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Train library has driven off!

rak sa_ngop

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I have just been visiting Chiang Rai again (I love the fried fish in the Night Bazaar) and noticed that the train library in town has disappeared. It was there on my last visit earlier this year. I asked at my hotel but nobody knew. Where is it now and how did they move it?

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Although I do not have the full details it appears that it is/is going to be relocated near the library which is in the educational complex that the YMCA city branch is in. It is the road opposite where it was across a little bridge. If it is there take your mosquito repellent with you as you will need it.

I have not been there so maybe someone will have more complete information.

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I would have thought that moving the train would have made an interesting news item as the diesel locomotive unit must weigh about 50 tons plus the carriages.

Not an easy thing to move.

I did walk walk past the library area you mention but did not run into a missing train. But then I wasn't looking out for it.

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It was moved to the stadium complex

Yes I passed it yesterday. I did not go into the Stadium so I did not see if it is still a library although it did seem a bit shorter.

Maybe this is what they meant by there will be a train going from Chiangrai to Chiang Saen. they just move it a few kilometres in that direction each time.

Edited by harrry
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