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Deputy PM Prawit confident most Thais support the government


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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

You must of been in the Bombers injecting room, drugs are bad Jamie!

I lived inside one of the protest areas this year and I think your getting confused who the terrorists were, grenades getting thrown at police, the popcorn gunman ring a bell?

But don't let that ruin your deluded view on the current situation.

If the army are so good at maintaining order why did they have to illegally take over power before they lifted a finger to stop any violence?

Yes that is right. The terrorism was terrible. Luckily the PDRC terrorists were captured very efficiently before they could maim any more people and well done on the police for their very one sided work in that matter. It is the terrorists that killed the 23 innocent men, women and children that roamed free to commit crimes on a daily basis that had the majority spoked including my family I must admit. They were targeting innocent people and it could have been you or me or our kids that were murdered.

Glad you made it through safely, though it seems you prefer the the attacks to peace as well.

As for the power grab. I might remind some that the most popular PM in the last decade didn't lift a finger to stop the violence initially because his boss, the defense minister yingluck did not order him too. Of course when it got up to over 28 dead and 600 injured he had no choice, but to intervene. Still didn't take power though. He left it in the hands of the government and all involved parties to come to a resolution before more people were murdered. They couldn't thus the terrorism would have continued ergo Prayut restored stability without a single bullet fired.

I look forward to some hearty debating on the AFL forum regarding the footy as well.

Thanks for the post my friend and have a nice evening.

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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

You must of been in the Bombers injecting room, drugs are bad Jamie!

I lived inside one of the protest areas this year and I think your getting confused who the terrorists were, grenades getting thrown at police, the popcorn gunman ring a bell?

But don't let that ruin your deluded view on the current situation.

If the army are so good at maintaining order why did they have to illegally take over power before they lifted a finger to stop any violence?

Yes that is right. The terrorism was terrible. Luckily the PDRC terrorists were captured very efficiently before they could maim any more people and well done on the police for their very one sided work in that matter. It is the terrorists that killed the 23 innocent men, women and children that roamed free to commit crimes on a daily basis that had the majority spoked including my family I must admit. They were targeting innocent people and it could have been you or me or our kids that were murdered.

Glad you made it through safely, though it seems you prefer the the attacks to peace as well.

As for the power grab. I might remind some that the most popular PM in the last decade didn't lift a finger to stop the violence initially because his boss, the defense minister yingluck did not order him too. Of course when it got up to over 28 dead and 600 injured he had no choice, but to intervene. Still didn't take power though. He left it in the hands of the government and all involved parties to come to a resolution before more people were murdered. They couldn't thus the terrorism would have continued ergo Prayut restored stability without a single bullet fired.

I look forward to some hearty debating on the AFL forum regarding the footy as well.

Thanks for the post my friend and have a nice evening.

I find it a bit strange that once the PDRC achieved what the wanted, no elections and the army taking control not one act of violence followed. Not one!

Where are the terrorists now, the only time there were attacks are when it suited a certain side!

They should teach the US about controlling protesters!

And I can't stand violence, same as I can't stand oppression.

Quite frankly I'm more worried about getting into a cab with my family than I was about the chance of injury during the protests. 28 dead over 6 months. Same time probably 5000 dead on the roads, that the army was worried about those 28 seems unlikely.

Those Bombers did alright tonight, good luck next year!!

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How can anyone believe in polls with 93% satisfaction rate of any government or political figure? It simply doesn't exist! About the Junta, Thaksin, Obama, Merkel, De Gaulle, ... just to name a few, it never happened in real life. And when one reads that the poll has been made by the "Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association", one can just burst out laughing!

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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand on the road to oblivion than a growing, free, open, equal and democratic Thailand on the road to first world status. 7% is certainly indicative of the true level of support of one faction, just not the one you so love.

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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

You must of been in the Bombers injecting room, drugs are bad Jamie!

I lived inside one of the protest areas this year and I think your getting confused who the terrorists were, grenades getting thrown at police, the popcorn gunman ring a bell?

