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Hi all, before anyone asks I have tried a quick search!

Can anyone provide a quick and easy guide on how to use the quote mode on this forum.

I have just about managed to be able to quote somebody when I want to quote their whole post.

But if I want to do something different, maybe, just part of the post or several lines from a post and answer each line separately it all goes pear shaped.

This has just come to a head as I have posted a comment that could be construed as offensive and that was not my intention at all.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Moss Finn

maybe, just part of the post or several lines from a post

Like this you mean?

Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps.

maybe, just part of the post or several lines from a post

Like this you mean?

Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply Jockstar, particularly as it was on one of your quotes that promptd me to ask for help.

First attemp was unsuccessful using your method, 'when I opened add reply, I couldn't find 'a little speech bubble thing'

so it didn't work, well I believe the Bonnie Prince resolved to carry on with the second Jacobite rebellion after watching a spider trying to swing across a gap, so here goes again.


Good Luck


Maybe this time?



Fourth time lucky, two and three, I didn't bother to send!

Thanks again Jockstar, I will now try further and attempt multiple quotes, hope there wont be any further hiccup's. :D


Maybe this time?



Fourth time lucky, two and three, I didn't bother to send!

Thanks again Jockstar, I will now try further and attempt multiple quotes, hope there wont be any further hiccup's. :D


Well done moss !

totster :D

What do you mean ... "nope, again"..

I can see quotes !!!

totster :o

That wasn't what I was quoting!!

Eureka, was what I was meant to be saying after I got the highlighted quote right.

I'll keep trying, the last few attempts were using your advice, I just don't understand..


That wasn't what I was quoting!!

Eureka, was what I was meant to be saying after I got the highlighted quote right.

I'll keep trying, the last few attempts were using your advice, I just don't understand..


It is actually quite easy. Remember that the quote starts with "[ quote]" and ends with "[ /quote]" (without the space between the "[" and the next character).

You could cut and paste the text you want to quote, then type the code in at the start/end of the text.

Or you can highlight the text (position your cursor at the start of the text you want to quote, left-click and hold the button while you drag the cursor over the text you want, then release the button). Once you've done that, click on the "quote" function button quote.gif this will place the "[ quote]/[ /quote]" codes in for you.

This just gives you an anonymous quote though, like this:


So, how do you add in the name (and the date/time) of the person that wrote the text you are quoting ?

It's easy !

Look at the top of the post you are quoting, you'll see the name of the person that wrote it and when it was posted. For example:

Mossfinn Posted Today, 2006-08-09 03:50:23

High-light and copy the text (as mentioned above). Then, in the [ quote] box, put the "=" character after "quote" and then paste the name/time you previously copied. It should look like this (without the extra space of course)

[ quote=Mossfinn Posted Today, 2006-08-09 03:50:23]

What you'll see when it is posted though, will be this:


Don't be scared to go into a quote and delete out parts that aren't relevant to what you want to reply to. Too many people quote an entire post, but are only responding to a small portion of it.

You can also break a post up into smaller parts to respond to individual pieces of it. For example:

That wasn't what I was quoting!!

It's easy ! Practise, practise, practise ! :D

Eureka, was what I was meant to be saying after I got the highlighted quote right.

Pretty soon you'll be a quoting pro ! :D

I'll keep trying, the last few attempts were using your advice, I just don't understand..


Do you understand any better now ? :o

Finally, use the "Preview Post" button if in doubt. I've used it about 6 times so far just for this post. It helps you make sure you've done things right, and may let you catch errors in spelling, grammar and code (before other people see them and start making fun of you) :D

Have fun !


Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps.


Finally, use the "Preview Post" button if in doubt. I've used it about 6 times so far just for this post. It helps you make sure you've done things right, and may let you catch errors in spelling, grammar and code (before other people see them and start making fun of you)
I believe this has taken three luminaries of the forum with over 15k posts between, to have talked me through this very simple operation! Of course that is, if it has worked.
Finally, use the "Preview Post" button if in doubt. I've used it about 6 times so far just for this post. It helps you make sure you've done things right, and may let you catch errors in spelling, grammar and code (before other people see them and start making fun of you)

I wonder, about too press add reply will it be :o or :D

Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps


Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps


Ruddy Nora!!! :o

anyone who can teach me how to quote could prolly teach astro physics to chimps :D:D

Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps


Ruddy Nora!!! :o

anyone who can teach me how to quote could prolly teach astro physics to chimps :D:D

Hey, this is fun... But er.. Kurgen, Humanity taught chimps astro physics years ago....

This, here is the real challenge.,

  • 2 years later...
Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps.

Just learning quotea...plse ignore.

Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps.

Just learning quotea...plse ignore.

  • 1 year later...
Highlight the text you want. Copy it. Open add reply . Click on the little speech bubble thing. That should bring up the the words quote. Paste your text in between and you are done. Hope this helps.

It works! Please ignore - just checking that I can follow instructions.

  • 1 year later...

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