs, both online and offline, who asked me for my price ever since I knew what a whore was. Ask any Thai girls out there, and I mean the ones that do not sell themselves for extra cash (Yes it's true people they do exist it's not only in mythology!), whether they have ever been approached by a farang asking for "companionship" and trust me they'll all synchronisingly say yes with a disappointed yet disgusted look on their faces.

Thai girls are poor, Thai girls are dumb, Thai girls "no sa-peek englid", and of course Thai girls are whores.

If that is the case, does that mean I don't exist?

Let's take a look at this in order.

Poor? My family, though not filthy, but pretty well off. Both of my parents are US educated, have their own business and are subordinate to no one.

Dumb? I am graduating in two months with 3.4 GPA with a bachelor degree from an English-instructed, internationally accredited university.

No Sa-peek Englid? My article on my faculty's senior thesis exhibition was recently (two weeks ago) published in Bangkok Post.

Lastly, whoring? Hmm.. I haven't been paid money by anyone in my entire life but my family - mom and dad usually do that monthly while other family members do it annually in December on my birthday. I occasionally get cash transfered from the bank and insurance company but that is it. And also I am not yet employed so that's that.

Some ignorant farangs may be thinking right now that, "well, your type is rare." Well define "rare". Let's say I have 100 friends. If I'm rare that means at most 10-15 of those friends are like me, or in other words, 85+ are those "stereotypical Thai girls". Well I can assure you that I know more than 100 Thai females and I can assure you that NONE of them are of those stereotypical Thai females.

What your statistics is saying about us is that 1 in every 2 girls you meet in Thailand will somehow let you sleep with her for money.

Do you know what you're teaching millions of other Farangs out there about us by saying this? Kat said it herself this is an open forum, meaning anyone anywhere can come in and read and enjoy this nice little forums. If someone who has never been to Thailand and never heard anything about it except for the cheap sex with young girls (thanks to you people), and he comes and sees this, it only proves the notion right.

So let's say one day that very guy who read this post is here trolling along Siam Square and somehow he gets this sudden urge to score a Thai university student. So along the street he thinks "oh well people say, with statistical support, that there's a chance for me farang to score a Thai chick, maybe I should just try it." Now let's say I and my other Thai female friend happen to be there shopping after our class at the university that very same day. The sexually deprived farang then sees us walking, he comes up to us with high confidence and asks, "how much do you charge?", does that mean, according to your statistics, my friend will give him her phone number with a price tag and working hours on it? 50-50 isn't it? I sure am not spreading.

I am not in denial. There are girls who sell themselves here in Thailand for whatever reasons. I see them everywhere with fugly, old, balding, white-hair, white-trashed, beer bellied, [insert farang insult here], men in restaurants, shopping malls, clubs, hotels, streets, EVERYWHERE so I am sure not blind. There are also university students who sell themselves on the side I am not denying that either but there is a difference and that difference is determined by where you get the statistics from in the first place. Kat I am not referring to your 'source' but I am referring to where, location-wise, the figures were obtained. ALL universities in Thailand? Public universities? Any girls in black-white university uniform?

If all of the universities in Thailand participated, the figures would have been MUCH lower. I'd say 1-5%. Public uni? Higher. Any girls in BW uni uniform? That uniform can be bought anywhere. Some places even store them out back with different university pins and belts so their girls can please different devient fetishes of their clients. The location where the statistics were obtained from does make a difference in the results so I am not doubting your 50% research. But if you do not know for sure whether the research was conducted in an unbiased way then you shouldn't be using this statistics to justify anything around here.

Thailand is famous for sex tourism that is for sure but that doesn't mean it is alright for people to assume that all girls in Thailand are somehow working in that industry. There is a difference between bar girls and Thai girls so it is definitely not alright for people to walk up to any girl they see in Thailand and ask for the price. Do you ever stop and think of how we non-hookers feel when we are branded as such? Imagine yourself as an African American being barred from a jewelry store. Imagine yourself as an Arab being refused to aboard a flight full of Americans. Now imagine yourself as a decent Thai university student from good family with the brightest future in front of her being asked to sleep with sweaty hairy smelly white guy for a price of a Christina Aguilera CD.

We're victims of the crime we do not commit nor condone and you all just keep rubbing it in our faces.

You people make Thai women feel dirty with your words. That's verbal rape.

Edited by gnarly
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So because I married a girl that worked in a bar i'm not permitted to associate with certain people? huh.gif

People are of course free to judge but people are also free to kiss my backside if they don't like my choice of partner. cool.gif

Unfortunately probably true if you're talking about this country. You'll be alright in Pattaya though :o or with other expats in a similar position.

