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Chinese tourists, behave yourselves


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"they reportedly refused to leave until the flight crew gave them a written testimony that whatever had been reported about their bad behavior was false."

Wow. The headline should have read "Air Asia Toes the Chinese Line".

Others commented that if they were wealthy or influential they would not have chosen a budget airline.

Wrong. The Chinese version of cheap makes Ebeneezer Scrooge look like a generous philanthropist before his first dream.

Well clearly they were angry and I suppose if I were them, I too would have reacted in a similar way about the written testimony. But then again, of course I would never ever act like that in the first place hence that was a moot point.

But anyway, it should be quite clear that Air Asia will never carry these idiots again because they would be banned from flying with them indefinitely.

But seriously, although many Chinese are cheap but in this case the idiots involved were probably on some budget price package tour. They could afford the airline ticket, but there is absolutely nothing to suggest they have a lot of money - indeed they probably only earn a standard US$800-1000 a month salary that is common in second tier Chinese cities. I again stand by my point that if they had more money, then they would have chosen a legacy carrier. I assume that because I choose legacy carriers, that practically everyone that chooses to fly a budget carrier has less money than I do, although there might be a few that want to save some bucks, genuinely well off people do NOT fly budget carriers!

not a great deal of choice on many of the routes, Kunming,X'ian, changsha, Wuhan,chengdu. not exactly competitive routes. Not so long ago I had to take a flight to HK or Guangzhou before making my way to Bangkok

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China is one weird country with a billion people who have been brainwashed all of their lives.You would think communist (Socialist) countries would preach for an ordered considerate society. However due to the Chairman's purges it became dangerous to talk openly and keep company with anyone except immediate family so their social skills are non existent. China is also pretty much a lawless state, you only feel the power of the Government if you attempt to undermine or disrupt them.Offences against other citizens is pretty much unpunished. So their behavior in this case, although not excusable is an extension of the pushing in queues, driving with no thought of other road users, spitting and shitting in public, smoking in elevators and generally being obnoxious and rude. As my Mum used to say "Its the way they have been brought up"

Not a pop at Chinese as a Race , 60 years of communism has not done the People of PRC a lot of favours

From what I have read, pre revoulution was much worse.

Depends if you class 70 million dead in a few years as worse than what they had before. Its a massive ungovernable country

It's commonly understood in China that roughly that number of people (or more) would have died under the previous leadership too if the communists hadn't taken over. That's why there's very little genuine dislike of Mao in the country; they know what happened in his name and have chosen to accept that it was necessary because the alternatives were worse.

Who's talking about Mao? I wrote pre revolution.

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No, but I will add one more. In that video, the Chinese passenger popped open the emergency door to get off the plane faster after landing.

Also this week, this ingenious Chinese passenger popped open the emergency door before takeoff because "he wanted to have some fresh air".


Seriously, you could not even make this stuff up!

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IMO, if you have caused a problem that is serious enough to make an airplane return to base (excluding medical emergencies), it should be an immediate arrest on arrival, and the fine should actually include compensation to everybody on board for being such an a-hole.

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If this had happened in the west they would looking at jail time. Why were they let off with a fine? Unbelievable. Hope the Chinese government throws the book at them.

My dear Bim, I'm afraid the answer to your question is all too obvious. They were let off with a fine because they are Chinese, and all the vassal (or soon to be vassal) countries around the Chinese giant are now officially messing their pants when faced with outrageous Chinese behaviour in any field. It's called kow tow if I'm not mistaken.

As discussions about China pop up more and more often on this forum, I keep recommending one particular book to anyone who is interested in acquiring or complementing a documented opinion (as opposed to the usual stereotyped clichés) on this fascinating country.

The book is called 'When China Rules the World', by Martin Jacques.

