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Pheu Thai's claim not true : Democrat

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Another highly misleading piece of nonsense that ill educated reactionaries love to quote.For those genuinely interested in how the fascists perverted democracy, I recommend the great historians of the rise of Nazism, Richard Evans and Ian Kershaw.

For those more interested on how Thaksin perverted democracy, stay on TVF news.


Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

I think your comment makes you a squirming maggot. But that's just my opinion.

& they got to run the country because they were elected in a general election.

Squirming maggots get into power by doing backroom deals in the army barracks.

Hitler was elected too.

Another highly misleading piece of nonsense that ill educated reactionaries love to quote.For those genuinely interested in how the fascists perverted democracy, I recommend the great historians of the rise of Nazism, Richard Evans and Ian Kershaw.

As a student of history, you would acknowledge that Hitler and his party were elected, and then manipulated the democratic system to propel themselves into control ? Or do you suggest an alternative?

Thaksin, by the way, has never personally won an election he stood in i.e. where people voted specifically by name. But, he and his party have tried to manipulate a democratic system to propel themselves into total control. And like the Nazi's, PTP were invited to form a government after receiving a large minority vote.


see page 53 : http://anfrel.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ThaiEOMReport_Edit_4-final_edit.pdf

The Dems have shed loads of money. They are the elite after all and they make Mr. T look poor so if it came down to vote buying why didn't they win? Don't be naive and claim the Dems are above buying votes.

The truth is this whole vote buying thing has been shown to be irrelevant except to people who rely on it to undermine the democratic decision of the Thai people.

If you make posts like that you should be prepared to prove , if you have proof of your claims please post it.

If not can not then you are just another troll.

and a summary: http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html

It's pointless.These fanatics have been provided with proof time and time again of the limited impact of vote buying but they are so brainwashed (or just plain thick) they cannot process the information.That's not to say that money doesn't play too large a part in Thai elections but that is true in many countries not least the US.An intelligent and (more or less) honourable Democrat like Khun Korn understands the position and has had some interesting things to say about it.The Democrats have been in fact the largest spenders in recent years as Korn acknowledges.If the current reform process could in a non biased way (fat chance I hear you say) look at ways of minimising election campaigning costs, we would have much to be grateful for to the government.

Anyone who doesn't process information and reach a Jayboy approved conclusion must be thick, brainwashed or uneducated. He has said so on many, many posts.

Will all TVF posters please note. He his never wrong and only his opinions represent the intelligent balanced view of true facts. whistling.gif

Sadly, that detracts from the occasional post in which is comments are correct.


Anyone who doesn't process information and reach a Jayboy approved conclusion must be thick, brainwashed or uneducated. He has said so on many, many posts.

Will all TVF posters please note. He his never wrong and only his opinions represent the intelligent balanced view of true facts. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1SW1

Sadly, that detracts from the occasional post in which is comments are correct.

I would rather read jayboys posts any day of the week instead of the same tripe you continually post day every day. Stick to commentating on the golf forum.

  • Like 2

"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

And there you have it. Intelligent debate or articulate responses were never a strong point of the PTP. They know they are backed into the corner. The contempt they held the voters in for 3 years is now coming back to haunt them. They have no were to run so they resort to what they are comfortable doing dispitse the current political climate that could come back to bite the. They are like a rabid dog.

With all the lose cannons in the PTP they best heed thaksins advice and pull their heads in because as much as the voters hold them in disdain now one can be assured that name calling, threats and violence is not going to win their hearts over again and no one knows that more than thaksin.

Keep it up PTP. You are signing your own dearth warrant...

"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

Thaksin's PR Lobbyists love to position this as a class struggle between the fascist extreme right wing feudal hierarchical ammart elite old guard and the popular people's champions democratic socialist justice seeking fair society visioned Thaksin owned and controlled parties.

They may be expensive but they do a dammed good job - all the left leaning journalists at the BBC, AFP, Aussie and US media swallow it hook, line and sinker, and readily accept that all charges of anything must be politically motivated and there can be simply dismissed without bother to check the evidence.

Many posters on here see this as a class struggle for a fair society rather than reality - one criminal clan usurpers trying to grab power from the old establishment for their own self enriching dynastic aims.


