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nothing unusual in countries subsidizing food look at the EU CAP that costs billions annually IF she stole money for personal gain then prosecute on the EVIDENCE if not, and you might not agree with the policy, what has she done that America and Europe has not done? subsidize farmers croops

On many threads it's been pointed out to you that this was not a subsidy. It was a self financing scheme that has cost ThB 700 billion losses at least.

She ignored repeated warnings of corruption and operational issues from inside and outside Thailand. It appears even her hand picked cabinet had some members that were involved in this corruption.

A very tiny amount of benefit was received by farmers. Most benefit seems to have been from business people, millers, storage and transport firms. Many of which are connected to PTP cronies.

Have you seen America or a EU country do anything like this, with so many lies told, refusals to answer questions and false accounting?

Putting it down to inability, stupidity and carelessness is naive in the extreme.


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

From what I've heard over the years the elite despise Thaksin and have tried on several occasions to take himout of the picture. The jailing of his sister is probably just part of the hatred. She deserves better, let's hope the Thais rally behind her and protest the probable imprisonment.

Actually here we just try to get answers from a former PM as to why her 'self-financing' scheme was allowed to loss 700 billion Baht. Maybe we'll get some clear answers tomorrow, but till now we've only got either party political nonsense or no answers. Since begin of last year as well.

Don't worry though, it is seldom 'elite' go to jail.


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

From what I've heard over the years the elite despise Thaksin and have tried on several occasions to take himout of the picture. The jailing of his sister is probably just part of the hatred. She deserves better, let's hope the Thais rally behind her and protest the probable imprisonment.

There is no doubt she is totally controlled by her criminal brother and simply does his bidding, apart from minor decisions like pushing pre-selected and rehearsed kids out the way so her lad could walk out with Chelsea etc. She probably thought that one up all alone when her kid whined.

Why on earth should any Thais rally behind her and protest at a punishment if she's found guilty? She has constantly lied, treated the electorate with contempt and arrogance, promoted the interests of her convicted criminal fugitive brother above all else, and left a legacy of massive debts and nothing achieved in nearly 3 years in office.

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From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

Haven't heard much of anything about that. Perhaps they know on several levels what that would mean.

My own crystal ball tells me that she will not receive a jail term, or at worst, get a suspended sentence and the customary 5-year ban from politics. But at the next trial, the crystal ball is predicting a much more difficult time for her. Not necessarily jail, perhaps confined to the grounds of her estate for some years.

Meh - my crystal ball is only more right than wrong by a very small percent.



Is not the correct charge to be levied with!!!

The Prime Minister (seems everyone has forgotten) Have being voted to the office, cannot take Office without the approval being granted from the King of Thailand.

Thus Any Criminal Act committed by the Prime Minister or by their Office is a Legal act of Le'se Mageste!! See Article 112.

As participating in, having Knowledge of, or any connection what so ever. Would be the same as laughing at the trust given and stomping it in the Mud...

Anyone who does is Liable for their Actions and those of their Cabinet. Again Article 112!

Just a note to remove this posting could be viewed to be tied to the above acts... As this Posting is in Defense of the Kingdom of Thailand!!


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

Yingluck will not go to jail because there are no evidence for the OAG to prosecute. NACC jumped the gun to say OAG has agreed. The rebuttal came fast and swift from the OAG that their stand of not sufficient evdence remains the same


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

I doubt very much she will even accept going into exile. What do you mean hyping it up. What would you like me to say? That the reds will likely take to the streets and burn places down? You really think this is about cleaning up corruption in the rice scheme?

If she really took even 10% of the loss (which she probably didn't) half the democrats will be severly P*****d off they didn't come up wih the same scheme.


Its nothing more than a purge.

Keep the conspiracies coming though. Makes for good laughing

The fact that this scheme destroyed the hold on the world market for rice is not a theory it's a fact.

The fact that Yingluck was the Muppet driving the bus at the time of this fiasco of such enourmous proportions it almost crippled the Thai economy that's a fact too.

Fiscal revenues are around 25% of developed countries, another fact.

Missing rice and substandard rice being used to fill supply orders, more facts.

What happened to a sizeable amount of the quality stockpiled rice, more facts.

Having enough evidence to travel this far into court procedures, inconvenient facts.

