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Floating market rip off


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I don't know where you were at the floating market but i go there at least twice a year with a group of students who conduct a survey with the tourist. There a sign and I believe a boat is 400 baht and one with a top for shade is 600 baht. Even that is high but so be it. You sure you didn't miss a O in the price.

No I didnt.


Read the reviews here, same experiences as mine. My taxi driver took me to the stall of a private boat owner. Apparently its what taxi drivers do, they dont directlyt take you to the market, but take you to a place so you have to hire a private boat. Of course they receive their hefty commision.

Didn't you think to yourself at any point: "Maybe I shouldn't take a taxi"; or "Maybe I should tell him to go straight to the market without stopping first" When you read these reviews? simple planning takes seconds. I hope you give more attention to any pre-flight checks you may have to make in the future....

I like doing things instantly, just like how I decided to go to Bangkok from Istanbul the same day.I like making my plans last minute, and today I had no plans to go to the floating market. Before hailing the cab, I didnt even know how far and where the floating market was, so when the cab quoted 1500thb for going and coming back I was like <deleted>, but gave in after he told me it was 100km away. Common sense, why would you plan your trip to a floating market, its a <deleted> floating market I thought. And I dont mind getting ripped off actually, but there is a line between getting ripped off and getting raped, 4000thb for a boat ride is rape.

That's not at all the way to do things in Thailand - it's good old price negociation over here, not pre-determined fair consumer prices !

Know an acceptable price first, then you can tell the people you know the price and will find another person to do it if they don't want...

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Not as much as I earn but not too shabby:


  • Aircraft pilots and flight engineers - £90,420
  • Chief executives and senior officials - £81,521
  • Air traffic controllers - £79,874
  • Medical practitioners - £71,141
  • Marketing and sales directors - £70,742
  • Information technology and telecommunications directors - £64,511
  • Financial managers and directors - £61,108
  • Senior police officers - £57,896
  • Financial institution managers and directors - £53,621
  • Senior professionals of educational establishments - £50,367
Source: Office for National Statistics

Whilst there would DEFINATELY be some Pilots in the UK that earn well in excess of 90k GBP, rest assured there is a long road to waddle along before one gets to that level.

Pilots don't just get their commercial licence followed by a type rating for an A380 and take a seat in the LHS and start calling the shots, it takes a long time to accumulate the hours to get oneself into one of the higher paying roles.

There are plenty of pilots flying small regional type aircraft on a lot less than 90k quid.

These days there's even young pilots out there 'Paying certain Airlines' for the privlidge of being able to fly. Yep, that's right, they pay upwards of $100,000 USD to get a contract to work for some airlines for 2 years, during which time they are NOT paid at all. All they receive in return for their money, is a couple of uniforms, some training and a hotel room on layovers & about 80 hours flying a month where they get the opportunity to scare the crapper out of some poor unfortunate captain.

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this guy doesnt seem to be able to adapt to a situation and think on his feet. and he figures he has what it takes to fly for a major asian airline someday?

Yes, you can just imagine it, a few warning alarms go off, he doesn't like it, so he just goes and sits in First Class and orders a meal.

its unreal. he tells us he has visited many times and wants to live here full time and insists that it isnt the women that attract him to thailand and then goes on to explain his lack of skill in dealing with getting around here is due to the fact that he spends all his time in bars and bringing home countless women he meets on-line and doesnt have to pay for! but he's sure he has what it takes to become a skilled airline pilot with enough hours to get taken on by one of the major aisian airlines and still find time to profit in stock markets!! lol

I hold no malice towards him. He's just a young man who's out experiencing the world for the first time. He might be mixing his aspirations and abilities up a bit, that's all. I hope no harm comes to him in this dangerous world and if his biggest drama is getting touch for a few thousand baht then he has done well IMO.

Fortunately for him, he's from a family who has done well for themselves and they are able to support him as he blunders his way through his early years.

Nothing else to see really.

He would be well advised to stay away from some of the islands and resort areas where the real tourist sharks operate, especially some of the, where his nievity may lead to him making front line international news.

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What did you do before the age of the t'internet? stay in?

Well tinderella, we had these incredible papery things called 'books' which were stuffed full of information. They were great use.

  1. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers - £90,420

Tinderella, that list seems to have missed out professional sportsmen who earn a tad more than pilots. I can assure you that Luke isn't just going to finish a week at pilot school and simply swan into the RAF Officer's Club in Piccadilly (or similar) in London as he seems to think he will, let alone jobs of that level. He'd not have the nous to get a taxi there and would spend his day walking up and down Regent Street clutching a map in his sweaty fists while the Turkish/East Euro scammers follow him licking their lips....

Lets face it, what we have here is a troll character with high aspirations, false levels of self image and ego but with zero life skills even in the most basic practical matters.....

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I dont understand. 4000 baht for what? The floating market is free. Its a korean and chinese tourist factory and worth about 20 mins walking around. I wouldnt go all the way from bangkok to see it. The water park down the road is much more worth your time.

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And good luck trying to be a pilot. Seems most of the people dreams have been crushed here and want u to feel the same as them.

Do you actually know the 'people here' and their dreams or is that just a spasmodic kneejerk posting?