What garbage. They were let off because the Thais didn't know how to handle this case and handing out a fine is much easier than taking them to court. Of course they would have been taken into custody if this had happened in the west. No idea what sentence would have been handed out but probably it wouldn't have been more than 6-12 months or even a suspended sentence and banned from flying Air Asia. And although I'm very angry that the Thais passed the buck to the Chinese, it's not without precedent. In Thailand it's better to hand out a fine and "save face" than to go through lengthy legal proceedings for something like this. This all happened the way it happened simply because it's Thailand.

When you disagree with someone, Tom, do you always start your comment with the words 'what garbage' ?

Clearly the Chinese are not the only uncivilized lot around here.

Edited by Yann55
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It's commonly understood in China that roughly that number of people (or more) would have died under the previous leadership too if the communists hadn't taken over. That's why there's very little genuine dislike of Mao in the country; they know what happened in his name and have chosen to accept that it was necessary because the alternatives were worse.

Nonsense , so you are saying the 70 million who died from Mao;s collectivisation policy , Mao;s Purges of disruptive and anti Revolutionaries (between 1 and 2 %), Mao's great leap forward, Mao;s fixing of the price of rice that the farmers must sell to the Government, Mao's policy for taking the full stocks of rice for government quota's , leaving the farmers with nothing. I think thats a pretty gallant statement to say those people would have died either way

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Sounds like the people that made the treats are not world travelers that are aware of the fact that you just don't make such treats when you're on an airline. This is a big no no... I must admit that I was surprised to hear that they were let go by airline security. I think by doing so sends a different message then most other airline security policies.

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I think that Thais are possibly the last ones in a cue with the right to complain about other people's behaviour! I am not fond of the Chinese either, screaming and shouting in a 7Eleven all the way from the cash counter to their friends back at the fridges. But those are the "quality tourists" Thailand was so desperately asking for, no?... while scaring the Essaan family-supporting longtimers away, utilizing dodgy visa rules and regulations...

At least the Chinese are happy with throwing hot noodles, while the Thais opt for slashing taxi guests to death with a machete over a 40 Baht taxi fare, stick a knife into a foreigner's heart who refuses to stop singing on stage, bashing tourists' heads in and rape them, with police covering up their wrongdoings, shooting wife and mother in law in broad daylight, accepting Buddhist monks taking cash and goodies in exchange for lottery numbers, treating Burmese workers and employees like dirt, Thais misbehaving in traffic 24/7, ripping off tourists 24/7 and telling foreigners to f.... off to their home countries if they don't like to be taken advantage of, etc. etc....

You get what you ask for, Thailand. Now deal with it!!!!!!!!

Edited by catweazle
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The Chinese have been taken out of the rice patties and moved into the middle class with a fair amount of money to spend on travel...what they have not learned is to handle their new found wealth with grace and humility...I expect they never will...proud of their heritage...they look down on others when they themselves are to be pitied...

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The Chinese have been taken out of the rice patties and moved into the middle class with a fair amount of money to spend on travel...what they have not learned is to handle their new found wealth with grace and humility...I expect they never will...proud of their heritage...they look down on others when they themselves are to be pitied...

Man you base a whole country on a few idiots. Let me take you to the New York one day and see if you think the US is still the land of the free or Manchester and see if the UK is still the land of Shakespeare. Fear and prejudice walk hand in hand me thinks.
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The Chinese have been taken out of the rice patties and moved into the middle class with a fair amount of money to spend on travel...what they have not learned is to handle their new found wealth with grace and humility...I expect they never will...proud of their heritage...they look down on others when they themselves are to be pitied...

Man you base a whole country on a few idiots. Let me take you to the New York one day and see if you think the US is still the land of the free or Manchester and see if the UK is still the land of Shakespeare. Fear and prejudice walk hand in hand me thinks.

I was one of a handful of non-Chinese aboard a China Southern flight...to say these people acted like animals that had been recently let out of their cages is to be too kind...the Chinese guy next to me dropped his pants to his ankles and used a face cloth to wash his gentiles...I do not think I have over stated how uncouth most of the Chinese tourist really are...