If a successful farang wants to marry a bargirl then its his choice and nobody is entitled to judge him for doing so. cool.gif

Well said! But if you post it on a public forum, you have to expect some replies.

So what is the result of this thread - why do they?

I presume that the OP meant rich when saying successful?

I'd say then that it is the bar girl that marries the man, or very skillfully makes him want her - what other reason do girls work in bars? They are after the lottery win - if a rich one comes in they will try everything in their power to land him, especially if he is under 40 and doesn't look like Quasi Modo; or over 60, where there is a very good chance that he will die in a few years. They all have mates who have landed some retirede Norwegian Sailor or British civil servant, when on death they get like $1000 a month for life.

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First of all let me just say that I am only here to respond to this whole ridiculous debacle started with a claim made and backed by members here that 50% of Thai university students are prostituting. I know it's off topic but heck if my post gets it closed down then I'm fine with.

I just want you people to know that I'm already aware that after posting this I am going to get a hefty amount of responses that will say 1) I am in denial, 2) I misread/misinterpreted/misunderstood what was said earlier, or 3) I am one of the wh0res for posting. SO you guys can just cork it up and save us all from your usual ignorant opinions. I am not in denial, I have read all the freaking 16 pages and I am sure not selling myself after school despite me being a Thai born/raised/speaking/reading/listening/writing university student.

Now let's get to the point.

I was referred to this topic by a shocked Farang who seems to be one of the very few out there who actually realise that not all Thai girls are prostitutes. I am very well aware of that stereotype believe me I have been in numerous encounters with ignorant Farangs, both online and offline, who asked me for my price ever since I knew what a whore was. Ask any Thai girls out there, and I mean the ones that do not sell themselves for extra cash (Yes it's true people they do exist it's not only in mythology!), whether they have ever been approached by a farang asking for "companionship" and trust me they'll all synchronisingly say yes with a disappointed yet disgusted look on their faces.

Thai girls are poor, Thai girls are dumb, Thai girls "no sa-peek englid", and of course Thai girls are whores.

If that is the case, does that mean I don't exist?

Let's take a look at this in order.

Poor? My family, though not filthy, but pretty well off. Both of my parents are US educated, have their own business and are subordinate to no one.

Dumb? I am graduating in two months with 3.4 GPA with a bachelor degree from an English-instructed, internationally accredited university.

No Sa-peek Englid? My article on my faculty's senior thesis exhibition was recently (two weeks ago) published in Bangkok Post.

Lastly, whoring? Hmm.. I haven't been paid money by anyone in my entire life but my family - mom and dad usually do that monthly while other family members do it annually in December on my birthday. I occasionally get cash transfered from the bank and insurance company but that is it. And also I am not yet employed so that's that.

Some ignorant farangs may be thinking right now that, "well, your type is rare." Well define "rare". Let's say I have 100 friends. If I'm rare that means at most 10-15 of those friends are like me, or in other words, 85+ are those "stereotypical Thai girls". Well I can assure you that I know more than 100 Thai females and I can assure you that NONE of them are of those stereotypical Thai females.

What your statistics is saying about us is that 1 in every 2 girls you meet in Thailand will somehow let you sleep with her for money.

Do you know what you're teaching millions of other Farangs out there about us by saying this? Kat said it herself this is an open forum, meaning anyone anywhere can come in and read and enjoy this nice little forums. If someone who has never been to Thailand and never heard anything about it except for the cheap sex with young girls (thanks to you people), and he comes and sees this, it only proves the notion right.

So let's say one day that very guy who read this post is here trolling along Siam Square and somehow he gets this sudden urge to score a Thai university student. So along the street he thinks "oh well people say, with statistical support, that there's a chance for me farang to score a Thai chick, maybe I should just try it." Now let's say I and my other Thai female friend happen to be there shopping after our class at the university that very same day. The sexually deprived farang then sees us walking, he comes up to us with high confidence and asks, "how much do you charge?", does that mean, according to your statistics, my friend will give him her phone number with a price tag and working hours on it? 50-50 isn't it? I sure am not spreading.

I am not in denial. There are girls who sell themselves here in Thailand for whatever reasons. I see them everywhere with fugly, old, balding, white-hair, white-trashed, beer bellied, [insert farang insult here], men in restaurants, shopping malls, clubs, hotels, streets, EVERYWHERE so I am sure not blind. There are also university students who sell themselves on the side I am not denying that either but there is a difference and that difference is determined by where you get the statistics from in the first place. Kat I am not referring to your 'source' but I am referring to where, location-wise, the figures were obtained. ALL universities in Thailand? Public universities? Any girls in black-white university uniform?

