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The perfect reason for NOT learning Thai.


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Let me get this right...the wrong mattress went on the wrong bed.

Why don't you and the Missus move it yourselves.

Swallow the pride old son. Nobody will see you lose face - close all the curtains/blinds first.

I read the bit about it weighing 4 tons - come on lets get real!!

It might be awkward to handle but it's still only a mattress.

But you didn't (get it right). The mattress story is not the actual problem; it's only the context. And even if it had been quickly and easily solved, it would still be the context for a deeper—and apparently intractable—problem. Of course, if anybody thinks my interpretation is invalid, please feel free to let the flaming continue! Lmao

A thousand apologies.

Next time PM me and we can exchange phone numbers. My missus will call your missus and then she can hand the phone to the people who cannot get it right and she will sort them out.

Another free service from Mudcrab Inc

I really think that the real point has been missed.

His wife may just have a different agenda to the OP.

She might just have wanted the beds to be where they ended up.

If he would have "sorted it", then the poor bugga would have to live with an angry wife.

A bad example from the OP.

Perhaps he would reward us by returning to his thread and providing another example?

(Is he a troll?)

....................." (Is he a troll?) "......................

Well, considering he only has 14 posts racked up, his OP was purely designed to attract ridicule, his last line was - "Let the flaming commence.", and he has not been heard of since starting the topic, then yes he probably is a troll. thumbsup.gif

Having said that there were some interesting and witty exchanges between some of the other members so it was not a complete waste of time.

Special thanks to TransAm, the self confessed "drag" racer. biggrin.png

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Maybe its best you dont understand what they are saying about you sometimes. I can understand about 35% of it and can tell you they can very rude in front of you. I have learnt to let it go as u feel thais have a far more inferior society. A friend used to call them savages. I believe they are still in the fuedal ages.

I am totally agree that it's best don't understand what they say about you

To tell the truth you don't even need to understand thai to nocite their contempt upon foreigners

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Well it all depends - on 1/ what our thai wife is like - my thai wife will in all situations if she is not happy tell who ever she is dealing with to fix the

problem then and there - if the thai who has stuffed up is not there she will call them back and tell them to fix the problem - so if you have a communication problem - 1st let your wife deal with it - if she cant or wont then she not a strong minded or willed lady - my wife is a lady who simply wont take shit - BUT you have to know how to deal with the situation tactfully - remember thai people don't like conflict - they will walk away and not come back if you deal with any problem the wrong way

2/ As for speaking the language - it again depends - I have been told by some that the Thai people don't like you understand what they are saying- yes because they like to talk about you behind your back - its amazing how may Thai ladies say they don't care about the looks of foreigners but deep down what they are talking amongst each other about you is NOT flattering - ie they are mocking you big time

3/ Then theres the time when you think you know all this thai and in fact its not the right dialect and apart from your wife no one can understand you - your sounds that you have been practising for ages are still not 100% right and if you don't get it 100% right the Thai people are soo medieval work out what we are saying - when they talk English to me and its what the hell are you trying to say - I work out what it might be

4/ when you finally do get it right they go off talking at a million miles an hr with a reply and you cant understand what they are saying

5/ my way of dealing with it - - let your wife do the talking but learn the basics of talking thai and learn the basics of listening to the thai people

and the rest forget it as like the previous responses said they talk a lot of mundanethat shit that is a waste if time trying to work out what is said

just look at their expressions and faces to see their reactions

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Maybe its best you dont understand what they are saying about you sometimes. I can understand about 35% of it and can tell you they can very rude in front of you. I have learnt to let it go as u feel thais have a far more inferior society. A friend used to call them savages. I believe they are still in the fuedal ages.

I am totally agree that it's best don't understand what they say about you

To tell the truth you don't even need to understand thai to nocite their contempt upon foreigners

After reading some of the comments posted on TVF over the years I am not a bit surprised the Thai people hold "contempt upon foreigners".

Some of the members' attitudes to the locals would attract contempt in any country.

I don't notice this feeling among the Thai people I deal with day to day, perhaps it is something to do with my attitude towards them. biggrin.png

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Downside of learning Thai is that you get to hear what the majority of Thai people talk about on a daily basis: the most inane, trivial conversations and gossip that I've ever heard in my life. Yes, you can become totally fluent in Thai with a lot of work, but then what are you going to talk about? When I reached a level where I could understand 75% or so of what I heard around me, I completely lost interest in the language.

I saved my dogs (best friend) life because I could tell the Thai vet what was wrong with her and she got the correct medication and survived. I didn't completely lose interest in her life because she was a Thai dog.

My dog has a vocabulary of 36 words in English and 22 in Thai. My dog is smarter than most of you fellows I have no doubt and loyal and she works 24/7 for food and love. She has saved the my life (or at least from severe bodily harm/pain) 5 times in the past two years.

