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I am leaving Thailand. Which nearby country (or asian country) will allow us without visa hassle?

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i have a number of friends who have lived in thailand before and have been relocated for work to all over the region - Cambodia (PP), Malaysia (KL and Penang), Indonesia (Jakarta), Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Ho Chi Min, Siagon), Philippines (Manila).

They all have one thin in common - the second they get a long weekend or holiday break they are back in thailand saying they wish they could get posted back.

grass is always greener it seems.

Good point. I also know people who have lived and worked in LOS for lengthy periods then went to other SEA countries and they are always talking about wanting to get back to LOS. Warts & all the country has many pluses. I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation. Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard.

"I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation." - maybe in Issarn, but not in the tourist areas.

"Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." - I agree that nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has, but to say it doesn't exist in neighbouring countries , or it's "not quite like LOS in that regard" is simply not true.

Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists. I would agree, Malaysia not so much, but the other countries definately have. .

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i have a number of friends who have lived in thailand before and have been relocated for work to all over the region - Cambodia (PP), Malaysia (KL and Penang), Indonesia (Jakarta), Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Ho Chi Min, Siagon), Philippines (Manila).

They all have one thin in common - the second they get a long weekend or holiday break they are back in thailand saying they wish they could get posted back.

grass is always greener it seems.

Good point. I also know people who have lived and worked in LOS for lengthy periods then went to other SEA countries and they are always talking about wanting to get back to LOS. Warts & all the country has many pluses. I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation. Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard.

"I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation." - maybe in Issarn, but not in the tourist areas.

"Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." - I agree that nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has, but to say it doesn't exist in neighbouring countries , or it's "not quite like LOS in that regard" is simply not true.

Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists. I would agree, Malaysia not so much, but the other countries definately have. .

Never said "it doesn't exist in neighboring countries" of course Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists.

I said "none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." which you seem to agree with when you state: "nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has."

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i have a number of friends who have lived in thailand before and have been relocated for work to all over the region - Cambodia (PP), Malaysia (KL and Penang), Indonesia (Jakarta), Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Ho Chi Min, Siagon), Philippines (Manila).

They all have one thin in common - the second they get a long weekend or holiday break they are back in thailand saying they wish they could get posted back.

grass is always greener it seems.

Good point. I also know people who have lived and worked in LOS for lengthy periods then went to other SEA countries and they are always talking about wanting to get back to LOS. Warts & all the country has many pluses. I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation. Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard.

"I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation." - maybe in Issarn, but not in the tourist areas.

"Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." - I agree that nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has, but to say it doesn't exist in neighbouring countries , or it's "not quite like LOS in that regard" is simply not true.

Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists. I would agree, Malaysia not so much, but the other countries definately have. .

Never said "it doesn't exist in neighboring countries" of course Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists.

I said "none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." which you seem to agree with when you state: "nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has."

I'm sure Thailand is proud of the fact that it sells it's young women into its own sex trade, for the benefit of wealthy Thai's, who profit from it, in the form of calling "tourism."

For your information, EVERY country is different to any other country.

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Good point. I also know people who have lived and worked in LOS for lengthy periods then went to other SEA countries and they are always talking about wanting to get back to LOS. Warts & all the country has many pluses. I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation. Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard.

"I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation." - maybe in Issarn, but not in the tourist areas.

"Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." - I agree that nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has, but to say it doesn't exist in neighbouring countries , or it's "not quite like LOS in that regard" is simply not true.

Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists. I would agree, Malaysia not so much, but the other countries definately have. .

Never said "it doesn't exist in neighboring countries" of course Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists.

I said "none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." which you seem to agree with when you state: "nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has."

I'm sure Thailand is proud of the fact that it sells it's young women into its own sex trade, for the benefit of wealthy Thai's, who profit from it, in the form of calling "tourism."

For your information, EVERY country is different to any other country.

Got no idea what you're harping on about mate, and I got no desire to be drawn into a debate on sex tourism. Have a nice day, have a nice life, go find someone else to nitpick and bitch to....clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0JEe4CP-p

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"I find Thailand cheaper than any of the neighboring countries for food & accommodation." - maybe in Issarn, but not in the tourist areas.

"Then there's the pooying factor. Single guys who leave LOS are always itching to get back, seems none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." - I agree that nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has, but to say it doesn't exist in neighbouring countries , or it's "not quite like LOS in that regard" is simply not true.

Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists. I would agree, Malaysia not so much, but the other countries definately have. .

Never said "it doesn't exist in neighboring countries" of course Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all have an abundance of establishments for sex tourists.

I said "none of the neighboring countries are quite like LOS in that regard." which you seem to agree with when you state: "nowhere else in the world can you experience the massive sex trade that Thailand has."

I'm sure Thailand is proud of the fact that it sells it's young women into its own sex trade, for the benefit of wealthy Thai's, who profit from it, in the form of calling "tourism."

For your information, EVERY country is different to any other country.

