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Thai govt wants to raise fares of 'low-cost' airlines


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As usual. The problem approached at the wrong end. Tell the bus companies to smarten themselves up and attract more customers with a better service. It is akin to not allowing low cost airlines to fly some routes because it might undermine the big boys!

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Thainess...... If she can't get enough people onto the buses, why doesn't she follow usual quaint Thai practice, and push the prices up to cover costs?


The problem is though,,, the owners of the airways companies probably have some outside help and know the real way to play business.

Look,,, its a bad year out there,,, everyone must do what ever it takes to grab whatever market they can.

I wish I could cry to the Junta with pleads to get everyone else to raise there guesthouse rates.

Obviously she is part of there group. Lucky her, for now.

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So, AirAsia can run an airline cheaper than the Thais can run a bus route?

Maybe Thai Airways could lower prices and run domestic routes and run these bandits off?

They could set up a "bus asia" branch with clean, safe buses with well trained drivers and compete on the Thai market.

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I didn't travel by Thai bus for 20 years but i remember they were very cold, stopped by expensive bad roadrestaurants only, drivers couldn't speak english, many holes in the roads and driving like total idiots at very high speed......never again i told myself which i did. I also don't like thai boats but Samui is off the list anyway.

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"is this in fact not a cheese shop?"

"Nudge, nudge. Wink wink. Say no more! Say no more!"

"Thailand’s military government is asking domestic “low-cost” airlines to raise their ticket prices to prevent stealing market share from inter-provincial bus companies."

"you killed everyone in the castle!"


"shes got huge tracks of land!"

Listen Jack Bauer, this poor lady's got a bus company to run and it's just not 'fare'




And she stood in front of a mirror and said; I look gooood. blink.png


Edited by iReason
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So, AirAsia can run an airline cheaper than the Thais can run a bus route?

Maybe Thai Airways could lower prices and run domestic routes and run these bandits off?

Travelling by bus can be very expensive in Thailand! ( not only expensive but " bloody dangerous " ) I don't understand why the Thais are obsessed with travelling by bus and minivan ! Flying is far better or even better is to travel by train ( Bangkok to Chiang Mai from only 275 baht ) unfortunately many Thais have never been educated to use " The trains " ( of course in most of Europe it can be one of the most expensive ways to travel)

I only travel by train! and it's seriously cool ....

F.J x

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I think a number of posters on this thread are mistaking these busesattachicon.gifmagic bus.jpgattachicon.gifmagic bus1.jpg

for these busesattachicon.giftranbus1.jpgattachicon.giftranbus.jpg

The psychedelic buses are not in the same league as the blue and white buses owned by the Cherdchai family business.

I think statistically one's chances of a safe trip are greater in the Transport Co's buses than the fairy tale buses that are usually driven by wannabee Lewis Hamiltons. However both types have had their share of serious accidents with fatalities.

Ms Cherdchai is a stout pillar of the Isaan community. http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bus-fares-provinces-cut

It is not the business of this government or any other to tell a privately owned airline what fares they can charge. That is called free market competition. If Ms Cherdchai cannot appreciate this then she must deal with it without crying to the government.

Yes you are quite correct...there is a "difference" between the two types of buses....but irrespective of Suchinda being a good person and a highly respected person within the Isaan community....her buses do not comply with "height vs axle width"...an international required standard...(something which the previous Govt was going to enforce ..even going as far as saying they would inspect each and every inter-provincial bus)

With respect to her and your post......both Thai and foreigners get to read the bad press on bus accidents in Thailand.....and make their choices based on cost and safety concerns....in Suchindas case...perhaps her companies are being tarred with the same brush as the "pyschedelic" lot.

Perhaps she would have been better complaining to the Minister about the "cowboy pyschedelic" bus operators...but going after the airlines is over the top...and for the Minister to support that is truly unbelievable...what the hell is a military junta "the Govt" doing asking the airlines to not offer cheap flights.

Perhaps we will now see the owners of Tesco...asking the Minister of Food...to ask Makro not to offer cheaper food products...the mind boggles

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Has anyone ever heard a politician talk about keeping prices high for the consumer on ANY product, anywhere in the world?

What planet are these people from?/ absolute idiot. Total and utter imbecile.

They are from the Bizarro Planet where utter greed, selfishness, and self importance are goals.


Pointless to even consider that they have any clue to the opposite...

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So, AirAsia can run an airline cheaper than the Thais can run a bus route?

Maybe Thai Airways could lower prices and run domestic routes and run these bandits off?

