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Bangkok To Trash All Non-air-conditioned Buses


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BMTA to decommission all non-air-conditioned buses

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority will stop providing non-air-conditioned bus services in seven to eight months, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Thaksin said he had ordered the BMTA to stop using diesel buses but turn to use buses powered by natural gas for vehicle (NGV).

The use of NGV buses would allow the BMTA to save money enough to buy new air-conditioned buses in instalments.

As a result, he asked the BMAT to turn all buses into NGV air-conditioned buses in seven or six months.

Thaksin said the money saved from the cost of diesel oil would also allow the BMTA to manage bus fares to not affect passengers.

"So, passengers can travel comfortably by paying minimum cost," Thaksin said.

-- The Nation 2006-08-05

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Not a chance, this time next year them black smoke belching, lob sided wrecks will still be flying aorund Bangkok at silly speeds.

Let’s wait and see before screaming our head’s off!

I know mr T said things before, but with diesel prices going sky high he might be right and maybe he keeps his word this time!


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Not a chance, this time next year them black smoke belching, lob sided wrecks will still be flying aorund Bangkok at silly speeds.

Yes and thats what we all love about Thailand .. the chaos. Why can't Taksin leave it how it is instead of trying to make it all sanitised like dreary Singapore.

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I see what you are saying atlastaname but I'm not sure making BKK a bit cleaner and more comfortable for customers is really going to stop you getting your fix of whatever it is that keeps BKK nice and dirty for you :D

Personally I would love to see those buses go, I'm asthmatic and dirty air does cause me some problems but those buses literally stop me breathing, I have to breath with my inhaler because the smog is so thick, we were stuck behind one the other day and as it pulled away from the bus stop the smog from the exhaust filled the entire street, no joke!

I gave up having dangerous fun on tuk-tuks because when I got stuck behind a bus I would almost stop breathing :o

We have to think positive about this - I know that us thinking positive never changed anything but if all of these buses are taken off the road and replaced with newer NGV vehicles then surely there would be much less respiratory illnesses than there must be now

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Over the nine years that I have known them, the buses between Khon Kaen and Udon Thani have improved step-by-step and, at each step, another 'old banger' has gone and a far higher quality bus (with air conditioning) has come on.

The air quality around the terminuses in the two cities has noticeably improved, too. It was never in the same league of yuk as Bangkok's, but there was some room for improvement.

I hope that Bangkok, paddling its canoe in the wake of the Isaan one, enjoys the same improvements in passenger comforts.

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BMTA to decommission all non-air-conditioned buses

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority will stop providing non-air-conditioned bus services in seven to eight months, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Thaksin said he had ordered the BMTA to stop using diesel buses but turn to use buses powered by natural gas for vehicle (NGV).

It seems to be a Political exercise by the caretaker - surely Bangkok has an authority of its own who have the responsibilty to make decisions like this?

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BMTA to decommission all non-air-conditioned buses

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority will stop providing non-air-conditioned bus services in seven to eight months, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Thaksin said he had ordered the BMTA to stop using diesel buses but turn to use buses powered by natural gas for vehicle (NGV).

It seems to be a Political exercise by the caretaker - surely Bangkok has an authority of its own who have the responsibilty to make decisions like this?

i like the way they order things done, in western countries they either direct , instruct or they just say what is going to happen. to order gives the impression that it has been refused and force has to be used. but thats the way it's done

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BMTA to decommission all non-air-conditioned buses

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority will stop providing non-air-conditioned bus services in seven to eight months, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Thaksin said he had ordered the BMTA to stop using diesel buses but turn to use buses powered by natural gas for vehicle (NGV).

6-8 months?...ok lets convert this thai time into real world time.

We should start seeing some changes in about 5 years.

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Can they train the drivers at the same time?

Right that will be the way ,TRAIN the BUSDRIVERS BECAUSE :o they drive same they drive a SPORTCAR change from line and 50 futher they have to stop on a busstop :D and why not one busline where any BUS can't go out

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Bangkok To Trash All Non-air-conditioned Buses

Who writes these titles? That has to be one of the worst uses of the word 'Trash' i have ever read.


You know what ? You are totally correct; it is written (obvioulsy) by someone, who has no knowledge of the endless possibilities of the beautiful english language !



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BMTA to decommission all non-air-conditioned buses

BANGKOK: -- The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority will stop providing non-air-conditioned bus services in seven to eight months, caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Saturday.

Thaksin said he had ordered the BMTA to stop using diesel buses but turn to use buses powered by natural gas for vehicle (NGV).

It seems to be a Political exercise by the caretaker - surely Bangkok has an authority of its own who have the responsibilty to make decisions like this?