But don't let that ruin your deluded view on the current situation.

If the army are so good at maintaining order why did they have to illegally take over power before they lifted a finger to stop any violence?

Yes that is right. The terrorism was terrible. Luckily the PDRC terrorists were captured very efficiently before they could maim any more people and well done on the police for their very one sided work in that matter. It is the terrorists that killed the 23 innocent men, women and children that roamed free to commit crimes on a daily basis that had the majority spoked including my family I must admit. They were targeting innocent people and it could have been you or me or our kids that were murdered.

Glad you made it through safely, though it seems you prefer the the attacks to peace as well.

As for the power grab. I might remind some that the most popular PM in the last decade didn't lift a finger to stop the violence initially because his boss, the defense minister yingluck did not order him too. Of course when it got up to over 28 dead and 600 injured he had no choice, but to intervene. Still didn't take power though. He left it in the hands of the government and all involved parties to come to a resolution before more people were murdered. They couldn't thus the terrorism would have continued ergo Prayut restored stability without a single bullet fired.

I look forward to some hearty debating on the AFL forum regarding the footy as well.

Thanks for the post my friend and have a nice evening.

I find it a bit strange that once the PDRC achieved what the wanted, no elections and the army taking control not one act of violence followed. Not one!

Where are the terrorists now, the only time there were attacks are when it suited a certain side!

They should teach the US about controlling protesters!

And I can't stand violence, same as I can't stand oppression.

Quite frankly I'm more worried about getting into a cab with my family than I was about the chance of injury during the protests. 28 dead over 6 months. Same time probably 5000 dead on the roads, that the army was worried about those 28 seems unlikely.

Those Bombers did alright tonight, good luck next year!!

Hang on..

First you denigrate me by mentioning a football team I support on a Thai political forum. I replied by stating that I look forward to discussing this with you on the appropriate forum.

Secondly you mention you lived in a protest zone and I extended my congratulations that you made it through the turmoil safely.

Thirdly you belittle me by calling me deluded when in fact I highlighted that the army took power AFTER they tried to broker a resolution.

And to top it off you ignore every reply I articulately and politely rebutted by stating "Those Bombers did alright tonight, good luck next year!!"

Seems you are not only obsessed with the Bombers, but you epitomize everything the red shirts stand for. That being belittling, denigrating, denouncing and not accepting empathy from a concerned person that only wanted to congratulate you for being safe in a time of turmoil.

Yet after all that you say you cannot stand violence! The hate and bitterness you reflect states otherwise my friend.

Quite frankly I'm more worried about getting into a cab with my family than I was about the chance of injury during the protests"

To try to downplay daily terrorist attacks in the capital of a city by comparing it to taxi rides says more about you than me my friend. It reminds me of another red apologists that stated that if I didn't like the terrorist attacks in Khon Kaen that I should move to another country!

That is the mindset of red apologists. That is why reform is needed my friend. There is a fine, yet pronounced line between radicals and radical fundamentalists.

I pity you my friend and I hope you find the help you need.

Edited by djjamie
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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand on the road to oblivion than a growing, free, open, equal and democratic Thailand on the road to first world status. 7% is certainly indicative of the true level of support of one faction, just not the one you so love.

"free, open, equal and democratic Thailand"

Free - The Thai deputy PM stated "Chiang Mai people also should not allow this garbage to mess around" I will reiterate this……the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Chaing Mai voters that if they protest they will be "taken care of" by the Rak CM terrorist group. Do I need to reiterate this?

Open - The Thai deputy PM stated………and I will reiterate this…..the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Phuket voters that if they vote for Pheu Thai candidates, they will get a convention and exhibition centre. If they DON'T vote PTP then what?

​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill yet the government that represent the people voted 310 - 0 FOR the amnesty bill. and I will reiterate this……A majority that go against the PTP agenda is still a majority.