My advice (not that anyone cares) 1. If you want a friend get a dog. 2. Learn Thai so you can communicate with your Thai dog and it's doctor.

Sounds like you don't need a human partner anymore!smile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Your wife is a numpty. She told them where to put the mattresses and then was too embarrassed to explain that she had screwed up and I bet you were lording it over her saying how can these people be so stupid blah blah blah.

Learn to speak Thai and do everyone a favor, after 18 years you have no excuse unless you're retarded.

agree but a bit hash clap2.gif

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To each their own. Personally I can speak conversational Thai, not fluent, and have always found it invaluable. My wife mind you can't speak English.

That's the best reason for learning to speak Thai - and it helps to have a lady who speaks no English.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As you already understood the problem about the possible mix-up, if you spoke Thai could you not have explained it to the delivery people? Surely you wouldn't have been worried about losing face in the confrontation?

It would certainly have saved space on the forum about a trivial complaint because of your inability to understand the interaction that was going on.

Just another excuse for not understanding the language of your host country IMHO.....................wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7 alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

Perhaps the delivery men should have spoken English or the tongue of your native country, that would make things easier, eh?

That much effort replying to a post you think was a waste of space?

Slow day. The complaint, IMO is a waste of space, the excuse for not learning the language was childish.

But i was writing slowly because i knew some members can't read so fast...........................wink.png

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Although fraught with danger, Thais do appreciate you making the effort and when you do make a mistake, they let it pass as they do know what you are trying to say.Many years ago I was called upon to translate at a presentation for Wavemaster Ferries from Perth and before a room packed with investors, SET personnel, Navy and travel agents, I managed to say "Whether you have a hot or cold clitoris, you will have a comfortable ride on a Wavemaster Ferry" ! The Thais in the audience just tittered but let it pass as they knew what I was trying to say. After the address, a Thai Admiral took me aside and said "John you should do something about your Thai grammar" I had fallen for a common trap it was not tonal but an elongation mistake, "daaaaat instead of dat" !

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Right on OP......When I got married at first I thought "this is great"...now I'l let herself (she who must be obeyed) to do all the dealings with TOT, True Vision, Sophon Cable, Lawyer Etc., Etc., Etc., A disastrous decision....they were the most frustrating times I'v ever had...after talking with the counter staff for up to 30 mins and finally turning around to me when i asked her...Well?....she would have nothing to tell me....Mi Liu. Now i do it all myself and it's all done in a few minutes. I think the staff do the business quickly because they are so uncomfortable dealing with a Farang.

Edited by dotpoom
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As I learn Thai very slowly I just find that all those conversations i didn't understand and still don't fully understand, they are just shooting the breeze.

I am keen to continue to learn Thai

Maybe then we can get to the point much more quickly.

There are countless good reasons for learning the language of any country you go to live in or visit often, including getting to the point quicker.

I have found it just makes everyday things that used to be a drama that much easier. And you can have a bit of fun interacting with the locals.

Most of the people who are against learning the lingo are either thick as bricks, plain lazy, lacking imagination or are dumb rednecks who would not lower themselves to a level beneath the one they are on now. biggrin.png

Actually, there are many intelligent farangs who've lived here for years, who can speak two or three European languages, but just don't get on with the Thai language.

Because it is totally impractical. Where you going to use it? It is totally unnecessary in Thailand.

Completely. It's beyond me why anyone would learn the language. I speak Norwegian only to the locals, they nod and smile. Then they giggle. Works perfectly fine.

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When living in thailand not knowing the language makes the most simples things sometimes a big mission.. Try explaining your destination to a moto taxi who doesnt know english before I knew thai often ended up going a way I didnt want too. Then there is food... Such a simple thing but my friends that dont know thai have fried rice for nearly every meal when ordering as its all they know or chicken rice.

Learning the language makes it easier.. For me I had to learn the alphabet first.

I still nearly always speak english and then go to Thai if i have problems. Helps them learn I guess and a lot of the younger thais want to practice.

Not wanting to know thai reminds me of back in my own country where locals would complain that imagraints didnt even know the language being Enlish.

Sent from my c64

Edited by wow64
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I found Thai food the easiest to get into the language. Just point at it, ask Thais what the name is in Thai, and then repeat what you've heard. Since Thai is a tonal language, you probably make mistakes the first times. They may burst out in laughter, they may correct you with a smile. Don't get embarrassed, people in foreign countries know that beginners are never perfect, but they appreciate it if you at least try to learn their language. Take their laughters or smile as an expression that you're welcome to learn - and smile back.