If all of the universities in Thailand participated, the figures would have been MUCH lower. I'd say 1-5%. Public uni? Higher. Any girls in BW uni uniform? That uniform can be bought anywhere. Some places even store them out back with different university pins and belts so their girls can please different devient fetishes of their clients. The location where the statistics were obtained from does make a difference in the results so I am not doubting your 50% research. But if you do not know for sure whether the research was conducted in an unbiased way then you shouldn't be using this statistics to justify anything around here.

Thailand is famous for sex tourism that is for sure but that doesn't mean it is alright for people to assume that all girls in Thailand are somehow working in that industry. There is a difference between bar girls and Thai girls so it is definitely not alright for people to walk up to any girl they see in Thailand and ask for the price. Do you ever stop and think of how we non-hookers feel when we are branded as such? Imagine yourself as an African American being barred from a jewelry store. Imagine yourself as an Arab being refused to aboard a flight full of Americans. Now imagine yourself as a decent Thai university student from good family with the brightest future in front of her being asked to sleep with sweaty hairy smelly white guy for a price of a Christina Aguilera CD.

We're victims of the crime we do not commit nor condone and you all just keep rubbing it in our faces.

You people make Thai women feel dirty with your words. That's verbal rape.

Well done best post to come out of this, and on that note we should close the thread. :o

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Frankly, a large number of Thai students will sleep with each other, you, me, and lots of other people for no money at all, or maybe dinner at worst. They're a crowd that likes sex. Fine with me.

(I can't believe I'm posting on a bargirl thread!)

Right, or maybe paid school fees. In the last 2 months I've seen about 3 different casual offers of older men offering cute Thai boy/entertainer types fully paid school fees simply because they thought they were cute, and didn't expect anything in return - cough, cough. And this was on ordinary nights out - I wasn't even looking for this information.

No doubt, Kat, but I'm referring in part to the scads and hoards of young gay Thai men who are definitely, certainly, doing it with themselves and all kinds of other people in Bangkok's saunas and other various venues for quick anonymous sex (sorry if I offend any delicate sensibilities). There's no exchange of funds in these places- people are only wearing towels. Coworkers and straight friends- at least those in the same relative age group as me- also report a lot of freewheeling behavior among "lady" Thai uni students whom they are certainly not supporting. So your perspective here is a little one-sided. Neither of us has any hard statistics, naturally, and I know that a large number of uni students *are* looking for sugar-daddies, but this is not the case with most of them (even if your remembered statistic is accurate, it implies at least 50% and as many as 80% who do not sell themselves). The glass may be slightly full, but it is mostly empty.

Strangely, a number of other posters seemed to interpret my post as in support of the propostition that college students ARE looking for money for sex, and that is not at all what I was trying to say. As quoted above, many of them will have sex for no money or dinner, which I at least never considered to be prostitution.


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I'm glad you posted. I think it's important to discuss this rather than shut it down, and you get a chance to air your views. I have to respond quickly right now, but I will be back. So, it is not my intention to seem glib at the moment, just rushed.

I didn't exactly say 50 percent of Thai girls or students, I said upwards of, and that I personally believed it to be somewhere in the middle of mixed genders. I've also stated numerous times the nature and limitations of my observation or statistic. The original statistic and referenced report was not mine, simply a repeat of what I've seen published and heard more than once.

I think you raise a very important point about ethical responsibiltiy in reporting what may harm or hurt others, but that is not the same as contesting the actual point. However, I do think the ethical point is an important one. So, this is probably one research area I will no longer follow up. Do you think that will change or alter the reality?

I agree that there is a lot of racism and sleazy propositions that Thai girls must endure, including types which approach verbal rape. I also agree that Thai women have to deal with an incredible amount of stigma when they travel. I genuinely feel really bad about that. To suggest that I am part of verbal rape, however, because I am engaging in a debate about this topic that I have responsibly qualified, is just a bit too much. It is emotional blackmail.

However, I respect you and your viewpoint enough to be real with you. I think Thai women will ultimately have to address some fundamental issues within Thai society before that stigma starts to transform itself into something else. I believe that there is a very real social crisis here, and it has reached globalized proportions. I also believe it is simplistic and factually and historically incorrect to simply lay the blame of this on Western societies that are commenting on an obvious phenomenon. I also believe it has been mostly tolerated by the elite as long as it was confined to the backyard. That is no longer the case.

