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Thailand health officials blame electronic gadgets for slow down in kids education

Jonathan Fairfield

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So once again everyone can blame YL and the Gov if their kids are stupid since they are the ones who paid for every student to have a new tablet last year.

Another scheme gone bad from the last admin that will leave lasting effects on this society in the future.

I don't think it would be fair to blame yingluck here, as this report, nonsense that it is, is referring to devices that actually work.

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"Instead of allowing children to spend too much time using smartphones and tablets, doctors advised that parents should limit the amount of time children are allowed to play on such devices and where possible choose applications that will enhance their child’s learning."

Such as working in the rice fields!

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First: is this yet another "opinion" or is it fact/research based?

It doesn't take very much to answer your question...

<click> electronic gadgets mental development children - Google Search

Hard to believe how many posters blame the Thai education system "The educational system is the problem. Not digital devices." and dismiss the report "this report, nonsense that it is" without actually checking to see whether the rest of the world believes the same thing! (hint: they do)

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Hard to believe how many posters blame the Thai education system

Pick any country and their education system, many are outdated, far too many way too outdated, some may have adjust but still need work. While one may not need to specifically pick the thai system (albeit one would because TV...), blaming the education works just about in 11 out of 10 times worldwide.

That is because things are getting too easy to get. There is no need top put your brain into function to find out something. Just push a few buttons or clicks and the answer is on the screen.

And you would be an incredible fool not to take advantage of this amazing power.

Not going to argue that it's not an excuse to slack off gaining knowledge overall, but one also shouldn't waste learning each and every state including capital and population and other "meaningless" things like that. It's also great that you can just pick any statement thrown in a chat and check for accuracy on the fly, maybe you just pick one of the great topics like (raw) egg consumption and get this massive split of information that you then might feel compelled to spend some more time on.

As everything can be used, everything can be abused too, these devices definitely are no exception to that rule.

The (linked) studies above might be good for starters, but it's a fair bit too early to draw conclusion yet. I haven't read any of the articles or studies besides scrolling through mind you, but apparant flaws can be seen right away.

All the downsides listed come at no real surprise, most parents are busy working their job or 2 just to stay afloat, spending time with the kids and properly raising them is therefore decreased and thus leads to neglient supervision and so forth.

Times are changing rapidly and the people in charge to make a change are to slow to catch the train.

Moderation is required, more thought into such a system is required and most of all, time and observation are required to adjust to the ever changing development.

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Blame those dastardly falangs and their western technologies. Maybe they should have a word with the folks at NASA who tool around with electronic gadgets all day. I'm sure Finland and Singaporean kids also have equal or greater access to technology. I don't view those countries as educational backwaters.

Blame the mindset, not the technology : why study if my family is rich? I will have many opportunities. Why study if my family is poor? I will have little opportunity anyway, as the dumb rich kid in the next village will take my job.

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Hard to believe how many posters blame the Thai education system

Pick any country and their education system, many are outdated, far too many way too outdated, some may have adjust but still need work. While one may not need to specifically pick the thai system (albeit one would because TV...), blaming the education works just about in 11 out of 10 times worldwide.

That is because things are getting too easy to get. There is no need top put your brain into function to find out something. Just push a few buttons or clicks and the answer is on the screen.

And you would be an incredible fool not to take advantage of this amazing power.

Not going to argue that it's not an excuse to slack off gaining knowledge overall, but one also shouldn't waste learning each and every state including capital and population and other "meaningless" things like that. It's also great that you can just pick any statement thrown in a chat and check for accuracy on the fly, maybe you just pick one of the great topics like (raw) egg consumption and get this massive split of information that you then might feel compelled to spend some more time on.

As everything can be used, everything can be abused too, these devices definitely are no exception to that rule.

The (linked) studies above might be good for starters, but it's a fair bit too early to draw conclusion yet. I haven't read any of the articles or studies besides scrolling through mind you, but apparant flaws can be seen right away.

All the downsides listed come at no real surprise, most parents are busy working their job or 2 just to stay afloat, spending time with the kids and properly raising them is therefore decreased and thus leads to neglient supervision and so forth.

Times are changing rapidly and the people in charge to make a change are to slow to catch the train.

Moderation is required, more thought into such a system is required and most of all, time and observation are required to adjust to the ever changing development.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Thailand's education system is in any way satisfactory, I'm just saying that that it isn't a problem confined to Thailand, and most posters are too quick to blame Thailand to see this.

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Hell, I work with a d...head who ignores everyone when he's not in class. Just plays on his phone. Has zero social skills. Reminds me of autism. When I speak to the guy and he ignores me, I feel like stuffing the phone down his gullet.

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Nothing wrong with using technology for education. It's when technology interferes with education that the problems start. Every day, at least a quarter of students in my classes are playing with their phones. I've tried reasoning with them (doesn't work) Then I started confiscating phones and tablets until the end of the school day. That's when the real fun started. Parents complained to the school, and threatened to call the police.

It all begs the question, 'Who runs the schools?'

I worked at a high school where the students put their phones in a basket on the teacher's desk when they came in, and got them when they left. Thai teacher. Students were good about it. Many nice phones all in one basket begging for a nice guy like me to fill my backpack with freshly picked apples. I couldn't.

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Hum, depends on what they used the tablet/smartphone for? If its mindless games then i would agree. If its for googling and learning other things then i would have to disagree?