Travelling by bus can be very expensive in Thailand! ( not only expensive but " bloody dangerous " ) I don't understand why the Thais are obsessed with travelling by bus and minivan ! Flying is far better or even better is to travel by train ( Bangkok to Chiang Mai from only 275 baht ) unfortunately many Thais have never been educated to use " The trains " ( of course in most of Europe it can be one of the most expensive ways to travel)

I only travel by train! and it's seriously cool ....

F.J x

Canary, we all know how much you love the trains and more power to you (and SRT) but the railway doesn't go everywhere. At some point a person on a train has to get a bus to get to their small town. Many of these buses run a set route often to Nakhon Nowhere and thus their popularity. You can take a train to Nong Khai but not Nakhon Phanom.

People with a time schedule and the access to an airport will always take the airline over the bus and the train.

I enjoyed our train trips, now we drive, but upcountry driving is generally safer than driving in cities.

Bangkok to CM may only be B275, but look at the time it takes. Great for you and those with time to kill but not convenient for many others. For tourists train travel is a cultural experience where they can wander from car to car and see Thai life from a different perspective.

The trains were there before the buses and the airlines, so Thais don't need to be educated to ride trains, those that do generally are unable to afford the bus or airfare.

When Thailand gets its first standard gauge fast and frequent trains, maybe we will see a resurgence of railway usage, but for now its ON THE BUSES.

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If I'm not mistaken, this Suchinda is the owner of the Cherdchai line of busses that have a reputation around Isaan as being the most dangerous of the dangerous and the worst most broken down wrecks on the road.

A while ago there was some story up in Isaan about her having a feud with the owner of a van company that was giving her too much competition. Suchinda's mother was reported as doing black magic ceremonies to bring about the guy's doom. Not that we had much doubt otherwise, but this is the kind of mentality we are dealing with here. It's enough to make you nostalgic for the days of the old gipper Thaksin that the junta would back this kind of brain half eaten by corruption megalomania.

May you have your way Suchinda and may your living room fill up with the most appalling bad taste in ersatz Rococo furniture imaginable.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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...."Bus operators and consumers should share the blame for the high number of accidents, said Sujinda Cherdchai, owner of Cherdchai Tour that operates a bus service and produces made-to-order buses. Sujinda said that her company is currently manufacturing high numbers of double-decker buses to meet the rising market demand.

“Consumers only look for low rental rates, comfort, entertainment and luxury, but forget all about safety,” said Sujinda, who is also the president of the Thai Bus Operators Association...."

<deleted>... Sujinda...!!!...are you saying that it is me....the tourist/Thai local complete with a suitcase.....that needs to take some of the blame for the high number of accidents....you want me to do a safety check on your bus...before I climb aboard

This woman is in dreamland....unbelievable statement

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If I'm not mistaken, this Suchinda is the owner of the Cherdchai line of busses that have a reputation around Isaan as being the most dangerous of the dangerous and the worst most broken down wrecks on the road.

A while ago there was some story up in Isaan about her having a feud with the owner of a van company that was giving her too much competition. Suchinda's mother was reported as doing black magic ceremonies to bring about the guy's doom. Not that we had much doubt otherwise, but this is the kind of mentality we are dealing with here. It's enough to make you nostalgic for the days of the old gipper Thaksin that the junta would back this kind of brain half eaten by corruption megalomania.

May you have your way Suchinda and may your living room fill up with the most appalling bad taste in ersatz Rococo furniture imaginable.

I think you are mistaken and exaggerating. They are a very big company and certainly your first paragraph is over the top. If you think Cherdchai buses are crap, you ain't seen some of the hulks that pose as passenger transportation.


These stories about Cherdchai, are they from your friends older sisters second cousin living in Nakhon Somewhere.

I am sure Suchinda also pines for the days of Thaksin too as she's apparently that way inclined, since she's the elite of the elite in her area..

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I don't understand why the Thais are obsessed with travelling by bus and minivan!

I can only speak for my inlaws, but the recent airline disasters have them all swearing-off ever flying again. Instead they plan to use buses, thereby increasing their chances of serious injury or death by many orders of magnitude.

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A friend that went to visit family in Chiayaphum for a week had to come back in 2 days because all of the buses available were booked full for the following week. Either they are letting buses sit idle to squeeze the public, or their planning is very poor. I agree with the statement that maybe the bus companies could lower their price, instead of asking the airlines to raise theirs. Gas price has certainly gone down, maybe their fares should also. I also agree that the quality of buses should be improved, and I mean today, not tomorrow.

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I don't understand why the Thais are obsessed with travelling by bus and minivan!

I can only speak for my inlaws, but the recent airline disasters have them all swearing-off ever flying again. Instead they plan to use buses, thereby increasing their chances of serious injury or death by many orders of magnitude.

