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More measures to ease traffic jams in Bangkok due soon


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Redirecting the traffic will not solve the problem, as the real problem is that there are far too many cars on the road. The capacity of the roads have been exceeded.

Easing the traffic problems would be aided by more public transportation of high quality. Skytrain & Underground both worked wonders in getting people safely there & back.

Double the amount of both.

Selecting the vehicles that need to be on the roads is a big problem. Simply adding one extra lane in each direction on most roads would be easily accomplished


Taxis...gotta have em. Loading zones... gotta have em. Delivery vehicles... gotta have em. busses... gotta have em (alternate energy would help with the pollution{ I cant breathe}.

Private passenger autos????? with one or zero passengers???? Used for comutting to & from work?? Parked for most of the day. AAAHHHHhhhhh. NO...

Vehicles parked curbside using up valuble lanes of roadway???? Serve the greater good??? No. Inflate egos of people that don't need inflated egos

Parking on the roadway has become a right. If no spot is avalible, right out front, double parking with or without "Emergency Flashers" on.

I'll just be a minute... ... ... ah big problem/ big opportunity to collect big fines. $$$$ for more public transport

If its gotta be parked on a roadway it doesn't need to be on the road.

Potential Solutions: Eliminate roadway parking.

Enforce time limits in loading zones. Tow offenders. $$$$ for more public transport

Opportunity: Build Huge parking garages near outlyng skytrain stations. Build more & better skytrain & underground ..

Designated zones for 3 or more in private passenger vehicles. (works in Singapoor).

When public Transport becomes the best option it will claim the ridership neccesary to become more efficient ... ... ...

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More measures to ease traffic jams in Bangkok

Simple. Ban the taxis that refuse fares and have an inner-city tax on anything with four wheels or more.

"Ban the taxis that refuse fares" Rediculous. Not realistic. At the end of a shift the cabs have to be returned to a designated place so the next driver can take over.

The drivers will not refuse a fare that takes them to where they need to be. They will refuse a fare that will take them a long ways from where they need to be at the end of their shift.

If the cars are not returned when & where they are supposed to be at the end of the shift the drivers must pay a heavy fine, effectively wiping out their income for the day.

Is your personel convienience that important to the driver??? Only to greedy you!!!

Your other suggestion has a hint of reality. Inner city zone ok, but ban parking not driving.

Roadways, vehicles & blood are similar in that they are only useful when they are moving,

transporting what they are designed to move. They become a problem when they stop... ... ...

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