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Court Investigating Judge's Appearance At 'Naked Gym Party'

Lite Beer

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So, court regulations state that Judges may NOT enjoy themselves at PRIVATE functions?

Seems rather Victorian to me.

No, judges may not be seen to frolic with prostitutes. No matter he was oblivious to the camera, he should have ensured he was not seen. He made a bad choice to do his frolicking in a place with strangers.

It's exactly the same in the west.

Are you from the USA?

I don't know which part of the West you're from, but as long as he's not doing anything illegal (using drugs, physically hurting people, having sex with adolescents/children), they couldn't care less in the country I am from.

I am from (Western) Europe.

There's a huge difference between Western countries, for instance in most of West-Europe you can find public (nude) saunas (not about sex) and even the most conservative politician with their family would go there and can be seen by anyone. Nobody cares. But in the USA things like that are unthinkable. Still the USA is one of the biggest Porno producers and uncensored violence on TV is one of the worst in the world.

Edited by kriswillems
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So, court regulations state that Judges may NOT enjoy themselves at PRIVATE functions?

Seems rather Victorian to me.

No, judges may not be seen to frolic with prostitutes. No matter he was oblivious to the camera, he should have ensured he was not seen. He made a bad choice to do his frolicking in a place with strangers.

It's exactly the same in the west.

Are you from the USA?

I don't know which part of the West you're from, but as long as he's not doing anything illegal (using drugs, physically hurting people, having sex with adolescents/children), they couldn't care less in the country I am from.

I am from (Western) Europe.

There's a huge difference between Western countries, for instance in most of West-Europe you can find public (nude) saunas (not about sex) and even the most conservative politician with their family would go there and can be seen by anyone. Nobody cares. But in the USA things like that are unthinkable. Still the USA is one of the biggest Porno producers and uncensored violence on TV is one of the worst in the world.

This is not a question about morality!!

Prostitution is officially illegal in Thailand.

So maybe not very smart for a judge (representing the law) to be seeing publicly with hookers!!

And no, I am not from the USA...................coffee1.gif

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Arrest women for " indecent exposure " ? Build more prisons to hold 12,436,000 Thai, ( and a few Lao and Cambodian ), naked women ? Hell, if that happens I'll turn to a life of crime to get jailed with them !

All a matter of propriety. GoGo bars, clubs, Coyotes etc nobody seems to give a shit. A private party, with apparent HiSo attendees and it's a big scandal. Now there is even, allegedly a judge who attended and will be investigated by the obligatory committee. And the ladies may be charged with indecent exposure - in a private gym? Glass bottomed dance floors and dancers with no knickers are fine though.

What a load of hypocritical tosh. Either enforce or repeal laws. Selective enforcement is a recipe for a ineffective, inefficient and corrupt legal system.

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So, court regulations state that Judges may NOT enjoy themselves at PRIVATE functions?

Seems rather Victorian to me.

No, judges may not be seen to frolic with prostitutes. No matter he was oblivious to the camera, he should have ensured he was not seen. He made a bad choice to do his frolicking in a place with strangers.

It's exactly the same in the west.

Are you from the USA?

I don't know which part of the West you're from, but as long as he's not doing anything illegal (using drugs, physically hurting people, having sex with adolescents/children), they couldn't care less in the country I am from.

I am from (Western) Europe.

There's a huge difference between Western countries, for instance in most of West-Europe you can find public (nude) saunas (not about sex) and even the most conservative politician with their family would go there and can be seen by anyone. Nobody cares. But in the USA things like that are unthinkable. Still the USA is one of the biggest Porno producers and uncensored violence on TV is one of the worst in the world.

This is not a question about morality!!

Prostitution is officially illegal in Thailand.

So maybe not very smart for a judge (representing the law) to be seeing publicly with hookers!!

And no, I am not from the USA...................coffee1.gif

Come on.

Prostitution is illegal in Thailand but the law in not enforced (and it's like this in many Western countries too).

They would probably need to put close to 50% of the population in jail if they would enforce it.

Edited by kriswillems
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It was a private party. I think it's of nobodies business what they did there. And doesn't the police have more important things to do?

This isn't about police investigations it's about the courts investigating the alleged actions of a judge.

A judge is not allowed to have sex?

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This is not a question about morality!!

Prostitution is officially illegal in Thailand.

So maybe not very smart for a judge (representing the law) to be seeing publicly with hookers!!

And no, I am not from the USA...................coffee1.gif

Come on.