Got no idea what you're harping on about mate, and I got no desire to be drawn into a debate on sex tourism. Have a nice day, have a nice life, go find someone else to nitpick and bitch to....clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0JEe4CP-p

Yes, he does seem to be rather obsessed with the sex trade.

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What is your nationality? It is getting very difficult to live here if you can't get the appropriate visa. Malaysia seems to be a very good option. I've heard some praise for Cambodia also, at least with regards to a visa.

One problem with this is rules and laws change on a regular basis. Panama use to be a great spot, but things have changed. Same with Argentina. Ecuador pops up now as does Colombia.

What changed about Argentina?

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What is your nationality? It is getting very difficult to live here if you can't get the appropriate visa. Malaysia seems to be a very good option. I've heard some praise for Cambodia also, at least with regards to a visa.

One problem with this is rules and laws change on a regular basis. Panama use to be a great spot, but things have changed. Same with Argentina. Ecuador pops up now as does Colombia.

What changed about Argentina?

Several years ago, Argentina did the same thing as they are doing here. Cracking down on back to back border runs. The retirement visa isn't too bad if you meet the income requirements, which are pretty low. But with one, you'll need a certified accountant do a report that proves you've got the monthly income. Again, not terribly difficult, but they've tightened things up a bit.

We spent a few months there several years ago and loved it. Beautiful country. But a lot of dog poop on the sidewalks of BA. Pretty bad, actually.

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i have a number of friends who have lived in thailand before and have been relocated for work to all over the region - Cambodia (PP), Malaysia (KL and Penang), Indonesia (Jakarta), Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Ho Chi Min, Siagon), Philippines (Manila).

They all have one thin in common - the second they get a long weekend or holiday break they are back in thailand saying they wish they could get posted back.

grass is always greener it seems.

To be fair, I notice you mention all the capital cities - hardly the nicest places to live, in each of the countries you mentioned.

How many expats would like to live in Bangkok - just because it's in Thailand?

the working ones?

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i have a number of friends who have lived in thailand before and have been relocated for work to all over the region - Cambodia (PP), Malaysia (KL and Penang), Indonesia (Jakarta), Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Ho Chi Min, Siagon), Philippines (Manila).

They all have one thin in common - the second they get a long weekend or holiday break they are back in thailand saying they wish they could get posted back.

grass is always greener it seems.

To be fair, I notice you mention all the capital cities - hardly the nicest places to live, in each of the countries you mentioned.

How many expats would like to live in Bangkok - just because it's in Thailand?

the working ones?

the I wanna marry a rich Hi So Uni educated model ones?

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i have a number of friends who have lived in thailand before and have been relocated for work to all over the region - Cambodia (PP), Malaysia (KL and Penang), Indonesia (Jakarta), Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Ho Chi Min, Siagon), Philippines (Manila).

They all have one thin in common - the second they get a long weekend or holiday break they are back in thailand saying they wish they could get posted back.

grass is always greener it seems.

To be fair, I notice you mention all the capital cities - hardly the nicest places to live, in each of the countries you mentioned.

How many expats would like to live in Bangkok - just because it's in Thailand?

the working ones?

There's a big difference between, "like to" and "have to." biggrin.png

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I'll chime with my limited traveling experience. I will be traveling in the next 2 months, and trying to decide.

China. Big problem is pollution, food issues, yuan fixed

Laos. Boredom

Cambodia. Pretty flat, hot, PP not my favorite big city. I liked Siem Reap but not sure I could do long-term

Vietnam. I liked the food, people, and good energy. But exhausting, busy, and wasn't that cheap

Thailand. We all know the pros and cons

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I'll chime with my limited traveling experience. I will be traveling in the next 2 months, and trying to decide.

China. Big problem is pollution, food issues, yuan fixed

Laos. Boredom

Cambodia. Pretty flat, hot, PP not my favorite big city. I liked Siem Reap but not sure I could do long-term

Vietnam. I liked the food, people, and good energy. But exhausting, busy, and wasn't that cheap

Thailand. We all know the pros and cons

A bit off topic, but that's OK! Big difference between being a tourist and a resident. I'd hate to live in China. But as a tourist, there's soooo much to see. I've spent almost 6 months traveling around China and still have quite a few places I'd like to see...and a few I'd like to revisit. Which is rare for me.

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If you like Thailand why you have to leave? If your wife thai thats not hassle at all and you said you had some money?

Thailand its welcome country by the way. I assumed that you've got some trouble in Thailand not about applying for any Type of Visa.

My guess is The reason you cant stay here maybe you get the letters from Thai court and summons from police?

From my experience if you had that problem should sort it out before you leave.


Presumptuous much? It's exactly the type of ignorant thinking of Thais like you who make other nationalities feel unwelcome here.

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Sure some nightlife, but next to nothing compared to LOS.

What and where, in LOS. Think I know the answer to this one.

How about Bangkok, famous through out the world for its vibrant nightlife. Then there's Phuket, both Phuket town (more Thai-style nightlife) and the world-renowned nightlife of Patong Beach. Plus HatYai, a big favorite with visitors from Malaysia/S'Pore/Taiwan.

Anything else you want to know?

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