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Civil Partnership -Marriage conversion.UK


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From today it's possible to convert Civil Partnership certificates to Marriage certificates in the UK.

I"ve just spent ages online looking for details for those of us living abroad after writing twice to the British Embassy in Bangkok and hearing nothing from them.

It seems that the only countries where this is available are Australia, Germany , Japan,Philippines,Russia, Serbia and Vietnam. BUT "you must have been living in the country for 28 days" ....<deleted>?

It cost enough the first time round, two visits to Vietnam and now they want us to go for 28 days!facepalm.gif

I don't understand why the Embassy in Bangkok can't put their foot down and give this service in Thailand. It's just a conversion for f#ck sake.w00t.gif

Anyone else going to convert?

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No legal advantage. But on a personal note, from being young I always wanted to be "married". Saying I was in a "Civil Partnership" has never felt right. Having to explain to people what that means gets boring, if I could just say to someone "we're married" it would be a whole lot easier.It makes me feel like everyone else and to me makes my relationship and my commitment more meaningful.

I don't expect everyone to understand and I don't expect everyone will want to convert, but I do.

The reason I"m so mad about this situation is that it in no way affects Thailand as neither my partner or I are Thai, we have already paid a lot to visit Vietnam twice in order to obtain our CP and now we are expected to fly back to Vietnam, live there for 28 days and then convert. This is just ridiculous.

Why can't the Embassy in Bangkok do the paper work? And why is it not free as it is in the UK?

The struggle never seems to end! And people think we "choose" this life style. Why on earth would anyone choose something that's so hard?! I guess that's for another topic.laugh.png

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No legal advantage. But on a personal note, from being young I always wanted to be "married". Saying I was in a "Civil Partnership" has never felt right. Having to explain to people what that means gets boring, if I could just say to someone "we're married" it would be a whole lot easier.It makes me feel like everyone else and to me makes my relationship and my commitment more meaningful.

I don't expect everyone to understand and I don't expect everyone will want to convert, but I do.

The reason I"m so mad about this situation is that it in no way affects Thailand as neither my partner or I are Thai, we have already paid a lot to visit Vietnam twice in order to obtain our CP and now we are expected to fly back to Vietnam, live there for 28 days and then convert. This is just ridiculous.

Why can't the Embassy in Bangkok do the paper work? And why is it not free as it is in the UK?

The struggle never seems to end! And people think we "choose" this life style. Why on earth would anyone choose something that's so hard?! I guess that's for another topic.laugh.png

Thanks for that, and i totally understand what you are saying.....

and YES its a right pain having to go to ''Vietnam'' we had to do the same thing a few years back....

as for the ''Embassy in Bangkok''.. well thats another topic too....

all the best, and thanks once again..



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