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Will the UK allow my wife in without a return ticket back to Thailand?

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Interesting that UK immigration don't care if you have a return ticket or not, but the airlines do. Who's in charge here?

Under international agreements if an airline carries a passenger whom they know does not have the correct entry clearance for their destination then the airline not only has to bear the cost of returning that passenger to whence they came, but could also be fined up to (if memory serves) 20,000USD!

As stated earlier, there is nothing in the UK immigration rules which says that a visitor must have a return or onward ticket. As long as they can, if asked to do so, show that they have such a ticket or the means available to them, from their own or another person's resources, with which to purchase one.

The problem seems to be that some airline's check in staff are unaware of this and so being over cautious.

As theoldgit says, all the airline should be interested in is whether or not the passenger has a valid visa (if one is required). As long as they do then the airline is covered, even if the passenger is refused entry for some reason.

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Another reason for the airlines hard stance may be that the flight is overbooked, it's not an uncommon event. In that situation any bullshit will do, with the only intention being to keep a (or some) passengers off the overbooked flight and pass the buck of expenses back to the passengers. Who knows, I sure don't. But I do know that refusals are a fact.

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Well, after all that, the conclusion, for me, seems to be that as I intend to use Emirates to Brum, and return, I shall visit the Emirates office and try to get chapter and verse from them.

As we have had 2 previous 'visiting friends and family' visas in the past, and we'll be married in two weeks so she'll be travelling as my wife next time, the visa is not the problem.

The airline seems to be potentially the only obstruction, so best to try to nail them down in advance.

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We travel with Emirates - Bangkok to Birmingham - on a regular basis and now source all our fares from BHX because of the considerable savings.

When I first contacted Emirates both, Dubai and Bangkok stated a return flight would have to be booked. However, in practice we have never been asked at either Bangkok or Dubai for any proof of having a return flight booked. They always check for a valid visa and then wave us through.

Birmingham Immigration are fine and are more interested in the duration of your stay rather than having a return fare booked. When I asked the duty officer he confirmed it wasn't a requirement.

Hope that helps.

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