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age difference...

Crazy chef 1

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They say that someone's age is only a number. However, do you think it is acceptable for a man 40 and above to being with a 20 to 25 year old. What are they trying to prove. I know many will say who cares about what others think, which is a fair statement but does a 20 year old have the experience, knowledge and maturity to make for a long and sound relationship? I don't think so but many might say I am wrong.

I am 15 years older then my wife, but she is a middle aged women, who has the life experiences, knowledge and maturity to put up with a silly old B farang. The younger women have not yet lived, they have to grow up and enjoy life experiences, partying, enjoying the company of people their own age. Cannot imagine the younger women, 20 to say 25, in a truly serious relationship where the gap in ages is more than 15 years. Does anyone think such a relationship would last. I am not saying there may not be exceptions and anyone who has sustained such a relationship, then all I can say is, good on you.

You should also hear what Thais think of such relationships. They are polite and would not say anything to someone's face but what they say can be quite disparaging. I know because I have been out with a group of Thais and have heard some of their remarks. They have no problem saying anything in front of me because they know my wife and I and know that I understand what they say has no reference to our relationship.

Have you ever looked at some of these older men, who are with these very young women? They appear to be more like a grandfather or father then someone being in a serious relationship. But if that is their piece of cake, then fine, it certainly isn't mine.

Each to their own. I can't judge your wife or your relationship with her, as I don't know you or her. What makes you think you can judge other people? Sanctimonious posts like yours are fairly typical but say more about you than the people you are judging.

Not being sanctimonious in any way, just telling it as I have seen it and heard it. If that is your opinion of me

making a show of being morally superior to other people then so be it but I suggest you re-read what I wrote and you will see that even though I have been critical, I have expected others to disagree and also if some have succeed in such a relationship, then it was good on them. Nothing judgemental, just fair and open comment I would have thought. But in your case, to each his own and I must really think as to why you have bitten so hard? Hit a nerve have I?

Edited by Si Thea01
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There is a 20 year age difference between me and my wife,

I look a lot younger than I am and some times the wife acts more mature than me , so it works. We have being together for over 10 years , married for seven and love each other very much.By now we are so used to each other that we dont perceive any age difference.

Last year during a routine medical examination, a heart valve congenital abnormality was discovered that required surgery, I am fine now but this event forced me to confront my mortality, and consider the fact that I will be dying well before my wife does, and that I will be leaving her along to fend for her self. I have done the best that I can to provide for her after my eventual demise,

But non the less, the thought of leaving my wife along, provides me with a degree of stress, that I have not as of yet come to terms with.

Also I dread the prospect of having my wife endure my eventual deterioration that old age will bring.

I know, very morbid thinkingsad.png , but it is a honest concern of mine.

So for that reason along I wish I had married closer to my age

At least you have no ( young) children..which would have added to your stress.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think you hit the nail on the head. Once again my question is. Where did he meet her ? And can he speak a word of Thai? Like the picture of the farang. Where is the empty beer bottle ?

I met my wife at the mall. I speak Thai. She is an engineer. Neither one of us drinks. I think you will find large groups of Western men in Thailand who speak Thai and don't drink.

JJ you are stereotyping a bit too much. A lot of older men who come to Thailand can't drink because of health problems and learn Thai as a hobby or to keep their minds active.

He's not stereotyping any more than you are with your tired old assertions about old men having money and younger guys being forever on the brink of destitution.

Do you think all the cut-price booze and meal deals at pubs catering to the nutritionally-homesick Westerner are aimed at young people? Like hell!

Do you think all those agents willing to deposit 800K in a Thai savings account for 3 months so old boys can qualify for retirement visas are going out of business? Like hell!

Most old guys here are just one unexpectedly expensive electric or medical bill away from having to piss off home - enshrined retirement visa or not - so stop pretending that old men are at the top of the farang pecking order in this country. A younger guy with coin blows the whole lot of you out of the water

Well, what is this about old men not having money? I am getting on in years and have substantial funds, as I was successful throughout my life and put away some for a rainy day. I am not, as you suggest some are, one unexpected medical bill to having, or as you so crudely put it, piss off home.

