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wifes family


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I was neither white bread (assuming you mean either bland, or caucasian), nor middle class. And I spent two years in Swaziland and Botswana as a young teen. I ate things you've never heard of.

But most westerners have not eaten rat or frog (the above poster acknowledges this, even if you won't), and never would, so it would be considered extreme for them.

no one has to eat rat to be accepted and if you they do, you know little of the country or the people.


Why am I not surprised you totally missed the point you instigated?

Why do you always respond to friendly disagreements with how Thai you are, and how clueless anyone else is who politely disagrees with you?

i know exactly what my point was. it concerns rude supercilious boers who have little respect for the feelings of the women they married or the country that allowed them to live there.

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I was neither white bread (assuming you mean either bland, or caucasian), nor middle class. And I spent two years in Swaziland and Botswana as a young teen. I ate things you've never heard of.

But most westerners have not eaten rat or frog (the above poster acknowledges this, even if you won't), and never would, so it would be considered extreme for them.

no one has to eat rat to be accepted and if you they do, you know little of the country or the people.


Why am I not surprised you totally missed the point you instigated?

Why do you always respond to friendly disagreements with how Thai you are, and how clueless anyone else is who politely disagrees with you?

i know exactly what my point was. it concerns rude supercilious boers who have little respect for the feelings of the women they married or the country that allowed them to live there.

Oops, here we go......

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The more time you spend with them, the more it will cost you. Rule No. 1: in any social situation involving check bin, farang pays.

Even if they are great folks, the cultural gulf makes it just as awkward for them as for you. Don't get all guilted up about "they think you don't like them." Everybody has a right to hang out where they are comfortable.

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Such a lot of sad ar-ses, your lives must be extremely stressful and miserable in Thailand, where everything that should be jovial is considered a great inconvenience and a burden, an intrusion into their territories.

We had many of the family round for Christmas, my BiLs, SiLs, wife`s cousins, aunts, uncles and nephew. In all about 22 of us and we had a wonderful time. The wife`s family done all the cooking and clearing up afterwards, I just sat there being sociable and enjoying the company. Loved it.

I would imagine that the attitudes displayed by some posters here is a portrayal of their characters in general. This is Thailand, where families still matter and have close ties with each other and as regards some of you that think the relatives are talking about you and consider you as the stupid farang, then quite frankly I can`t blame them.


Not stressed or miserable at all, bud. And it appears you got the luck of the draw. That's great! Your experience is likely the exception to the rule.

When I was a boy, I read Emily Post's Guide to Etiquette. 800 pages. There were ten copies in my junior high library. I learned proper manners for all occasions. The adults in my life reinforced what I had read.

As an adult, the sphere I associate in also practices good manners. To the point if they don't like someone they will go out of their way to smile, speak well to them, and add a sir or ma'am on the end of each sentence.

That's polite, non-racist, social behavior. It shows tolerance and good breeding.

When I'm told how polite Thais are, that the wai is such a beautiful greeting, then two people that I'm going to have a relationship with for years to come don't return my properly performed wai that I accompanied with a genuine smile, well, screw 'em. I moved on, and my wife stands behind me 100%.

Having said that, I just returned to the States and had Thanksgiving with my extended family at my nephew's home. The experience was nothing like when I was a kid, where we sat at a table quietly while the adults engaged in a conversation that was meant to be a learning experience for us kids.

Nope, all the kids had their cellphones out, taking selfies and sending messages. When they weren't doing that they were interrupting the adults with inane comments meant to garner them attention, or getting up from the table and running about. Their parents said nothing.

The whole world is becoming me, me, me. Not just Thailand. But that's not what the OP is about.

Amen Brother and to think it is only going to get worse. Well I will be pushing up daisies by then thank God. Since retiring 22 years ago the world has become insane. My mind often drifts back to the care free days of my youth.

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

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Yes been there got the T Shirt, had a trip up Isaan last New Year, started with visit to the supermarket for some beer, ended up with a convoy of trollies behind me, WTFDID ? In the middle of nowhere, no idea where I was at ten o'clock at night. We went out most days but when it come to pay for fuel, food etc they just stared at me ! Thais expect you to pay for everything why ? Is it because we are a guest in their country or we are treated as walking ATM's ? The family all work and have trucks/scooters so not exactly skint.

Another time they visited me in a hotel next thing the kids are all having showers and the adults were hungry, are they are just cheeky b******s and push you to the limit until you say enough is enough, then they seem offended when you say no. I was asked to go to Isaan this New Year, no way !

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand
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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand

I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.

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Use common sense. What would you have done in your own country if your wife's family visited you for few days? I know in Europe it is very unlikely to get visitors in these numbers and for long time but remember you are not living in Europe/West now. Stop living like a robot, be more happy and enjoy the people around you.

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand
I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.
yes that is true what you say and some times I think like that no more woman but we all like and you to like to having your dick wet so that is why I come to thailand but the money I put in to thailand is not much money for me now I can afford to lose it and if man come here and can't afford to lose the money then don't come here you see I have homes to go back to back home not like a lot that come here and lose ever thing
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I was neither white bread (assuming you mean either bland, or caucasian), nor middle class. And I spent two years in Swaziland and Botswana as a young teen. I ate things you've never heard of.