Diehard Shinawatra supporters who refuse to believe the facts, however blatant. This unfortunately seems to be a very common fact too.

  • Like 2

I'm amazed that anyone with some knowledge believes this is about rice, corruption or anything remotely connected. It's about ************* (censored) and they must destroy their opponents by fair means or foul to protect the elite

If you have not 'caught on' to that then you have bought into the 'happiness brainwash machine' but someone did say 'ignorance is bliss' so you must be very happy

It will surprise you, but 'this' here is indeed about the RPPS and all shenanigans around it which led to a 700 billion Baht loss. Politicians to be held responsible, the PM in charge to be held responsible, crooks who siphoned of some money to be held responsible. The negligence of Ms. Yingluck seems to have given the wrong idea that deceiving, defrauding and stealing can be done with impunity by politicians and all connected to them.

my dear rubl 'whirl, whirl, slosh, slosh' goes the Junta brainwashing machine

I guess you think the EU CAP is a 'loss' too and not a subsidy? and the US farming subsidy too? this is not about that at all it's about vengeance and securing the future

What I think about the EU CAP or US farming subsidy doesn't matter in relation the the non-subsidy, self-financing RPPS which caused 700 billion Baht loss.

It's about responsibility, accountability, transparency.

I've said before if the Yingluck Government had reserved a hundred billion Baht in the National Budget that would have been like it's normally done in democratic countries. The opposition may complain about the specific direction or the extra deficit, but with proper accounting that would be it. The Yingluck government didn't do anything like that.

ah you mean the responsibility, accountability and transparency of the flood waters that "took away" all the documents in the Dems case? is that what you mean, dear rubl, by "washing out corruption"???

anyway we are now debating an "accounting" error? you accept that farming subsidies are common and standard practice? we are making progress!!! you now argue she/they did not set a budget for it? and that's why you support impeachment?

wow.. just wow 'whirl, whirl, slosh, slosh'

BTW i loved your comment " normally done in democratic countries"

This isn't one as in "normally democratic countries" they have ELECTIONS and allow debates, demos and criticism of the government - here they just take the country by force (22 times I believe)

PS yesterday's comments from the PM:

"I don't have to answer why! I will pass it. You have a problem with that? Otherwise, why the hell am I the Prime Minister? Why am I the Prime Minister?"

sort of sums it all up really rubl


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

I doubt very much she will even accept going into exile. What do you mean hyping it up. What would you like me to say? That the reds will likely take to the streets and burn places down? You really think this is about cleaning up corruption in the rice scheme?

If she really took even 10% of the loss (which she probably didn't) half the democrats will be severly P*****d off they didn't come up wih the same scheme.

The army is ready to tackle any protests on the streets is the latest news confirming what I think that they're' going to throw the book at her and jail time is very, very possible.


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

Or perhaps another example, might be the way the former PM & DPM were being pursued by the DSI under the previous government, in an attempt to blackmail them into dropping their opposition to a full-amnesty for Thaksin (and 25,000 more criminals), eh ? whistling.gif

Showing how insecure the Great Thinker felt about his fellow elites ?

Yet the men-in-green had already got an automatic free-pass from PTP & Yingluck, despite their alleged crimes against the Reds, in 2010 ... odd that ! wink.png

  • Like 2

So who's responsible for he huge losses of the Royal Thai airways as that's public money too ?? ?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the previous Yingluck government why they appointed such unqualified people to sit on the board of directors?

I thought that was traditional here, regardless of who's nominally in-power, at the time ? whistling.gif

  • Like 1

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

Yingluck will not go to jail because there are no evidence for the OAG to prosecute. NACC jumped the gun to say OAG has agreed. The rebuttal came fast and swift from the OAG that their stand of not sufficient evdence remains the same

Yingluck will not go to jail as Amply Rich elite people don't go to jail in Thailand.


Nope just another "inactive post and compensation bill" in disguise

The former army general and PM has said it himself "Who gave the order for impeachment?" whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


my dear rubl 'whirl, whirl, slosh, slosh' goes the Junta brainwashing machine

I guess you think the EU CAP is a 'loss' too and not a subsidy? and the US farming subsidy too? this is not about that at all it's about vengeance and securing the future

What I think about the EU CAP or US farming subsidy doesn't matter in relation the the non-subsidy, self-financing RPPS which caused 700 billion Baht loss.