This my home and my medical fund covers me for all the unexpected. I am here, retired, on an extension of stay (retirement) and do not need the services of any agent, as I have an amount far exceeding the B800,000.00 in my two accounts, and it is never touched. I also have funds far exceeding that in an account that I maintain in OZ from where I source my monthly income. So why generalise? How is a younger guy with coin, as you put it, going to blow me out of the water?

I am happily married to a very beautiful and younger woman, 51, who has gone through the phases of life a much younger women has yet to do and is content to live with me in a lifestyle that I am prepared to provide for her. And yes, I said prepared to provide, not pay for, as no doubt some will say that I do. You see, she works and receives a substantial remuneration by Thai standards so if I kicked off tomorrow, she would have no trouble in supporting herself.

I really doubt that many of the younger ones you refer to, at this stage, could ever afford the life style that I presently enjoy. What, with good health, a loving and caring wife, money in the bank, properties, cars and no debt, able to travel when and wherever I want allows me to live life without a care in the world. So really, who gives a fig about your so called younger men with coin, because I have the notes.

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There is a 20 year age difference between me and my wife,

I look a lot younger than I am and some times the wife acts more mature than me , so it works. We have being together for over 10 years , married for seven and love each other very much.By now we are so used to each other that we dont perceive any age difference.

Last year during a routine medical examination, a heart valve congenital abnormality was discovered that required surgery, I am fine now but this event forced me to confront my mortality, and consider the fact that I will be dying well before my wife does, and that I will be leaving her along to fend for her self. I have done the best that I can to provide for her after my eventual demise,

But non the less, the thought of leaving my wife along, provides me with a degree of stress, that I have not as of yet come to terms with.

Also I dread the prospect of having my wife endure my eventual deterioration that old age will bring.

I know, very morbid thinkingsad.png , but it is a honest concern of mine.

So for that reason along I wish I had married closer to my age

Are you reading my mind? My only relief is to know that my wife have a wonderful and loving family to take care of her, and that she looks a lot younger than her age, and she is vey beautiful. After I gone, I hope another good man looking for a good woman will find her on his path.

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They say that someone's age is only a number. However, do you think it is acceptable for a man 40 and above to being with a 20 to 25 year old. What are they trying to prove. I know many will say who cares about what others think, which is a fair statement but does a 20 year old have the experience, knowledge and maturity to make for a long and sound relationship? I don't think so but many might say I am wrong.

I am 15 years older then my wife, but she is a middle aged women, who has the life experiences, knowledge and maturity to put up with a silly old B farang. The younger women have not yet lived, they have to grow up and enjoy life experiences, partying, enjoying the company of people their own age. Cannot imagine the younger women, 20 to say 25, in a truly serious relationship where the gap in ages is more than 15 years. Does anyone think such a relationship would last. I am not saying there may not be exceptions and anyone who has sustained such a relationship, then all I can say is, good on you.

You should also hear what Thais think of such relationships. They are polite and would not say anything to someone's face but what they say can be quite disparaging. I know because I have been out with a group of Thais and have heard some of their remarks. They have no problem saying anything in front of me because they know my wife and I and know that I understand what they say has no reference to our relationship.

Have you ever looked at some of these older men, who are with these very young women? They appear to be more like a grandfather or father then someone being in a serious relationship. But if that is their piece of cake, then fine, it certainly isn't mine.

Each to their own. I can't judge your wife or your relationship with her, as I don't know you or her. What makes you think you can judge other people? Sanctimonious posts like yours are fairly typical but say more about you than the people you are judging.

Not being sanctimonious in any way, just telling it as I have seen it and heard it. If that is your opinion of me

making a show of being morally superior to other people then so be it but I suggest you re-read what I wrote and you will see that even though I have been critical, I have expected others to disagree and also if some have succeed in such a relationship, then it was good on them. Nothing judgemental, just fair and open comment I would have thought. But in your case, to each his own and I must really think as to why you have bitten so hard? Hit a nerve have I?