Please show them the actual numbers of death or injury by vehicle. These numbers are easy to find on the internet. Overcome their emotional decisions with facts. Explained correctly, it works every time.

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This country is getting weirder by the day...

When influent people will stop to pull the trousers of the governments in charge for make their business easy, and instead be prepared to find themselves solution in a FREE market?

I see how foreigner businesses could be less and less willing to invest in such a Playschool like this country is...

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Please show them the actual numbers of death or injury by vehicle. These numbers are easy to find on the internet. Overcome their emotional decisions with facts. Explained correctly, it works every time.

They're not interested in the numbers. It's very much like debating climate change deniers or anti-vax nuts. They say things like "when was the last time a bus with 250 passengers plunged from 20 thousand feet into the Indian Ocean?". They think that what they know is the obvious "common sense" and that any evidence to the contrary is fabricated. I'm not even going to try.

It's very much like shark phobia. I know people who won't go into the water at the beach because of sharks, but these same people think that mosquitoes are merely a nuisance. Never mind that mosquito-born diseases kill more than 70 thousand times the number of people that sharks do every year.

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upcountry driving is generally safer than driving in cities.

Does anyone else think this!? I have to say I find it the opposite. I find driving in Bangkok frustrating and slow but I never feel my life endangered. The worst you are likely to get is rear ended.

We visit my wives parents in Buriram and on some roads you are taking your life into your hands. For a start the quality of the road is much worse, add in the fact people are driving faster, dont have a license usually and more likely to be drunk, and it`s terrifying most of the time.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So, AirAsia can run an airline cheaper than the Thais can run a bus route?

Maybe Thai Airways could lower prices and run domestic routes and run these bandits off?

Travelling by bus can be very expensive in Thailand! ( not only expensive but " bloody dangerous " ) I don't understand why the Thais are obsessed with travelling by bus and minivan ! Flying is far better or even better is to travel by train ( Bangkok to Chiang Mai from only 275 baht ) unfortunately many Thais have never been educated to use " The trains " ( of course in most of Europe it can be one of the most expensive ways to travel)

I only travel by train! and it's seriously cool ....

F.J x

Canary, we all know how much you love the trains and more power to you (and SRT) but the railway doesn't go everywhere. At some point a person on a train has to get a bus to get to their small town. Many of these buses run a set route often to Nakhon Nowhere and thus their popularity. You can take a train to Nong Khai but not Nakhon Phanom.

People with a time schedule and the access to an airport will always take the airline over the bus and the train.

I enjoyed our train trips, now we drive, but upcountry driving is generally safer than driving in cities.

Bangkok to CM may only be B275, but look at the time it takes. Great for you and those with time to kill but not convenient for many others. For tourists train travel is a cultural experience where they can wander from car to car and see Thai life from a different perspective.
The trains were there before the buses and the airlines, so Thais don't need to be educated to ride trains, those that do generally are unable to afford the bus or airfare.

When Thailand gets its first standard gauge fast and frequent trains, maybe we will see a resurgence of railway usage, but for now its ON THE BUSES.


Yes i agree with your " kind words " oh and i am also a huge " On The Buses " fan ( i have them all on DVD ...) But remember that the Thais don't seem to see the danger of the roads! The great things why i would always choose a train is because.The scenery and views is so much nicer.Its never about getting from A to B as quick as possible ( even if i was working...) its about the most " enjoyable way to travel " I hate the roads and in fact i am terrified to actually go near a motorway! ( " hideous things " ) I am also very tall 1.90 M and so travelling in a 3rd class carriage gives you so much more legroom and so much more comfortable! Also i hate Air Con ! i prefer a natural warm breeze.I find air con very uncomfortable! ( " hideous " ) Also you can eat on the train with various sellers wandering through the carriages.The other thing is that the trains are so much more sociable so you can meet and chat to lots of nice people " enroute " Its the way i love to travel ! and also the added bonus to travelling by train is in 3rd class you can sunbathe at the same time,i rather enjoy catching the " sun on my legs " whilst being in motion.........( perhaps you can admire my honesty viewers...)

I have always been very different from most people but i have always accepted that.But too many people are always in a rush to get fro A to B so for me it's the " fun that you have travelling is the most important thing " ( 12 hours sat on a bus in a reclining VIP seat in air con would " bore the hell out of me " ........) Each to our own i guess...............

F.J wai2.gif

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Quote from an engineers report on double decker buses in Thailand......

It’s well known that most double-decker buses currently in service on Thailand’s roads were probably built from used chassis in substandard garages in Ratchaburi’s Ban Pong district. Many of the used chassis come from vehicles that have just had an accident and without having any kind of formal inspection by an engineer.

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