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Sydney siege: Gunman takes hostages in Lindt cafe


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One article I read claims he changed from his original Shia position to one of the Sunni's a few years ago.

Hence, his connection with IS and Islamic terrorism.

From the article:

"— He was previously a Shia Muslim, as are most Iranians, but later converted to Sunni Islam and changed his name from Mohammad Hassan Manteghi Bourjerdi to Man Haron Monis."


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My tolerance for religion is wearing very thin.

I am not religious myself, but this is about one specific religion. You can't lump them all together.

I believe in God but I'm not really into religion although I have met some very good religious people. The problem I have with religion is that a lot of religious people seem to be very closed minded and mean and they seem to want to impose their dogma on people...I don't see God in that equation. I see this in lots of different religions, not just this one. Of course they are not killing people like these Muslim fanatics are so I do understand your point.

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Caught this on CNN

(CNN) -- A social media campaign condemning Islamophobia under the hashtag #illridewithyou has taken off after an armed man who may have links to radical Islam took hostages in Sydney.


This stuff makes me proud to be Australian. It reaffirms my trust in humanity and humanism. It endorses modern Australian society as open, fair and tolerant.

Kudos to the police who acted calmly and professionally throughout the day. Am very saddened that the resolution of the hostage incident seems to have involved the death of someone apart from the hostage taker. No doubt extensive post-mortems of the action will now take place and more information will be available. Then informed comments can be made unlike much of this thread to date.

Good post Tep.

Condolences to the family and friends of the victims of this evil bastards actions.

And agree Tep...well done to the Aussies both the professionals who had to deal to this evil bastard and to the Aussie public who have stood up on behalf of everyday citizens regardless of their religious creed who just want to live in peace and never for one moment think to step anywhere near or over radical lines.

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It's all happening now!

Flashbangs, shots, medics going in, more shots, hostages carried out.

I think the nut has met Allah

Stretchers going in, hope the innocent have survived!

Not police.......that was SAS shock bangs.. SAS dressed in police uniform..............

he's dead! he has been taken out..... they knew via night-vision exactly where he was..........

No, they were Police in Police uniforms.
Yes definately police and one has been shot in the face as confirmed by the chief commissioner
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Will be interesting to see who shot the hostages.

Matters little to the victims families. Casualties of war, unfortunately.

There was a chance to end this earlier on when Mr Jihad was offering his head up in windows every five minutes. There was operational reasons why he wasn't taken out at that time and believe me, if the order was given to snipe him, he would have been blown into last week.

It's a nasty business dealing with nutters and there was little chance of a better outcome as time went on. The majority escaped with their lives is the best deal there was.

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It is very very sad that it has ended this way with two innocent people killed.

I have no sympathy for the terrorist at all. Good riddance. He’s not a victim. He chose to walk into a cafe with a shotgun intent on violence.

But the unilateral decision by Tony Abbot to involve Australia in a civil war 8,000 miles away, which is none of its business, put Australians needlessly at risk.

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The idiots from some of the MSn already labeling this a lone wolf attack. The inference, nothing to see here, just a nutter, a one off, don't worry, all is right with the world. How many lone wolfs before these brainwashed idiots understand they are in a war.

Sadly, ignorance is bliss. As you can see, soft targets are easy picking for these nutters. Going around in your own naive little fantasy of bliss, and condemning others for acting in a preventative matter, makes it even easier for the nutters.

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It is very very sad that it has ended this way with two innocent people killed.

I have no sympathy for the terrorist at all. Good riddance. He’s not a victim. He chose to walk into a cafe with a shotgun intent on violence.

But the unilateral decision by Tony Abbot to involve Australia in a civil war 8,000 miles away, which is none of its business, put Australians needlessly at risk.

The problems started when Australia started letting these"refugees" in.

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It is very very sad that it has ended this way with two innocent people killed.

I have no sympathy for the terrorist at all. Good riddance. Hes not a victim. He chose to walk into a cafe with a shotgun intent on violence.

But the unilateral decision by Tony Abbot to involve Australia in a civil war 8,000 miles away, which is none of its business, put Australians needlessly at risk.

The problems started when Australia started letting these"refugees" in.

These people are not refugees.

They are running from their own countries because of their crazy radical ideas.

Religion is a poison which un diluted causes big problems.

Radical Christian fundamentalists in the USA, extreme Jewish fundamentalists in Israel and the biggest poison fairytale of the lot the Muslim fundamentalists.

All three want to take us back to the Middle Ages and the fighting they saw as a way of life then.

I don't buy that stuff and believe in the French secular model.

Religion is poison and this Muslim stuff is potent.

We need some weed killer pronto.

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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

It's all happening now!
Flashbangs, shots, medics going in, more shots, hostages carried out.

I think the nut has met Allah

Stretchers going in, hope the innocent have survived!

Not police.......that was SAS shock bangs.. SAS dressed in police uniform..............
he's dead! he has been taken out..... they knew via night-vision exactly where he was..........
No, they were Police in Police uniforms.
Yes definately police and one has been shot in the face as confirmed by the chief commissioner

Quote from Beeb , who knows how accurate it is

"Local media reports suggest the commandos from the Royal Australian Regiment entered the building after the gunman started firing shots."

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Sydney siege: Three dead after commandos storm cafe

(BBC) Two people died, along with an Islamist gunman, after commandos stormed a cafe in Sydney, Australia, to bring to an end a 16-hour siege.

The gunman, identified as an Iranian refugee, had taken dozens of hostages.

Four people were injured, including a policeman hit by shotgun pellets.

Central Sydney was put in lockdown when the gunman seized the hostages early on Monday, forcing some of them to hold up a black Islamic banner at the window of the Lindt cafe.

The Lindt Chocolat Cafe is located in Martin Place, a busy shopping area in Sydney's financial district.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-30485355

-- BBC 2014-12-16

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