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Disciplining Thai Children - what's your take?


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I'd never lay a finger on him and he throws tantrums because its his mum who spoils him and he does the same with her. Except she yells at him and I told him to stop in a slightly raised voice and it was asif I'd smacked him over the head. Everyone in the market seemed to stop what they were doing and gave me death eyes. They don't take kindly to a foreigner trying to control a thai kid it seems. Yet its fine for thais to smack their kids and yell at them all they want.

Never be there with the child, and the problem goes away.

No need to say anything.

Just don't go.

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Because, me personally, have heard/seen stuff before about "this and that" where I am, BUT "they" don't know I know different.......whistling.gif .......Noooooooo animosity meant but I have been in LOS a while and read a zillion posts from guys...........

No animosity from my end either but I've been burned enough to be able to spot the signs and to be honest I've seen one or two and buried in them in the back of my head. Either way looks like this relationship is going down the toilet when we're safely back in my home base..

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Thai parents don't discipline little boys.

They are spoiled little brats that grow into spoiled men.

Look at any parent with a boy and girl in a food court.

The girl is sitting eating her meal and the brat is being fed by mommy, when he's not rolling on the floor crying!

You just slip out the back, Jack

Make a new plan, Stan

You don't need to be coy, Roy

Just get yourself free

Hop on the bus, Gus

You don't need to discuss much

Just drop off the key, Lee

And get yourself free

Mrs.Trans does that with her 19 year old, I really, really want to slap the brat BUT............coffee1.gif

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Thai parents don't discipline little boys.

They are spoiled little brats that grow into spoiled men.

Look at any parent with a boy and girl in a food court.

The girl is sitting eating her meal and the brat is being fed by mommy, when he's not rolling on the floor crying!

You just slip out the back, Jack

Make a new plan, Stan

You don't need to be coy, Roy

Just get yourself free

Hop on the bus, Gus

You don't need to discuss much

Just drop off the key, Lee

And get yourself free

Mrs.Trans does that with her 19 year old, I really, really want to slap the brat BUT............coffee1.gif

You could slap Mrs Trans instead whistling.gif

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You are, and will always be, second to her son. Maybe third if she has a "brother". Your gf gets upset only when her ATM threatens to walk away.

Your gf has already told you, you're nothing more than an ATM, yet you cling on like a 15 year old boy and his first true love. Pathetic. Is she really that beautiful and you are so ugly and old, that you need to hang on?

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So she has a 10 yr old kid who likely only sees his mother a couple of times a year because she dumped him on the grandparents ...

Ok ... Now make sense why he is clingy and wants to spend all his time with his mother, while he can

Also as she normally only sees him a couple times a year, likely wants to spoil him and not discipline him in the short time she has ... Likely due to guilt issues..

No different than any absentee parent any where in the world..

Actually she visits every month or 2 and normally stays for 2-3 weeks so its not like he never sees her. In the few months we've been dating shes gone up twice for 2 weeks at a time.
I thought you said she works ?

What kind of job does she have that allows her to spend 2-3 weeks on vacation every 4-8 weeks?

She babysits, cooks and cleans for well off falang families (and before any of you start assuming no she doesnt do anything extra as most of them are friends of mine and I'm often over when she's working..). Doesn't really have a fixed job and I don't see how this is relevant?? Why are so many people quick to judge and assume shes a gold digger/"something else" when all I did was ask for opinions on something totally different...

Doesn't really have a fixed job and I don't see how this is relevant??

I live here in Bkk full time, the only farang in the moo baan.

Not one Thai guy I know has a girlfriend like this, not one Thai guy I know would even consider taking on a girl like this.

In Thai she is damaged goods or sao moo song, that means second hand.

Dont worry I am sure your girl is different.

Just walk away now for the sake of all concerned.

The spoilt brat kid you witnessed suffers from Little Emperor syndrome, put up on a pedestal by grandparents who wont discipline him, worship the ground he walks on and tell him he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

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You are, and will always be, second to her son. Maybe third if she has a "brother". Your gf gets upset only when her ATM threatens to walk away.

Your gf has already told you, you're nothing more than an ATM, yet you cling on like a 15 year old boy and his first true love. Pathetic. Is she really that beautiful and you are so ugly and old, that you need to hang on?

I know I will be second to her son. She got upset because she thinks I dont like the place which is partly true because its boring. Sorry I seem to have missed the part where she already told me I'm her ATM? That must be why she paid my rent and bought me food when times were tight. Also reason why when I expressed interest in visiting she surprised me with travel tickets.. I dont think 23 is old, do you? In that case how old are you? 12? Go back to your hole..

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I have always been ( and always will be, to the annoyance of other TV forum members) a strong advocate for doing everything possible to save a relationship. But unfortunately the Thai kid thing usually eventually ends as a train smash. Maybe just have some fun as friends.

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Doesn't really have a fixed job and I don't see how this is relevant??

I live here in Bkk full time, the only farang in the moo baan.

Not one Thai guy I know has a girlfriend like this, not one Thai guy I know would even consider taking on a girl like this.

In Thai she is damaged goods or sao moo song, that means second hand.

Why are you speaking about thai men when you stated you're farang? Another one with the Daffyd Thomas syndrome, "only farang in the village"

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Your first mistake was going up north with her in the first place. Visits to the village, moo baan, or whatever are invariably disappointing and stressful. My advice is tell the gf you don't want her kid misbehaving around you. Make it her problem. As for the kid, he probably misses his mom terribly. All that said, you are probably in for an expensive lesson, starting with you as an ATM, ending when you have no funds. RUN AWAY.....

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Doesn't really have a fixed job and I don't see how this is relevant??