Anyone who doesn't process information and reach a Jayboy approved conclusion must be thick, brainwashed or uneducated. He has said so on many, many posts.

Will all TVF posters please note. He his never wrong and only his opinions represent the intelligent balanced view of true facts. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1SW1

Sadly, that detracts from the occasional post in which is comments are correct.

I would rather read jayboys posts any day of the week instead of the same tripe you continually post day every day. Stick to commentating on the golf forum.

No one forces you to read anything. But as a renowned Shin apologist and admirer, I'm sure you love his posts which reinforce what you'd love to believe was reality. And, after all agreeing with that makes you clever, doesn't it?

I've never commented on a golf forum, never played or interested in that sport. But hey you're a Shin supported so why worry about posting a true comment.

  • Like 1

The Dems have shed loads of money. They are the elite after all and they make Mr. T look poor so if it came down to vote buying why didn't they win? Don't be naive and claim the Dems are above buying votes.

The truth is this whole vote buying thing has been shown to be irrelevant except to people who rely on it to undermine the democratic decision of the Thai people.

If you make posts like that you should be prepared to prove , if you have proof of your claims please post it.

If not can not then you are just another troll.

see page 53 : http://anfrel.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ThaiEOMReport_Edit_4-final_edit.pdf

and a summary: http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html

It forgets to mention what went before though does it not, like the Dems not being able to campaign in red territory nor does it mention the campaigner who was killed for trying ?

Now try the bit about how the Dems are so much richer.

But first consider that the PT party paid their MP's over and above their parliamentary wages 100,00b per month for elected MP's and 50,000b per month for list MP's.

We know this because twice the PT MP's have complained publicly once in 2011 and again in 2014 as per :

Friday, 30 September 2011, Pheu Thai MPs still unhappy with their salaries, and : 27.10.2014 , Pheu Thai MPs moan: No work, no pay.

There was also Thaksins threat to withhold the PT MP's "allowances" after not enough of them turned up to form a quorum.

Unfortunately the links I have to these I cant post because of site rules but if you google them you will find them easily.

And then we know that the Dems MP's actually pay part of their wages into the party because that bastion of upholding the law Khun Tarit wanted to ban the party because the money was paid by electronic means rather than by check or cash, as per : DSI calls in Democrat MPs over party donations


Now please explain how the "poor" PT party can afford to pay their politicians over and above their parliamentary wages while the Dems MP's pay into their "rich" party to fund it.

  • Like 2

The Dems have shed loads of money. They are the elite after all and they make Mr. T look poor so if it came down to vote buying why didn't they win? Don't be naive and claim the Dems are above buying votes.

The truth is this whole vote buying thing has been shown to be irrelevant except to people who rely on it to undermine the democratic decision of the Thai people.

If you make posts like that you should be prepared to prove , if you have proof of your claims please post it.

If not can not then you are just another troll.

see page 53 : http://anfrel.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/ThaiEOMReport_Edit_4-final_edit.pdf

and a summary: http://www.voanews.com/content/asian-observer-group-commends-thai-election-cites-minor-flaws--125003034/141777.html

It forgets to mention what went before though does it not, like the Dems not being able to campaign in red territory nor does it mention the campaigner who was killed for trying ?

Now try the bit about how the Dems are so much richer.

But first consider that the PT party paid their MP's over and above their parliamentary wages 100,00b per month for elected MP's and 50,000b per month for list MP's.

We know this because twice the PT MP's have complained publicly once in 2011 and again in 2014 as per :

Friday, 30 September 2011, Pheu Thai MPs still unhappy with their salaries, and : 27.10.2014 , Pheu Thai MPs moan: No work, no pay.

There was also Thaksins threat to withhold the PT MP's "allowances" after not enough of them turned up to form a quorum.

Unfortunately the links I have to these I cant post because of site rules but if you google them you will find them easily.

And then we know that the Dems MP's actually pay part of their wages into the party because that bastion of upholding the law Khun Tarit wanted to ban the party because the money was paid by electronic means rather than by check or cash, as per : DSI calls in Democrat MPs over party donations


Now please explain how the "poor" PT party can afford to pay their politicians over and above their parliamentary wages while the Dems MP's pay into their "rich" party to fund it.

