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Blame-the-Chinese fever heats up after rumored vandalism at Temple of the Emerald Buddha


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As much fun as the China bashing is, did nobody notice this?

Someone who answered the phone at the temple today (declined to answer questions or confirm whether the incident happened)

I've seen this line before. I just can't remember if it was in the Mail, the Sport or Viz.

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...the bulk of crimes....druggings.....theft.....even murder....are perpetrated by......???

On an average day there are 120.000 Chinese tourists in Thailand.

On an average day there are 67.000.000 Thais in Thailand.

So the answer to your riddle must be: Icelanders??

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I've read of at least two demonstrations in Hong Kong by the HK Chinese against the mainland Chinese. The HKC were up in arms over MLC tourists who piss in the streets, spit on the floors, etc. etc. You can't call it racism because they're all Chinese.

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I lived in China for 8 years. Of course it is not right to generalise about any race but when it comes to the Chinese 90% of them are disgusting pigs with no concern for anyone around them. Just look at that Chinese guy screaming on the plane a few days ago. What Western person would ever do that on a plane just because they are not sat next to their other half? We would quietly have a word with a flight attendant to see if she or he could help us right? We are dealing with animals.

I married a Chinese woman but am now thankfully divorced. But during the time with her and she was a from a class family, I witnessed first hand how most Chinese behave. Pissing or spitting in the street is commonplace. Spitting out of a 5th floor window with no regard for who is is going to get hit in the head by your gob is not an issue. Spitting on the dinner table is also common. Speaking with your mouth full of frog, no problem. They also do not understand queue or line up. They just push in even if I was counting out loads of money to a bank teller.

What we have to realise is that a millions of Chinese farmers are coming off the land each year, earning money in factories, becoming wealthy enough to travel but they still have the farmer mentality. They simply have no idea what is right or wrong and have a very parochial mindset meaning they are unaware of anything or anyone except what is in their mind at the given moment.

I know this is fact because I owned a chinese factory and I saw so many poor people being able to buy their first car but they had rarely used a road let alone understand the rules of the road. Chinese driving ( I owned and drove a car there) makes Thai drivers look like angels.

I say the best way is if you see a Chinese behaving badly or in a low life manner, tell him, embarrass him. Make him lose face in public because that will hurt him a lot. They need educating.

You sound like a man who is angry with Chinese people because you made the mistake of marrying a Chinese woman !

Yes, any man who is not Chinese and marries a Chinese woman is making a mistake. These women only want foreigners because they can get more money from the foreigner than from a Chinese man. Yes, lots of Chinese men have very little money.

You had a factory in China ? Perhaps all foreigners should refuse to open factories in China. Maybe we need to educate people in Europe and America to not buy goods that are made in China. After all, the Chinese factories pumping out cheap goods to America and Europe is what's allowing more and more Chinese to travel around the world ! :)

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chinese are cheap tourists who not respect Thai Buddha and destroy home of Thai buddha

What I have seen was that the 'home' of Thai Buddha was not destroyed. A few stands were knocked over. Second, I see so, so much going on in Thailand among the Thai people that shows a complete lack of respect for Buddha since so, so few honor his teachings by following them. So please, do not say that these silly Chinese actions show less respect for Buddha than what Thai actions do.

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Well some one put these protective barriers on their side , whoever it was has shown how disrespectful people can be, who ever it was I hope you are proud of yourselves and invite you back as you are such model citizens , you are a credit to your family and regardless wherever from , to your country.bah.gif

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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

Wonder what the Chinese would say if after a bussload of Thai tourist just visited the Great Wall of China "Somchai was here" was spray painted on it?

To be honest they are as disrespectful in their own country when visiting places. I worked in a place called Gongyi which was about 30k form the Shoalin temple,A few of us went to see it on a Sunday and there were hoards of local tourists. Still doing what they do everywhere else , same hats ,same jackets , tour guide with a mega phone , whistle and flag. All running about trying to be first into an attraction and going into restricted areas. There was a demo of a Kata by the "Monks" and you could not hear yourself think , people screaming and shouting , pushing up the front and taking pictures. Its a beautiful place and they ruined it.

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I'd be willing to bet that the majority of Chinese tourists have been well behaved. Maybe better behaved than when they are in China. Not being an apologist for the Chinese but realistic. Foreign travel is new for the Chinese and the first large waves of tourists no doubt will include some who do not now how to behave properly. People are still complaining of loud Americans, drunken Aussies, packs of Japanese, rude Germans, cheap Canadians blah blah blah. Every culture has its own particular baggage that we bring with us when we travel.

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I'd be willing to bet that the majority of Chinese tourists have been well behaved. Maybe better behaved than when they are in China. Not being an apologist for the Chinese but realistic. Foreign travel is new for the Chinese and the first large waves of tourists no doubt will include some who do not now how to behave properly. People are still complaining of loud Americans, drunken Aussies, packs of Japanese, rude Germans, cheap Canadians blah blah blah. Every culture has its own particular baggage that we bring with us when we travel.

I was once told by a Japanese friend (co-worker) in Toronto -- the average Japanese here [Toronto] is not very high. The only people that have time to travel for extended periods of time are those that don't really have a [professional] career because once you start moving up even your holidays become work days, etc. I have often remarked that the average farang in Thailand have less class than those elsewhere [then I have to explain the how in Canada class equates to behaviour not societal position]. Mix in the rise in incomes in China, the number of "new" money wealth - many carry "baggage" and it comes through in poor behaviour towards others (put others down to feel superior). Basically, large thongs of tourists always cause problems. Most mainland Chinese that I have worked with (mostly in Software Development - graduates from quality Universities etc.) in both the US and Canada are nothing like these people that make the news.... and nothing like the tourists in HK from mainland China (on average).