Have I given my opinion of you or your relationship? No. I just found your post sanctimonious and, while I accept your views may be shared by others including some Thais, I prefer not to judge others so critically or narrow-mindedly.

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think you hit the nail on the head. Once again my question is. Where did he meet her ? And can he speak a word of Thai? Like the picture of the farang. Where is the empty beer bottle ?

I met my wife at the mall. I speak Thai. She is an engineer. Neither one of us drinks. I think you will find large groups of Western men in Thailand who speak Thai and don't drink.

JJ you are stereotyping a bit too much. A lot of older men who come to Thailand can't drink because of health problems and learn Thai as a hobby or to keep their minds active.

He's not stereotyping any more than you are with your tired old assertions about old men having money and younger guys being forever on the brink of destitution.

Do you think all the cut-price booze and meal deals at pubs catering to the nutritionally-homesick Westerner are aimed at young people? Like hell!

Do you think all those agents willing to deposit 800K in a Thai savings account for 3 months so old boys can qualify for retirement visas are going out of business? Like hell!

Most old guys here are just one unexpectedly expensive electric or medical bill away from having to piss off home - enshrined retirement visa or not - so stop pretending that old men are at the top of the farang pecking order in this country. A younger guy with coin blows the whole lot of you out of the water

Well, what is this about old men not having money? I am getting on in years and have substantial funds, as I was successful throughout my life and put away some for a rainy day. I am not, as you suggest some are, one unexpected medical bill to having, or as you so crudely put it, piss off home.

This my home and my medical fund covers me for all the unexpected. I am here, retired, on an extension of stay (retirement) and do not need the services of any agent, as I have an amount far exceeding the B800,000.00 in my two accounts, and it is never touched. I also have funds far exceeding that in an account that I maintain in OZ from where I source my monthly income. So why generalise? How is a younger guy with coin, as you put it, going to blow me out of the water?

I am happily married to a very beautiful and younger woman, 51, who has gone through the phases of life a much younger women has yet to do and is content to live with me in a lifestyle that I am prepared to provide for her. And yes, I said prepared to provide, not pay for, as no doubt some will say that I do. You see, she works and receives a substantial remuneration by Thai standards so if I kicked off tomorrow, she would have no trouble in supporting herself.

I really doubt that many of the younger ones you refer to, at this stage, could ever afford the life style that I presently enjoy. What, with good health, a loving and caring wife, money in the bank, properties, cars and no debt, able to travel when and wherever I want allows me to live life without a care in the world. So really, who gives a fig about your so called younger men with coin, because I have the notes.

Si Thea01,

Your post and the way you wrote it puts you in a different league than what many including me, are referring to.

You were successful in life and planned well.

Unfortunately, I believe there are many older gents that did not.

They don't, and probably never had the luxury to afford choice in life leading to a narrow, limited view in their life.

Mediocrity then seeks same or less.

That's a man sourcing a younger women at a cost. With limited funds, he can only source from the bottom of the pool, perhaps bar stool.

I don't rate it because I see it all too often.

I'm early 40's and my wife is seven years younger. I love her tremendously.

I also have property and money in the bank.

We work together in business and provide together.

The money we have in Oz, will be for those rainy days up the track.

I wish you and your wife well.

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I think you hit a nerve. ouch ! they don,t want to hear the truth.

They say that someone's age is only a number. However, do you think it is acceptable for a man 40 and above to being with a 20 to 25 year old. What are they trying to prove. I know many will say who cares about what others think, which is a fair statement but does a 20 year old have the experience, knowledge and maturity to make for a long and sound relationship? I don't think so but many might say I am wrong.

I am 15 years older then my wife, but she is a middle aged women, who has the life experiences, knowledge and maturity to put up with a silly old B farang. The younger women have not yet lived, they have to grow up and enjoy life experiences, partying, enjoying the company of people their own age. Cannot imagine the younger women, 20 to say 25, in a truly serious relationship where the gap in ages is more than 15 years. Does anyone think such a relationship would last. I am not saying there may not be exceptions and anyone who has sustained such a relationship, then all I can say is, good on you.