While you're at it TB, you can explain the moral and legal implications of MPs selling their voting rights to an off-shore criminal fugitive, and how this affects the democratic rights of the 51% who didn't vote for PTP.

  • Like 1

"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

And there you have it. Intelligent debate or articulate responses were never a strong point of the PTP. They know they are backed into the corner. The contempt they held the voters in for 3 years is now coming back to haunt them. They have no were to run so they resort to what they are comfortable doing dispitse the current political climate that could come back to bite the. They are like a rabid dog.

With all the lose cannons in the PTP they best heed thaksins advice and pull their heads in because as much as the voters hold them in disdain now one can be assured that name calling, threats and violence is not going to win their hearts over again and no one knows that more than thaksin.

Keep it up PTP. You are signing your own dearth warrant...

"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

Thaksin's PR Lobbyists love to position this as a class struggle between the fascist extreme right wing feudal hierarchical ammart elite old guard and the popular people's champions democratic socialist justice seeking fair society visioned Thaksin owned and controlled parties.

They may be expensive but they do a dammed good job - all the left leaning journalists at the BBC, AFP, Aussie and US media swallow it hook, line and sinker, and readily accept that all charges of anything must be politically motivated and there can be simply dismissed without bother to check the evidence.

Many posters on here see this as a class struggle for a fair society rather than reality - one criminal clan usurpers trying to grab power from the old establishment for their own self enriching dynastic aims.

The reason why such simple minded explanations have no credibility is that those that propagate them seem unaware of the complexities and nuances that inform the Thai political landscape.Certainly there are ironies that a far from admirable man like Thaksin is positioned as the defender of democracy and civil rights (given his awful record on both when he was in power).Such intemperate language however about foreign journalists (most of whom are far better acquainted with the context and detail than you) simply appears as a rant against those who hold different opinions.Your final explanation about "criminal clans" is so absurd and distant from reality I am surprised you feel no shame in coming out with these facile lies.

The best foreign commentators have produced some of the most interesting and balanced reporting.Like most of your fellow fanatics and apologists for repression the last thing you will do is to listen to different perceptions or indeed do any kind of research at all.However for those who are genuinely independent thinkers the piece below by Richard Lloyd Parry is model of thoughtful analysis.


Money quote

"But the suave villainy of the Democrat Party, and of men like Abhisit and Korn, is insufficiently recognised. They understand how democratic opposition works, and how defeat, over time, strengthens losing parties, by purging them of what is unrealistic and superfluous, and forcing them into congruence with the aspirations of voters. Twice they have had the opportunity to reject military force and to insist on the primacy of elections; twice they have held the generals’ coats for them, and watched civil rights being trampled on, in the hope of gaining some respite from their own chronic unelectability. The Democrat Party’s leaders – young, attractive and cosmopolitan – could have positioned themselves as mediators between a corrupt, complacent old elite and a corrupt, arrogant new power. Instead, they chose their natural side in the class war, and achieved the feat of losing the moral high ground to a man such as Thaksin. Their responsibility, and their disgrace, are very great."


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

Add: immoral, incapable, thieves without conscience, puppet leader no hesitation, no conscience to play act the role of Thai PM - all aimed at deceiving the good Thai people.

Not only that, they pick their noses in public, don't floss between meals, "double dip" potato crisps into the dip after taking a bite, sometimes wear the same shirt two days in a row, worship Satan and his demonic minions, and engage in lascivious activities with fictional dwarves. B@st@ards. facepalm.gif

You know them better than others.


"The Pheu Thai camp had speculated that Yingluck would probably be impeached because most NLA members were rightwing extremists."

Of course the Pheu Thai camp may also have speculated that Ms. Yingluck would probably be impeached because they were found out, had recorded their activities in statements publicly available, told white lies and so. Such speculations should be discarded as unusefull of course rolleyes.gif

  • Like 1

It's pointless.These fanatics have been provided with proof time and time again of the limited impact of vote buying but they are so brainwashed (or just plain thick) they cannot process the information.That's not to say that money doesn't play too large a part in Thai elections but that is true in many countries not least the US.An intelligent and (more or less) honourable Democrat like Khun Korn understands the position and has had some interesting things to say about it.The Democrats have been in fact the largest spenders in recent years as Korn acknowledges.If the current reform process could in a non biased way (fat chance I hear you say) look at ways of minimising election campaigning costs, we would have much to be grateful for to the government.

