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At least 20 sleeper cells ready to strike Europe


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Prominent Rabbi Calls on Europe to Allow Jews to Carry Guns. It's about time. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/189932#.VLkLjHsRog8

The last thing Europe needs is to let anyone carry a gun. You will end up with people taking the law into their own hands and innocent people getting killed by morons and paranoid idiots. There is one particular developed country in the world with lax gun laws, where many of the population live in a state of fear induced by the media. We can look at the huge number of people murdered each year with firearms and say "No Thank You"

I found it interesting that a prominent Rabbi is calling for Jews to carry guns. Do they carry guns in Israel? I've never been but I think they do. Do they have a lot of murders there? I can think of many times that Jews would have been better off it they were carrying guys like when grocery shopping at that Kosher store in Paris.

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militants are going to come – there are going to be more and more.”

The end of the carefree life of relative safety in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia...

The end-game is always the same with these mindless militants...destroy the freedom to move about and congregate in large groups of people...intimidate the population...and destroy their peaceful way of life...

I have something just for you big guy...come and get it...a taste of your own medicine...Americans will not go down without a fight...

Do you sleep with a gun and a bible beside the bed?

No, just a gun.

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That the Algerian government is the source of this intelligence should indicate to the idiots that the Islamic terrorists do, in fact, have nothing to do with Islam; except in their own perverted minds and the minds of those like the self publicist Condell cited earlier and the gullible who swallow such pony.

Intelligence services in Europe, the US etc. obviously garner much of their intelligence from within the Muslim community; it is within that community that the terrorists are hiding.

How much longer will that be the case if the Islamaphobes get their way?

Do you REALLY HAVE THE GALL to keep insisting this has nothing to do with Islam?

Is there no way on earth you can embarrass yourself????????

You forgot what the Algerian army did a few years ago on a gas plant in In Amenas against terrorists ?

They also fought more or less a decade against terrorism. Not bad for a Muslim army...

Edited by Thorgal
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militants are going to come – there are going to be more and more.”

The end of the carefree life of relative safety in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia...

The end-game is always the same with these mindless militants...destroy the freedom to move about and congregate in large groups of people...intimidate the population...and destroy their peaceful way of life...

I have something just for you big guy...come and get it...a taste of your own medicine...Americans will not go down without a fight...

Do you sleep with a gun and a bible beside the bed?

No, with my pot belly pig, and some beer, that's like silver to a ware wolf, in marks and spencer muslims wont even serve customers at the till pork or beer, so keep that by your bed

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Regardless of the source (which is routinely attacked by those on a dodgy wicket) the Algerians know their onions when it comes to fighting radical Islam. Also the thought of 100 Imams in Europe actively recruiting for Islamist terror cells seems extremely far fetched does it not?

Though as Mr Condell explains these terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

Never played cricket.

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Every body needs to put their hands together and clap their governments in Europe for the monumental <deleted> up they have made in allowing the Muslims to invade our culture , if any one is interested i have rope to sell at give away prices.

Well, if not quality tourists, then "quality" posting.

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Prominent Rabbi Calls on Europe to Allow Jews to Carry Guns. It's about time. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/189932#.VLkLjHsRog8

The last thing Europe needs is to let anyone carry a gun. You will end up with people taking the law into their own hands and innocent people getting killed by morons and paranoid idiots. There is one particular developed country in the world with lax gun laws, where many of the population live in a state of fear induced by the media. We can look at the huge number of people murdered each year with firearms and say "No Thank You"

I found it interesting that a prominent Rabbi is calling for Jews to carry guns. Do they carry guns in Israel? I've never been but I think they do. Do they have a lot of murders there? I can think of many times that Jews would have been better off it they were carrying guys like when grocery shopping at that Kosher store in Paris.

Most Orthodox Jews do not carry weapons, regardless of nationality and location. In Israel specifically, they do not even (for the most part) serve in the armed forces. The good Rabbi is either hysterical or trying for a headline. Pretty sure this would make its way into one of Israel's political satire shows.

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<snip> That the Algerian government is the source of this intelligence should indicate to the idiots that the Islamic terrorists do, in fact, have nothing to do with Islam; except in their own perverted minds <snip>

Our opinion on this is irrelevant to an Islamist and I truly believe that this core point cannot be glossed over.

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Prominent Rabbi Calls on Europe to Allow Jews to Carry Guns. It's about time. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/189932#.VLkLjHsRog8

The last thing Europe needs is to let anyone carry a gun. You will end up with people taking the law into their own hands and innocent people getting killed by morons and paranoid idiots. There is one particular developed country in the world with lax gun laws, where many of the population live in a state of fear induced by the media. We can look at the huge number of people murdered each year with firearms and say "No Thank You"

That's why knives are used instead. If no knives then sticks/rocks/bare hands. Don't dislike the weapons just the unskilled morons who use them incorrectly.wai2.gif

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I think I'm safer staying in Thailand......even after all I read on TVF.

