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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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So you are proud to stand in the way of a ban on muslim immigrants. You have blood on your hands.

Simple as that.


To quote another poster - welcome to my ignore list

What is ironic about folks like that <the one you replied too> is that they are tools of the terrorist

or useful idiots as they say...Yet they have not a clue that is what they are..

They are jerking their knees exactly as the terrorist intended.

The terrorists hope for such a reaction which in turn will fan flames & bring more of the normal/undecided/non-violent to their side/cause

...having been given good cause....provided by the tools/useful idiots...ironic

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So you are proud to stand in the way of a ban on muslim immigrants. You have blood on your hands.

Simple as that.


To quote another poster - welcome to my ignore list

What is ironic about folks like that <the one you replied too> is that they are tools of the terrorist

or useful idiots as they say...Yet they have not a clue that is what they are..

They are jerking their knees exactly as the terrorist intended.

The terrorists hope for such a reaction which in turn will fan flames & bring more of the normal/undecided/non-violent to their side/cause

...having been given good cause....provided by the tools/useful idiots...ironic

I'm a useful idiot too. I'd like to be part of running every Muslim out of my country.

9/11. Never Forget.

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Radical Islam and western values cannot coexist peacefully

LET’S get one thing straight; every attack perpetrated by Islamic extremists is an attack against freedom of speech, whether they’re terrorising journalists and cartoonists at a satirical magazine in Paris or bystanders having a quiet coffee in Sydney.


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Radical Islam and western values cannot coexist peacefully

LET’S get one thing straight; every attack perpetrated by Islamic extremists is an attack against freedom of speech, whether they’re terrorising journalists and cartoonists at a satirical magazine in Paris or bystanders having a quiet coffee in Sydney.


There has already been a ruling at the European Court that rules that Islam and Democracy cannot live side by side.

It is one of the reasons that Turkey is still not a fully fledged member of the EU.

If I could be bothered I would post the link. If anyone is interested it is not hard to find.

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So you are proud to stand in the way of a ban on muslim immigrants. You have blood on your hands.

Simple as that.


To quote another poster - welcome to my ignore list

What is ironic about folks like that <the one you replied too> is that they are tools of the terrorist

or useful idiots as they say...Yet they have not a clue that is what they are..

They are jerking their knees exactly as the terrorist intended.

The terrorists hope for such a reaction which in turn will fan flames & bring more of the normal/undecided/non-violent to their side/cause

...having been given good cause....provided by the tools/useful idiots...ironic

So the muslim terrorists intend to have muslims banned from entering Europe because that furthers their global cause.


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So you are proud to stand in the way of a ban on muslim immigrants. You have blood on your hands.

Simple as that.


To quote another poster - welcome to my ignore list

What is ironic about folks like that <the one you replied too> is that they are tools of the terrorist

or useful idiots as they say...Yet they have not a clue that is what they are..

They are jerking their knees exactly as the terrorist intended.

The terrorists hope for such a reaction which in turn will fan flames & bring more of the normal/undecided/non-violent to their side/cause

...having been given good cause....provided by the tools/useful idiots...ironic

I'm a useful idiot too. I'd like to be part of running every Muslim out of my country.

9/11. Never Forget.

But that would be "fanning the flames and bring more normal/non-violent to their side" (who would no longer be permitted entry into the country)

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So you are proud to stand in the way of a ban on muslim immigrants. You have blood on your hands.

Simple as that.


To quote another poster - welcome to my ignore list

What is ironic about folks like that <the one you replied too> is that they are tools of the terrorist

or useful idiots as they say...Yet they have not a clue that is what they are..

They are jerking their knees exactly as the terrorist intended.

The terrorists hope for such a reaction which in turn will fan flames & bring more of the normal/undecided/non-violent to their side/cause

...having been given good cause....provided by the tools/useful idiots...ironic

So the muslim terrorists intend to have muslims banned from entering Europe because that furthers their global cause.


It disingenuous to suggest that is what the posters were saying..

you can do better.

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So you are proud to stand in the way of a ban on muslim immigrants. You have blood on your hands.

Simple as that.


To quote another poster - welcome to my ignore list

What is ironic about folks like that <the one you replied too> is that they are tools of the terrorist

or useful idiots as they say...Yet they have not a clue that is what they are..

They are jerking their knees exactly as the terrorist intended.

The terrorists hope for such a reaction which in turn will fan flames & bring more of the normal/undecided/non-violent to their side/cause

...having been given good cause....provided by the tools/useful idiots...ironic

I'm a useful idiot too. I'd like to be part of running every Muslim out of my country.

9/11. Never Forget.

I think there is a slight difference. Your statements are consistent and easily recognisable as part of your ideology which is overt and there in bold for all to see. I agree with the comment about knee-jerk reactions being an outcome, often an intended outcome as demonstrated by the ISIS strategy.

