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Ferguson shooting: More than 2,200 National Guard troops sent in

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Ferguson shooting: More than 2,200 National Guard troops sent in

(BBC) The US state of Missouri has ordered more troops to the Ferguson area to quell unrest after a policeman was cleared over Michael Brown's killing.

State governor Jay Nixon said 2,200 National Guard would be deployed in and around the St Louis suburb on Tuesday.

Meanwhile officer Darren Wilson said he had a "clean conscience" over his actions, in his first public comments.

Violent protests erupted after Monday's ruling, with buildings and vehicles set alight and dozens of arrests.

Mr Brown, 18, was shot several times by Officer Wilson on 9 August in Ferguson, Missouri, sparking weeks of unrest. The grand jury's decision means the police officer will not face state criminal charges into the shooting.

Officer Wilson said there was nothing he could have done differently in his confrontation with Michael Brown, speaking in an interview with ABC News. He said he feared for his life.

Lawyers for the black teenager denounced the grand jury's decision to clear the officer of all charges as "unfair".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30203526

-- BBC 2014-11-26


"Meanwhile officer Darren Wilson said he had a "clean conscience" over his actions, in his first public comments. "

So clean that he couldn't state that before the legal decision?


Ferguson shooting: More than 2,200 National Guard troops sent in

Yeah, the next morning, 12 hours after the riots, and the destruction of so many people's livelihood.

Good job, Governor. Either you are stupid, incompetent, or devious.



White St. Louis attorney seriously injured in random hate crime mob lynching.

Left-wing white man joins black protesters. Gets beaten up and hospitalized for being white.

Black protesters in Ferguson attack random white man while yelling racial abuse. Fergsuon police watch and do nothing.

Ferguson mob attacks random white people as they leave Rams game.

Journalist/Author Charlie LeDuff attacked by Ferguson mob for being white.

Radical white Marxist is brutally attacked by black males when tries to join the protesters in Ferguson.


Many leaders of the Ferguson protest crowd have been calling for racial violence against white people. A panel on MSNBC urged Ferguson protesters to go to white “safe havens” and make white people feel “uncomfortable.”

As white people left the Rams/Seahawks game, black men and women screamed profanities and racial slurs. They spit on white people and physically attacked multiple victims. At least two people were injured.

Video: Police move in to contain the violence. Two perps, a mother and daughter, were arrested for spitting on and punching a white female.

MSNBC urged blacks to go to white “safe havens” and make white people feel “uncomfortable.” Others in Ferguson have simply called for violent attacks on white people.

See shocking photo and video here

And also related:

“Negro-Geddon” if Wilson not indicted, says prominent black author

Taleeb Starkes told John Gibson, on Fox News Radio, that white people should prepare for “Negro-Geddon” if Wilson is not indicted. Starkes went on to say “there is an unbreakable covenant in the black community with thug culture. Thugs have diplomatic immunity in the black community.”


Marine beaten outside Mississippi restaurant was warned it wasn’t safe for whites after Michael Brown killing: pal

A 32-year-old Marine was beaten by a group of men outside of a Mississippi restaurant after he was warned it wasn't safe for white people in the wake of the Michael Brown killing in Missouri, the serviceman's friend claims.

Ralph Weems, an Iraq war veteran, was in fair condition at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo, a hospital spokeswoman said Monday. But his brother-in-law said that Weems had undergone brain surgery.


Peaceful Ferguson Protesters Attack White Passerby: “I Just Want To Go Home”

Protesters in Ferguson have continued to gather on a nightly basis in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting.

They claim to be assembling peacefully, but as the video below shows, when a white man was passing through town a mob surrounded him and began making threats.

The video shows the man telling his attackers that he just wants to go home.

Another man is then heard saying “I don’t give a <deleted> what you wanna do.” In the background, a third man argues, “we’re standing up for what we believe.”

As the victim tries to get away from the crowd he is immediately accosted by several men who hold him back while another grabs him by the neck. When he finally breaks free and walks away numerous individuals continue to pursue him.

The following video uploaded to social media shows the incident from two different angles:

To any whites our there, in the USA, who are reading this:

Rioters To Target Whites: “You Will Never Be Safe… Not You, Not Your Children”

As Brian Hayes of Top Right News notes, “they are making plans to focus on White areas — and are threatening to target police officers, and even their families.”