I think 50 percent is too high, but I also think *10-25 percent is too high as a more realistic figure. There is no denying that Thailand's sex market is expanding and globalizing, at an incredible rate. This is done by Thais themselves. Why?

Edited by kat
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wow ... so now we have emotional rape AND emotional blackmail on the same thread! Soneone needs to call the emotional police!

again ... these numbers are all bogus and the concept of intelligent discussion about a statistic that can't be cited is just silly!

Edited by jdinasia
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First of all let me just say that I am only here to respond to this whole ridiculous debacle started with a claim made and backed by members here that 50% of Thai university students are prostituting. I know it's off topic but heck if my post gets it closed down then I'm fine with.

I just want you people to know that I'm already aware that after posting this I am going to get a hefty amount of responses that will say 1) I am in denial, 2) I misread/misinterpreted/misunderstood what was said earlier, or 3) I am one of the wh0res for posting. SO you guys can just cork it up and save us all from your usual ignorant opinions. I am not in denial, I have read all the freaking 16 pages and I am sure not selling myself after school despite me being a Thai born/raised/speaking/reading/listening/writing university student.

Now let's get to the point.

I was referred to this topic by a shocked Farang who seems to be one of the very few out there who actually realise that not all Thai girls are prostitutes. I am very well aware of that stereotype believe me I have been in numerous encounters with ignorant Farangs, both online and offline, who asked me for my price ever since I knew what a whore was. Ask any Thai girls out there, and I mean the ones that do not sell themselves for extra cash (Yes it's true people they do exist it's not only in mythology!), whether they have ever been approached by a farang asking for "companionship" and trust me they'll all synchronisingly say yes with a disappointed yet disgusted look on their faces.

Thai girls are poor, Thai girls are dumb, Thai girls "no sa-peek englid", and of course Thai girls are whores.

If that is the case, does that mean I don't exist?

Let's take a look at this in order.

Poor? My family, though not filthy, but pretty well off. Both of my parents are US educated, have their own business and are subordinate to no one.

Dumb? I am graduating in two months with 3.4 GPA with a bachelor degree from an English-instructed, internationally accredited university.

No Sa-peek Englid? My article on my faculty's senior thesis exhibition was recently (two weeks ago) published in Bangkok Post.

Lastly, whoring? Hmm.. I haven't been paid money by anyone in my entire life but my family - mom and dad usually do that monthly while other family members do it annually in December on my birthday. I occasionally get cash transfered from the bank and insurance company but that is it. And also I am not yet employed so that's that.

Some ignorant farangs may be thinking right now that, "well, your type is rare." Well define "rare". Let's say I have 100 friends. If I'm rare that means at most 10-15 of those friends are like me, or in other words, 85+ are those "stereotypical Thai girls". Well I can assure you that I know more than 100 Thai females and I can assure you that NONE of them are of those stereotypical Thai females.

What your statistics is saying about us is that 1 in every 2 girls you meet in Thailand will somehow let you sleep with her for money.

Do you know what you're teaching millions of other Farangs out there about us by saying this? Kat said it herself this is an open forum, meaning anyone anywhere can come in and read and enjoy this nice little forums. If someone who has never been to Thailand and never heard anything about it except for the cheap sex with young girls (thanks to you people), and he comes and sees this, it only proves the notion right.

So let's say one day that very guy who read this post is here trolling along Siam Square and somehow he gets this sudden urge to score a Thai university student. So along the street he thinks "oh well people say, with statistical support, that there's a chance for me farang to score a Thai chick, maybe I should just try it." Now let's say I and my other Thai female friend happen to be there shopping after our class at the university that very same day. The sexually deprived farang then sees us walking, he comes up to us with high confidence and asks, "how much do you charge?", does that mean, according to your statistics, my friend will give him her phone number with a price tag and working hours on it? 50-50 isn't it? I sure am not spreading.

I am not in denial. There are girls who sell themselves here in Thailand for whatever reasons. I see them everywhere with fugly, old, balding, white-hair, white-trashed, beer bellied, [insert farang insult here], men in restaurants, shopping malls, clubs, hotels, streets, EVERYWHERE so I am sure not blind. There are also university students who sell themselves on the side I am not denying that either but there is a difference and that difference is determined by where you get the statistics from in the first place. Kat I am not referring to your 'source' but I am referring to where, location-wise, the figures were obtained. ALL universities in Thailand? Public universities? Any girls in black-white university uniform?