It's about responsibility, accountability, transparency.

I've said before if the Yingluck Government had reserved a hundred billion Baht in the National Budget that would have been like it's normally done in democratic countries. The opposition may complain about the specific direction or the extra deficit, but with proper accounting that would be it. The Yingluck government didn't do anything like that.

ah you mean the responsibility, accountability and transparency of the flood waters that "took away" all the documents in the Dems case? is that what you mean, dear rubl, by "washing out corruption"???

anyway we are now debating an "accounting" error? you accept that farming subsidies are common and standard practice? we are making progress!!! you now argue she/they did not set a budget for it? and that's why you support impeachment?

wow.. just wow 'whirl, whirl, slosh, slosh'

BTW i loved your comment " normally done in democratic countries"

This isn't one as in "normally democratic countries" they have ELECTIONS and allow debates, demos and criticism of the government - here they just take the country by force (22 times I believe)

PS yesterday's comments from the PM:

"I don't have to answer why! I will pass it. You have a problem with that? Otherwise, why the hell am I the Prime Minister? Why am I the Prime Minister?"

sort of sums it all up really rubl

More diversion. In desperation even pointing to the behaviour of a PM who according to some has come to his position in an undemocratic way, as example of how to do as PM.

Anyway, all the waters flowed serenely down streams and here we are in the process of nailing a coffin. Must be the stench of 700 billion Baht.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

I doubt very much she will even accept going into exile. What do you mean hyping it up. What would you like me to say? That the reds will likely take to the streets and burn places down? You really think this is about cleaning up corruption in the rice scheme?

If she really took even 10% of the loss (which she probably didn't) half the democrats will be severly P*****d off they didn't come up wih the same scheme.

The army is ready to tackle any protests on the streets is the latest news confirming what I think that they're' going to throw the book at her and jail time is very, very possible.

'throw the book at her' doesn't sound too bad. Actually it has a 'legal' ring to it.


Doh! You have read the G2G prosecution post, and posted there, so obviously you know that Thai prosecutors HAVE found some of it, and are looking for more.

Wait until they get to the wealthy land owners who increased rents, and also happen to be PTP MPs and ministers (blatant conflict of interest), and those who built storage to profit from the inevitable failure to sell the rice.

That g to g thing is 60,000 Mt.

You think putting up the rent on land is illegal or a con? You do know who the single largest rice land renter in the country is right? I somehow think it may be a little unlikely they will deem changing the rental on land to be illegal.

"You do know who the single largest rice land renter in the country is right?"

Can I rule out the Shinawatra family?

These are owners of large tracts of land...

Maybe the Sirivadhanabhakdi family................about 630,000 rai


The Chearavanont family................................about 200,000 rai


United Palm Oil Industry ... not rice land.

CPB Crown Property bureau...................ooh a mere 30,000 rai

So am I right T at H or .......over to you?.

And I doubt very much of the CPB land is rice orientated unless you count the rice research that goes on at the royal projects.

  • Like 1

"Nails in Yingluck's coffin" ?

They're not nails, they're designer-studs, in a hiso elite-fashion packaging-box ! laugh.png

Yay for Public-Relations spin ! rolleyes.gif


So who's responsible for he huge losses of the Royal Thai airways as that's public money too ?? ?

I don't know. Why don't you ask the previous Yingluck government why they appointed such unqualified people to sit on the board of directors?

I thought that was traditional here, regardless of who's nominally in-power, at the time ? whistling.gif

Seems like you should be responding to Fat Haggis' question directly as my answer is only my opinion. But since we are going off topic, I'm thinking that most of the government/private partnership organizations are staffed with supporters as rewards for their support of the winning party, regardless of qualifications. Also my opinion, because the military installed government owes no (or relatively very few) political favors, they have replaced many politically appointed board members at many of these organizations with more qualified persons (hopefully). Since the current government came to power in a very unorthodox way (to put it mildly), they have a lot to prove and badly need to show they are better at running government than politicians if they want to retain some support from the general populace.


From what I hear from the Thais I socialize with, they fully expect a jail term handed out. Anyone else hear that rumour?