​Seems the majority is on the side of a return to democracy and that is not the side of the 7%'ers unless you can show me evidence to prove otherwise? Yes, yes, yingluck was elected!!! haha

I wish you well my friend.

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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand on the road to oblivion than a growing, free, open, equal and democratic Thailand on the road to first world status. 7% is certainly indicative of the true level of support of one faction, just not the one you so love.

"free, open, equal and democratic Thailand"

Free - The Thai deputy PM stated "Chiang Mai people also should not allow this garbage to mess around" I will reiterate this……the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Chaing Mai voters that if they protest they will be "taken care of" by the Rak CM terrorist group. Do I need to reiterate this?

Open - The Thai deputy PM stated………and I will reiterate this…..the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Phuket voters that if they vote for Pheu Thai candidates, they will get a convention and exhibition centre. If they DON'T vote PTP then what?

​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill yet the government that represent the people voted 310 - 0 FOR the amnesty bill. and I will reiterate this……A majority that go against the PTP agenda is still a majority.

​Seems the majority is on the side of a return to democracy and that is not the side of the 7%'ers unless you can show me evidence to prove otherwise? Yes, yes, yingluck was elected!!! haha

I wish you well my friend.

Oh I forgot

Equal - of the 28 terrorist attacks that resulted in deaths, 25 of those deaths were due to red terrorists. None of them were arrested under the undemocratic regime.

Of the remaining 3…. they were all arrested under the undemocratic regime

So to answer your question; At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand

Yep….BUT it aint me mate!!!

And because you do not understand the basic concept of democracy and you are educated that is why reform is needed…

What hope do the uneducated have then...

Edited by djjamie
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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand on the road to oblivion than a growing, free, open, equal and democratic Thailand on the road to first world status. 7% is certainly indicative of the true level of support of one faction, just not the one you so love.

"free, open, equal and democratic Thailand"

Free - The Thai deputy PM stated "Chiang Mai people also should not allow this garbage to mess around" I will reiterate this……the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Chaing Mai voters that if they protest they will be "taken care of" by the Rak CM terrorist group. Do I need to reiterate this?

Open - The Thai deputy PM stated………and I will reiterate this…..the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Phuket voters that if they vote for Pheu Thai candidates, they will get a convention and exhibition centre. If they DON'T vote PTP then what?

​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill yet the government that represent the people voted 310 - 0 FOR the amnesty bill. and I will reiterate this……A majority that go against the PTP agenda is still a majority.

​Seems the majority is on the side of a return to democracy and that is not the side of the 7%'ers unless you can show me evidence to prove otherwise? Yes, yes, yingluck was elected!!! haha

I wish you well my friend.

Any chance you can give references for your statements? I'm especially interested in where you came up with:

"​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill"

I know where your 7% figure came from--the propaganda office opened the week before the coup, the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association.

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Did you renounce your Greek citizenship then and become a Thai? ?.

Ahh I thought he was talking about the mayor of Khon Kaen - Djjamie to us mere mortals.

Anyway Costas are you married to a ladyboy or what?

Look carefully, there is another one in Khon Kaen and he is not trying to be invisible..............

Maybe I'm easily confused, but are you saying that Djjamie is a ladyboy (and mayor of Khon Kaen) and married to a Greek fella?

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Why on earth do they keep reinforcing this message they are so popular. I do understand there is some stubborn, bitter and twisted folk that it simply won't sink into, but that 7% are a small minority.

Any dumby would prefer a peaceful and stable Thailand realigned on a road to democracy than having daily terrorist attacks in the capital killing innocent women and children done with impunity by a government that ignored the majority (yes, yes yingluck was elected!)

If one would prefer the latter then they are either part of the 7% or grew up in a war zone and know no better.

Honestly. Do more than 7% prefer terrorism and innocent blood spilt while not holding the terrorists responsible? Me and my family don't and I have never met anyone that does except maybe the 15 people in Khon Kaen that threatened my family and I when we went to hear Ahbisit talk. AGAIN done with impunity.

