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Five “Men in Black” plead not guilty before the court

Lite Beer

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will be interesting to see the evidence and then the follow up of the other MIB people. Considering Tarit never even tried to find them or accuse them of killing during the ptp reign is it any wonder that there are not more of them. This lot were picked up quickly after the ptp were tossed out because the general actually started looking for the criminals that were doing all the killing, something the ptp/tarit never attempted because they were doing it for their/the reds benefit.

And yet the courts a long time ago identified the killers of the nurse in the temple as members of the Queen's Guard unit, and yet these people have not seen the inside of a courtroom, and I suspect are unlikely to do so.

without any ballistic evidence or matched weapons, they said it was because they were shot with the army weapons that the blackshirts just happened to also have and use, convenient wasnt it but then the blackshirts were not the ones tarit was after so he left them out of it. Maybe now we can get to the bottom of it and possibly even connect box head as the one that paid/organized it as well.

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Oh, the snipers - I forgot, your keen insight has established that these snipers were all Army and govt snipers. You know this with 100% certainty, of course? Particularly that sniper that took out General Si Daeng, famous aerobics instructor - all of these snipers' identities are absolutely well know.

Oh, wait, what's that? They aren't?

The ones who's shots killed the nurse were part of the Queen's Guards Unit - and yet you conveniently leave out that fire also came *from* that area, and that the nurse was not an intended target. If you want to blame anyone for the deaths of innocent civilians in those riots, blame the para military units of the Red Shirts, the black masked individuals, and those militarists trained and equipped by the aerobics instructor general...

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You think it is fine for soldiers to shoot citizens that oppose no threat to them at the certain point of time?

It's really cute how how you skirt the question.

Can you point me to the threads were you equally condemn the red shirts looting and killing people? The threads were you equally condemn Thaksin's killing sprees? I must have missed those - but im sure you know where those can be found.

Really cute how i skirt which question exactly?

You said: "Funny how Bob wasn't objecting to the killings under Thaksin? Odd. "

Even though there is a question mark in the sentence, i do not spot a question in there. You make a statement and don't ask me anything.

Not sure why i need to point you to threads where I condemn the red shirts. Do you maybe apply the "guilty till proven innocent" principle? Maybe you can first show me where I said that red shirts looting and killing people is fine? After that I can try to defend myself.

And you might have missed me condemning Thaksins killing sprees simply because that took place before I became active on Thaivisa. Simple explanation that probably did not come up in your mind, right?

But just to confuse you a bit, here are some links to threads where I am "condemning" Thaksin, or at least not approving of his actions:


"I would not count myself as a red shirt thaksin supporter. Mostly because i think Taksin should be banned from politics and should serve his jail time."


"He (thaksin) should be in the history books to educate kids what corruption could lead to and how one person can (mis-) use a system for his own profit"


"I can agree on many ways that Taksin was bad, but his tax evading would not be in my top 3"


"I am well aware of his criminal history and i surely dont approve of it (nor of him or many of his ill conceived policies)."

Talking about being cute and skirting questions... You missed the question I asked you (probably by accident):

"But what is your opinion on it?

You think it is fine for soldiers to shoot citizens that oppose no threat to them at the certain point of time?"

they were shot with army weapons, no ballistics have shown who held the weapons and the blackshirts were also using army weapons, convenient that hey, also the blackshirts were also in positions to do the shooting but tarit wasnt trying to incriminate them was he because they were doing what box head told them too.

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Oh, the snipers - I forgot, your keen insight has established that these snipers were all Army and govt snipers. You know this with 100% certainty, of course? Particularly that sniper that took out General Si Daeng, famous aerobics instructor - all of these snipers' identities are absolutely well know.

Oh, wait, what's that? They aren't?

The ones who's shots killed the nurse were part of the Queen's Guards Unit - and yet you conveniently leave out that fire also came *from* that area, and that the nurse was not an intended target. If you want to blame anyone for the deaths of innocent civilians in those riots, blame the para military units of the Red Shirts, the black masked individuals, and those militarists trained and equipped by the aerobics instructor general...

Let me respond to your posts again as soon as you answered the questions I asked you.

That should be the least you can do after I answered all your questions, right?

Edited by Bob12345
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Oh, the snipers - I forgot, your keen insight has established that these snipers were all Army and govt snipers. You know this with 100% certainty, of course? Particularly that sniper that took out General Si Daeng, famous aerobics instructor - all of these snipers' identities are absolutely well know.

Oh, wait, what's that? They aren't?

The ones who's shots killed the nurse were part of the Queen's Guards Unit - and yet you conveniently leave out that fire also came *from* that area, and that the nurse was not an intended target. If you want to blame anyone for the deaths of innocent civilians in those riots, blame the para military units of the Red Shirts, the black masked individuals, and those militarists trained and equipped by the aerobics instructor general...

Sah Daeng was an army guy. An opportunist maverik. A bit like those wandering Navy Seals. Guns for hire to the highest bidder. I doubt they are/were political ideologues.
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