You mean like a hostage situation in return for Thaksin exiting politics? Possible. Show how insecured the elites are of Thaksin.

I think the junta will do so at their peril. At that point, the gloves will come off and I expect every bit of dirtry laundry that the junta and their backers to start being washed in public world wide. And then watch the fun start.

They wont be able to issue defamation and lese majeste suits quick enough

You guys are really hyping yourself up on this, aren't you ?

Mind you, with all untruths told by the accused parties, the ignorance displayed and the lack of answers a jail term to offset the 700 billion Baht loss seems reasonable. To early to say and of course 'elite' seldom go to jail.

I doubt very much she will even accept going into exile. What do you mean hyping it up. What would you like me to say? That the reds will likely take to the streets and burn places down? You really think this is about cleaning up corruption in the rice scheme?

If she really took even 10% of the loss (which she probably didn't) half the democrats will be severly P*****d off they didn't come up wih the same scheme.

The army is ready to tackle any protests on the streets is the latest news confirming what I think that they're' going to throw the book at her and jail time is very, very possible.

Well, I would stand back and watch the fall out


Doh! You have read the G2G prosecution post, and posted there, so obviously you know that Thai prosecutors HAVE found some of it, and are looking for more.

Wait until they get to the wealthy land owners who increased rents, and also happen to be PTP MPs and ministers (blatant conflict of interest), and those who built storage to profit from the inevitable failure to sell the rice.

That g to g thing is 60,000 Mt.

You think putting up the rent on land is illegal or a con? You do know who the single largest rice land renter in the country is right? I somehow think it may be a little unlikely they will deem changing the rental on land to be illegal.

"You do know who the single largest rice land renter in the country is right?"

Can I rule out the Shinawatra family?

These are owners of large tracts of land...

Maybe the Sirivadhanabhakdi family................about 630,000 rai


The Chearavanont family................................about 200,000 rai


United Palm Oil Industry ... not rice land.

CPB Crown Property bureau...................ooh a mere 30,000 rai

So am I right T at H or .......over to you?.

And I doubt very much of the CPB land is rice orientated unless you count the rice research that goes on at the royal projects.

Oh really. Huge tracts north if Bangkok certainly are. They were sacrificed to save Bangkok a fee years prior to the large real flood a few years back.


High society people don't go to jail. Thats why Yingluck won't be given a jail sentence said some posters on this thread. Then why di a Thai court give her brother a 2 year jail sentence? Shes going down tomorrow and Issan people don't care and most don't even know. Yingluck you shouldn't have got involved with your brothers little hobby. You were warned.


High society people don't go to jail. Thats why Yingluck won't be given a jail sentence said some posters on this thread. Then why di a Thai court give her brother a 2 year jail sentence? Shes going down tomorrow and Issan people don't care and most don't even know. Yingluck you shouldn't have got involved with your brothers little hobby. You were warned.

Thai HiSo just go to Dubai.


High society people don't go to jail. Thats why Yingluck won't be given a jail sentence said some posters on this thread. Then why di a Thai court give her brother a 2 year jail sentence? Shes going down tomorrow and Issan people don't care and most don't even know. Yingluck you shouldn't have got involved with your brothers little hobby. You were warned.

Thai HiSo just go to Dubai.

If they send her to jail, they had better make space for loads of democrats along side her, because they will empeach all and sundry for all sorts of shenanagins large and small when they get into power again.


High society people don't go to jail. Thats why Yingluck won't be given a jail sentence said some posters on this thread. Then why di a Thai court give her brother a 2 year jail sentence? Shes going down tomorrow and Issan people don't care and most don't even know. Yingluck you shouldn't have got involved with your brothers little hobby. You were warned.

Thai HiSo just go to Dubai.

If they send her to jail, they had better make space for loads of democrats along side her, because they will empeach all and sundry for all sorts of shenanagins large and small when they get into power again.

I have never seen a dead body raise from a nailed coffin.


When they get back in power again? said Thai at heart. When Yingluck is locked up its game set and match the end of the Shin regime for good. No come back possible.

You are that naive? Thaksin left the country how many years ago, and they have headlines about him daily.

They will just rustle up another relative, and they probably wont be half as easy going as Yingluck. The Shinawatras also have an awful lot of time on their side.

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