Try walking in a park after a tour bus full of Chinese have just had their lunch there...you will have to watch your step...that is not dog poop on the ground...

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China is one weird country with a billion people who have been brainwashed all of their lives.You would think communist (Socialist) countries would preach for an ordered considerate society. However due to the Chairman's purges it became dangerous to talk openly and keep company with anyone except immediate family so their social skills are non existent. China is also pretty much a lawless state, you only feel the power of the Government if you attempt to undermine or disrupt them.Offences against other citizens is pretty much unpunished. So their behavior in this case, although not excusable is an extension of the pushing in queues, driving with no thought of other road users, spitting and shitting in public, smoking in elevators and generally being obnoxious and rude. As my Mum used to say "Its the way they have been brought up"

Not a pop at Chinese as a Race , 60 years of communism has not done the People of PRC a lot of favours

True that, about the government. Having Mao as a leader is not exactly something to be proud of. The term desperate despot comes to mind. And their present government is not much better, though certainly an improvement over the murderous, and ill informed thug that Mao was. I believe their government has truly bad intentions, both for their own people, and the world at large. I like the Chinese people. I find most to be jovial, pleasant, fun loving, and decent people. But, their govt. is quite another story. Power hungry billionaire despots populate the entire Politburo.

Having Mao as the founding father of the PRC is something to have.

Yes. A murderous, pig whore is always a good mascot, for any party.

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Since you're not sure I'll help you along a bit.

The reason is its part of a pattern, not an isolated incident, just another one. Mainland Chinese tourists are seen and reported behaving poorly, far more so than any other nationality I am aware of, even factoring in the population size.

From stealing life vests and crockery on planes, to screaming and shouting and fighting, we hear the stories all the time. But even if there isn't a "scene", on every flight I've been on they tend to ruin the trip for other travelers because of talking and shouting extremely loudly and moving about the plane. Off the plane their behavior is often equally disgusting and inconsiderate and ill mannered, including spitting, shouting and causing disturbance of the peace wherever they go, to public defecation, to throwing tantrums, to pushing and shoving and cutting into queues.

And it doesn't stop there. They have a reputation for greed and dishonesty in business, those that are wealthy often display their wealth in the most vulgar fashion and we frequently learn that they have gained that wealth through either corruption or cheating.

Yes, yawn yawn yawn, I already know what your going to say...don't generalize...it's not all...well, we know not all, we know there are probably many who are decent and considerate, but the frequency of terrible behavior is prevalent enough that their image is now deservedly bad. If they want to improve their image, and I doubt they really care, then relying on idiot apologists won't get them far, because the only thing that will help is to start behaving decently and respectfully towards other nationalities and in other peoples countries.

Hope you get it now.

Thank you, I always enjoy being patronized by a racist ignoramus for breakfast. It's good to see the world through your own prejudiced lenses just so I can be thankful that no matter how much of a git I am today; I will still fall short of your own dramatic standards.

You may "hear stories all the time" but whilst there's no doubt that the Chinese are a bit rude by a Western yardstick; they are not particularly given to violent outbursts on planes any certainly not more so than any other nationality. You may be laying in wait to blame everything on Chinese people; the more rational of us tend to ask sensible questions like; "Which total plonker judges 1.3 billion people by the behaviour of 4 members of that group?" Sadly, I actually got an answer to that question. My condolences to you - life must be a wonderful place when you can see in ignorant black and white based on the occasional newspaper article.

