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What is a troll?????? other than a long haired imp that lives under a bridge in ye old england, surly they dont have high speed broead band internet connections do they????

Seriously what is a troll??

One good explanation:

A troll is deliberately crafted to provoke others with the intention of wasting their time and energy. A troll is a time thief. To troll is to steal from people. That is what makes trolling heinous.

You as well can combine it with a flamer or troll-flamer, someone who runs out of arguments and turns to expletives.

A troller is looking for a response and he will block the threat with complaints, insults, compliments, and inflammatory posts hoping that someone will take the bait. usually harmless id...ts who, hoever, can upset the delicate background of a discussion forum. The easiest thing is to ignore or the admin to tell him to move somewhere else.

Here one more information:


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I want to take your advice and change my name from

American to "Falung Kenoke". I searched through my controls but can not find where I can change this. I am some what new at computers so if you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

My wife wanted me to use "Falung Kenoke hook by salung" but I think it might be to long.

I am taking my wife's word for this, She said that it means white as bird sh*t and 6 for penny.

thanks for any help


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I suspect you cannot do it yourself, unless you open a new account.

I also suspect it is still possible to do it indirectly, through the help of one of the Administrators of this Forum (George, ######,...). Just send them a PM (Personnal Message) with your request... :D

May I recommend you to please your wife (always ! :D ) and put "Falung Kenoke hook by salung" in your signature, then (with the English traduction beside it, should not be too long, for everybody to be able to enjoy it). :o

This is the spirit, indeed ! :D

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hi jim,

My wife wanted me to use "Falung Kenoke hook by salung" but I think it might be to long

are you sure about the kee nok thing jim?

I remember reading it was an insult somewhere. Maybe it was kee nio i'm thinking about . Sure would ask twice.


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'Falang keynoke' was recently added to my vocabulary while driving in Chiang Mai city.

A fat, bearded, half-naked, fully tatooed and pierced biker staggered in front of us. We braked hard, and my Thai friend referred to him a 'falang keynoke.' My wife later explained that this term is reserved for the really rotten westerners -- milder terms are used for the merely unwashed backpackers (one sounded like 'falang geek gak' -- mayber a speaker of Thai can give us a complete rundown so that we may know when it is time to clean up our act :o )

Oh, if anyone reading this was nearly runover by a green Soluna, please advise, and we'll return your tummy ring retrieved from our bumper.

Jim, I like your wife's humor -- I think.......... :D

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QUOTE (Doc Adams @ Sat 2004-03-20, 10:12:40)

Hey guys,

It's a great site if you're living in Thailand!

What's the mystery?

The mystery ? What mystery ?

First rule of Thaivisa; Don't talk about the mystery.

Shhhhht, please don't talk about the Mystery !.... :D

As we all probably know, the Mystery shall not be revealed. Ever !... :D

As otherwise, it would not be a Mystery anymore... :o:D:D

Mystery? Im still trying to get ###### to teach me the secret hand shake.

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Guest IT Manager

The record is an 80 page thread about Zen and Home Design started in 1945 by a Japanese member. The thread was hijacked by a Frenchman in 1948, who later converted to Catholicism and quite cynically sold Hill Tribe Handbags from a mat on the footpath outside what is now the mango tree cafe, but which at the time was a small parking lot for buffalo carts.

This same chap later began a thread on the correct method of drinking tea, whilst describing himself as a Gentleman.

In 1956 someone realised that it was him consuming vast quantities of Chang Beer, on the same footpath, and collecting many small sums in the mail from people wishing to be educated about tea, in all its' forms, and the correct way to consume same.

Later he married a lovely Thai lady who promptly stopped him from rorting people using skills he didn't have, to earn money he didn't deserve in locations he wasn't supposed to be. We just gave him a 7 day suspension, due to lack of interest.

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