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Allergies And Good Country People

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I've had allergies all my life, as far back as I can remember. In America, most of the places I lived had specific seasons where plants I was allergic to were blooming- so I would suffer a lot in those seasons, but at least I had a few months of relief.

In most southeast Asian countries, the flowers are blooming all year; although there are better and worse parts of the year. What makes things even worse is in the cities the pollution is so bad.

I've noticed among some of my upcountry Thai acquaintances here in Bangkok that they have a constant sniffy nose, sore throat, and usually eczema or terrible acne. (This isn't the same as the throat infection I refer to in another thread). A doctor of mine links the bad skin to the allergies themselves, and I have occasionally had to use creams on some odd places- my feet, around my nose and eyebrows.

What interests me is that for these upcountry acquaintances, the allergies seem completely new! They never had them out in the country, and many of them regard them in the same light as a cold or some other temporary illness that will be "gotten over." It hasn't registered with them that this is to be regarded as a chronic condition for which they will always have to be medicated, and so after one trip to the doctor when things have gotten especially bad, they wait until things get bad again before returning.

I'm impressed with this attitude because it means as of yet, the problem is not so bad in Thailand that people have resorted to blaming themselves for a medical condition ("I have allergies") rather than looking at the problem as an industrial, environmental problem ("Bangkok air is bad, you should come out to Lamphun.") Unfortunately, I fear the former attitude will take hold before long. Either way, I have to take medication nearly every day in Bangkok. But when I have stayed long periods outside the city areas, I found I could nearly stop.


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I'm guessing but maybe the beach communities like Pattaya, Hua Hin and Phuket are better for you if you suffer from pollen related allergies.

I recall getting a bad case of asthma many years ago upcountry. I think it was during the rice harvesting season.

I'd be curious to know if there are places in Thailand where pollens are unusually bad and where allergy sufferers usually avoid at certain times of the year

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Hmmm... evidence has been mounting that exposure to a farm enviroment during childhood is generally protective against allergies e.g. here. However, your new research seems to contradict this...

Naw. It was when I was a Peace Corps volunteer. I got a three months assignment in Pitsanaloke and one night I remember I could hardly breath. I sat up most of the night trying to gasp for breath. Never had that problem in Bangkok

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