You should also hear what Thais think of such relationships. They are polite and would not say anything to someone's face but what they say can be quite disparaging. I know because I have been out with a group of Thais and have heard some of their remarks. They have no problem saying anything in front of me because they know my wife and I and know that I understand what they say has no reference to our relationship.

Have you ever looked at some of these older men, who are with these very young women? They appear to be more like a grandfather or father then someone being in a serious relationship. But if that is their piece of cake, then fine, it certainly isn't mine.

Each to their own. I can't judge your wife or your relationship with her, as I don't know you or her. What makes you think you can judge other people? Sanctimonious posts like yours are fairly typical but say more about you than the people you are judging.

Not being sanctimonious in any way, just telling it as I have seen it and heard it. If that is your opinion of me

making a show of being morally superior to other people then so be it but I suggest you re-read what I wrote and you will see that even though I have been critical, I have expected others to disagree and also if some have succeed in such a relationship, then it was good on them. Nothing judgemental, just fair and open comment I would have thought. But in your case, to each his own and I must really think as to why you have bitten so hard? Hit a nerve have I?

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They say that someone's age is only a number. However, do you think it is acceptable for a man 40 and above to being with a 20 to 25 year old. What are they trying to prove. I know many will say who cares about what others think, which is a fair statement but does a 20 year old have the experience, knowledge and maturity to make for a long and sound relationship? I don't think so but many might say I am wrong.

I am 15 years older then my wife, but she is a middle aged women, who has the life experiences, knowledge and maturity to put up with a silly old B farang. The younger women have not yet lived, they have to grow up and enjoy life experiences, partying, enjoying the company of people their own age. Cannot imagine the younger women, 20 to say 25, in a truly serious relationship where the gap in ages is more than 15 years. Does anyone think such a relationship would last. I am not saying there may not be exceptions and anyone who has sustained such a relationship, then all I can say is, good on you.

You should also hear what Thais think of such relationships. They are polite and would not say anything to someone's face but what they say can be quite disparaging. I know because I have been out with a group of Thais and have heard some of their remarks. They have no problem saying anything in front of me because they know my wife and I and know that I understand what they say has no reference to our relationship.

Have you ever looked at some of these older men, who are with these very young women? They appear to be more like a grandfather or father then someone being in a serious relationship. But if that is their piece of cake, then fine, it certainly isn't mine.

Each to their own. I can't judge your wife or your relationship with her, as I don't know you or her. What makes you think you can judge other people? Sanctimonious posts like yours are fairly typical but say more about you than the people you are judging.

Not being sanctimonious in any way, just telling it as I have seen it and heard it. If that is your opinion of me

making a show of being morally superior to other people then so be it but I suggest you re-read what I wrote and you will see that even though I have been critical, I have expected others to disagree and also if some have succeed in such a relationship, then it was good on them. Nothing judgemental, just fair and open comment I would have thought. But in your case, to each his own and I must really think as to why you have bitten so hard? Hit a nerve have I?

Have I given my opinion of you or your relationship? No. I just found your post sanctimonious and, while I accept your views may be shared by others including some Thais, I prefer not to judge others so critically or narrow-mindedly.

No, you have not given an opinion as to my relationship but of me, yes. . What is the relevance of this statement to the discussion? Did I give an opinion as to any relationship you may be in or specifically any one else? No, so by generalising you now say that I am judging others, critically. Would you please show me where I have readily found fault with others or readily judged them with severity?

Now, writing a sanctimonious post? Where in my post do you think I appear to show that what I have written is morally superior to others? Now, your opinion of me is that not only am I capable of writing a sanctimonious post but capable of judging others critically and being narrow minded. Gosh, I never knew myself like you seem to. So I am not willing to listen to or tolerate other people's views or may be it is because I am prejudiced?