It is, after all, a "Safety Hub"...

That is one of their "hidden" agendas.

do you not know about the war in South Thailand with Muslims.

Sure. Whats your point? I was being a bit sarcastic, I admit. However...who lives down south? Very few of us.

There are other dangers..such as traffic, hotheaded drunks, mafia thugs, transportation...

Nobody is one hundred percent safe anywhere... Some of us do feel safer here than in Paris or New York...obviously.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Return of the Lionheart and the Crusaders needed I think.

Ritchard the Lion Hearts crusade was crushed he was beeten and captured on the way home I believe.

Back in the late 18 hundreds early 19 hundreds when the U.S. was running the Phillipenes they where have bad times with the Muslims and could not stop them, they sent General Pershing to sort it out. They nicknamed him Black Jack Pershing. It is recorded some of the things he did.

It is recorded He captured a group of militants around 12 in the jungle had them tied up for execution had the same amount of his troops to shoot them he made the militants look had the bullets dipped in Pig blood and had one blank bullet loaded all the militants were shot exept for 1. Pershing had the graves dugout had quite a few pigs butchered and drained their blood had the blood pored into the graves cut the pigs up and their skin used to wrap around the dead Muslims and thrown into the graves them poured the remaining blood over them and buried he let the 1 remaining live Muslim watch all this and later allowed him to escape or freed him. After this there was a huge decline in attacks by the Muslems. I read about this long time ago. They named a tank after him The Pershing Tank.

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That the Algerian government is the source of this intelligence should indicate to the idiots that the Islamic terrorists do, in fact, have nothing to do with Islam; except in their own perverted minds and the minds of those like the self publicist Condell cited earlier and the gullible who swallow such pony.

Intelligence services in Europe, the US etc. obviously garner much of their intelligence from within the Muslim community; it is within that community that the terrorists are hiding.

How much longer will that be the case if the Islamaphobes get their way?

Why are you an expert on Algeria now as well as Islam? Only a total fool would now state that Islamic terror has nothing to do with Islam, and nobody believes them when they do. It's rather like claiming that the gas chambers had nothing to do with the nazi's and it was all down to extremists, nothing to do with national socialism. Yesterday another Muslim terror cell shot down in Belgium, but some will go on pretending it had nothing to do with Islam.

Indeed, the Nazis were nothing to do with National socialism and to unfairly tar them as such threatens our multicultural utopia.


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I found it interesting that a prominent Rabbi is calling for Jews to carry guns. Do they carry guns in Israel? I've never been but I think they do. Do they have a lot of murders there? I can think of many times that Jews would have been better off it they were carrying guys like when grocery shopping at that Kosher store in Paris.

Most Orthodox Jews do not carry weapons, regardless of nationality and location. In Israel specifically, they do not even (for the most part) serve in the armed forces. The good Rabbi is either hysterical or trying for a headline. Pretty sure this would make its way into one of Israel's political satire shows.

Given that the Orthodox Jews in Israel only make up 8% of the population your statement is not very meaningful (did I ask about Orthdox jews?). I realize it must be difficult to accept that Jews should carry guns but the time has come. To try and ask and answer in a reasonable manner; don't Jews carry guns in Israel? The whole thing is another religious war and since the Muslim side is armed don't you think the Jewish side should be armed too?

Edited by thailiketoo
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Regardless of the source (which is routinely attacked by those on a dodgy wicket) the Algerians know their onions when it comes to fighting radical Islam. Also the thought of 100 Imams in Europe actively recruiting for Islamist terror cells seems extremely far fetched does it not?

Though as Mr Condell explains these terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

It is nothing to do with Islam, simply money and control. Radical imams are generally funded by Saudi Arabia, to keep the funding they have to carry out terrorist attacks. Yassir Arafat died with $ billion in a Swiss bank account, how did he accumulate that much money ? On the take and screwing his own people I think is the answer

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I don't know how reliable this report is but one only needs to look at how one religion is spreading its tentacles world wide so those who are blinkered should take them off and have a closer look at what is happening. I know that throughout the centuries there has been many atrocities committed in the name of religion, not only by those believing in Islam.

In no way am I condoning their actions but we must be fair and acknowledge what has occurred in the past. However, now it is a ratbag group of criminals, world wide, who are radicalising the young Muslims, and no doubt, many with the knowledge of their parents. They are interpreting the Karan in such a way that it gives rise, no longer to the alleged peaceful religion, but to one that permits genocide and also provides many twisted thoughts which gives raise to the torture and beheading of infidels..