If all of the universities in Thailand participated, the figures would have been MUCH lower. I'd say 1-5%. Public uni? Higher. Any girls in BW uni uniform? That uniform can be bought anywhere. Some places even store them out back with different university pins and belts so their girls can please different devient fetishes of their clients. The location where the statistics were obtained from does make a difference in the results so I am not doubting your 50% research. But if you do not know for sure whether the research was conducted in an unbiased way then you shouldn't be using this statistics to justify anything around here.

Thailand is famous for sex tourism that is for sure but that doesn't mean it is alright for people to assume that all girls in Thailand are somehow working in that industry. There is a difference between bar girls and Thai girls so it is definitely not alright for people to walk up to any girl they see in Thailand and ask for the price. Do you ever stop and think of how we non-hookers feel when we are branded as such? Imagine yourself as an African American being barred from a jewelry store. Imagine yourself as an Arab being refused to aboard a flight full of Americans. Now imagine yourself as a decent Thai university student from good family with the brightest future in front of her being asked to sleep with sweaty hairy smelly white guy for a price of a Christina Aguilera CD.

We're victims of the crime we do not commit nor condone and you all just keep rubbing it in our faces.

You people make Thai women feel dirty with your words. That's verbal rape.

And if Brad Pitt offered you a million dollars for a night on his yacht, would you make an exception Gnarly? :o

Nice post by the way, but with the average level of Englid on this forum, unlikely to get too many readers to eyeball it from start to end. I have another "verbal rape" statistic - 50 % of TV members are incapable of reading posts over 4 paragraphs long, containing more than 5 sentences per para. :D

Och hel_l, that'll get 'em seething and growling in Pattaya, Phuket and Peterborough. :D

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with the average level of Englid on this forum, unlikely to get too many readers to eyeball it from start to end. I have another "verbal rape" statistic - 50 % of TV members are incapable of reading posts over 4 paragraphs long, containing more than 5 sentences per para. :o

Yes it's a shame, but true.

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Frankly, a large number of Thai students will sleep with each other, you, me, and lots of other people for no money at all, or maybe dinner at worst. They're a crowd that likes sex. Fine with me.

(I can't believe I'm posting on a bargirl thread!)

Right, or maybe paid school fees. In the last 2 months I've seen about 3 different casual offers of older men offering cute Thai boy/entertainer types fully paid school fees simply because they thought they were cute, and didn't expect anything in return - cough, cough. And this was on ordinary nights out - I wasn't even looking for this information.

No doubt, Kat, but I'm referring in part to the scads and hoards of young gay Thai men who are definitely, certainly, doing it with themselves and all kinds of other people in Bangkok's saunas and other various venues for quick anonymous sex (sorry if I offend any delicate sensibilities). There's no exchange of funds in these places- people are only wearing towels. Coworkers and straight friends- at least those in the same relative age group as me- also report a lot of freewheeling behavior among "lady" Thai uni students whom they are certainly not supporting. So your perspective here is a little one-sided. Neither of us has any hard statistics, naturally, and I know that a large number of uni students *are* looking for sugar-daddies, but this is not the case with most of them (even if your remembered statistic is accurate, it implies at least 50% and as many as 80% who do not sell themselves). The glass may be slightly full, but it is mostly empty.

Strangely, a number of other posters seemed to interpret my post as in support of the propostition that college students ARE looking for money for sex, and that is not at all what I was trying to say. As quoted above, many of them will have sex for no money or dinner, which I at least never considered to be prostitution.


:D Oh my gawd Steven - not you too! :o In this case, I was only referring to what I saw on two given evenings. I'm sure I'd see it more often if I spent more time at boy go-go bars though. Geez louise - everything I comment on has to take on the finished quality of published research here.

Trust me, I'm not anywhere near beautiful this week - but you can still buy me a drink :D

wow ... so now we have emotional rape AND emotional blackmail on the same thread! Soneone needs to call the emotional police!

again ... these numbers are all bogus and the concept of intelligent discussion about a statistic that can't be cited is just silly!

Ok, today, you actually made me laugh JD. That's pretty ###### good. Steven, do you think we can get him a drink as well, maybe at another distant table :D:D (just kidding).

edit: I printed the bah smiley by mistake ... I meant the good smiley for real .... really I did!

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And if Brad Pitt offered you a million dollars for a night on his yacht, would you make an exception Gnarly? :o "

Actually, I think that comment is offensive.

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First of all let me just say that I am only here to respond to this whole ridiculous debacle started with a claim made and backed by members here that 50% of Thai university students are prostituting. I know it's off topic but heck if my post gets it closed down then I'm fine with.

