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Thai govt wants to raise fares of 'low-cost' airlines


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No one will need to fly anyway when the Chinese finish the Rail-a-Thon they are planning for Thailand

Not quite. We're talking about one rail route, and it's simply a duplication of the tracks, not exactly a high-speed rail link as had been talked about in the past. Maybe you can travel up to 100km/h, but if travelling up to Khon Kaen or Udon a plane will still be faster.

As for Bangkok-Chiang Mai, the HSR plan announced by then PM Yingluck seems to have been either completely shelved or forgotten about. Not to mention Den Chai-Chiang Khong, and Bangkok-Hua Hin.

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Junta is backward thinking and totally out of step on this one. As mentioned, if bus companies are hurting due to other forms of travel, smarten up, get your act together and offer a good service. And I posit it's not just the price either. People are simply fed up of doing 12-hour+ journeys to the capital when they could get there in an hour. This goes for government employees, too, who's supervisors would send them on a bus or train... but now their budgets can allow them to fly and thus be more productive.

It is 2015, junta, not 1815. Get with it! Buses are a short-haul idea in this century, flying is the way forwards, or is it that you would just prefer to keep your people down? pffft!

That's true. Personally I'm not big into flying, but I do like driving. Even so, I think if the government could improve the roads and build some much needed motorways and expressways linking Bangkok with outlying provinces all the way to the borders, the journey times could significantly improve. It's unacceptable that a 560-odd km journey to Udon Thani takes like what 8-9 hours by bus and maybe 7-8 if you're lucky by car. It should take just 5-6 hours. But because of the horrible roads, with their u-turn bays, trucks overtaking at 60km/h slowing you down, there's no way it can be faster under the present circumstances.

If a bus journey to Udon could be shaved down to say 6 hours then the bus companies might become competitive, but if takes all day as you say, let the people fly.

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"is this in fact not a cheese shop?"

"Nudge, nudge. Wink wink. Say no more! Say no more!"

"Thailand’s military government is asking domestic “low-cost” airlines to raise their ticket prices to prevent stealing market share from inter-provincial bus companies."

"you killed everyone in the castle!"


"shes got huge tracks of land!"

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“Suchinda Cherdchai, the owner of several major bus companies, filed a complaint with the government”

“Suchinda, aka Lady Giew, is believed to have strong ties with Thai authorities." wai2.gif wai.gif

"According to Isra News, Suchinda's companies have secured over 1.9 billion baht worth of contracts with at least eight state agencies in the past ten years.” biggrin.png

Nothing new here.

The dinosaurs still rule in Thailand.

Absolutely ridiculous.


And people here talk about education.

Who's going to educate the educators?

Just saw a photo of her. Can't post it, because it's from the Bangkok Post. But, wow, one look at that face ought to make a plane crash. Maybe she should just go out to the end of the runway and scare those 737s to death.

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Maybe Ms Suchinda should get into the low cost airline industry rather than running to the junta complaining of having competition.

Maybe the government can make her the ambassador to North Korea in that new embassy they plan on opening.

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I reckon the big buses are losing as many, if not more, passengers to the inter-provincial and provincial - Bangkok minivans. So they are copping it from both the budget airlines and the minivans. The minivans are cheaper and a lot more convenient with flexible pick up and drop off options. The buses are mostly rubbish and better alternatives by road and air mean they have to lift their game. The comments and position of the minister are lunacy.

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If an airline can pay 10 million dollars (guess) for a plane and charge 1,000 baht for a ticket and make a profit and a bus costs a fraction of the price of the plane and charges 500 baht for the same distance of travel and can not make a profit where is the problem here? Yes you guessed it ..... what is the problem .... Greed !!! Only greed !!!

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At least the Airlines have one advantage over the bus companies in that the pilot finds it extremely difficult to run away from the scene of an accident...unlike the bus drivers

I wonder if the Cherdchai family travel long distances by bus??

Edited by kaiyaibob
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Funny ! If they raised the fares of "low-cost" airlines in some cases by even one baht they would actually be the most expensive airlines.

There are cases where flying with AirAsia is exactly the same cost as flying with Thai Airways, once you add on the baggage levee.

The government's reasoning for this latest bright idea is nothing short of madness. I believe Chalerm has jumped ship and is now employed by the junta, and he is suffering badly from earache.

And to hell with the dodgy bus companies !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

BANGKOK – Thailand’s military government is asking domestic “low-cost” airlines to raise their ticket prices to prevent stealing market share from inter-provincial bus companies.

Using the word 'Stealing' ... goes to show that they have no concept of 'competition' or learning how to 'compete competitively ... more nationalistic protectionism.

How much would they like the rise to be , into the "Un-Affordable" range ?. So all the people flying now have to swap their 2 hour A to B , for a 12 hour rolling ,near death experience, to keep the bus companies happy and in business

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