There is every chance, that with the open borders in Europe and the stuff ups of many left wings governments throughout the world, a prime example being the last Labor government in Australia, that the migration and immigration that is going on world wide would allow for many cells to be set up and remain in the hibernation stage until the wake up call is sent out. Then heaven help us, as many will die while inept governments sit on the backsides and mollycoddle to the minority groups. It is also about time that the Islamic leaders got of the backsides and condemned these individuals from the onset, not after something happens. We also only need to look at what is happening in Nigeria, Sudan, and Somalia, and still the western world sits on its hands and has done nothing to help thousands on innocents who are being massacred in the name of Allah.

No doubt someone on here will bring out the racist card but in doing so it only highlights that they are in denial and cannot debate what, no doubt, is a topic that requires some diplomacy when being argued. It is about time that all the world gathered together to rid society of these murderous criminals, (terrorists) This bit of keeping them in gaol only serves to make them more determined, once released, to undertake further acts of terrorism. One only has to look at some of their so called leaders who, it has been proved, not only in Australia, but in England, continue to preach their hatred of the western world and us, the infidels.

What happened in Australia recently is a prime example of how soft the west has become towards these ( I don't know what to call them) I suppose things, maybe parasites, where the murderous coward, who was on bail for a number of matters, including an accessory to the murder of his wife, writing hate mail to the wives of dead Australian soldiers and then some how, he drops off the radar, before carrying out his lone wolf act.. Someone has a lot to answer for in this regard as this parasite, then goes on to take the life of an innocent man during a siege in the Lindt Café, in Martin Place, Sydney. He never worked in the two decades he lived in Australia, after coming from Iran, and continued to take government handouts and play the system up until his demise.

Another example is the Australian jihadist, Khaled Sharrouf, who after a number of criminal convictions, was able to leave Australia on his brother's passport and then poses in a video with his 7 year old son, who is holding a decapitated head. What a wonderful individual. So from everything we can see, hear and read, it is very possible for there to be many terror cells, world wide, ready to commit atrocities on innocent people, including those of their own faith, all in the name of Allah. We have developed many things over the years to rid the world of diseases, maybe we could discover something, and very quickly, to rid their world of these parasites. There are many, many atrocities being carried out now, and all of the major terrorist incidents have been perpetrated by mostly Muslim males, although now the females are getting into the act.

Heaven help our children and grandchildren if the western leaders continue to kowtow to the leaders of this religion and not pull them into line, because it is clear that they are allowing these jihadists to carry out their atrocities without any fear and are, it has been proven, that some are assisting in financing the cause. I know there are also serious problems in southern Thailand where, in 10 years, 6000 have been killed and over 10,000 wounded, again by Muslims, who want a separatist state. Despite this, I still feel relatively safe living in the north east, where, at this time, we are fortunate not to be in any danger through the atrocities being carried out by these parasites.

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Just 'lone wolves', not organized or anything to do with Iislam. Relax and have another beer.

Will we ever take this seriously or learn anything?

What do we learn? A Muslim guy went into a Kosher grocery store in France and shot Jews. What am I supposed to learn?

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Islam is the reason muslims believe in some form of paradise after death which means they do no longer care about their life on earth, which makes them willing to risk their own life in a terrorist attack. This is why most suicide bombers are muslim. If you do not believe in paradise after death it makes no sense to kill yourself for any reason or cause.

This is partly why these terrorist attacks have everything to do with Islam.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Just 'lone wolves', not organized or anything to do with Iislam. Relax and have another beer.

Will we ever take this seriously or learn anything?

What do we learn? A Muslim guy went into a Kosher grocery store in France and shot Jews. What am I supposed to learn?

That he is a denier and knows absolutely nothing.

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Just 'lone wolves', not organized or anything to do with Iislam. Relax and have another beer.

Will we ever take this seriously or learn anything?

What do we learn? A Muslim guy went into a Kosher grocery store in France and shot Jews. What am I supposed to learn?

Here's some of what I've learned. You've a group of people from various nations whose antecedents never went through an Age Of Reason, Enlightenment or Reformation. You've got a religion/ideology that has no hierarchical structure accountable for the actions of its followers or even its so called leaders. Various "leaders" may speak out against the actions of some of the adherents to its ideology but its meaningless as they have no standing to speak for the religion/ideology. It's only lip service.

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I found it interesting that a prominent Rabbi is calling for Jews to carry guns. Do they carry guns in Israel? I've never been but I think they do. Do they have a lot of murders there? I can think of many times that Jews would have been better off it they were carrying guys like when grocery shopping at that Kosher store in Paris.

Most Orthodox Jews do not carry weapons, regardless of nationality and location. In Israel specifically, they do not even (for the most part) serve in the armed forces. The good Rabbi is either hysterical or trying for a headline. Pretty sure this would make its way into one of Israel's political satire shows.