If these statements are not an opinion, then please define what you have written? You have asked if you had given an opinion of me or my relationship. Correct? The latter I accept you did not but of me, how about four. An opinion is a judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. So not knowing me, you have formed not one but four opinions that are not based on fact or knowledge. Well done.

Edited by Si Thea01
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I live here in Pattaya and to be honest virtually all the guys i know are not married to young girls most are married to women in their late 30s to early 50s the only old guys i see parading around with" young" girls are the guys here on holiday and they are with their two week "girlfriends" not wives and to Si Theo01 you hardly hit a nerve as i have been married to my young wife over 22 years and have a son in university here

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If these young girls really liked older men, why aren't they all going out after older Thai men? Yes yes, i know, sometimes, very very occasionally, you will see a young Thai girl with an old Thai man, but it's nowhere near on the same numbers as Thai/westerner partnerships.

Why is that?facepalm.gif

How many 50+ Thai guys do you see with 25- Thai girls? I have, perhaps, noticed this once or twice in over 5 years.

Personally, i think 10 years is fine up until about 50. Then, 15 years is probably ok.

Ummm how observant are you? Thai couples don't tend to be demonstrative when it comes to affection. How could you know if you were seeing a couple or father /daughter?

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I live here in Pattaya and to be honest virtually all the guys i know are not married to young girls most are married to women in their late 30s to early 50s the only old guys i see parading around with" young" girls are the guys here on holiday and they are with their two week "girlfriends" not wives and to Si Theo01 you hardly hit a nerve as i have been married to my young wife over 22 years and have a son in university here

My post was only directed at one person and that was not you. I know you ticked a like on his post so is that why you are now having a dig by telling me that I did not hit a nerve with you. Was not and never intended to refer to any one else on the site.

It is great that you have a good relationship and have been married for over some 22 years and have a son in University. It goes to show, as I indicated in my post, that there may be some exceptions that can and do work. it has for you so proves my point. Sorry if you took exception but as I said the remark was never directed toward you.

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Fully understood and I know that many older farangs escape to Thailand for various reasons. I have seen them, heard them and read their many woes through posts on TVF. We all have to live here and many of us have married Thai women. Some successfully, others not, so maybe this gives raise to the I hate Thailand brigade and their incessant Thai bashing. They degrade the government, the various government departments, become the experts on law and order, and in the end they become the judge, jury and executioner.

It is pleasing to note that you have at least 26 years to catch me, so never despair as none of us knows what is around the corner. You my friend, are well on the way and with a good wife there is no doubt you will succeed. Nice to know, if I may assume, that you are from the land down under? Look after your lady, she will look after you and take care the both of you.

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No, you have not given an opinion as to my relationship but of me, yes. . What is the relevance of this statement to the discussion? Did I give an opinion as to any relationship you may be in or specifically any one else? No, so by generalising you now say that I am judging others, critically. Would you please show me where I have readily found fault with others or readily judged them with severity?

Now, writing a sanctimonious post? Where in my post do you think I appear to show that what I have written is morally superior to others? Now, your opinion of me is that not only am I capable of writing a sanctimonious post but capable of judging others critically and being narrow minded. Gosh, I never knew myself like you seem to. So I am not willing to listen to or tolerate other people's views or may be it is because I am prejudiced?

If these statements are not an opinion, then please define what you have written? You have asked if you had given an opinion of me or my relationship. Correct? The latter I accept you did not but of me, how about four. An opinion is a judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. So not knowing me, you have formed not one but four opinions that are not based on fact or knowledge. Well done.

Let's just agree to disagree. I accept you have your view on other people's relationships but it is just that - your view. Nothing more and nothing less.

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Once i too had some concerns about age differance, first TGF was 16ys younger and for 5 years we got on very well, after that the dating age gape grew to 20 plus years, last TGF of 2 years was 30 years younger.

It really comes down to who and what each of you are, some older guys are much younger in there heads and they still carry themsleves and dress well, and as with the case of the last TGF she was mature in her head by years even though she dressed her age she was rather concervative and i never felt that it was weird of wrong to be togther.

If you can get along well and are in it for more than the skin and looks age doesnt mean a thing.