I just want you people to know that I'm already aware that after posting this I am going to get a hefty amount of responses that will say 1) I am in denial, 2) I misread/misinterpreted/misunderstood what was said earlier, or 3) I am one of the wh0res for posting. SO you guys can just cork it up and save us all from your usual ignorant opinions. I am not in denial, I have read all the freaking 16 pages and I am sure not selling myself after school despite me being a Thai born/raised/speaking/reading/listening/writing university student.

Now let's get to the point.

I was referred to this topic by a shocked Farang who seems to be one of the very few out there who actually realise that not all Thai girls are prostitutes. I am very well aware of that stereotype believe me I have been in numerous encounters with ignorant Farangs, both online and offline, who asked me for my price ever since I knew what a whore was. Ask any Thai girls out there, and I mean the ones that do not sell themselves for extra cash (Yes it's true people they do exist it's not only in mythology!), whether they have ever been approached by a farang asking for "companionship" and trust me they'll all synchronisingly say yes with a disappointed yet disgusted look on their faces.

Thai girls are poor, Thai girls are dumb, Thai girls "no sa-peek englid", and of course Thai girls are whores.

If that is the case, does that mean I don't exist?

Let's take a look at this in order.

Poor? My family, though not filthy, but pretty well off. Both of my parents are US educated, have their own business and are subordinate to no one.

Dumb? I am graduating in two months with 3.4 GPA with a bachelor degree from an English-instructed, internationally accredited university.

No Sa-peek Englid? My article on my faculty's senior thesis exhibition was recently (two weeks ago) published in Bangkok Post.

Lastly, whoring? Hmm.. I haven't been paid money by anyone in my entire life but my family - mom and dad usually do that monthly while other family members do it annually in December on my birthday. I occasionally get cash transfered from the bank and insurance company but that is it. And also I am not yet employed so that's that.

Some ignorant farangs may be thinking right now that, "well, your type is rare." Well define "rare". Let's say I have 100 friends. If I'm rare that means at most 10-15 of those friends are like me, or in other words, 85+ are those "stereotypical Thai girls". Well I can assure you that I know more than 100 Thai females and I can assure you that NONE of them are of those stereotypical Thai females.

What your statistics is saying about us is that 1 in every 2 girls you meet in Thailand will somehow let you sleep with her for money.

Do you know what you're teaching millions of other Farangs out there about us by saying this? Kat said it herself this is an open forum, meaning anyone anywhere can come in and read and enjoy this nice little forums. If someone who has never been to Thailand and never heard anything about it except for the cheap sex with young girls (thanks to you people), and he comes and sees this, it only proves the notion right.

So let's say one day that very guy who read this post is here trolling along Siam Square and somehow he gets this sudden urge to score a Thai university student. So along the street he thinks "oh well people say, with statistical support, that there's a chance for me farang to score a Thai chick, maybe I should just try it." Now let's say I and my other Thai female friend happen to be there shopping after our class at the university that very same day. The sexually deprived farang then sees us walking, he comes up to us with high confidence and asks, "how much do you charge?", does that mean, according to your statistics, my friend will give him her phone number with a price tag and working hours on it? 50-50 isn't it? I sure am not spreading.

I am not in denial. There are girls who sell themselves here in Thailand for whatever reasons. I see them everywhere with fugly, old, balding, white-hair, white-trashed, beer bellied, [insert farang insult here], men in restaurants, shopping malls, clubs, hotels, streets, EVERYWHERE so I am sure not blind. There are also university students who sell themselves on the side I am not denying that either but there is a difference and that difference is determined by where you get the statistics from in the first place. Kat I am not referring to your 'source' but I am referring to where, location-wise, the figures were obtained. ALL universities in Thailand? Public universities? Any girls in black-white university uniform?

If all of the universities in Thailand participated, the figures would have been MUCH lower. I'd say 1-5%. Public uni? Higher. Any girls in BW uni uniform? That uniform can be bought anywhere. Some places even store them out back with different university pins and belts so their girls can please different devient fetishes of their clients. The location where the statistics were obtained from does make a difference in the results so I am not doubting your 50% research. But if you do not know for sure whether the research was conducted in an unbiased way then you shouldn't be using this statistics to justify anything around here.

Thailand is famous for sex tourism that is for sure but that doesn't mean it is alright for people to assume that all girls in Thailand are somehow working in that industry. There is a difference between bar girls and Thai girls so it is definitely not alright for people to walk up to any girl they see in Thailand and ask for the price. Do you ever stop and think of how we non-hookers feel when we are branded as such? Imagine yourself as an African American being barred from a jewelry store. Imagine yourself as an Arab being refused to aboard a flight full of Americans. Now imagine yourself as a decent Thai university student from good family with the brightest future in front of her being asked to sleep with sweaty hairy smelly white guy for a price of a Christina Aguilera CD.

