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as a 100% thai girl, i'm thankful for all comments...they give us something to work on and most of the time crack us up so bad...

Welcome aboard Nareena. We welcome your views and insights. This Forum needs more Thai input. :o

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Well, bitter is definitely the word for some. Or just plain insensitive prejudiced, moronic, chang-for-brains no-hopers. Yes I'm offended sometimes, and I'm not even Thai! :o

Phew, thanks for letting me get that out of my system. :D

It's not just this site either. I often overhear conversations between Westerners, mostly in bars, ranting on for example about how any traffic accidents are "always the Farang's fault" or just generally complain about Thai people. Also quite a few seem to confuse the particular sub-culture of Thais they exclusively seem to interact with, with the general population.

Maybe I should do a list of quotes on this board and others that I think really 'doo thook' Thai people. Such as: "No wonder Thai people don't know how to drive, they were all riding buffalo 20 years ago." That's terribly offensive, not to mention inaccurate in more than one way. Of course it's often written as a harmless joke and I do try to take it as such. I'm not sure if Thai people would feel the same if they read this day in day out.

Thanks for brining this up Paddy!!!



wow! thanks man for many good points!

yeah, I agree too and thanks to Paddy

I have heard not once (on the street, not even in this Forum) : these thai women are full of sh**

well u get what u r looking for

there is a difference in vision: those who look for shit always find shit; and then those who look for nice things will find them too - often in the same place... matter of perception and sefl-filters...

then sub culture - this is very nicely defined! those bitter critically minded ppl are almost exclusively oriented only on certain category or group of local ppl and expect them to behave in familiar for them way.... not even suspecting that they get payed with same coins - the adopted attitudes, treatment etc. this is what they've learned from those very ppl they cater to !

so funny, huh?

harmless jokes!

what might seem to some sick minded loosers as harmless joke may totally upset someone ! it wold or might be harmless if u talk face to face - not in impersonal forum - to some one who realy knows ur style and context and then similarly minded for "harmless jokes" ONLY ! not for others

well - from other hand there is nothing new in this - this world is based on such things as domination and - what's that - "natural selection of spieces"? "law of jungle" !

True you are and im pretty sure that if they had a web board about some other country it would be a different story.

Take Australia for E.g. Lets say that someone started a web board about AUS and lots of immigrants and tourists had a piss and moan about the way we do things in AUS. Any AUS reading it would reply with ... "F*kc off home if you dont like it here!"

I think the Thai take us very well.

Look at it this way. Most of us farang members have a Thai partner. Imagine a whole heap of Thai guys coming to Aus and taking all of our good looking women. That alone would be enough to give me the sh*ts.

Well done Thailand. You put up with alot of our crap. :D

very nice!

I agree absolutely.

No Pasaran! no to ideological agression ~! :o

True you are and im pretty sure that if they had a web board about some other country it would be a different story.

Take Australia for E.g. Lets say that someone started a web board about AUS and lots of immigrants and tourists had a piss and moan about the way we do things in AUS. Any AUS reading it would reply with ... "F*kc off home if you dont like it here!"

I think the Thai take us very well.

Look at it this way. Most of us farang members have a Thai partner. Imagine a whole heap of Thai guys coming to Aus and taking all of our good looking women. That alone would be enough to give me the sh*ts.

Well done Thailand. You put up with alot of our crap.  :D

very nice!

I agree absolutely.

No Pasaran! no to ideological agression ~! :D

And a big emphatic NO to Rednecks! :o

Yea Koh_Falang, you are right,

Farangs would be moaning more in thier own country than they do in Thailand, (if that is possible!).


Farangs like to complain, they complained and moaned avbout the country they came from, now they moan about Thailand.

These guys would moan about any place on Earth.

well said!

actually don't repaet same mistake as them - don't generalise ppl. not all falangs r same...

but those who r critical - they would be critical anywhere and everywhere... the state of mind - it is within, no matter where u go...

very logical and simple common sense point: why da ###### u r here if it is so bad here? :D

but it appears that many ppl r too sophisticated to grasp the common sense... to advanced and exalted!

may be need to make exclusive forum for them: only for most advanced and senior and politically not correct etc. ? :o

by the way - politically correct - is it new fashion term? and is it the newest extreme - to label ne1 as politically correct who try to express a different point of view and then mock them and put down?

always extremes in this world! so now let's be politically incorrect, huh? simply coz some use it to another extreme - politically correctness? so funny ! ppl who criticise political correctness perhaps don't even realise that they fall into the well designed trap: opposing that political correctness extreme by another one - political incorrectness... but do they realise that may be that is the very intention of so called "politically correct" preachers - to make ppl oppose them by becoming opposite, political incorrect?

LovelyCutie, you seem to be a very well balanced person (not because you agree with me), it is nice to see a Thai person, saying it how it REALLY is - congrats!

I love Thailand, but I am also aware of the pitfalls/cons/scams/reality - its not a rose garden, but its better than a lot of counties :D

wow ! suc a nice appretiative comment by senior mamber! :D:o

although the previous one had something not very true and objective, and in fact quite hustyky generalised point :

>>> that they are basically lazy, unreliable and would lie to you to make 20 baht.

u must go to India or Bangladesh, man - then u will know what is realy liying to ppl for making 2 rupies!

and speaking of business - it doesn't mean u are automatically right simply coz u r doing busines and not "visiting". simply coz u r not much different from those visotors in this very same sense: u also rotate only in certain social cirlces... in fact ppl who are only business minded are more oftne the far from best objective judges of what is right and wrong - they are too money minded ! but not everything in this world is about money !

and another thing is: try to study Thai history for last century or towo - and not only from the point of view of westerners and businessmen like urself - but some books writeen by thai ppl too. then u might grasp the fact that many things which are happening in Thailand nowdays - are the direct or indirect result of the influence of western "civilasation" and "culture" !!!

again - this is funny: to trick, force, intrigue, impose some people to adopt one's values and style and ways - and then start to criticise them and mock and blame for that !

Yea Koh_Falang, you are right,

Farangs would be moaning more in thier own country than they do in Thailand, (if that is possible!).

Mostly the guys that are doing all the moaning have been in country too long, they should just piss off back to the small corner of Paradise where they came from. Farangs are whingers, always moaning about Thailand,....... the Girls, .......The weather,......... overpricing,......... doublepricing, taxi drivers, ........pollution,............. Thai workmanship,.......... Police , .....Politicians, Women,.. Men, .....other farangs,......... Tourists,..... Lorry drivers,........ Bus Drivers, ........any Driver.............lets face it, Farangs like to complain, they complained and moaned avbout the country they came from, now they moan about Thailand.

These guys would moan about any place on Earth.

Not all Farangs. But the ones that do piss & moan I agree should shut their pie-holes or deal with it. Whatever that "IT" is. :o

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