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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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Oxford dictionaries:


A part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.

No go area

An area to which entry is dangerous, impossible, or forbidden:

‘troublesome youngsters make it a nightly no-go area’

An area to which entry is dangerous, impossible, or forbidden:

So ghetto's as I have already pointed out. Can also be dangerous, impossible or forbidden which in effect makes them no go areas for others. Thanks for pointing out, with the help of the Oxford dictionary, what myself and others have been saying all along.

1630 & 2030 there is an indepth report from France. I suggest you watch it Mohammed.

In addition, breaking news from Nice. 3 Soldiers on anti terror patrol attacked by a knife wielding maniac.

Three French soldiers have been attacked by a man armed with a knife outside a Jewish centre in the southern city of Nice.

The troops had been on an anti-terror patrol at the time.


My only question would be, why was he not turned into a teabag ?

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If you haven't been to the west for twenty-five years then don't comment.

And don't believe everything your read on the Internet.

And who made you daddy?

There are no-go zones for non-muslims in the west. It's just not PC to say so.

The libtards scream racism and Islamophobia.

See the next quote for proof

This "no go zone" thing is just another example of how Muslim demonizers spread hatred and intolerance.

Right, right!

Of course it's got nothing to do with the constant atrocities committed by Muslims following that most hateful and intolerant of religions?

Garbage - the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are peace loving family people.

It's comical that you use a Crusader as your avatar - those "Christians," that went on a murderous rampage are heroes to you, eh?

The vast majority of Muslims in the UK are family people,that we can agree on wink.png .


You posted a stupid link after admitting you have no clue as you haven't been there. Maybe ask some of us that not only have been in the west, but also in towns like Bradford - or maybe you think your link has more value, huh?

Idiotic stuff

I have a dog named Bradford. He's black and brown with a few white patches.

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Channel 4 presenter Cathy Newman certainly found a Muslim no go area in London last Sunday.

This from the Guardian.

The Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman has revealed how she was turned away by her local mosque in south London because it would not allow women inside.

The journalist, who was attempting to take part in Visit My Mosque day, tweeted on Sunday afternoon how she was ushered out of the South London Islamic Centre in Streatham, even though she had her head covered and was not wearing shoes.


Yet another example of someone not reading the whole article!

From further on:

Aslam Ijaz, chair of trustees at the South London Islamic Centre, which has a congregation of up to 1,500, said he apologised unreservedly to Newman for her experience on Sunday morning, and explained that email problems meant that the mosque was not aware of the open day until it was too late to ensure staff were prepared for visitors.

There was nobody from the management or committee at the mosque that morning, said Ijaz, who is also a founding member of Interfaith Lambeth. The person who turned the journalist away must have been someone with no authority - a worshipper.

About 60% of our group is Somali, many of whom do not speak any English, so I think there was confusion. I intend to take action and find out what exactly happened, but I would like to apologise to Cathy Newman for what happened.

I did not quote the whole article because of fair use policy but provided the link.

60% of the congregation are Somali and do not speak any English! I doubt they are making much of a contribution to UK society.

However many are naturalIsed and registered to vote. You might like to read the detail of this court case currently underway.

From the Independent

A prominent London mayor fought a campaign of intimidation, corruption and fraud to win power, with voters told it would be un-Islamic not to support him and backers bribed with free food, a court has heard.

Lutfur Rahman, mayor of Tower Hamlets, is at the centre of the bitter legal battle over alleged electoral fraud which if he is found guilty could see him removed from his position and banned from public office for five years.

Almost 100 witnesses will be called in the case, which began at the High Court in London, yesterday.


Welcome to 21st century Britain.

  • Like 2

Channel 4 presenter Cathy Newman certainly found a Muslim no go area in London last Sunday.

This from the Guardian.

The Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman has revealed how she was turned away by her local mosque in south London because it would not allow women inside.

The journalist, who was attempting to take part in Visit My Mosque day, tweeted on Sunday afternoon how she was ushered out of the South London Islamic Centre in Streatham, even though she had her head covered and was not wearing shoes.


Yet another example of someone not reading the whole article!

From further on:

Aslam Ijaz, chair of trustees at the South London Islamic Centre, which has a congregation of up to 1,500, said he apologised unreservedly to Newman for her experience on Sunday morning, and explained that email problems meant that the mosque was not aware of the open day until it was too late to ensure staff were prepared for visitors.

