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Groups want Thai PM to stay for three years

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Says a lot about the (total lack of) sense of reality among those 'groups'... Most Government policies take several years to prepare and decide about, 4, 6, 10 years to realise, but they want a PM for 3 years, shorter than the MPs term... Can I please call them stupid? Or is it another attempt to push through with the, silly, dangerous, and NOT democratic concept to have a PM who is not elected by a majority of MPs, MP himself or not (it's not like a President, Thailand is not a Republic)?

All the bunch of those people officially busy with changes and reforms strongly remind me to Mickey Mouse, as failed apprentice magician, in the old Walt Disney's 'Fantasia' cartoon movie, trouble being here there is no, there will be no, 'real magician' to repair their foolish mistakes once made, the water will not come back into the buckets by itself (N.B. to Mr Plodprasop: sorry, but no, in reality it doesn't work) even after taking the magic wand away from them, and it will, once more, be for the true, real, small, Thais to mop up all what they have spilled, ...in blood, sweat and tears!


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Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

If the alternative is the next Thaksin crony and shooting on the streets, than he may stay 10 years.

While I think a PM should be better than Prayuth, I only need to think back to Yinglucks, Samaks, Abhisits and Somchais government. There Prayuth is surely the best option.

As long as the NCPO remains in absolute power of the nation, you'll never know of any better alternative. The risk to the Junta to have an "uncontrolled" element undo everything it worked to create is too great. "Change" is not the warcry of a military junta - it is "stagnate."

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Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

Why not make it 20? That's how long TRT claimed they would be in power.

Difference was(is) they were elected, and then re - elected. Twice if memory serves, between the two coups - sorry I mean "special methods".


Before the top end of town start going gaga and frothing at the mouth with glee , put this proposal to the people in a referendum , don't just decide we know what's good for you , there is enough of that already , go to the people.coffee1.gif

Until the man with no name removes himself from the political scene, going to the people to determine the government would be a waste of time. Because no matter who wins, there would be aftershock demonstrations, protests and violence from both sides following the elections. Thailand is currently calm and peaceful again. Most day to day people really don't care what the government does, they just want to live their lives an support their families.


Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

Why not make it 20? That's how long TRT claimed they would be in power.

Difference was(is) they were elected, and then re - elected. Twice if memory serves, between the two coups - sorry I mean "special methods".

And, of course, elections are by far the most important thing. We should ignore the corruption, perjury, fraud, flouting of electoral law, private militia, nepotism, false declaration of assets, political lies, co-option of the RTP/DSI, cronyism, paying of MPs to join a party, intimidation of canvassers, murder of protesters/bystanders, smearing of opponents, electoral bribery, party listing of criminals to avoid prosecution, and the downgrading of anti-corruption agencies - because these are minor matters.


Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

If the alternative is the next Thaksin crony and shooting on the streets, than he may stay 10 years.

While I think a PM should be better than Prayuth, I only need to think back to Yinglucks, Samaks, Abhisits and Somchais government. There Prayuth is surely the best option.

The only reason there is 'shooting' in the streets is due to powerful groups facilitating, financing and orchestrating the overthrow of democratically elected Govts.

You can never condone violence, but when the people's wishes continue to be thrown out then it is kind of understandable that some people turn to more extreme measures unfortunately.

Protests against an elected governments legal excesses and illegal acts are desirable in a democracy. But the killing of those protesters, not to mention a few children who happen to be nearby, is " kind of understandable" in your strange little world.

How do you feel about PTP/Thaksin "facilitating, financing and orchestrating" an armed militia? Legitimate political expression?

Protests yes! but killings, mass violence, kidnappings, violent disruption of free and democratic elections, NO!


Before the top end of town start going gaga and frothing at the mouth with glee , put this proposal to the people in a referendum , don't just decide we know what's good for you , there is enough of that already , go to the people.coffee1.gif

Until the man with no name removes himself from the political scene, going to the people to determine the government would be a waste of time. Because no matter who wins, there would be aftershock demonstrations, protests and violence from both sides following the elections. Thailand is currently calm and peaceful again. Most day to day people really don't care what the government does, they just want to live their lives an support their families.

What's Clint Eastwood got to do with this?


Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

Jag...that's his intention. It is quite clear to me, using other stories such as 'new year gifts' etc (too many to mention) that the population are being 'educated' and softened up for the inevitable announcement of the current regime staying in power until 2020 - at least.

I've given up, and am off to Spain next spring after 7years here. It's just a principled decision about living under a military government. Maybe many posters will think that's barmy but that's me.

Happy New Year to everyone.

"Maybe many posters will think that's barmy"

Not me, I salute your principles.


Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

Jag...that's his intention. It is quite clear to me, using other stories such as 'new year gifts' etc (too many to mention) that the population are being 'educated' and softened up for the inevitable announcement of the current regime staying in power until 2020 - at least.

I've given up, and am off to Spain next spring after 7years here. It's just a principled decision about living under a military government. Maybe many posters will think that's barmy but that's me.

Happy New Year to everyone.

Good luck. Best beloved won't leave her parents so leaving is not an option. I will sit it out.


Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

Why not make it 20? That's how long TRT claimed they would be in power.

If it hadn't been for the 2006 coup they might well have been.

And the 3rd Reich might have lasted for 1000 years, if it hadn't been for WWII. Corrupt megalomaniacs cause their own downfall.

The 3rd Reich might have vanished but the ideology and methods it used haven’t, or have they?

No they haven't, fascism is on the rise all over Europe, not just in Thailand. In fact in the Ukraine we already have a fascist government which violently overthrew a democratic government.


Indeed, it would be rude not to. Let's make it 5 - It is a nice round number after all.

Why not make it 20? That's how long TRT claimed they would be in power.

Difference was(is) they were elected, and then re - elected. Twice if memory serves, between the two coups - sorry I mean "special methods".

And, of course, elections are by far the most important thing. We should ignore the corruption, perjury, fraud, flouting of electoral law, private militia, nepotism, false declaration of assets, political lies, co-option of the RTP/DSI, cronyism, paying of MPs to join a party, intimidation of canvassers, murder of protesters/bystanders, smearing of opponents, electoral bribery, party listing of criminals to avoid prosecution, and the downgrading of anti-corruption agencies - because these are minor matters.

No they're not minor matters, but they are dwarfed by taking over the country at gunpoint, binning the constitution, removing freedom of assembly and freedom of expression, ruling through martial law and all to ensure that you and the interest groups which you represent remain with your sweaty paws on the levers of power, and controlling and benefiting from the bulk of the nations assets after an inevitable sad event happens in the reasonably near future. Cut the bullshit, this is what it boils down to.

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I agree with Nong38. For the rest of the armchair quarter backs, unless you

are a Thai citizen, you never will be, nor will I.

I would rather see the present PM say for 3 years, than for the last 2

Thaksin PMs to do so.

There will always be the supporters of the last governments, but I have also

seen them become corrupted, and not do the best for the country.

I hope that Thailand can keep being a democratic country, and keep the

good respect that they have for their King and the Royal family. I hope that the

government can govern the country in a fair manner, and not get corrupted to

the point that they only think for themselves, and try to rule the country

in a way that harms the population, and the country.

Of course I am only a Farang, who visits Thailand when I can, and I will

never understand the Asian way, but at least my Thai relatives, try to get me to

understand it better than I could on my own.

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