So, the RPPs with costs of 700 billion Baht in less than three years should not be seen as vote buying ?


"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

And there you have it. Intelligent debate or articulate responses were never a strong point of the PTP. They know they are backed into the corner. The contempt they held the voters in for 3 years is now coming back to haunt them. They have no were to run so they resort to what they are comfortable doing dispitse the current political climate that could come back to bite the. They are like a rabid dog.

With all the lose cannons in the PTP they best heed thaksins advice and pull their heads in because as much as the voters hold them in disdain now one can be assured that name calling, threats and violence is not going to win their hearts over again and no one knows that more than thaksin.

Keep it up PTP. You are signing your own dearth warrant...

"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

Thaksin's PR Lobbyists love to position this as a class struggle between the fascist extreme right wing feudal hierarchical ammart elite old guard and the popular people's champions democratic socialist justice seeking fair society visioned Thaksin owned and controlled parties.

They may be expensive but they do a dammed good job - all the left leaning journalists at the BBC, AFP, Aussie and US media swallow it hook, line and sinker, and readily accept that all charges of anything must be politically motivated and there can be simply dismissed without bother to check the evidence.

Many posters on here see this as a class struggle for a fair society rather than reality - one criminal clan usurpers trying to grab power from the old establishment for their own self enriching dynastic aims.

The reason why such simple minded explanations have no credibility is that those that propagate them seem unaware of the complexities and nuances that inform the Thai political landscape.Certainly there are ironies that a far from admirable man like Thaksin is positioned as the defender of democracy and civil rights (given his awful record on both when he was in power).Such intemperate language however about foreign journalists (most of whom are far better acquainted with the context and detail than you) simply appears as a rant against those who hold different opinions.Your final explanation about "criminal clans" is so absurd and distant from reality I am surprised you feel no shame in coming out with these facile lies.

The best foreign commentators have produced some of the most interesting and balanced reporting.Like most of your fellow fanatics and apologists for repression the last thing you will do is to listen to different perceptions or indeed do any kind of research at all.However for those who are genuinely independent thinkers the piece below by Richard Lloyd Parry is model of thoughtful analysis.


Money quote

"But the suave villainy of the Democrat Party, and of men like Abhisit and Korn, is insufficiently recognised. They understand how democratic opposition works, and how defeat, over time, strengthens losing parties, by purging them of what is unrealistic and superfluous, and forcing them into congruence with the aspirations of voters. Twice they have had the opportunity to reject military force and to insist on the primacy of elections; twice they have held the generals’ coats for them, and watched civil rights being trampled on, in the hope of gaining some respite from their own chronic unelectability. The Democrat Party’s leaders – young, attractive and cosmopolitan – could have positioned themselves as mediators between a corrupt, complacent old elite and a corrupt, arrogant new power. Instead, they chose their natural side in the class war, and achieved the feat of losing the moral high ground to a man such as Thaksin. Their responsibility, and their disgrace, are very great."

Must be me but I see not too much balance. More the usual British fascination with positioning their own class society unto other peoples struggle.

BTW for those who want to read more about Mr. Parry you might start here


Of course also here



It's pointless.These fanatics have been provided with proof time and time again of the limited impact of vote buying but they are so brainwashed (or just plain thick) they cannot process the information.That's not to say that money doesn't play too large a part in Thai elections but that is true in many countries not least the US.An intelligent and (more or less) honourable Democrat like Khun Korn understands the position and has had some interesting things to say about it.The Democrats have been in fact the largest spenders in recent years as Korn acknowledges.If the current reform process could in a non biased way (fat chance I hear you say) look at ways of minimising election campaigning costs, we would have much to be grateful for to the government.

So, the RPPs with costs of 700 billion Baht in less than three years should not be seen as vote buying ?