But most westerners have not eaten rat or frog (the above poster acknowledges this, even if you won't), and never would, so it would be considered extreme for them.

no one has to eat rat to be accepted and if you they do, you know little of the country or the people.


Why am I not surprised you totally missed the point you instigated?

Why do you always respond to friendly disagreements with how Thai you are, and how clueless anyone else is who politely disagrees with you?

i know exactly what my point was. it concerns rude supercilious boers who have little respect for the feelings of the women they married or the country that allowed them to live there.


Who here is a Boer? Or did you mean bore?


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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .
Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand
I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.
yes that is true what you say and some times I think like that no more woman but we all like and you to like to having your dick wet so that is why I come to thailand but the money I put in to thailand is not much money for me now I can afford to lose it and if man come here and can't afford to lose the money then don't come here you see I have homes to go back to back home not like a lot that come here and lose ever thing

Ok I understand now, it isn't a relationship you have with your wife, more like a business deal.

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .
Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand
I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.
yes that is true what you say and some times I think like that no more woman but we all like and you to like to having your dick wet so that is why I come to thailand but the money I put in to thailand is not much money for me now I can afford to lose it and if man come here and can't afford to lose the money then don't come here you see I have homes to go back to back home not like a lot that come here and lose ever thing

Ok I understand now, it isn't a relationship you have with your wife, more like a business deal.

yes you could say that I lkie her and her family but not suck in to thai way of life like I read here with a lot of people on here
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My wife always says that she and her Thai friends consider many of the farang ex-pats staying in Thailand as weird. And to be honest after reading many of these posts I have to agree with them.

I know when out and about quite a few won`t even make eye contact, they plonk themselves in Thailand and then prefer to hide away in their own little worlds intolerant of everything and everyone around them. I have no idea why some of them bother to get married. Perhaps they marry as a convenience for having a permanent glorified house keeper or to own property and conduct some sorts of business here? My wife`s family are probably no better and no worse than anyone else`s in-laws, only I make the effort to be a part of that family for the sake of my wife and our children who of course love their extended family. It is very easy to apply some rules about over staying their welcome, but it has to be done diplomatically and there must be compromise, if not then you become the long and suffering, the moaning old farts brigade, boring and not liked, plus it must be one form of living hell for the wives who have to endure living with you guys.

I think the problems lies with the fact that probably the majority of Thailand ex-pats are old retirees and the longer they are here the grouchier and more cranky they become. From what I have witnessed they are never able to fully adapt to life in Thailand, they seem to be on an up hill struggle against the environments around them, it seems impossible for them to be able to interact with others, the one and only solitary farang who just want`s to be left alone and wallow in their own solitudes.

Before accusing everyone else of having faults, it would first be wise to annalise your own characters and faults, because it is obvious that the attitudes are:I`m alright it`s all the others.

how do I give you 4 likes, one for each paragraph! they marry for a translator, a cook, a maid and a bed partner. and perhaps an ornament on their arm.


I speak Thai.

My wife prefers my Thai cooking over her own.

I clean the house and do the laundry; I enjoy it.

You got me on the fourth one.

The fifth one? Well, I'm proud to be seen with my wife.

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand

I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.


He obviously has nothing to do with periods. What the f??k are you on about

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Think I`m going to throw up.

Did you really read that?


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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Wow! You are just bubbling over with kindness and goodwill eh!
look I am smart not a dick head I am a very good man but not going to let a thai or a western woman control me again I have lost a lot of money to woman in the west more then you can think about a lot and I will never let my dick reel over my big head not like a lot of people who come to thailand

I would've thought a smart man like you wouldn't have anything more to do with females.


He obviously has nothing to do with periods. What the f??k are you on about

with an indeterminate future and with your attitude, i guarantee you she's already setting up a plan B

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It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

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Hi I will not have my thais family come and stay with me it is not on and if I am back home in Australia and some of her family stay at my home I am ok with that but when I am in my home living in thailand they can't stay the first time I come back after I have been away for a long time I put on the food but outside not in my home and then after that I don't see them I mite see her mum and dad walk pass but not come in my home my home is of limits to the Thais family I told her from day one I not like people come to my home and no kids as well last year I had the kids sitting out the front and told her to tell them to go away and the next day no kids it is my home and not the Thais family's home and yes some of you will say you can't own a home in thailand and yes I can't own it but I have a 30 years agreement on the land and I paid to build the home and if she is good to me and she has been good to me in the last 6 years she can have the home but if she plays up and piss me off or go's and has a boyfriend behind my back then the home will come down to earth and I will put it on YouTube but hop it does not come to that I am the boos I pay for everything and she no's that , it has taking me some time to get her to understand who pays and now she understand and I will not give her money when I am in thailand but I do send her money every month when I go home to Australia but and I say this I WILL NOT GIVE MY THAI WIFE MONEY WHEN I AM LIVEING IN THAILAND NEVER AND IF SHE DOSE NOT LIKE IT SHE KNOWS WERE THE DOOR IS .

Take a chill pill - or put the meth pipe down - ever heard of punctuation?? Jeez, I thought slavery was abolished in Australia a hundred years ago.
you would be a Pom prick like most of the ones that lose out on a thai mole
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