My basic 'dream' was to live and work far from the grey shores of home in a decent job. I'd say I've managed that so please cease writing trite nonsense.....

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And good luck trying to be a pilot. Seems most of the people dreams have been crushed here and want u to feel the same as them.

He's being g given advice about the pitfalls of starting a career in Thailand. He can do as he pleases, but he's best aware than having a sugar coated version of the reality.

As for dreams, I'm very much enjoying my 10th year here after relocating.

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95% of the floating markets are a tourist trap/scam....a designed shopping area with a hole filled with water with no through stream or river....some with side shows and other attractions lumped around...Google helps.....

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The OP would probably pay 500 baht for a 99 baht breakfast

Had a great breakfeast at J.W marriot yesterday for 895 baht, gave 1000 baht, and left.
Yup. Its the dick heads that throw money around that give thais the idea to charge stupid prices.

For a laugh in bars i tell girls its my 1st time so how much for a short time and some will come out with 2500bt. Usually cos some idiot paid that before.

Op. You do know overpaying, even in tips is regarded as a sign of stupidity in thailand.....right?

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what floating market where???

I think he means the original one outside Bangkok, not the Pattaya touristy one.

I did it donkeys years ago, great trip although I had to get up at some insane hour.

Everybody gets a commission these days and the prices quoted are the initial gouging attempt.

Now it is just like a staged tourist attraction.

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jacko45k, on 20 Jan 2015 - 09:09, said:
kannot, on 19 Jan 2015 - 18:54, said:

what floating market where???

I think he means the original one outside Bangkok, not the Pattaya touristy one.

I did it donkeys years ago, great trip although I had to get up at some insane hour.

Everybody gets a commission these days and the prices quoted are the initial gouging attempt.

Now it is just like a staged tourist attraction.

It's at Damnern Saduak about an hour's drive south of BKK. It's the original and best. It was in the James Bond movie "The Man with the Golden Gun".

I went years ago too can't imagine what it's like now.

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jacko45k, on 20 Jan 2015 - 09:09, said:
kannot, on 19 Jan 2015 - 18:54, said:

what floating market where???

I think he means the original one outside Bangkok, not the Pattaya touristy one.

I did it donkeys years ago, great trip although I had to get up at some insane hour.

Everybody gets a commission these days and the prices quoted are the initial gouging attempt.

Now it is just like a staged tourist attraction.

It's at Damnern Saduak about an hour's drive south of BKK. It's the original and best. It was in the James Bond movie "The Man with the Golden Gun".

I went years ago too can't imagine what it's like now.

I took the missus last year during the cool snap so she could pay 50B more for the same sh*te she can get at the local market . It's hammered out as it's on every tourist itinerary (usually coupled with a trip to the Rose Garden which is pretty pleasant in cool weather).

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The OP would probably pay 500 baht for a 99 baht breakfast

Had a great breakfeast at J.W marriot yesterday for 895 baht, gave 1000 baht, and left.
Yup. Its the dick heads that throw money around that give thais the idea to charge stupid prices.

For a laugh in bars i tell girls its my 1st time so how much for a short time and some will come out with 2500bt. Usually cos some idiot paid that before.

Op. You do know overpaying, even in tips is regarded as a sign of stupidity in thailand.....right?

Comparing the price of a breakfeast with a short time quickie? I dont pay for girls here, never negotiated with a hooker. But I'll tell you, its not young lads like me thats brining up the prices, usually people my age are backpackers trying to make the most of their buck. Blame the old farts for that, not my group. Its the 70 year old johnny thats building a house for his Isaan bargirl princess thats bringing up the prices, not the 25 year old luke whos just trying to have a good time.

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Haha the usual guys bragging about int he other thread of being set to retire are trying to derail this thread.

Once you've rattled their cage, they'll follow you around the forum filling thread after thread with their crap.

Gives them something to do, I guess.

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Luke is just one of those guys we all know that does not have the necessary skills to negotiate Thailand successfully.

Just a quick glance on his iPhone6 on Google when in the taxi, by typing "floating market trip advisor" would have told him all he needed to know.

Kind of like a pilot checking a map before he flies so he doesn't end up over the Ukraine airspace.

Using family success and graduating at the old age of 25 as some sort of barometer of intelligence is misleading at best.

Having to use Grinder Tinder to get a free date is not exactly bragging rights either. Neither is spending 895 on a breakfast at the JW Marriot.

Aim higher kid.

Haha I'm not the one bragging here.Check my other topic, bunch of people were bragging about their accomplishments there. You had the forex trader with george soros skills, the guy who had his personal assistant doing his chores for him, the oil and gas guy, the guy who was proud that he would retire at 50. But when I'm forced to say that I can get girls easily on tinder I'm bragging right? By the way I'm forced to go to J.W Mariott, al the breakfeast places around nana are crap.

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That was what happen to us a couple of days ago

. I didn't know it was that far away Took a taxameter. It was about 100 km from Sukhumvit.

Nothing to say about that, i could ask, but when we arrive there was two options 4.000 THB and 2.000THB.

I just said, Go back. 200 km taxi, almost 2.000 THB and waist of time, for nothing.

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