I'll say it one more time as you are clearly very slow and require remedial tutoring. I said the incident was part of a pattern. Nobody is judging an entire nation based on 4 people, but they are judging based on a pattern....a very clear one, if you are too stupid to see the pattern then too bad. If you object to judgement based on a pattern then you are just blinding yourself to the facts. The facts are very clear but it needs a certain level of intelligence to see them. As for your comment about being a bit ruder than Westerners...LOL...they aren't a bit ruder, their rudeness is totally off the charts. As for your comment about racism, you just expose your own stupidity and bigotry there again, relaying in worn out platitudes to attack with. I said mainland Chinese, I didn't actually paint all Chinese with the same brush at all, so no racism there matey. And I know quite a few non mainland Chinese who find the behavior of the mainland Chinese even more disgusting than I do. Now go and put your dunce hat on.

While I don't want to get involved in this "cyberfight" I should let you know that over on the Cambodia section of the forum TheSiemReaper openly said that "China was the worst place he ever lived, the people are rude etc." whereas I defended the place saying it's actually not bad, but you do have to know the language etc. but he ignorantly rebutted and said "I don't have time to waste learning the language of every place I live in, when I might not live there forever". Strangely on this thread he's defending the place to the core, even accusing others of racism as if he were some sort of spokesperson for the Chinese. The fact is, political correctness and racism do not translate well into Chinese. The Chinese themselves don't care for these "western" concepts and won't hesitate to call something what it is, so no matter which way this argument goes, nobody will care. But without going too much off topic, I think paddyjenkins has made some good points.

I think I was pretty clear in this thread that China's not my favorite place on earth. But neither you nor Paddyjenkins actually have a point; except the racist agenda you both seem to delight in pursuing. There are 1.3 billion people in China and 4 of them behaved badly on a plane. If you got all the internet videos of bad Chinese behaviour together... you might find 1,000 miscreants. These people no more represent China than a British football hooligan represents the people of the UK.

Yes, the Chinese are rude but by and large their rudeness does not endanger people's safety. Sometimes you have to wonder why people can't manage to understand the point being made and then you remember - it's because they're not having a conversation but would rather say; "Look at me! I am so clever that statistics, fairness, etc. does not matter." and "I am so special because I learned Chinese!" neither of which are in fact true. 1. Statistics and fairness matter in order to stop people drawing conclusions from spurious and minimal data. 2. 1.3 billion Chinese managed that too - it's not special but in fact decidedly ordinary. Get over yourself now.

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  • 1 month later...

Since you're not sure I'll help you along a bit.

The reason is its part of a pattern, not an isolated incident, just another one. Mainland Chinese tourists are seen and reported behaving poorly, far more so than any other nationality I am aware of, even factoring in the population size.

From stealing life vests and crockery on planes, to screaming and shouting and fighting, we hear the stories all the time. But even if there isn't a "scene", on every flight I've been on they tend to ruin the trip for other travelers because of talking and shouting extremely loudly and moving about the plane. Off the plane their behavior is often equally disgusting and inconsiderate and ill mannered, including spitting, shouting and causing disturbance of the peace wherever they go, to public defecation, to throwing tantrums, to pushing and shoving and cutting into queues.

And it doesn't stop there. They have a reputation for greed and dishonesty in business, those that are wealthy often display their wealth in the most vulgar fashion and we frequently learn that they have gained that wealth through either corruption or cheating.

Yes, yawn yawn yawn, I already know what your going to say...don't generalize...it's not all...well, we know not all, we know there are probably many who are decent and considerate, but the frequency of terrible behavior is prevalent enough that their image is now deservedly bad. If they want to improve their image, and I doubt they really care, then relying on idiot apologists won't get them far, because the only thing that will help is to start behaving decently and respectfully towards other nationalities and in other peoples countries.

Hope you get it now.

Thank you, I always enjoy being patronized by a racist ignoramus for breakfast. It's good to see the world through your own prejudiced lenses just so I can be thankful that no matter how much of a git I am today; I will still fall short of your own dramatic standards.

