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Is it really alright to eat topless in a restaurant?

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My question is then, putting on a freaking t-shirt, will it then magically make the sweat smell go away?

Apart from the aesthetics that you don't see his bare chest, putting on a shirt will do NADA to the smell of sweat. In fact, it may just make the smell even worse! So please stop using this retarded argument already.

If you get offended by the smell of sweat, then you have surely come to the wrong part of the world!

Brings back memories of one of my favourite comic strips as a kid, DICK TRACEY, where one of the characters is called "B.O.PLENTY" who gets around in just a singlet and has people fleeing whenever he enters a restaurant or office.

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This is a tropical country of Thailand and people have traditionally going around shirtless! So, naturally I have been brought up in this environment and shirtless is nothing strange. Maybe you should open your freaking eyes and look around in what freaking country you live in right now??? See any snow?

This is also about freaking BK and not fine dining or in an aircraft, so your comparison is moot. Nobody is conducting any "official business" at a freaking BK joint.

And what the xxxxxx hell does my parent's has to do anything with this?

I had parents as much as you had one.

Traditional Thai style is to always wear a shirt. Thais frown upon young Thai boys who run around and drive motorbikes w/o shirts.

just because we do it in our own countries does not make ignorance and excuse. Some things you can and cannot do in every country. Like try rolling a fat one in holland then in Bangkok or samui in a coffee shop. If the police come i don't think that the excuse. " its ok do to in our country " shall wash but you can try ha ha

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What I wrote about the israelis not wanting bacon in their order really happened. Otherwise why would I have written it????

What the??

The reason why I actually took notice was exactly because I suddenly heard somebody say loudly "NO BACON!", then they sat down and spoke hebrew, that's how I knew they were jews. How can this be considered flame?????

They could have been muslims as they do not eat pork. However, my jewish friends eat bacon but like me would not go to a burger bar. The food is dire.
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My question is then, putting on a freaking t-shirt, will it then magically make the sweat smell go away?

Apart from the aesthetics that you don't see his bare chest, putting on a shirt will do NADA to the smell of sweat. In fact, it may just make the smell even worse! So please stop using this retarded argument already.

If you get offended by the smell of sweat, then you have surely come to the wrong part of the world!

you just try to get some attention I guess. I cant believe you really mean this. Would you really go and sit in the same seat after they left knowing their sweat is smeared out all over the seats? If you think this is normal I advice you to follow some courses or read a book how to behave in public.
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I suddenly had a craving for some Double Whopper. No fries though, I'm trying to lower my carb intake. Fries are better at McDonald's anyway.




Again, I have to repeat myself. This is a burger joint a stone throw away from the beach, on a tropical island tourist destination.

I would rather say: these are the tourists thailand appeals to. The top ones know where their money is better spent

Oh, the top ones are coming to Samui alright, but they for sure aren't eating at BK.

How many times have you seen "high class" tourists in Thailand???

First of all, it appears that you are totally unaware of things if you think that "high class" (whatever that is) tourists doesn't visit Thailand and especially Samui.

Secondly, I wonder if any person will be able to tell who is "high class" or "low class" by just looking at some people on the beach?

But one thing is almost certain is that any "high class" tourist wouldn't probably eat at BK, and if they did, they would have worn a shirt.

But who the hell knows if that particular shirtless most probably Russian farang OP saw may not have been some kind of rich oligarch? Can anyone tell by just looking?

Mole goes out to eat


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You'll get over it in time.

I am truly sorry your panties were put in a twist by this heinous disregard for the feelings of others. But, Thailand hasn't reached 'Nanny-State' status yet. But give it time. Constant nagging and leading by Western, puritanical example may eventually get these Buddhist heathens to change their minds.

OK - Enough syrupy sarcasm. This isn't worth a post. Get over it. I know conservative Thais that will expose their (maile) chests in public. Females use to also prior to the advent of Christian influence. Next you'll be complaining about 'bare-breasted' statuses at the temples. If it bothers you so much....go home. You don't belong here.

I'm delighted just to be served the correct food within an hour of ordering it.

We all have different expectations I suppose.

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