Given that the Orthodox Jews in Israel only make up 8% of the population your statement is not very meaningful (did I ask about Orthdox jews?). I realize it must be difficult to accept that Jews should carry guns but the time has come. To try and ask and answer in a reasonable manner; don't Jews carry guns in Israel? The whole thing is another religious war and since the Muslim side is armed don't you think the Jewish side should be armed too?

It was meaningful in as much as the Rabbi in question is himself Orthodox. If he was affiliated with another school of thought of modern day Judaism, his notion may have sounded more reasonable. Some Jews do carry arms in Israel, but discounting military and security personnel, nothing as widespread as the USA. One cannot legally get a gun, or even a permit without jumping though some hurdles.

The Muslim "side", in Europe at least, is not on the whole armed. Doubt there is a firearm in each and every Muslim house hold.

The issue of terrorists getting weapons easily is more to do with Europe's open borders policy, which makes it not too difficult to smuggle arms, mostly originating from East Europe. An assault rifle would come at about 2000 Euro on the black market, not that expensive, really.

Mass arming of untrained civilians during times of tensions is probably not a good idea. There are other ways to increase security at relevant points and, of course, many measures which could be applied to make acquisition of weapons by terrorists much harder.

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It was meaningful in as much as the Rabbi in question is himself Orthodox. If he was affiliated with another school of thought of modern day Judaism, his notion may have sounded more reasonable. Some Jews do carry arms in Israel, but discounting military and security personnel, nothing as widespread as the USA. One cannot legally get a gun, or even a permit without jumping though some hurdles.

The Muslim "side", in Europe at least, is not on the whole armed. Doubt there is a firearm in each and every Muslim house hold.

The issue of terrorists getting weapons easily is more to do with Europe's open borders policy, which makes it not too difficult to smuggle arms, mostly originating from East Europe. An assault rifle would come at about 2000 Euro on the black market, not that expensive, really.

Mass arming of untrained civilians during times of tensions is probably not a good idea. There are other ways to increase security at relevant points and, of course, many measures which could be applied to make acquisition of weapons by terrorists much harder.

The Jews in Europe are not attempting to kill Muslim families so why would you mention Muslim side being armed? It's only the Jews that need to be armed against the Muslim terrorists.

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Return of the Lionheart and the Crusaders needed I think.

Ritchard the Lion Hearts crusade was crushed he was beeten and captured on the way home I believe.

Back in the late 18 hundreds early 19 hundreds when the U.S. was running the Phillipenes they where have bad times with the Muslims and could not stop them, they sent General Pershing to sort it out. They nicknamed him Black Jack Pershing. It is recorded some of the things he did.

It is recorded He captured a group of militants around 12 in the jungle had them tied up for execution had the same amount of his troops to shoot them he made the militants look had the bullets dipped in Pig blood and had one blank bullet loaded all the militants were shot exept for 1. Pershing had the graves dugout had quite a few pigs butchered and drained their blood had the blood pored into the graves cut the pigs up and their skin used to wrap around the dead Muslims and thrown into the graves them poured the remaining blood over them and buried he let the 1 remaining live Muslim watch all this and later allowed him to escape or freed him. After this there was a huge decline in attacks by the Muslems. I read about this long time ago. They named a tank after him The Pershing Tank.

The above story has been repeated a number of times on this forum, it's a myth.


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It was meaningful in as much as the Rabbi in question is himself Orthodox. If he was affiliated with another school of thought of modern day Judaism, his notion may have sounded more reasonable. Some Jews do carry arms in Israel, but discounting military and security personnel, nothing as widespread as the USA. One cannot legally get a gun, or even a permit without jumping though some hurdles.

The Muslim "side", in Europe at least, is not on the whole armed. Doubt there is a firearm in each and every Muslim house hold.

The issue of terrorists getting weapons easily is more to do with Europe's open borders policy, which makes it not too difficult to smuggle arms, mostly originating from East Europe. An assault rifle would come at about 2000 Euro on the black market, not that expensive, really.

Mass arming of untrained civilians during times of tensions is probably not a good idea. There are other ways to increase security at relevant points and, of course, many measures which could be applied to make acquisition of weapons by terrorists much harder.

The Jews in Europe are not attempting to kill Muslim families so why would you mention Muslim side being armed? It's only the Jews that need to be armed against the Muslim terrorists.

You are the one who brought up the "Muslim side" bring armed, I was merely responding to your post (which you failed to quote):

The whole thing is another religious war and since the Muslim side is armed don't you think the Jewish side should be armed too?


The Jews in Europe do not need to be armed against anyone. They are for the most part citizens, and their safety is a matter for their respective countries. In the same way, relevant authorities and law enforcement agencies are tasked with curbing Islamic terrorism threat. Making things even messier by arming untrained civilians will not necessarily result in greater security.

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