No.It is a common misconception among those who hate democracy to muddle vote buying with so called populist policies.By their bizarre logic every democracy in the free world is guilty of vote buying - ie successful politicians promote policies they think will be popular with electorate.


"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

And there you have it. Intelligent debate or articulate responses were never a strong point of the PTP. They know they are backed into the corner. The contempt they held the voters in for 3 years is now coming back to haunt them. They have no were to run so they resort to what they are comfortable doing dispitse the current political climate that could come back to bite the. They are like a rabid dog.

With all the lose cannons in the PTP they best heed thaksins advice and pull their heads in because as much as the voters hold them in disdain now one can be assured that name calling, threats and violence is not going to win their hearts over again and no one knows that more than thaksin.

Keep it up PTP. You are signing your own dearth warrant...

"most NLA members were rightwing extremists"

Thaksin's PR Lobbyists love to position this as a class struggle between the fascist extreme right wing feudal hierarchical ammart elite old guard and the popular people's champions democratic socialist justice seeking fair society visioned Thaksin owned and controlled parties.

They may be expensive but they do a dammed good job - all the left leaning journalists at the BBC, AFP, Aussie and US media swallow it hook, line and sinker, and readily accept that all charges of anything must be politically motivated and there can be simply dismissed without bother to check the evidence.

Many posters on here see this as a class struggle for a fair society rather than reality - one criminal clan usurpers trying to grab power from the old establishment for their own self enriching dynastic aims.

The reason why such simple minded explanations have no credibility is that those that propagate them seem unaware of the complexities and nuances that inform the Thai political landscape.Certainly there are ironies that a far from admirable man like Thaksin is positioned as the defender of democracy and civil rights (given his awful record on both when he was in power).Such intemperate language however about foreign journalists (most of whom are far better acquainted with the context and detail than you) simply appears as a rant against those who hold different opinions.Your final explanation about "criminal clans" is so absurd and distant from reality I am surprised you feel no shame in coming out with these facile lies.

The best foreign commentators have produced some of the most interesting and balanced reporting.Like most of your fellow fanatics and apologists for repression the last thing you will do is to listen to different perceptions or indeed do any kind of research at all.However for those who are genuinely independent thinkers the piece below by Richard Lloyd Parry is model of thoughtful analysis.


Money quote

"But the suave villainy of the Democrat Party, and of men like Abhisit and Korn, is insufficiently recognised. They understand how democratic opposition works, and how defeat, over time, strengthens losing parties, by purging them of what is unrealistic and superfluous, and forcing them into congruence with the aspirations of voters. Twice they have had the opportunity to reject military force and to insist on the primacy of elections; twice they have held the generals’ coats for them, and watched civil rights being trampled on, in the hope of gaining some respite from their own chronic unelectability. The Democrat Party’s leaders – young, attractive and cosmopolitan – could have positioned themselves as mediators between a corrupt, complacent old elite and a corrupt, arrogant new power. Instead, they chose their natural side in the class war, and achieved the feat of losing the moral high ground to a man such as Thaksin. Their responsibility, and their disgrace, are very great."

Must be me but I see not too much balance. More the usual British fascination with positioning their own class society unto other peoples struggle.

BTW for those who want to read more about Mr. Parry you might start here


Of course also here


Yes it is you.For the non brainwashed will recognise his criticism of Thaksin is as harsh as that of the Democrat leadership.The point however is that Abhisit/Korn actually know the problem - and did nothing, indeed frustrated the possibility of progress.


So, the RPPs with costs of 700 billion Baht in less than three years should not be seen as vote buying ?

No.It is a common misconception among those who hate democracy to muddle vote buying with so called populist policies.By their bizarre logic every democracy in the free world is guilty of vote buying - ie successful politicians promote policies they think will be popular with electorate.

It's 'delayed' vote buying plain and simple. The criminal aspect is not in the promise but in the way the promise was fulfilled and abused.

As election promise an impossible scheme, as policy positioned as 'self-financing', poor farmers still poor. Election promises broken.

So, if I were to grant you that none of this was vote buying, will you grant me the rest ?


Must be me but I see not too much balance. More the usual British fascination with positioning their own class society unto other peoples struggle.