I live here in Bkk full time, the only farang in the moo baan.

Not one Thai guy I know has a girlfriend like this, not one Thai guy I know would even consider taking on a girl like this.

In Thai she is damaged goods or sao moo song, that means second hand.

Why are you speaking about thai men when you stated you're farang? Another one with the Daffyd Thomas syndrome, "only farang in the village"

Coz, I dont live oop north with all the other farang mugs in the same situation as you, the same mugs who try and tell us its normal behaviour to take on damaged goods with a kid in tow.

As I have already explained, from my viewpoint, its certainly not the case, not where I live or amongst the Thai guys I know.

Have you fed your white horse today and polished your shining suit of armour?

This girl and her family are taking the piss, up to you as they say.

Be thankful you have seen what lies on the soi ahead, I know mugs who took up with women who hid the kids away.

The kids only arrived on the scene once the farang mansion had been built.

Carry on.

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Doesn't really have a fixed job and I don't see how this is relevant??

I live here in Bkk full time, the only farang in the moo baan.

Not one Thai guy I know has a girlfriend like this, not one Thai guy I know would even consider taking on a girl like this.

In Thai she is damaged goods or sao moo song, that means second hand.

Why are you speaking about thai men when you stated you're farang? Another one with the Daffyd Thomas syndrome, "only farang in the village"

Coz, I dont live oop north with all the other farang mugs in the same situation as you, the same mugs who try and tell us its normal behaviour to take on damaged goods with a kid in tow.

As I have already explained, from my viewpoint, its certainly not the case, not where I live or amongst the Thai guys I know.

Have you fed your white horse today and polished your shining suit of armour?

This girl and her family are taking the piss, up to you as they say.

Be thankful you have seen what lies on the soi ahead, I know mugs who took up with women who hid the kids away.

The kids only arrived on the scene once the farang mansion had been built.

Carry on.

You calling me a mug.........?

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Do you speak Thai? If you do than just till him off in Thai. If his Thai dad was around and the kid would act like that the kid would have had a smack and a shout before completing his first stunt. Do like Thai's would do with kids in that situation.

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Doesn't really have a fixed job and I don't see how this is relevant??

I live here in Bkk full time, the only farang in the moo baan.

Not one Thai guy I know has a girlfriend like this, not one Thai guy I know would even consider taking on a girl like this.

In Thai she is damaged goods or sao moo song, that means second hand.

Why are you speaking about thai men when you stated you're farang? Another one with the Daffyd Thomas syndrome, "only farang in the village"

Coz, I dont live oop north with all the other farang mugs in the same situation as you, the same mugs who try and tell us its normal behaviour to take on damaged goods with a kid in tow.

As I have already explained, from my viewpoint, its certainly not the case, not where I live or amongst the Thai guys I know.

Have you fed your white horse today and polished your shining suit of armour?

This girl and her family are taking the piss, up to you as they say.

Be thankful you have seen what lies on the soi ahead, I know mugs who took up with women who hid the kids away.

The kids only arrived on the scene once the farang mansion had been built.

Carry on.

Yeah..if you even bothered to read I dont live up north I actually live on Koh Samui because my job depends on the sea.. and here I really am the "only farang in the village" so I wouldn't want to live here for lack of company. So its not so much of a situation as it is a minor inconvenience. Girl and her family arent taking the piss either they dont expect anything. Never asks for money and I never give it apart from chipping in for groceries or a couple of drinks every so often. But thanks for your expert input

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One of the many reasons I never got involved with a Thai woman that already had kids and that I might have to one day interact or live with.

Too much hard work and doesn't suit my style of parenting, i.e. they let them do whatever the hell they want style

I cannot tolerate the temper tantrums they have when they don't get what they want and they have no concept of limits or boundaries, and unless the mother is more "enlightened", good luck with being able to discipline or change them.

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You are, and will always be, second to her son. Maybe third if she has a "brother". Your gf gets upset only when her ATM threatens to walk away.

Your gf has already told you, you're nothing more than an ATM, yet you cling on like a 15 year old boy and his first true love. Pathetic. Is she really that beautiful and you are so ugly and old, that you need to hang on?

I know I will be second to her son. She got upset because she thinks I dont like the place which is partly true because its boring. Sorry I seem to have missed the part where she already told me I'm her ATM? That must be why she paid my rent and bought me food when times were tight. Also reason why when I expressed interest in visiting she surprised me with travel tickets.. I dont think 23 is old, do you? In that case how old are you? 12? Go back to your hole..

So, you're 23 years old, which makes this story more sad than i originally thought.

Are you saying your gf has paid into the relationship more than you have? No, of course not.

There are many wise, and experienced people here giving very good advice. Take it and move on.

Yes mate many people are giving advice which I have taken and you're not one of them. Rather than give advice you decided to mock me and call me stupid, pathetic, old, ugly and assume things about my girlfriend and our relationship.

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I'd never lay a finger on him and he throws tantrums because its his mum who spoils him and he does the same with her. Except she yells at him and I told him to stop in a slightly raised voice and it was asif I'd smacked him over the head. Everyone in the market seemed to stop what they were doing and gave me death eyes. They don't take kindly to a foreigner trying to control a thai kid it seems. Yet its fine for thais to smack their kids and yell at them all they want.

Now you're getting it ... so end this one now and don't make the same mistake.

Interesting to see that not one person yet has said anything positive about a Thai women with kids and being able to change things.

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Hes 10 and shes 29


and you are 23?

Yes, why are you so curious biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.pngbiggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png

The age difference of only 13 years between you and your gf's son may, and I say may, hinder opportunities for discipline, should you decide to try and stick the relationship out ... that all.

No nefarious intent.

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