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David Cameron urges EU support for migration plans

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That is not a scam, it is a service provided by the DWP when requested.

Neither is it the wholesale printing of leaflets in foreign languages which you claimed.

It also covers services for British people; e.g. Braille, audio services and Welsh.

Still awaiting evidence from you of your claimed scams and fiddles of the habitual residence test for EU migrants.

I never said it was a scam.

Contrary to your claims, there are multiple leaflets in DWP offices that are multi lingual.

I am well aware of what it covers.

If you want evidence of the multi scams and fiddles going on in the UK. Google is your friend. I have no inclination to provide these for you. You will only deny, deflect and ignore like you usually do.

Where there is a dollar to be made there is a fiddle. The UK is no different from anywhere else.

It must be torture trying to deny what is obvious.

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As I said, Poles and other East Europeans tend to stay longer than Brits; some of whom, like me, are there until we can find something better; but most of whom, unlike me, are only there long enough to keep the Job Centre off their backs.

Cheers for the reply.

I'm confused though, because as far as I understand, unless they were let go by the company (end of season for example) or are directly fired by them, then the job centre will not (in theory) pay out JSA anymore to someone who voluntarily left their job. I think I may have witnessed some cases where (not through direct employment, but workers via employment agencies) newbies have strategically gone out of their way in the first few days to fail spectacularly in getting to grips with the job or its minimum requirements of output, attendance, timekeeping etc etc, all designed in order to get themselves fired 'by' the company, but it doesn't seem common. I guess that in reality, perhaps the job centre only finds out what went on if they choose to investigate a case. Maybe, if they voluntarily leave, the person just claims they were let go and gambles that there will be no further questioning, but it would be a massive gamble because all the job centre staff have to do is call up the workplace and find out the circumstances.


Lissos, you are correct that if someone voluntarily leaves their job without good cause then they can have their JSA payments delayed for up to 26 weeks; if fired for misconduct then payments can be delayed for 13 weeks or more.

See Resigning from a job and Dismissal and benefits

The DWP do check with the last employer of all new claimants to find out why they left the job.

However, if entitled, you can receive other benefits instead. An entitlement most Brits have, but, unless they have lived in the UK for some time and can satisfy the habitual residency test, EU, or to be more accurate EEA, nationals don't. See EEA nationals - claiming benefits as a jobseeker.

N.B. The two CAB links are to CAB Wales. However, the regulations are the same for all of the UK.


That is not a scam, it is a service provided by the DWP when requested.

Neither is it the wholesale printing of leaflets in foreign languages which you claimed.

It also covers services for British people; e.g. Braille, audio services and Welsh.

Still awaiting evidence from you of your claimed scams and fiddles of the habitual residence test for EU migrants.

I never said it was a scam.

Contrary to your claims, there are multiple leaflets in DWP offices that are multi lingual.

I am well aware of what it covers.

If you want evidence of the multi scams and fiddles going on in the UK. Google is your friend. I have no inclination to provide these for you. You will only deny, deflect and ignore like you usually do.

Where there is a dollar to be made there is a fiddle. The UK is no different from anywhere else.

It must be torture trying to deny what is obvious.

I am not going to get into a silly argument over what you did and dis not say; it's there for all to see.

When was the last time you were in a UK Job Centre?

I visit several Job Centres every day as part of my work. They are not in leafy parts of middle class Surrey, but in areas with high immigrant populations; both from the EEA and outside.

This morning I made a point of checking in all of them and in all of them all of the leaflets are in English only. I asked a staff member and was told that those who cannot speak English, or in Wales English or Welsh, are directed to the DWP website or given a phone number for help.

However, I was told, as far as EEA nationals are concerned this rarely happens as the vast majority of them have sufficient English to get by. Which is certainly my experience with those EEA nationals I have worked or socialised with, both now and in the past.

In addition, since the introduction of compulsory English tests for family and other immigrants from outside the EEA, it is happening less and less for them as well.

You are the one claiming that the habitual residency test is full of scams and fiddles. It is up to you to provide the evidence to back up your claims, not I.

I am not "trying to deny what is obvious." You have made certain claims; it is up to you to either provide evidence to substantiate those claims or admit they are baseless.

I suspect, though, that, as in other topics, you'll do neither.

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Cameron is in Electionearing mode,he has no intention of pulling out of the EC,yet more bluff and bluster. He may have to throw his lot in with UKIP and do a deal,to stay in office,it's his only chance! but the sacrefice will mean he really will have to give the people a referendum on our membership in/out of Europe!

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