In fact, the protesters in Ferguson have as one of their lead organizer a woman by the name of Lisa Fithian, who was partly responsible for organizing the violent protests known as the Battle In Seattle during the 1990′s. In a video recorded several days ago and posted by Progressive Today and The Gateway Pundit Fithian explains to those in the audience that they need to be targeting areas where the residents do not look like them:

“Personally, I think we DONT need to be on West Florissant. I wanna advocate that we go on South Florissant because the people on South Florissant don’t look like me. The people on West Florissant look like me and they’re with it. So… I really don’t have anything to protest on West Florissant. So if I’m in the area I’m going to Ferguson Police Department.”

All this makes me wonder how much is enough!

Simply amazing!

  • Like 1

Sadly we are seeing the result of years of a festering boil of hate from all sides starting to break and spew its pus over the local population and sadly no doubt the nation as well, common sense died so long ago and now it seems as if mob rule is the rule of law.

Whether this mob rule is government sponsored or people sponsored there is and will be but one loser.The average man and woman in the street who in the main desires and lead peaceful lives.Yet they are now having to pay the penalty imposed by rabid lawmen and rabid radicals irrespective of their background.

Oh America what have you done to yourself and your peoples?

  • Like 2

"Lwayers for the black teenager denounced the grand jury's decision to clear the officer of all charges as "unfair".


So now that give's every one of them the "right" to destroy, assult, burn, and kill any one who is white, because justice was served legally.

Hope the National Guard take a good number of these upstanding citizens out.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Meanwhile officer Darren Wilson said he had a "clean conscience" over his actions, in his first public comments. "

So clean that he couldn't state that before the legal decision?

Any lawyer worth his or her salt would keep their client's mouth shut prior to legal proceedings.

Also, state laws typically prohibit grand jury witnesses from ever disclosing their testimony in any way, and that a violation could result in criminal punishment. Obviously, until he had completed his testimony and the jury rendered its decision ne could not in advance make such a statement.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sadly we are seeing the result of years of a festering boil of hate from all sides starting to break and spew its pus over the local population and sadly no doubt the nation as well, common sense died so long ago and now it seems as if mob rule is the rule of law.

Whether this mob rule is government sponsored or people sponsored there is and will be but one loser.The average man and woman in the street who in the main desires and lead peaceful lives.Yet they are now having to pay the penalty imposed by rabid lawmen and rabid radicals irrespective of their background.

Oh America what have you done to yourself and your peoples?

The prosecutor was re-elected nine times. The Grand Jury comes from citizens in good standing from the community. Any changes are in the hands of the community through the electoral process and judicial, not through mob rule.


NY Posts published the cops personal address. Disgusting.

of course, coming from a Murdoc rag of a newspaper.

Sorry boys, but it was the New York TIMES and nothing to do with Rupert Murdoch. They have now removed a picture that showed the exact street address, but there is still enough information to easily find out where he lives.



I see a white, 30-something female earlier in the riots being arrested by the looks. What goes through their minds to want to get mixed up in it? For one, the racists among the blacks (and there are MANY) won't appreciate it and are liable to turn on her, as above. Not to be racist here myself, but it's akin to the white members of the New Zealand rugby team doing the Haka with the All Blacks... it just don't fit.

To be fair, all the authorities can do is watch and let it blow over once the criminal elements and thugs have had their fill. Go in heavy-handed and some of these punks get killed, and it could kick off in a big way.



White St. Louis attorney seriously injured in random hate crime mob lynching.

Left-wing white man joins black protesters. Gets beaten up and hospitalized for being white.

Black protesters in Ferguson attack random white man while yelling racial abuse. Fergsuon police watch and do nothing.

Ferguson mob attacks random white people as they leave Rams game.

Journalist/Author Charlie LeDuff attacked by Ferguson mob for being white.

Radical white Marxist is brutally attacked by black males when tries to join the protesters in Ferguson.


And also related:

“Negro-Geddon” if Wilson not indicted, says prominent black author

Taleeb Starkes told John Gibson, on Fox News Radio, that white people should prepare for “Negro-Geddon” if Wilson is not indicted. Starkes went on to say “there is an unbreakable covenant in the black community with thug culture. Thugs have diplomatic immunity in the black community.”


Marine beaten outside Mississippi restaurant was warned it wasn’t safe for whites after Michael Brown killing: pal

A 32-year-old Marine was beaten by a group of men outside of a Mississippi restaurant after he was warned it wasn't safe for white people in the wake of the Michael Brown killing in Missouri, the serviceman's friend claims.

Ralph Weems, an Iraq war veteran, was in fair condition at North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo, a hospital spokeswoman said Monday. But his brother-in-law said that Weems had undergone brain surgery.