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I live in China and have lived in Korea. I don't believe the reports of Chinese spitting on tables - they spit on the floor (carpeted or not) and use the floor as an ashtray & garbage can. Koreans spit in ashtrays (on the table) and use the floor as an ashtray & garbage can.

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I dunno why everyone here is crapping on Russian tourists. Every time I went for a vacation in pattaya most of them behave just fine, treat somewhat annoying beach vendors with respect and generally take tour packages in groups unlike Westerners who suddenly count every penny as soon as they leave the motherland. What am I missing? An occasional basket case?

I enjoy their company on the beach also... As a 100+ kilo American they make me look downright skinny!

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I dunno why everyone here is crapping on Russian tourists. Every time I went for a vacation in pattaya most of them behave just fine, treat somewhat annoying beach vendors with respect and generally take tour packages in groups unlike Westerners who suddenly count every penny as soon as they leave the motherland. What am I missing? An occasional basket case?

I enjoy their company on the beach also... As a 100+ kilo American they make me look downright skinny!

You really must be from another forumcheesy.gif This is about bashing Chinese!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When you are not happy with the Ugly American... What do you replace them with? Those dirty Chinese??? Hmmmmm...

I think just as you may have had the "ugly American" syndrome 30 or 40 years ago, that has been replaced in Pattaya with the ugly Russian and perhaps in Phuket with the ugly Aussie, with that said we are talking in all of these cases about a few bad apples giving their respective countrymen a bad name, however in the case with the Chinese tourists it doesn't seem to be a few bad apples but rather a larger behavioral problem with the Chinese themselves. Thailand's tourism industry is between a rock and a hard place given the economy in Europe, and the falling currency values in Russia, Australia and Japan sad.png I don't know what the answer is for the Thai tourism sector, but the Thai government needs to put their foot down on this behavioral problem that the Chinese tourists exhibit or else they may find themselves losing the few western tourists that will still come to Thailand, and then all they will be left with are the Chinese and the Koreans shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQscSXB5r

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I agree you have the occasional Chinese tourist behaving very badly and rudely - as well as having zero ability in queuing - but most often stay in their designated group and follow the guide like sheep.

As this group had paid the very hefty tourist entrance fee and perhaps was fleeced a couple hundred of baht for "renting" a proper dress, maybe they felt that at least they should be entitled to get a good selfie pic.

Spare me the pathetic Thai outrage on tourists not respecting the Thai temples - I have several times heard very loud group of Thais running around in churches in e.g. Paris, London and Rome. And as for Chinese not shoeing courtesy, how about Thais not having the common courtesy of shutting up in a meeting room when someone speaks (but this is the Chinese bashing thread)?

All countries have good and rude travelers. May i remind of e.g. the New Zealander and Australian hitting each other with whiskey bottles recently during flight http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/07/22/jack-daniels-settles-drunken-midair-tourist-brawl-thai, and a quick search on Google give me a hit on almost every toursit nationality behaving bad somewhere in the world, so spare me the boring "Quality tourist" comment (and that goes especially to TAT as well).

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But good tourists get ripped off more and treated worse - This type of tourist the Thais cant win, because Chinese are no better and wont be ripped off without a drama.
Som Nam Naa Thailand - It seems Karma has finally bitten you on your &lt;deleted&gt; for the decades of abusing your decent visitors.

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my local massage gal told me a chinese man stole another customers i phone while getting masagged a few days ago..many are ''oportunists''...give them an inch.and..........sawadee carp

Give them an inch? So that would make two inches, right?

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I lived in China for 8 years. Of course it is not right to generalise about any race but when it comes to the Chinese 90% of them are disgusting pigs with no concern for anyone around them. Just look at that Chinese guy screaming on the plane a few days ago. What Western person would ever do that on a plane just because they are not sat next to their other half? We would quietly have a word with a flight attendant to see if she or he could help us right? We are dealing with animals.

I married a Chinese woman but am now thankfully divorced. But during the time with her and she was a from a class family, I witnessed first hand how most Chinese behave. Pissing or spitting in the street is commonplace. Spitting out of a 5th floor window with no regard for who is is going to get hit in the head by your gob is not an issue. Spitting on the dinner table is also common. Speaking with your mouth full of frog, no problem. They also do not understand queue or line up. They just push in even if I was counting out loads of money to a bank teller.

What we have to realise is that a millions of Chinese farmers are coming off the land each year, earning money in factories, becoming wealthy enough to travel but they still have the farmer mentality. They simply have no idea what is right or wrong and have a very parochial mindset meaning they are unaware of anything or anyone except what is in their mind at the given moment.

I know this is fact because I owned a chinese factory and I saw so many poor people being able to buy their first car but they had rarely used a road let alone understand the rules of the road. Chinese driving ( I owned and drove a car there) makes Thai drivers look like angels.

I say the best way is if you see a Chinese behaving badly or in a low life manner, tell him, embarrass him. Make him lose face in public because that will hurt him a lot. They need educating.

You sound like a man who is angry with Chinese people because you made the mistake of marrying a Chinese woman !

Yes, any man who is not Chinese and marries a Chinese woman is making a mistake. These women only want foreigners because they can get more money from the foreigner than from a Chinese man. Yes, lots of Chinese men have very little money.

You had a factory in China ? Perhaps all foreigners should refuse to open factories in China. Maybe we need to educate people in Europe and America to not buy goods that are made in China. After all, the Chinese factories pumping out cheap goods to America and Europe is what's allowing more and more Chinese to travel around the world ! smile.png

The above comment is just drivelling nonsense. BTW I too have a friend married to a Chinese lady who he loves dearly but he loathes the Chinese.

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