I think the PTP rigged the polls to be quite honest. It should read 99%!!!

At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand on the road to oblivion than a growing, free, open, equal and democratic Thailand on the road to first world status. 7% is certainly indicative of the true level of support of one faction, just not the one you so love.

"free, open, equal and democratic Thailand"

Free - The Thai deputy PM stated "Chiang Mai people also should not allow this garbage to mess around" I will reiterate this……the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Chaing Mai voters that if they protest they will be "taken care of" by the Rak CM terrorist group. Do I need to reiterate this?

Open - The Thai deputy PM stated………and I will reiterate this…..the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Phuket voters that if they vote for Pheu Thai candidates, they will get a convention and exhibition centre. If they DON'T vote PTP then what?

​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill yet the government that represent the people voted 310 - 0 FOR the amnesty bill. and I will reiterate this……A majority that go against the PTP agenda is still a majority.

​Seems the majority is on the side of a return to democracy and that is not the side of the 7%'ers unless you can show me evidence to prove otherwise? Yes, yes, yingluck was elected!!! haha

I wish you well my friend.

Any chance you can give references for your statements? I'm especially interested in where you came up with:

"​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill"

I know where your 7% figure came from--the propaganda office opened the week before the coup, the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association.

The result was 80.2% here. Of course, because it does not suit the PTP agenda it will be denounced and the majority disrespected…….. As usual. ( I look forward to you denouncing this result and the others that show the same result)

And then we have the 7% figure which reflects the minority so it will be denounced because that minority does not suit your agenda.

We also have the attached majority and minority votes of the 2011 elections and the last democratic constitution referendum…(can you guess which one the PTP disrespected?) One suited the PTP agenda and the other did not. Of course they both look the same, BUT one is respected by the PTP because it suits the PTP agenda yet the other is not respected because it does not suit the PTP agenda.

This is the way of undemocrats and is why reform is needed.

Simply……the majority should be respected no matter the result.



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Every day it's ''everyone loves us, we're bloody ace...93% this..happiness that.''

Only one way to test these claims. More chance of my cat inventing a time machine and defeating Joe Davis in the world snooker championships of 1927.

The Junta poll themselves and release these figures as part of thier propaganda and numbnuts eat it up as facts. You are forbidden to have an opinion or dispute this rubbish, if you do then you are rounded up and shipped off to the attitude adjust factory where you are implanted with the we love dear leader chips. It is forced and compulsory admiration for dear leader.
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Every day it's ''everyone loves us, we're bloody ace...93% this..happiness that.''

Only one way to test these claims. More chance of my cat inventing a time machine and defeating Joe Davis in the world snooker championships of 1927.

The Junta poll themselves and release these figures as part of thier propaganda and numbnuts eat it up as facts. You are forbidden to have an opinion or dispute this rubbish, if you do then you are rounded up and shipped off to the attitude adjust factory where you are implanted with the we love dear leader chips. It is forced and compulsory admiration for dear leader.

Yet you respect the PTP for adhering to ONE (1) principle of democracy while ignoring the rest and you still call them democratic.

BUT when us "numb nuts" highlight to you that the PTP are only 1/15th democratic you ignore that and repeat the same mantra you repeated 1 second before I stated to you that the PTP are only 1/15th democratic!!! And to rub it in when I remind you of this fact you ignore it and remind me that yingluck was elected which reiterates that you only respect one principle of democracy!!

That is PTP logic right there folks.

I pity you!!

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Yet you respect the PTP for adhering to ONE (1) principle of democracy while ignoring the rest and you still call them democratic.

BUT when us "numb nuts" highlight to you that the PTP are only 1/15th democratic you ignore that and repeat the same mantra you repeated 1 second before I stated to you that the PTP are only 1/15th democratic!!! And to rub it in when I remind you of this fact you ignore it and remind me that yingluck was elected which reiterates that you only respect one principle of democracy!!

That is PTP logic right there folks.