Prostitution is illegal in Thailand but the law in not enforced (and it's like this in many Western countries too).

They would probably need to put close to 50% of the population in jail if they would enforce it.

You are right.

In Western Europe, Holland, where I lived for a while, takes a sensible common sense approach, as does Germany.

In the UK, individual police forces interpret and enforce the law differently. When Police Scotland was formed to amalgamate the various Scottish forces one of the issues was the different attitude and tolerances to the sex trade.

Sweden, once leaders in sexual liberalism seem to be falling to the female PC movement and are, like France, trying to eliminate prostitution through strict laws and enforcement. Like that's really worked well over the last two thousand years.

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It was a private party. I think it's of nobodies business what they did there. And doesn't the police have more important things to do?

This isn't about police investigations it's about the courts investigating the alleged actions of a judge.

A judge is not allowed to have sex?

Yes they are.

But whilst prostitution is illegal in Thailand a judge would be breaking the law if, and that is a big it, it could be proven he/she had sex with a prostitute for payment.

A judge, or anyone connected with the judicial system and law enforcement should not break laws they are sworn to uphold. Now, how often do you think the reverse is true here?

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I don't Get It

He is having fun. This is something MOST of the Male population would participate in regardless of the country they come from. This is not going to

cloud his judicial mind so what is the difference.

Reminds me of Monica Lewinski and the President. When all is said and done no one really cared about the president getting a B---- J-------

Didn't make him a bad president Just a typical male Thats it

The Judge is the same

For some reason people want to hold others to a higher standard then they are willing to go by.

This is totally hypercritical.

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Oh, all of a sudden the morality knights come out of the woodworks.

A judge can do whatever he wants during a private party, all is up to the host to allow or not to allow. Has absolutely nothing to do with the judge's job.

If it is a public party the rules change like in any other country.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So, court regulations state that Judges may NOT enjoy themselves at PRIVATE functions?

Seems rather Victorian to me.

No, judges may not be seen to frolic with prostitutes. No matter he was oblivious to the camera, he should have ensured he was not seen. He made a bad choice to do his frolicking in a place with strangers.

It's exactly the same in the west.

Were they prostitutes? Rough title for their job description.

In my younger days here in Thailand I was at several private parties.

No money ever changed hands at those parties but nobody went to bed alone.............................wink.png

If you don't pay for sex, is that really prostitution?

Edited by chrisinth
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So, court regulations state that Judges may NOT enjoy themselves at PRIVATE functions?

Seems rather Victorian to me.

No, judges may not be seen to frolic with prostitutes. No matter he was oblivious to the camera, he should have ensured he was not seen. He made a bad choice to do his frolicking in a place with strangers.

It's exactly the same in the west.

Are you from the USA?

I don't know which part of the West you're from, but as long as he's not doing anything illegal (using drugs, physically hurting people, having sex with adolescents/children), they couldn't care less in the country I am from.

I am from (Western) Europe.

There's a huge difference between Western countries, for instance in most of West-Europe you can find public (nude) saunas (not about sex) and even the most conservative politician with their family would go there and can be seen by anyone. Nobody cares. But in the USA things like that are unthinkable. Still the USA is one of the biggest Porno producers and uncensored violence on TV is one of the worst in the world.

This is not a question about morality!!

Prostitution is officially illegal in Thailand.

So maybe not very smart for a judge (representing the law) to be seeing publicly with hookers!!

And no, I am not from the USA...................coffee1.gif

Who said he was having sex---- and who said they were hookers ? They were as far as I understand all members of a gym.

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None of this is true. If you look at the photo in the OP, it is obvious that the participants are all Lego people.

That explains it, everyone except the guy on the treadmill is trying to find out what bit plugs into what.

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Well I have the vdo and he is doing a little more than frolicking. He outright spread one open for a closer look and show and grabs another to see if she has any milk hehee... Harmless fun but to be caught on vdo and circulated is an embarrassment for sure. If you want the vdo PM me and I will see what I can do.

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If its anything like normal when the judges are caught up to no good, the likely outcome will be charging the person who took the pictures with something.

That's exactly who they should be charging.

Some of age male and female consenting adults had a private party. Some person came along video them without consent and sent it out. That is a criminal offence. The private party was not a criminal offence. Though to me it is obvious the judge was set up. It is the oldest scam in the book to set up judge's, lawyers and politicians. The judge has got a nasty little enemy in his ranks.

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