You may "hear stories all the time" but whilst there's no doubt that the Chinese are a bit rude by a Western yardstick; they are not particularly given to violent outbursts on planes any certainly not more so than any other nationality. You may be laying in wait to blame everything on Chinese people; the more rational of us tend to ask sensible questions like; "Which total plonker judges 1.3 billion people by the behaviour of 4 members of that group?" Sadly, I actually got an answer to that question. My condolences to you - life must be a wonderful place when you can see in ignorant black and white based on the occasional newspaper article.

I'll say it one more time as you are clearly very slow and require remedial tutoring. I said the incident was part of a pattern. Nobody is judging an entire nation based on 4 people, but they are judging based on a pattern....a very clear one, if you are too stupid to see the pattern then too bad. If you object to judgement based on a pattern then you are just blinding yourself to the facts. The facts are very clear but it needs a certain level of intelligence to see them. As for your comment about being a bit ruder than Westerners...LOL...they aren't a bit ruder, their rudeness is totally off the charts. As for your comment about racism, you just expose your own stupidity and bigotry there again, relaying in worn out platitudes to attack with. I said mainland Chinese, I didn't actually paint all Chinese with the same brush at all, so no racism there matey. And I know quite a few non mainland Chinese who find the behavior of the mainland Chinese even more disgusting than I do. Now go and put your dunce hat on.

While I don't want to get involved in this "cyberfight" I should let you know that over on the Cambodia section of the forum TheSiemReaper openly said that "China was the worst place he ever lived, the people are rude etc." whereas I defended the place saying it's actually not bad, but you do have to know the language etc. but he ignorantly rebutted and said "I don't have time to waste learning the language of every place I live in, when I might not live there forever". Strangely on this thread he's defending the place to the core, even accusing others of racism as if he were some sort of spokesperson for the Chinese. The fact is, political correctness and racism do not translate well into Chinese. The Chinese themselves don't care for these "western" concepts and won't hesitate to call something what it is, so no matter which way this argument goes, nobody will care. But without going too much off topic, I think paddyjenkins has made some good points.

I think I was pretty clear in this thread that China's not my favorite place on earth. But neither you nor Paddyjenkins actually have a point; except the racist agenda you both seem to delight in pursuing. There are 1.3 billion people in China and 4 of them behaved badly on a plane. If you got all the internet videos of bad Chinese behaviour together... you might find 1,000 miscreants. These people no more represent China than a British football hooligan represents the people of the UK.

Yes, the Chinese are rude but by and large their rudeness does not endanger people's safety. Sometimes you have to wonder why people can't manage to understand the point being made and then you remember - it's because they're not having a conversation but would rather say; "Look at me! I am so clever that statistics, fairness, etc. does not matter." and "I am so special because I learned Chinese!" neither of which are in fact true. 1. Statistics and fairness matter in order to stop people drawing conclusions from spurious and minimal data. 2. 1.3 billion Chinese managed that too - it's not special but in fact decidedly ordinary. Get over yourself now.

dude get a life. Again nobody is impressed by what you're trying to say.
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Since you're not sure I'll help you along a bit.

The reason is its part of a pattern, not an isolated incident, just another one. Mainland Chinese tourists are seen and reported behaving poorly, far more so than any other nationality I am aware of, even factoring in the population size.

From stealing life vests and crockery on planes, to screaming and shouting and fighting, we hear the stories all the time. But even if there isn't a "scene", on every flight I've been on they tend to ruin the trip for other travelers because of talking and shouting extremely loudly and moving about the plane. Off the plane their behavior is often equally disgusting and inconsiderate and ill mannered, including spitting, shouting and causing disturbance of the peace wherever they go, to public defecation, to throwing tantrums, to pushing and shoving and cutting into queues.

And it doesn't stop there. They have a reputation for greed and dishonesty in business, those that are wealthy often display their wealth in the most vulgar fashion and we frequently learn that they have gained that wealth through either corruption or cheating.