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IMHO anybody who has lived in Thailand for an extended period of time(lets say a few years)and refuses to learn the language is either bone lazy,stupid,immature or has an superior complex. Try and learn and you will get an entire new outlook on Thailand and the Thai people. Big advantage.

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The only smart thing you said is:

"Thai themselves cannot communicate with each other in it"\

which is totally true.

Their language is so shiiity and unclear that I get mad so many times even if I can speak fluently. It really show the way they think...


because I am smart and most of them are not even able to learn over easy English.


Here in the Philippines is a term well understood by the educated down to the non educated, called "nosebleed or nosebleeding", used by locals to refer to some foreigner who caused their nose to bleed because they were forced to use their brains to reply to the foreigner. Is there something similar in Thailand or is that term used only among these dummies?

Why would a Thai want to hear anything from your type of person? I'll bet you have no education, a manual labor job and have done almost nothing of worth in your entire life.

The reason I know this is you call people in the Philippines, "dummies." No one with any class would make such a social and academic blunder.

What blunder? He can't call any people in the Philippines dummies? Meaning that there are no dummies at all there? Please. You can, without any insult, call people of any nation dummies, when you describe the dummies that live there! In more fortunate countries (not necessarily speaking in economic terms), there'll be a lower incidence of dummies, don't you think?

It's probably quite accurate of you to classify people with a manual job, and lower formal academic qualification as persons from whom no Thai would want to hear. That is the anachronistic, grossly ignorant blunder, since it's not difficult to find people in manual occupations with no tertiary education who are intelligent, perceptive, knowledgeable and decent, whereas some people I've met with higher degrees are scheming, duplicitous, fiercely ignorant azzholes. Where's the real blunder?

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Guess intelligence is more than "what is measured by IQ", and many manual workers in fact score a high IQ, without formal higher education.

Intelligence is the ability to cope with a situation, by learning about the situation and/or changing it.

I can solve formal mathematical or legal problems, but I'm too stupid to milk a cow.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As you already understood the problem about the possible mix-up, if you spoke Thai could you not have explained it to the delivery people? Surely you wouldn't have been worried about losing face in the confrontation?

It would certainly have saved space on the forum about a trivial complaint because of your inability to understand the interaction that was going on.

Just another excuse for not understanding the language of your host country IMHO.....................wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7 alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

Perhaps the delivery men should have spoken English or the tongue of your native country, that would make things easier, eh?

That much effort replying to a post you think was a waste of space?

Slow day. The complaint, IMO is a waste of space, the excuse for not learning the language was childish.

But i was writing slowly because i knew some members can't read so fast...........................wink.png

The greatest reason to learn:

An old man was just fitted with hearing aids and hearing better than he had in a decade.

He came back into the clinic a week after being fit, and the audiologist asked him, "How are your hearing aids working?"

old man: "Good, I've changed my will three times already!"

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I really think that the real point has been missed.

His wife may just have a different agenda to the OP.

She might just have wanted the beds to be where they ended up.

If he would have "sorted it", then the poor bugga would have to live with an angry wife.

A bad example from the OP.

Perhaps he would reward us by returning to his thread and providing another example?

(Is he a troll?)

....................." (Is he a troll?) "......................

Well, considering he only has 14 posts racked up, his OP was purely designed to attract ridicule, his last line was - "Let the flaming commence.", and he has not been heard of since starting the topic, then yes he probably is a troll. thumbsup.gif

Having said that there were some interesting and witty exchanges between some of the other members so it was not a complete waste of time.

Special thanks to TransAm, the self confessed "drag" racer. biggrin.png

Yes it's been quite amusing.

I loved the post that said: Can't believe I read the whole thread!

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IMHO anybody who has lived in Thailand for an extended period of time(lets say a few years)and refuses to learn the language is either bone lazy,stupid,immature or has an superior complex. Try and learn and you will get an entire new outlook on Thailand and the Thai people. Big advantage.

I've managed ok for 10 years without "learning" Thai, although obviously I've picked up bits and pieces. I think your comment is way over-stated.

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I have never found the inability of being able to speak the language a problem,

I suppose if you do not know what is being said by Thais...there is less chance for you to become pissed at how you are being perceived...

Knowing the Thai language is important if you do not want to live in isolation...never immersing one's self in Thai culture...how boring...

Tell me, what do you mean by Thai 'culture'?

I'm here for my partner. I've lost any interest I ever had in Thai 'culture' long ago. But do go on and enlighten us about what it is and how you have gone about immersing yourself in it.

Edited by Card
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I Have been told several times by "Farangs" that can speak fluent Thai, don't bother to learn Thai,you wouldn't like what they are saying about you!

I've heard this one a few times too. "All the talk about is food and you." I'll say this though: I once met a guy who couldn't speak Thai well, and his kids couldn't speak English; he said he couldn't talk to his children about anything important. That's really sad.

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