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If these young girls really liked older men, why aren't they all going out after older Thai men? Yes yes, i know, sometimes, very very occasionally, you will see a young Thai girl with an old Thai man, but it's nowhere near on the same numbers as Thai/westerner partnerships.

Why is that?facepalm.gif

How many 50+ Thai guys do you see with 25- Thai girls? I have, perhaps, noticed this once or twice in over 5 years.

Personally, i think 10 years is fine up until about 50. Then, 15 years is probably ok.

Ummm how observant are you? Thai couples don't tend to be demonstrative when it comes to affection. How could you know if you were seeing a couple or father /daughter?

Usually his hand touching her bum.

But you are right, it might be father and daughter/granddaughter.

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I approached a still handsome and sporty style man in a Udon Thani shopping center, some years ago,

and asked him, if he could be my record in age difference I witnessed in TH,

as the couples age difference was a bit above the normal. wink.png

He said his Lao, mother in law, is 40 years younger than him. tongue.png

He was 76, mother in law 36, GF wife? 20, 4 years together.

GF wife? seemed happy, drove with her/his car regularly over the Thai-Lao border Border run,

to qualify for a limited, Visa-free residence permit smile.png

Edited by ALFREDO
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I am 70 and my wife is 48. She is not just very beautiful, and makes me feel younger. She is the best thing that happens in my life, and I was married 3 times before with women in my age or older. My Thai wife, with her younger attitude, sense of humor, her care, and her and her family Buddhist philosophy of life, is making my life better than ever.....No more intense exchanges, no more drama....no more BS....

Thainess?....If it is just that......it is wonderful!


I seem to remember you being particularly frustrated at that aspect of "Thainess" that meant your much younger wife had little interest in being able to communicate with you even when you run a business together.

You speak no Thai; she speaks no English.

Perhaps after 3 marriages, you thought one in which you can't communicate had the best chance of success.

If you're happy with the dynamics of your relationship, then that's great but don't try to pretend it's "wonderful"

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I posted this on a similar subject earlier this year:

Many years ago, I went to downtown HK with a mate to meet his sister and her family. She was late 30's, very attractive, while her husband was well into his 70's and yes wealthy. On the way home he asked me, "aren't you curious why she married an old man?" "OK, why?" I replied, he'd asked her the same question years earlier. "I would rather be an old man's darling than a young man's slave" she told him.

I'm not that old in relative terms, but my wife is 25 years younger than I. She was previously married to an Asian man who beat her all too regularly. I've never laid a finger on her in anger and she's told me much the same. Being treated like a lady and being my darling is paradise compared to her former existence. Q.E.D.

Who cares what others think anyway?

That said, one man's meat......

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Well, what is this about old men not having money? I am getting on in years and have substantial funds, as I was successful throughout my life and put away some for a rainy day. I am not, as you suggest some are, one unexpected medical bill to having, or as you so crudely put it, piss off home.

This my home and my medical fund covers me for all the unexpected. I am here, retired, on an extension of stay (retirement) and do not need the services of any agent, as I have an amount far exceeding the B800,000.00 in my two accounts, and it is never touched. I also have funds far exceeding that in an account that I maintain in OZ from where I source my monthly income. So why generalise? How is a younger guy with coin, as you put it, going to blow me out of the water?

I am happily married to a very beautiful and younger woman, 51, who has gone through the phases of life a much younger women has yet to do and is content to live with me in a lifestyle that I am prepared to provide for her. And yes, I said prepared to provide, not pay for, as no doubt some will say that I do. You see, she works and receives a substantial remuneration by Thai standards so if I kicked off tomorrow, she would have no trouble in supporting herself.

I really doubt that many of the younger ones you refer to, at this stage, could ever afford the life style that I presently enjoy. What, with good health, a loving and caring wife, money in the bank, properties, cars and no debt, able to travel when and wherever I want allows me to live life without a care in the world. So really, who gives a fig about your so called younger men with coin, because I have the notes.

Well hang on a sec . . . I didn't say ALL old men don't have money, did I?.