If Thailand wants to improve education how about learning kids to think for themselves? Go getters are better than rote learners?

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There have been studies that prove these new gadgets that keep infants busy are not beneficial for brain development. Children instead of learning their surroundings are glued to the screen. Primary level students spend most of their time playing computer games or watching TV, but not reading or physically exercising! No wonder the new generations are becoming dumber and dumber.

In my opinion, as a teacher for a decade, the younger generations become dumber and dumber. It is a trend not only in Thailand, but all over the world. Human's brain is adjusting to the new environment of high tech development which unfortunately lows the IQ of the younger generations. That is because things are getting too easy to get. There is no need top put your brain into function to find out something. Just push a few buttons or clicks and the answer is on the screen. Even debates are becoming obsolete because people google in their phones for the right answers. What I see is a big change happening in the human brain development due to the influence of high tech in our daily lives!

It is debatable weather it is good or bad! It is just happening...

it doesnt help when they call mobile devices "smart xxxx" i get quite irate when i see that becoming common use

it implies the user is dumb wHether or not they are

and on cue the post aboveblink.png

Edited by kaorop
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Of course it has nothing to do with bad teachers??

Blame the gadgets...............................coffee1.gif

While I agree that there are far too many poor teachers (both Thai and western), I think this is only part of the problem. The other (and probably bigger) issue is the restrictive curriculum itself. Far too much pomp and ceremony. Having kids pulled out of an English or Maths lesson just to march around the playground all morning (without it being a special occasion too) doesn't help.

On the whole, rote learning and the 'no fail' policy holds the system back. If a bright kids sees that a naughty kid who never does his work gets the same grade as him, the good kid can end up thinking 'what's the point?' Good teachers also become disillusioned and leave the profession (Thai teachers) and some western teachers move to another country to teach after being made to look like some kind of performing circus monkey for Thai schools. On top of this, the frustration of having to pass the 'naughty' kids and write a good report for them can get to you after a while. The frustration for many is the rote system itself and I feel that most Thai teachers could adapt to modern methods if required (many western teachers were educated this way at school up to uni and many will naturally teach this way).

Of course, getting students to question things and think for themselves requires inductive teaching methods and freedom of discussion. For many, many reasons, I cannot see the powers that be ever allowing this while they control the tanks and guns.

Edited by Fatty123
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Hell, I work with a d...head who ignores everyone when he's not in class. Just plays on his phone. Has zero social skills. Reminds me of autism. When I speak to the guy and he ignores me, I feel like stuffing the phone down his gullet.

Maybe he actually is autistic, doesn't have the same social advantages as you, and doesn't really deserve abuse. Just saying.

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I am no expert on Thai schools but if the administrators and teachers handle the subject of imparting knowledge in the same way they handle other issues there isn't anything good to be said.

The other day the wife pointed out a truant officer to me in the street. I was amazed they care enough about student attendance to employ someone to hound the disillusioned kids and have them returned to the class room. Maybe it's a face thing!

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Hell, I work with a d...head who ignores everyone when he's not in class. Just plays on his phone. Has zero social skills. Reminds me of autism. When I speak to the guy and he ignores me, I feel like stuffing the phone down his gullet.

Maybe he actually is autistic, doesn't have the same social advantages as you, and doesn't really deserve abuse. Just saying.

I understand where you're coming from; however, he is not autistic. He prefers to speak only to the natives in their tongue while speaking to foreign staff only when he must. I will just have to ignore him and pretend he doesn't exist.

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I tend to agree with them , but on the other hand what will people do , take the gadget out of their kids hands and stick them in front of the TV

I guess most of the older members would say stuff like this, they are not used to technology. I am a generation younger and was one of the first brought up with computers and spend hours on them. It served me good in later years far better as those who did not use them. Always fun to have the older generation watch the computers with fear and stress if they pressed a wrong button.

Its stupid to keep technology from the kids it will make them fall behind, some kids will use the tech and learn how to write programs for it or think of new ideas of paying with mobiles in shops. Exposing them to technology will increase innovation.

Its just old people talking trying to keep things the same. If they really wanted to do something they would change the schooling system here. Hire some good English teachers and hire teachers based on qualification. Get more teachers and smaller classes. That is what is needed. Don't blame technology its a good tool.

Every generation that the new generation is bad. Bet your parents said the same.

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You can have all the gadgets and resources you want in a classroom, but in themselves they do not affect education for better or worse.

What matters is how they are used in the classroom. If they are part of the learning strategies employed by the teacher then they can be very effective. If they are used poorly then they are essentially useless.

It's the curriculum that matters. It's how that curriculum is delivered that matters. It's how the children are taught to use devices that matters.

What they do with them outside the classroom or home learning is irrelevant, we all need down time from work. Children also need it from school.

Edited by Bluespunk
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You can have all the gadgets and resources you want in a classroom, but in themselves they do not affect education for better or worse.

What matters is how they are used in the classroom. If they are part of the learning strategies employed by the teacher then they can be very effective. If they are used poorly then they are essentially useless.

It's the curriculum that matters. It's how that curriculum is delivered that matters. It's how the children are taught to use devices that matters.

What they do with them outside the classroom or home learning is irrelevant, we all need down time from work. Children also need it from school.

Correct, but these guys are looking for a scapegoat for their own failings and there are no Burmese in sight so they have to find an other culprit. So its technology. Its hard to say that they have to change what they did that is a loss of face.

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