Peaceful Ferguson Protesters Attack White Passerby: “I Just Want To Go Home”

Protesters in Ferguson have continued to gather on a nightly basis in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting.

They claim to be assembling peacefully, but as the video below shows, when a white man was passing through town a mob surrounded him and began making threats.

The video shows the man telling his attackers that he just wants to go home.

Another man is then heard saying “I don’t give a <deleted> what you wanna do.” In the background, a third man argues, “we’re standing up for what we believe.”

As the victim tries to get away from the crowd he is immediately accosted by several men who hold him back while another grabs him by the neck. When he finally breaks free and walks away numerous individuals continue to pursue him.

The following video uploaded to social media shows the incident from two different angles:

To any whites our there, in the USA, who are reading this:

Rioters To Target Whites: “You Will Never Be Safe… Not You, Not Your Children”

As Brian Hayes of Top Right News notes, “they are making plans to focus on White areas — and are threatening to target police officers, and even their families.”

In fact, the protesters in Ferguson have as one of their lead organizer a woman by the name of Lisa Fithian, who was partly responsible for organizing the violent protests known as the Battle In Seattle during the 1990′s. In a video recorded several days ago and posted by Progressive Today and The Gateway Pundit Fithian explains to those in the audience that they need to be targeting areas where the residents do not look like them:

“Personally, I think we DONT need to be on West Florissant. I wanna advocate that we go on South Florissant because the people on South Florissant don’t look like me. The people on West Florissant look like me and they’re with it. So… I really don’t have anything to protest on West Florissant. So if I’m in the area I’m going to Ferguson Police Department.”

All this makes me wonder how much is enough!

Simply amazing!

Every incident has been fomented by decades of anti-black racist justice system.

Not to mention the CENTURIES of anti-black racist murders at the hands of racist whites.

So obviously there is going to be a backlash at some point.... But personally, I don't blame the blacks on this one.

They have eventually come to the conclusion that peaceful protests don't work to change anything.... The system has got to CHANGE!

If you disagree, then clearly you are part of the problem and should be the ones to blame.


rickirs post # 11.

The prosecutor was re-elected nine times. The Grand Jury comes from citizens in good standing from the community. Any changes are in the hands of the community through the electoral process and judicial, not through mob rule.

With all due respect rickirs I was commenting on the result as opposed to the system which is at fault.

I was, I am commenting on the fact that years of abuse hatred and discrimination are sadly bearing a bitter fruit.A society that has grown into a society founded on distrust and hatred.

Now is there not a saying One gets the government one deserves, or the judiciary in this case perhaps?

In the United States, except for slaves, servants and the destitute fed by townships, everyone has the vote and this is an indirect contributor to law-making. Anyone wishing to attack the law is thus reduced to adopting one of two obvious courses: they must either change the nation's opinion or trample its wishes under foot.



So obviously there is going to be a backlash at some point.... But personally, I don't blame the blacks on this one.

They have eventually come to the conclusion that peaceful protests don't work to change anything.... The system has got to CHANGE!

Sounds like a good way to get hurt badly. There is no way that more violence and more crime is going to improve their reputation or their situation with other citizens, that vastly outnumber them.

Blacks are about 13 percent of the population and are responsible for an inordinate amount of crime. Between 1976 and 2005 blacks committed more than half of all murders in the United States. The black arrest rate for most offenses including robbery, aggravated assault and property crimes is two to three times their representation in the population. Blacks are also overrepresented among people arrested for white-collar crimes such as counterfeiting, fraud and embezzlement. There is a good reason that black males are racially profiled and it is up to them to change that.

  • Like 2

I read the full article and as always I like to stay informed. For some strange reason there was nothing about little Michael robbing the store a few minutes before this event. Nothing about him man handling the clerk. Lets have full disclosure here. This really has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a criminal act by little Michael. If Michael was white or even Hispanic would we have all this out cry. In any case Michael was involved in a crime and he resisted arrest.

He got shot and it does not matter if he was black, blue, pink, green or any other shade of colour.


Turns out the Governor withheld the Guard on the first night. No one in the governor's office would take calls from the mayor of Ferguson. I guess that is a Democrat tactic to allow looting burning rioting and mayhem. This governor will not be around for too long. Hopefully the people of Missouri will recall him.


I haven't yet commented on this issue, and one of the threads is something like 11 pages long already. I wonder if the theoretical question has come up yet in any of those many posts of how the black community would have / or be reacting if the police officer has been black, had shot a black civilian and was subsequently cleared of wrong doing?

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