I pity you!!

Come on everyone!! .......


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We also have the attached majority and minority votes of the 2011 elections and the last democratic constitution referendum…(can you guess which one the PTP disrespected?) One suited the PTP agenda and the other did not. Of course they both look the same, BUT one is respected by the PTP because it suits the PTP agenda yet the other is not respected because it does not suit the PTP agenda.

This is the way of undemocrats and is why reform is needed.

Simply……the majority should be respected no matter the result.


PTP didn`t even exist for that constitution referendum. My god, everytime I think you can`t look any more foolish or less credible you prove me wrong!

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At least one dumby seems to prefer a repressive, censored, segregated and undemocratic Thailand on the road to oblivion than a growing, free, open, equal and democratic Thailand on the road to first world status. 7% is certainly indicative of the true level of support of one faction, just not the one you so love.

"free, open, equal and democratic Thailand"

Free - The Thai deputy PM stated "Chiang Mai people also should not allow this garbage to mess around" I will reiterate this……the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Chaing Mai voters that if they protest they will be "taken care of" by the Rak CM terrorist group. Do I need to reiterate this?

Open - The Thai deputy PM stated………and I will reiterate this…..the democratically voted Thai deputy PM told Phuket voters that if they vote for Pheu Thai candidates, they will get a convention and exhibition centre. If they DON'T vote PTP then what?

​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill yet the government that represent the people voted 310 - 0 FOR the amnesty bill. and I will reiterate this……A majority that go against the PTP agenda is still a majority.

​Seems the majority is on the side of a return to democracy and that is not the side of the 7%'ers unless you can show me evidence to prove otherwise? Yes, yes, yingluck was elected!!! haha

I wish you well my friend.

Any chance you can give references for your statements? I'm especially interested in where you came up with:

"​Democratic - 82% of the people that the government represent voted AGAINST the amnesty bill"

I know where your 7% figure came from--the propaganda office opened the week before the coup, the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association.

The result was 80.2% here. Of course, because it does not suit the PTP agenda it will be denounced and the majority disrespected…….. As usual. ( I look forward to you denouncing this result and the others that show the same result)

And then we have the 7% figure which reflects the minority so it will be denounced because that minority does not suit your agenda.

We also have the attached majority and minority votes of the 2011 elections and the last democratic constitution referendum…(can you guess which one the PTP disrespected?) One suited the PTP agenda and the other did not. Of course they both look the same, BUT one is respected by the PTP because it suits the PTP agenda yet the other is not respected because it does not suit the PTP agenda.

This is the way of undemocrats and is why reform is needed.

Simply……the majority should be respected no matter the result.

Your reference is to a poll, not an election. In case you don't know the difference, polls are easy to manipulate and the results have no real consequences. A properly monitored election, as the 2011 election was, is difficult to manipulate and the results have consequences. That's why the junta allows poll results consistent with their "no criticism" decree to be published, but bans calls for elections.

You do not dispute my claim that your 7% figure comes from the Thai Researchers in Community Happiness Association, or that the TRICHA is a blatant propaganda tool of the junta, but you continue to use the 7% figure. Clearly you don't mind being a propaganda tool yourself.

As has been pointed out, the PTP didn't exist at the time of the stacked referendum on the democracy-limiting 2007 constitution. However I can understand why a lot of people chose not to participate in an "Approve this constitution or we'll stick you with whatever constitution we want to." referendum.

It remains to be seen how democratic the reforms will be, for now information on them is all about process with no indication of what will come out of the process. The majority needs to be respected with elections.

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Every day it's ''everyone loves us, we're bloody ace...93% this..happiness that.''

Only one way to test these claims. More chance of my cat inventing a time machine and defeating Joe Davis in the world snooker championships of 1927.

The Junta poll themselves and release these figures as part of thier propaganda and numbnuts eat it up as facts. You are forbidden to have an opinion or dispute this rubbish, if you do then you are rounded up and shipped off to the attitude adjust factory where you are implanted with the we love dear leader chips. It is forced and compulsory admiration for dear leader.

