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Do I have any hope to find a job teacher in Thailand with my background ?


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3 pages of endless pointless moronic debate that has turned into another discussion of non native vs native teachers with a little those with degrees are better than those without. Not to forget the nationalistic bashing and just non sense and misinformation.

HELLO< The OP hasn't responded at all. You trolls have chased away another poster. GOOD JOB.

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3 pages of endless pointless moronic debate that has turned into another discussion of non native vs native teachers with a little those with degrees are better than those without. Not to forget the nationalistic bashing and just non sense and misinformation.

HELLO< The OP hasn't responded at all. You trolls have chased away another poster. GOOD JOB.


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3 pages of endless pointless moronic debate that has turned into another discussion of non native vs native teachers with a little those with degrees are better than those without. Not to forget the nationalistic bashing and just non sense and misinformation.

HELLO< The OP hasn't responded at all. You trolls have chased away another poster. GOOD JOB.

And you gave the OP obviously the best advice. GOOD JOB. Some were at least trying to give him some advice. Why is there so much hate on this forum?

Is it the Christmas being lonely syndrome?

Merry Christmas. -thumbsup.gif

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I guarantee if the OP applies for 10 jobs, he will be offered a minimum of 3.

The question is, "Is he prepared to work for 38,000 Baht a month?"

If he applies outside the big cities.

Better chances in Issan.

No chances to "make" that amount of money in Isaan with such incredible qualifications. Might be working at Burger Kings, spitting on your onion rings.

The OP didn't even respond and I think he just had a wet dream on his snowboard, when booking a flight onboard. biggrin.png


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I'm just a guy whose native language and TEFL gives me the qualification to teach it. If Thailand, and so many posters of TV, insist on BEd degrees to teach English or French/Chinese then no languages will be taught. In my own country a TEFL is enough for me to get a job teaching ESL to newcomers, why is that not good enough for the "qualified teachers only" brigade on Thai Visa?

I wouldn't want anyone who hadn't been watched closely, by other teachers, for years, to have the chance of fiddling with my children.

Most deviants can keep up the pretence of normality for the 6 weeks duration of a TEFL course.

I agree with the idea that there needs to be criminal record checks.

My point is that to insist on people with BEd degrees and multiple years of experience in Western schools will be the death of English learning in Thailand.

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Hi op I am a qualified teacher who after some time hear applied for a job at a reputable school. They wanted my bachelor degree and yes a real one which they check with the University plus your qualified teacher status in your own country plus evidence of teaching experience lesson observations, references from school principle etc. this is in line with them becoming ASEAN community. Yes there was a time when you could do a TEFL or ESOL course and no problem and some schools will still take anyone but for a lot less money. However the official rules and I repeat official rules for teachers have changed. Once you have a contract you need authority from Ministry of Education for your teaching licence after they have approved all your docs. Then you go to the embassy for your Non Im Visa for English teacher. Everything hunky dory until they ask you for your enhanced CRB check (criminal records bureau) which you need to work in schools anywhere in the world and now OFFICIALLY in Thailand. No problem I've been teaching in schools in UK for over 5 years there you go.... No good it has to be issued within the last 6 months in your OWN country. An individual cannot apply for one only the employing organisation and guess what a Thai school can't apply for a foreign enhanced CRB and a local thai police check here is worth shit it will not check a foreigners background in their own country they could have done anything. So no English teacher visa unless you go back to your own country get a job teaching get a new Enhanced CRB, quit the job after a month come to Thailand and see if you can find a job, get the necessary paperwork done and hey presto. Lot of work for what is not exactly an outstanding wage. Sorry to be negative but that was my experience of trying to do it correctly and like so many things here it's BS on paperwork that Thai authorities don't understand. They want qualified teachers to improve education...but they don't want to pay and they make it hard. Had to laugh when I've seen a school employ an English teacher who was Filipino whose only qualification was a 10 hour TEFL course...her accent was worse than some of the students.

As I say that is the official line for a visa for English teacher now. You may get under the radar but as soon as you apply for a visa for a teacher they will ask you for all those docs. Let there education remain third world. Like so many things they want our money, maybe our experience but certainly not us.

I am now teaching in University as I could provide all my docs but didn't need an enhanced CRB recent they accepted my old one as I am working with young adults an not children.

By all means try but I think you have a hell of a quest not even being a native English speaker. If you want to teach French I think you will encounter the same problems.

As someone earlier suggested why not try translation services for the French expat community here, however you will have to brush up on your Thai

Good luck my friend don't let the b**t***s grind you down!

Just wrong on every level. Maybe your school had those requirements, but don't think this is the scenario for teachers at all.

Hey I'm not saying he can't teach obviously you manage on your TEFL and ESOL skills but that will not make you a qualified, security cleared teacher in any modern country. I was explaining that The new requirements for a visa for an English teacher are such as what I've stated. Doesn't matter what the school think. The Thai Embassy, certainly in London want all of the paperwork I've mentioned plus your CRB. Makes perfect sense. And please don't tell me that just because you've done a TEFL course or ESOL course it makes you a teacher on paper it makes you a teaching assistant at best. But if you can't satisfy the new visa requirements you won't get it for teaching here. Things are changing over here and I'm not one of the qualified teachers no best brigade I was explaining how difficult is now EVEN if you are a qualified teacher.

First of all, Thailand is not a modern country. If you insist on proper Western teaching credentials in developing countries you are dooming them to never learning English.

Nobody with a BEd and years of experience will ever come here.

How new are the rules? I've just gotten my visa renewed and my work permit done 2 weeks ago and I don't have a Teacher's degree from back home. I'm fully legit

and didn't do any of what you claim.

I absolutely agree teachers need criminal record checks.

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