BTW for those who want to read more about Mr. Parry you might start here


Of course also here


Yes it is you.For the non brainwashed will recognise his criticism of Thaksin is as harsh as that of the Democrat leadership.The point however is that Abhisit/Korn actually know the problem - and did nothing, indeed frustrated the possibility of progress.

The point you imply but ignore is Thaksin knowing the problem and doing nothing, indeed frustrated the possibility of progress. His 'Yingluck' government has only escalated problems and did nothing to fundamentally help the poor. He even tried to whitewash his activities with the blanket amnesty bill covering from 2004 to 2012-08-09.

BTW your not so subtle suggestion I'm brainwashed is noted. Interesting debating style.


No.It is a common misconception among those who hate democracy to muddle vote buying with so called populist policies.By their bizarre logic every democracy in the free world is guilty of vote buying - ie successful politicians promote policies they think will be popular with electorate.

Every democracy in the free world does NOT promote populist policies that have proven to be hotbeds of corruption, which fail to even approach their targets, and which will prove hugely expensive. Nor will elected leaders fail to declare conflicts of interest in such schemes, lie to the public and parliament about their success, refute accurate claims to the losses incurred, refuse to investigate corruption allegations, or pretend they are fully in control when they obviously are not.


Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

By being democratically elected by the majority !!! (More than once).

Vote buying ... YES, by all parties, not only one party is guilty of that but it makes no difference to the majority who will take anyone and everyone's money .... and still vote for the party they want to win.

I would suggest, that to some extent, the charges and accusations against the ousted government and its members / supporters are best taken with a large pinch of salt. The current holders of power and position may not be above spreading inaccurate information, if and as the need suits them. I understand that they have also banned anyone else from doing likewise to them.

As I recall, it was when the losers of the last election were at the height of their disruptive ranting in BKK that the then PM offered an election. I thought ... Good idea. .... so strange that this was not accepted with open arms by the opposition. Perhaps they were well informed or maybe weren't too confident in their political popularity and standing.

Not that it's any business of a foreigner but in a democracy such as Thailand; the population are entitled to vote as they choose. The majority wins, the minority looses, better luck for the losers next time (or not, as it turned out). It stands to reason that the minority will not be happy with the result (as they have clearly demonstrated on the last two occasions). No one will convince me that it's not power, position, influence and CASH that's provided them with the opportunity and means to disrupt the elected government. Possibly ... corruption, deceit and gratuities runs far deeper and faster than anyone here on this forum will ever understand.


No.It is a common misconception among those who hate democracy to muddle vote buying with so called populist policies.By their bizarre logic every democracy in the free world is guilty of vote buying - ie successful politicians promote policies they think will be popular with electorate.

Every democracy in the free world does NOT promote populist policies that have proven to be hotbeds of corruption, which fail to even approach their targets, and which will prove hugely expensive. Nor will elected leaders fail to declare conflicts of interest in such schemes, lie to the public and parliament about their success, refute accurate claims to the losses incurred, refuse to investigate corruption allegations, or pretend they are fully in control when they obviously are not.

You have become muddled though your lack of comprehension is quite widely shared.If government policies involve corruption these should be investigated and dealt with.There is sufficient criminal and civil legislation on the statute book to cover this.

The confusion relates to the view that populist policies is akin to vote buying - ie policies that are aimed at the majority of voters, often involving wealth transfer from taxpayers to those who pay little or no tax.This concept is understood and broadly accepted in all proper democracies - but not among the Thai elite and their urban middle class hangers on.


Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

Because they had a majority of seats after the last general election. And that is how a democracy works


Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

Please do not insult the Maggots, while they are useful insect, so the comparison with PT is an insult.


Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

I think your comment makes you a squirming maggot. But that's just my opinion.

& they got to run the country because they were elected in a general election.

Squirming maggots get into power by doing backroom deals in the army barracks.

If you have anything to offer other than personal insults, please go ahead. Perhaps a long list of verifiable positive actions and good deeds by the members of Pheu Thai? No!? Why then perhaps a defence of why the "honorable" PT member refers to the NLA as right wing extremists? Why so quiet?

I see.... you're just behaving the way any PT member would.... just sling as much sh*t around and hope it sticks.

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