We're victims of the crime we do not commit nor condone and you all just keep rubbing it in our faces.

You people make Thai women feel dirty with your words. That's verbal rape.

Your first statement inaccurate.

The statement was that uni students are engaged in pay for play between 5% and 50% depending on the university.

I think it is obvious what you are trying to accomplish, that is close down a discussion that offends you. I don’t know if the mods will agree or simply delete your post or allow an open discussion.

Your conclusion that 5% of the total university population is the conclusion that many posters have made

If you are a Thai let me congratulate you. You write almost perfect English.

There are no Thai women on this forum (as far as I have read) that even come close to your proficiency in English even those educated abroad.

If you are a Thai woman I would like to suggest that you forgive white trashed, beer bellied Farang and give us an opinion of a young Thai woman.

It would not be easy. But I am sure it would be rewarding to correct the stereotypes prevalent on this forum.

It is unfortunate that you chose such a controversial topic for your first post. That will create doubt in the minds of many that you are legitimate.

“Verbal rape” seems a little strong and not something any Thai women I know would write. It sounds far more like a Western feminist or male wanna be feminist. But be that as it may it is only my opinion. The Thai women I know really don’t care of about what Farang think about them.

The topic of this thread was why would an intelligent Farang man marry a Thai farm girl prostitute.

There have been many posts explaining why this takes place.

It was unfortunate that my post on university students created a topic all it’s own. I was only trying to point out to the posters who frowned on Farangs marrying bar girls that paying for women was widespread in Thai culture.

When marrying a Thai woman a price is paid to the brides family.

That is not the case in the West. In fact the reverse is true the brides family pays for the wedding. I paid 800,000 baht for my last daughters wedding.

I am certainly not inferring all Thai women are whores. I am saying that most Thai women expect to be paid for.

Perhaps you can educate me. Perhaps the concept of paying for a bride is only a passing fad in Thailand or is disappearing.

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Who keeps track of days when you are having fun. The post he was talking about was yesterday, hence the reference to Saturday.

But I have to admit most days when I wake up I don’t know what day it is. It is simply not important to me. I know I have to report my address to immigration every 90 days and that is really the only date based obligation I have outside of remembering the approximate birthdays of my daughters who seem to get upset if I don’t send them a card.

I have a couple of watches but I rarely wear them. One is an Omega and the other a Elgin. They are actually very impressive watches (especially if you like old things) if I cared to make an impression I guess I would wear them and light my cigarettes with my Dunhill lighter. I really like the dunhill but it weighs too much to comfortably carry. I gave my Armani suites to Goodwill before I moved to Thailand.

I am not an impressive person. I shave every day and I shower twice a day in Chiang Mai 4 times a day in Pattaya.

I do get a lot of haircuts but I don’t want to go into what happens at the hair salons because that would start another controversy as to what percent of hair salons are involved in illicit activities. Although I would say it was within 5 to 50% (just a joke).

To keep on topic although I once was a perfectly dressed and some even suspected intelligent Farang. Why would I have traded my Omega world with its timeliness, sanitary kiss proof society for the denizens of bar girls and hanky panky hairdressers and flirtatious uni girls with blue skirts, white blouses and leg tattoos and farmers daughters? It certainly is not for everyone. Pompous arrogant people filled with themselves and their importance and their culture will not understand. When you arrive on foreign shores you are like a sponge. Some are filled with water of another culture some have squeezed all of that water out and are dry and waiting to fill it with the new culture.

Why would I replace all of my friends from Farang land?

The plastic surgeon who wore a new hand made silk tie every day, he never wore the same tie twice?

The rich ladies who owned homes on islands and took Tango lessons and who did craft projects?

The women who turned my daughters into plastic man hunting pseudo women?

My business associates and best friends who tried to bed my wife and hide personal assets in corporate bank statements?

My attorney?

The doctor who charged my father twice the going rate because he was old and dieing?

These are all a part of the reason an intelligent man would marry a bar girl.

And just for the newbies to the LOS, you can leave all those things mentioned above by kerryk behind and enjoy the rest of your days here WITHOUT marrying a local prostitute. I know of at least a dozen of falang men and women who have done so.


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Guest endure
if i was batting for the other side id want you for my ladyboy. :o

If you were batting for the other side, you wouldn't be interested in ladyboys, numpty.