I was simply responding to a poster who repeatedly asserts that old guys are rolling in dosh while young guys are scratching around for pennies in the gutter.

As I've said on numerous occasions, for every well-off Western pensioner in Thailand, there are 20 who are hanging on by the skin of their teeth financially, lining up at provincial food halls and timing their drinking to coincide with happy hour

While I certainly don't deny that there are young guys who live precariously when it comes to their finances, I don't think they're likely to have heart attacks, strokes or hip replacements any time soon.

Everything you described about your lifestyle (properties, cars, travel), I've had since I was 30, pal and guess what, I wouldn't be so crass and vulgar (or deluded, for that matter) as to describe myself as "well off".


Edited by CharlieH
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Maybe I should not be but I am amazed that so many posts feel they can judge how others live their lives, who they choose to date, marry, like, love, spend their money to support etc. As long as people are of legal age, sane and are acting on their own free will, who the hell are any of you to judge?

Now when a post says the writer is happy being married to a younger woman, someone questions that statement. I guess we have moved beyond being judgemental and now we are mind readers!


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There is an equation for this that has been around a long time:

Take your age, divide by 2, then add 7...

40 / 2 = 20 + 7 = 27 years old...

The gap gets wider the older the man gets...

This is a well know equation and I think it started in France where age gap relationships are more common than my home country UK

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Once i too had some concerns about age differance, first TGF was 16ys younger and for 5 years we got on very well, after that the dating age gape grew to 20 plus years, last TGF of 2 years was 30 years younger.

It really comes down to who and what each of you are, some older guys are much younger in there heads and they still carry themsleves and dress well, and as with the case of the last TGF she was mature in her head by years even though she dressed her age she was rather concervative and i never felt that it was weird of wrong to be togther.

If you can get along well and are in it for more than the skin and looks age doesnt mean a thing.

And so you believe....

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I am 70 and my wife is 48. She is not just very beautiful, and makes me feel younger. She is the best thing that happens in my life, and I was married 3 times before with women in my age or older. My Thai wife, with her younger attitude, sense of humor, her care, and her and her family Buddhist philosophy of life, is making my life better than ever.....No more intense exchanges, no more drama....no more BS....

Thainess?....If it is just that......it is wonderful!


I seem to remember you being particularly frustrated at that aspect of "Thainess" that meant your much younger wife had little interest in being able to communicate with you even when you run a business together.

You speak no Thai; she speaks no English.

Perhaps after 3 marriages, you thought one in which you can't communicate had the best chance of success.

If you're happy with the dynamics of your relationship, then that's great but don't try to pretend it's "wonderful"

That was on my mind too....was not sure though if i remembered it correctly. Thanks. Some people on here.....well, lets say....nothing ......is better. Edited by benalibina
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There is a 20 year age difference between me and my wife,

I look a lot younger than I am and some times the wife acts more mature than me , so it works. We have being together for over 10 years , married for seven and love each other very much.By now we are so used to each other that we dont perceive any age difference.

Last year during a routine medical examination, a heart valve congenital abnormality was discovered that required surgery, I am fine now but this event forced me to confront my mortality, and consider the fact that I will be dying well before my wife does, and that I will be leaving her along to fend for her self. I have done the best that I can to provide for her after my eventual demise,

But non the less, the thought of leaving my wife along, provides me with a degree of stress, that I have not as of yet come to terms with.

Also I dread the prospect of having my wife endure my eventual deterioration that old age will bring.

I know, very morbid thinkingsad.png , but it is a honest concern of mine.

So for that reason along I wish I had married closer to my age

At least you have no ( young) children..which would have added to your stress.

Yes indeed

That opens an other can of worms.

If one has children at such an old age, what are the challenges for him now and for the children when he is not around to provide for them?

on the other hand, what about the wife? what if she wants children? does one deprive her of a chance at motherhood?

Would it be better for her to have children to support her after I am gone? By support I dont only mean financially,but also emotionally

oh no, i feel the stress level rising .sad.png

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