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My nose has a tendency to get all clogged up here in BKK. I use loads of the local "Yaa dom" inhalers, but it only gives a quick relief of about 1 minute.

I do use otrivin from time to time, but I have become dependent on that spray before, and I prefer to not get too much relief.. It always backfires with an even worse nose than before..

I have been trying to find normal salin solution, or even some antihistamine nasal spray for allergy that is possible to open and fill with your own distilled water+salt solution. But the only ones they give me at pharmacies so far are always Otrivin (boots etc. and otrivin can't be opened) when I ask for something else they seem clueless, or some seem to think I am asking for the older sprays that contained pseudoephedrine, which is now illegal, so they just quickly say "no have" or "mai mee".

I do speak fairly good Thai, but when it comes to medicine I can't say I'm a professional.

Is there a famous brand for a similar nasal spray that can be re-opened and refilled with your own (cheaper but just as useful) solution?

I have come to understand that Boots or similar big brand pharmacies are my best bet since others will either just say "no" or in some instances try to push pseudoephedrine spray on me for an overprice, something I am not even interested in...

If you know what I should ask for that will make it clear for them and easy to understand it will be much appreciated.

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