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Guys, you just dont listen !! Trust me, ive been here over 4 years and I know, over 50% of students WILL sleep with a punter for money, its fact ! Thats 50%+ that will sleep with me, not necessarily you !!!

Listen, you cant give an exact percentage, this percentage is determined by a multitude of things, and its you, not them ! Now if Gonz is 50 years old but has a fair bit of confidence hes going to say 20%, if Steve is half a looker, under 50 and oozes with confidence and wit then he might say 30%, as for me im under 40, handsome, confident and extremely witty therefore, im going to perceive this as 50% !

Now I will reiterate this, 50% (or over) of Thai students WILL sleep with me for money !!! As for terry, hes the kiddy no matter what so he will be right up there too !

Actually, im feeling good today, im going to say 70% !!!! :D

thanks for that tax,

look thats why your my best ever mate tax as your a kind hearted, gentle and a good looking punter.

im a very handsome fella myself and me and you can really pull the birds cant we. :D

look ive said it before that i have so much respect for you that i hope you live for ever. :D

im going to go one step further here tax and say this in front of all who are reading this forum because im loud and proud and never afraid to voice my true inner feelings. :D

if i was batting for the other side id want you for my ladyboy. :D

but im not, so get that thought right out of your frigging head alright !!! :D

cricky's tax, you sure get some funny ideas at times but your my best mate and thats ok with me.

see you latter buddy. :D:D

Talking to yourself again Terry? you know there are people who can help :D

Hey Tax, your a funny guy, but i dont need money for that and think i have a greater % then that

No worries mate, sorry about that but I just picked out a few names off the top of my head. Your ok fella !

I could have used Lacoste's name but man, this guys so ugly I would have him down to about 0.00000001% on the "percentage of girls that would sleep with me" scale !

Just look at his posts, you can see this guy has had more nockbacks than an tequila glass on a good day !!!

Hey terry, this sort of thread doesnt half bring them out eh ? You need an award bro', your a freaking god in my eyes !! When I see you I will buy you 25 beers no frigging problem dude !! :o

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First of all....




Way to go gnarly! Great post, though it was so well-written that I'm sure many who have had little contact with nonwhoring girls will doubt your legitimacy (I've been there before). Here it seems the higher your proficiency in English is, the less credibility you have of being representative of how a typical Thai woman thinks and acts.


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Guys, you just dont listen !! Trust me, ive been here over 4 years and I know, over 50% of students WILL sleep with a punter for money, its fact ! Thats 50%+ that will sleep with me, not necessarily you !!!

Listen, you cant give an exact percentage, this percentage is determined by a multitude of things, and its you, not them ! Now if Gonz is 50 years old but has a fair bit of confidence hes going to say 20%, if Steve is half a looker, under 50 and oozes with confidence and wit then he might say 30%, as for me im under 40, handsome, confident and extremely witty therefore, im going to perceive this as 50% !

Now I will reiterate this, 50% (or over) of Thai students WILL sleep with me for money !!! As for terry, hes the kiddy no matter what so he will be right up there too !

Actually, im feeling good today, im going to say 70% !!!!

thanks for that tax,

look thats why your my best ever mate tax as your a kind hearted, gentle and a good looking punter.

im a very handsome fella myself and me and you can really pull the birds cant we. :D

look ive said it before that i have so much respect for you that i hope you live for ever. :D

im going to go one step further here tax and say this in front of all who are reading this forum because im loud and proud and never afraid to voice my true inner feelings. :D

if i was batting for the other side id want you for my ladyboy. :D

but im not, so get that thought right out of your frigging head alright !!! :D

cricky's tax, you sure get some funny ideas at times but your my best mate and thats ok with me.

see you latter buddy. :D:D

Talking to yourself again Terry? you know there are people who can help :D

Hey Tax, your a funny guy, but i dont need money for that and think i have a greater % then that

No worries mate, sorry about that but I just picked out a few names off the top of my head. Your ok fella !

I could have used Lacoste's name but man, this guys so ugly I would have him down to about 0.00000001% on the "percentage of girls that would sleep with me" scale !

Just look at his posts, you can see this guy has had more nockbacks than an tequila glass on a good day !!!

Hey terry, this sort of thread doesnt half bring them out eh ? You need an award bro', your a freaking god in my eyes !! When I see you I will buy you 25 beers no frigging problem dude !! :o

The differences between you and i are many, I do not and have never had to pay to have sex. I would not date or marry a prostitute and i also dont have conversations with myself on the internet.

You however do (Terry57 aka Taxin) again your a freak. :D

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