Yes, yawn yawn yawn, I already know what your going to say...don't generalize...it's not all...well, we know not all, we know there are probably many who are decent and considerate, but the frequency of terrible behavior is prevalent enough that their image is now deservedly bad. If they want to improve their image, and I doubt they really care, then relying on idiot apologists won't get them far, because the only thing that will help is to start behaving decently and respectfully towards other nationalities and in other peoples countries.

Hope you get it now.

Thank you, I always enjoy being patronized by a racist ignoramus for breakfast. It's good to see the world through your own prejudiced lenses just so I can be thankful that no matter how much of a git I am today; I will still fall short of your own dramatic standards.

You may "hear stories all the time" but whilst there's no doubt that the Chinese are a bit rude by a Western yardstick; they are not particularly given to violent outbursts on planes any certainly not more so than any other nationality. You may be laying in wait to blame everything on Chinese people; the more rational of us tend to ask sensible questions like; "Which total plonker judges 1.3 billion people by the behaviour of 4 members of that group?" Sadly, I actually got an answer to that question. My condolences to you - life must be a wonderful place when you can see in ignorant black and white based on the occasional newspaper article.

I'll say it one more time as you are clearly very slow and require remedial tutoring. I said the incident was part of a pattern. Nobody is judging an entire nation based on 4 people, but they are judging based on a pattern....a very clear one, if you are too stupid to see the pattern then too bad. If you object to judgement based on a pattern then you are just blinding yourself to the facts. The facts are very clear but it needs a certain level of intelligence to see them. As for your comment about being a bit ruder than Westerners...LOL...they aren't a bit ruder, their rudeness is totally off the charts. As for your comment about racism, you just expose your own stupidity and bigotry there again, relaying in worn out platitudes to attack with. I said mainland Chinese, I didn't actually paint all Chinese with the same brush at all, so no racism there matey. And I know quite a few non mainland Chinese who find the behavior of the mainland Chinese even more disgusting than I do. Now go and put your dunce hat on.

While I don't want to get involved in this "cyberfight" I should let you know that over on the Cambodia section of the forum TheSiemReaper openly said that "China was the worst place he ever lived, the people are rude etc." whereas I defended the place saying it's actually not bad, but you do have to know the language etc. but he ignorantly rebutted and said "I don't have time to waste learning the language of every place I live in, when I might not live there forever". Strangely on this thread he's defending the place to the core, even accusing others of racism as if he were some sort of spokesperson for the Chinese. The fact is, political correctness and racism do not translate well into Chinese. The Chinese themselves don't care for these "western" concepts and won't hesitate to call something what it is, so no matter which way this argument goes, nobody will care. But without going too much off topic, I think paddyjenkins has made some good points.

I think I was pretty clear in this thread that China's not my favorite place on earth. But neither you nor Paddyjenkins actually have a point; except the racist agenda you both seem to delight in pursuing. There are 1.3 billion people in China and 4 of them behaved badly on a plane. If you got all the internet videos of bad Chinese behaviour together... you might find 1,000 miscreants. These people no more represent China than a British football hooligan represents the people of the UK.

Yes, the Chinese are rude but by and large their rudeness does not endanger people's safety. Sometimes you have to wonder why people can't manage to understand the point being made and then you remember - it's because they're not having a conversation but would rather say; "Look at me! I am so clever that statistics, fairness, etc. does not matter." and "I am so special because I learned Chinese!" neither of which are in fact true. 1. Statistics and fairness matter in order to stop people drawing conclusions from spurious and minimal data. 2. 1.3 billion Chinese managed that too - it's not special but in fact decidedly ordinary. Get over yourself now.

dude get a life. Again nobody is impressed by what you're trying to say.

And I've already seen that you are own, and only, cheering section. Congratulations you learned a worthless language; to complement your own insubstantial existence. You win the Internet.

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  • 1 month later...

It's really close to impossible to use AirAsia in the future overrun by mainland Chinese which come with unbearable noises and rude manners- I feel better at Shenzhen train station than the crowd they put on the flights - this has nothing to do with racism it's just a fact.

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