I think if someone confronts you and starts to ask you to pick apart your statement about running every muslim out of your country, the logical contradictions and practical impossibilities become clear.


What were the responses to 9/11? I think they prove the point. I will never forget. Australians died there too.

Edited by Jai Dee
flame deleted
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I saw this - wondered what other posters may think


It should say his fellow muslims killed him in the name of Allah

While he was defending the rights of Charlie Hebdo to publish as they saw fit

Sad that Charlie Hebdo needed defending!

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

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I saw this - wondered what other posters may think


It should say his fellow muslims killed him in the name of Allah

While he was defending the rights of Charlie Hebdo to publish as they saw fit

Sad that Charlie Hebdo needed defending!

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. Ahmed

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I'm a useful idiot too. I'd like to be part of running every Muslim out of my country.

9/11. Never Forget.

laugh.png More irony

Ironic that you are one who knows guns will never be banned in the US

Yet you hope to ban a race of people + run out all that are already there? Perhaps already legal citizens

with the same rights as You & I?

Exactly how far back with this cleansing do you intend to go?

Could be tougher than removing the guns from US citizens hands....

That aside & back to reality...The "suspects" / shooters in this event were suspected to be French Nationals...

So again how far back you want to go? Instead perhaps look at what set them off/started them down this path of hate/revenge....hints abound & no it was not

a religion or race/nationalities beliefs ....Nor was it actually the cartoons although that was the one they chose to use as an excuse for more violence.

Yes please do remember 9/11 or any other event you like but...while your at it try to learn from it

Question why it happened at all. These things do not bloom overnight.

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The difference between West and East came to its climax in 2013.

I almost froze to death wwhen I came back from Thailand, I slipped in the snow and banged my head. One morning I had forgotten the key to my door, and the door to my house was locked. My cute German neighbours would not let me in, they called ambulance instead. Ambulance thought I was a bum, and after checking my physical health in a couple of hospitals I finally ended up in an asylum for the mentally ill. They called me psychotic and forced to stay here. Then they found out I was a banker, and then they took my money away. I escaped and ran away to Thailand. When I came back, they examined me, and told me: "Sorry, you're not crazy, wrong diagnosis. You were here for no reason, and we'll charge you extra for this. We allow you to go to Thailand now, but your money and property will stay here. We find a way to make you pay for not fitting in our norms" They even confiscated my pensions, a bank lady called the police when I asked about it.

For 2 months in Thailand I had no money at all. No f***ing German would ever help me around, Thai people did.

And now these f***ers get paranoid about terrorism, and I can only tell them:

Yes, you have all reasons to. You made terrorists, I'll kill you if you force me to go back. But I'm still a liberal pacifist, that's why I'm here with a smile.

Perhaps statements like the above is why you ended up in an asylum.

A liberal pacifist killer definitely needs closer scrutiny.

Sure, psychological scrutiny, with an understanding that the ability to use violence is not a desire to use violence, and you make treats to avoid violence. They didn't understand the difference inside the asylum so well, but outside in a free interview they understood it.

Edited by micmichd
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The Northern Ireland peace accords came out of negotiations that would have been unthinkable in the 70's.

The NI Peace Accords came about because of changing demographs that occurred over a 20 - 40 year period, 1 - 2 generations.

History repeats itself, just as it is doing now, the changing demographs in the EU are plain for all to see.

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I saw this - wondered what other posters may think


It should say his fellow muslims killed him in the name of Allah

While he was defending the rights of Charlie Hebdo to publish as they saw fit

As he was defending the Freedom of Press rights of Charlie Hebdo

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Last News

9h14 am: Hostage taking in a company in Dammartin-en-Goële village, according radio media information there would be a hostage situation that would be taking place in a company in this town.

9h06 am: Important exchange of gunfire comes instantly to take place in Dammartin-en-Goele (Seine-et-Marne) on national 2 near 30 minutes from Villers-Cotterets village.

8h55 am: A car had been stolen in Montagny Sainte-Félicité (Oise) earlier to 8:40 with two individuals reported as corresponding to the reporting Kouachi brothers, two men armed with automatic pistols.

Edited by Farang two dot zero
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Last News

9h14 am: Hostage taking in a company in Dammartin-en-Goële village, according radio media information there would be a hostage situation that would be taking place in a company in this town.

9h06 am: Important exchange of gunfire comes instantly to take place in Dammartin-en-Goele (Seine-et-Marne) on national 2 near 30 minutes from Villers-Cotterets village.

thanks for the update Farang two dot zero

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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Islam is not a religion. Its an ideology. religions assimilate, idiologies dont

Agree - Islam is a sickness, not a religion. Muslims are mostly retarded sick weak anoying pigs

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