Good News now I would love to buy 1 of those buses they plan to trash I could make a motor home out of it and drive to Bkk or even phuket and will not have to search for a clean hotel on the way plus I can carry all my toys with me like a note book pc get wi fi internet connection and I am on line LOL of course I would put in A/C and transfer the the eng to run on LPG if possible I know it can be done on gasoline engines just think I could pick up all my ladies on beach road in Pattaya and take them with me a cruise to no were LOL I am a dreamer and if I can I will make my dreams come true have a wonderful day every day GOD bless all
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Bangkok To Trash All Non-air-conditioned Buses

Who writes these titles? That has to be one of the worst uses of the word 'Trash' i have ever read.

You know what ? You are totally correct; it is written (obvioulsy) by someone, who has no knowledge of the endless possibilities of the beautiful english language !

Well, I suppose its hardly Hemmingway or Steinback but it is "legitimate" slang.

tr.v. trashed, trash·ing, trash·es

1. Slang.

1. To throw away; discard i.e. trashed the broken toaster.

2. To wreck or destroy by or as if by vandalism; reduce to trash or ruins.

Just part of our ever evolving language.

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What will it cost to buy one of the old buses.....maybe Thailand could have a hippy revival...paint the buses with a psychedelic motif....all of us expats could grow our hair long (those of us that still have hair) and wear bell bottom pants....cool....groovy.....peace bros!!!!

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This thread proves to me that most of the people on this forum like complaining for the sake of complaining. Something positive like scrapping (is this a better word for you than 'trashing'?) the old black smoke belching lung killers and people here are suspicious and even naysaying. What?

This black diesel smoke from buses and trucks is killing people. It is one of the most blatantly negative aspects of living and visiting here. I just wish that some politician had taken the initiative decades ago.

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Something positive like scrapping the old black smoke belching lung killers and people here are suspicious and even naysaying. What?

I try to keep a balanced view but I must say some skepticism is due to his own making. I kid you not, years ago Thaksin claimed if elected he would solve Bangkok's traffic problems within 6 months. So yes, getting rid of the diesel soot belchers would be great, but not everyone has their hopes up just yet. Like politicians the world over, watch what gets done, not what is said.

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Something positive like scrapping the old black smoke belching lung killers and people here are suspicious and even naysaying. What?

I try to keep a balanced view but I must say some skepticism is due to his own making. I kid you not, years ago Thaksin claimed if elected he would solve Bangkok's traffic problems within 6 months. So yes, getting rid of the diesel soot belchers would be great, but not everyone has their hopes up just yet. Like politicians the world over, watch what gets done, not what is said.

Now, if they fixed all the craters, cracks and drop offs in the pavements (sidewalks), that would be grand. Personally I think that solving a series of smaller problems in society is much more constructive than trying to takle huge issues. You are right about the "Traffic problem solved in 6 months." That was plain silly for him to even think it, let alone say it. Let's see if the smokers are really going to be gone.

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Not a chance, this time next year them black smoke belching, lob sided wrecks will still be flying aorund Bangkok at silly speeds.

Let’s wait and see before screaming our head’s off!

I know mr T said things before, but with diesel prices going sky high he might be right and maybe he keeps his word this time!


not a chance :D

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I see what you are saying atlastaname but I'm not sure making BKK a bit cleaner and more comfortable for customers is really going to stop you getting your fix of whatever it is that keeps BKK nice and dirty for you :D

Personally I would love to see those buses go, I'm asthmatic and dirty air does cause me some problems but those buses literally stop me breathing, I have to breath with my inhaler because the smog is so thick, we were stuck behind one the other day and as it pulled away from the bus stop the smog from the exhaust filled the entire street, no joke!

I gave up having dangerous fun on tuk-tuks because when I got stuck behind a bus I would almost stop breathing :o

We have to think positive about this - I know that us thinking positive never changed anything but if all of these buses are taken off the road and replaced with newer NGV vehicles then surely there would be much less respiratory illnesses than there must be now

your really pushing your luck nikkijah if your asthmatic and hanging around los. :D

its a wonder your not using self enclosed breathing apperatus to keep your self alive. :D

but you just keep up the positive thinking as that will put in front of the game. :D

cheers :D

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Can they train the drivers at the same time?

Right that will be the way ,TRAIN the BUSDRIVERS BECAUSE :o they drive same they drive a SPORTCAR change from line and 50 futher they have to stop on a busstop :D and why not one busline where any BUS can't go out


im real sorry about this mate, but is there any chance of running that one by me again ?

you got me a tad confused with that little ripper of a post. :D

thanks mate. :D

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