Yet you respect the PTP for adhering to ONE (1) principle of democracy while ignoring the rest and you still call them democratic.

BUT when us "numb nuts" highlight to you that the PTP are only 1/15th democratic you ignore that and repeat the same mantra you repeated 1 second before I stated to you that the PTP are only 1/15th democratic!!! And to rub it in when I remind you of this fact you ignore it and remind me that yingluck was elected which reiterates that you only respect one principle of democracy!!

That is PTP logic right there folks.

I pity you!!

Once again, your secret principles of democracy; often referred to, never revealed. I assume you are keeping them secret for one of three reasons:

1. They are not credible.

2. They make the junta look bad.

3. You don't know what they are. Did you forget them?

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We also have the attached majority and minority votes of the 2011 elections and the last democratic constitution referendum…(can you guess which one the PTP disrespected?) One suited the PTP agenda and the other did not. Of course they both look the same, BUT one is respected by the PTP because it suits the PTP agenda yet the other is not respected because it does not suit the PTP agenda.

This is the way of undemocrats and is why reform is needed.

Simply……the majority should be respected no matter the result.


PTP didn`t even exist for that constitution referendum. My god, everytime I think you can`t look any more foolish or less credible you prove me wrong!

Ok. Don't appreciate the condescension, though I understand it is part of the UDD ethos so it is forgiven.

The PTP narrative is clear as well as the UDD narrative that the 2007 constitution vote was rigged and the voters had no choice in what they voted for.

I highlighted they did in the above.

You deflected the subject because of the inconvenient truth.

The argument is the Northern citizens were forced to vote for the constitution., I have highlighted otherwise.

What is your argument that they were forced to vote for the constitution? Can you rebut my FACTS that prove you wrong?

Edited by djjamie
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I have no idea how he would possibly gauge this .


But they did state the population was forced to vote for the constitution because they feared the alternative.

I proved them wrong.

They refuse to rebut me.

I was there reading clearly the interpretation in the press about the vote for the 2007 constitution.

The implied threat that there would be no election if there was opposition to the constitution was clear. I don't know why you are bothering to defend it.

Actually, since they subsequently discovered it was such a bad constitition I suppose its good that there has been a coup to overthrow this excellent bit of law.

Since it's been ripped up, it means nothing about how it was voted about in the end.

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Its very easy for a junta to call themselves a well supported government .

By definition you must agree

You mix terms and organisations. I think you mean to say "The government is well supported what with the NCPO behind them"

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Its very easy for a junta to call themselves a well supported government .

By definition you must agree

You mix terms and organisations. I think you mean to say "The government is well supported what with the NCPO behind them"

No i am not mixing anything .

Whilst you may see it or refer to it as a government , in many parts of the world it is recognised for what it truly is .

A Non elected dictatorship.

Defined clearly by ruling by gun.

If this is not palatable to those who wish to see it as something it is not go right ahead.

As for polls on popularity its childish and unintelligent to suggest for one second you are allowed to say anything other than "yes"' to the question if in Thailand .

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Its very easy for a junta to call themselves a well supported government .

By definition you must agree

You mix terms and organisations. I think you mean to say "The government is well supported what with the NCPO behind them"

No i am not mixing anything .

Whilst you may see it or refer to it as a government , in many parts of the world it is recognised for what it truly is .

A Non elected dictatorship.

Defined clearly by ruling by gun.

If this is not palatable to those who wish to see it as something it is not go right ahead.

As for polls on popularity its childish and unintelligent to suggest for one second you are allowed to say anything other than "yes"' to the question if in Thailand .

It would seem that some countries are a wee bit more pragmatic than you want to be.

Anyway, to answer 'yes' to a question is not a matter of 'no' not being allowed, but because that's Thai culture. Anyone having lived in Thailand for a while knows that confronted with a question like "this or that ?" the answer should be "yes"

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