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Just a Typical Night -


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So I was in 7/eleven and saw this babbler was in full flow. I took a look at him and this wasn't your dirt a la fallen down drunk, ( we've all done that ) this was the caked in dirt of many weeks if rough sleeping. The babbler had a nice countenance, not one of those sour growler types ( you know, the type that spend eighteen hours a day on TV, leaving only to stock up on cheap noodles ) - dirty, hair, a sorry looking soul. I'd say he was American - maybe Canadian - but from that general area.

"I've effed up man, it's all my fault, I've effed up," he said - with no plea or beg attached. I looked at the guy and could see he was sober, but rattling - this gentleman has gone over the edge of the mental health cliff. I spoke to him for a few minutes and made some suggestions - at five a.m. options for help are limited - and I wasn't in a truly fit state to be helping him either. I contemplated taking him to my place and cleaning him up - but you know, if I had a spare room - yes. I wasn't up for sharing my room for a few hours with someone with mental health issues, especially as I was inebriated.

I've been looking for him since - annoyed that this poor guy is wandering the streets - and what would I do if I found him? A wash and change of clothes would be a start - followed by a bed of his own somewhere - a good feed and a phone call to his embassy. I hope to see him soon -

Just a typical night -

Edited by phrodan
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I usually help these types out by buying then a few drinks and chilling with them for a few days they are usually funny and worthy company.

Better company than most barflys i see in patts these days anyway.

yourself included me thinks !!!

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I usually help these types out by buying then a few drinks and chilling with them for a few days they are usually funny and worthy company.

Better company than most barflys i see in patts these days anyway.

yourself included me thinks !!!

What are you talkin bout Gerry, he's proud of his look ;)

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I usually help these types out by buying then a few drinks and chilling with them for a few days they are usually funny and worthy company.

Better company than most barflys i see in patts these days anyway.

yourself included me thinks !!!

What are you talkin bout Gerry, he's proud of his look wink.png

yes i think you are correct but has he looked in a mirror lately ? i think the other day a poster inquired was that him in his avatar ( no reply) so that backs up my thoughts about lack of mirror gazing

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I usually help these types out by buying then a few drinks and chilling with them for a few days they are usually funny and worthy company.

Better company than most barflys i see in patts these days anyway.

yourself included me thinks !!!
What are you talkin bout Gerry, he's proud of his look wink.png

yes i think you are correct but has he looked in a mirror lately ? i think the other day a poster inquired was that him in his avatar ( no reply) so that backs up my thoughts about lack of mirror gazing

It's the sort of nasty floatsam you hope doesn't stick to the side of your hull. ;)

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It was 5am. What can you really do at that time? I wouldn't take him home, just being honest.

Tragic existence, is there any worse nightmare than slipping through the cracks and being homeless and suffering mental health issues,which often seem to walk together, in a foreign country. No family that care or even know.

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They did a survey in London about people who give the most money to the Homeless/winos /drug addict "Beggars" , the results were Working class men give the most money to homeless because its a case of There but for the grace of God go I

Good on you mate , you can see through the dirt and see there is probably a man who has fallen on hard times there, a man no different to many of us

Edited by ExPratt
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I was quite intrigued by the story at first, but when the OP said; .- I contemplated taking him to my place and cleaning him up - I became scared after that, because my parents warned me about strange men asking other men back to their place.

Mine warned me about telling complete strangers that I'd effed up....................wink.png

And of course, to defend myself if one of them suggested going back to their room for a shower..........................thumbsup.gif

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