“There was nobody from the management or committee at the mosque that morning,” said Ijaz, who is also a founding member of Interfaith Lambeth. “The person who turned the journalist away must have been someone with no authority - a worshipper.

“About 60% of our group is Somali, many of whom do not speak any English, so I think there was confusion. I intend to take action and find out what exactly happened, but I would like to apologise to Cathy Newman for what happened.”

“About 60% of our group is Somali, many of whom do not speak any English


Unassimilated Somalis don't miraculously adhere to British norms of civilized behavior as soon as they clear immigration. She was lucky to get out unscathed if you ask me. Email problem, yes of course..
  • Like 2

Channel 4 presenter Cathy Newman certainly found a Muslim no go area in London last Sunday.

This from the Guardian.

The Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman has revealed how she was turned away by her local mosque in south London because it would not allow women inside.

The journalist, who was attempting to take part in Visit My Mosque day, tweeted on Sunday afternoon how she was ushered out of the South London Islamic Centre in Streatham, even though she had her head covered and was not wearing shoes.


Yet another example of someone not reading the whole article!

From further on:

Aslam Ijaz, chair of trustees at the South London Islamic Centre, which has a congregation of up to 1,500, said he apologised unreservedly to Newman for her experience on Sunday morning, and explained that email problems meant that the mosque was not aware of the open day until it was too late to ensure staff were prepared for visitors.

There was nobody from the management or committee at the mosque that morning, said Ijaz, who is also a founding member of Interfaith Lambeth. The person who turned the journalist away must have been someone with no authority - a worshipper.

About 60% of our group is Somali, many of whom do not speak any English, so I think there was confusion. I intend to take action and find out what exactly happened, but I would like to apologise to Cathy Newman for what happened.

I did not quote the whole article because of fair use policy but provided the link.

60% of the congregation are Somali and do not speak any English! I doubt they are making much of a contribution to UK society.

However many are naturalIsed and registered to vote. You might like to read the detail of this court case currently underway.

From the Independent

A prominent London mayor fought a campaign of intimidation, corruption and fraud to win power, with voters told it would be un-Islamic not to support him and backers bribed with free food, a court has heard.

Lutfur Rahman, mayor of Tower Hamlets, is at the centre of the bitter legal battle over alleged electoral fraud which if he is found guilty could see him removed from his position and banned from public office for five years.

Almost 100 witnesses will be called in the case, which began at the High Court in London, yesterday.


Welcome to 21st century Britain.

Britain's first Muslim mayor, the shape of things to come.

It is also worth looking at the make up of the council in Rotherham where hundreds of girls were abused by. Pakistani men.

This from the Daily Star.

Headline Council chiefs spent hundreds of thousands on diversity as Pakistani men raped and attacked defenceless young girls.

One councillor under fire in the abuse scandal has a ­conviction for affray while ­another is related to a drugs dealer.

Former taxi boss Jahangir Akhtar, 53, who was suspended by the party last week, admitted affray in 2001 after getting involved in a restaurant brawl.

Akhtars cousin Arshid ­Hussain was named in the official report into the scandal as a boyfriend of up to 18 girls who are believed to have been abused.

And his son Tanveer is a ­constable working for South ­Yorkshire Police the force which was slammed alongside the ­council for failing to stop the ­systematic sex abuse of 1,400 ­children.

Another councillor suspended by Labour last week Shaukat Ali, 60 has a relative serving 22 years in jail for flooding the ­politicians ward with ecstasy.

Caged dealer Shawyat Iqbal is also the older brother of a ­butcher who was hacked to death in a frenzied machete attack last year.


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The term no go embraces many parameters.

Would you buy a house or feel comfortable in some UK neighbourhoods?

The London Times carries this story today,

A corrupt police officer and two councillors have been accused of having sex with victims of one of Britains worst child abuse scandals, The Times can reveal.

The claims relate to politicians and a constable in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, where an estimated 1,400 girls were subjected to serious sexual offences over 16 years.

The explosive allegations are revealed by The Times on the day that long-awaited findings from an independent inspection of the local authority are due to be published. The report is expected to make damning criticism of the council, which risks being stripped of its powers.

Complaints against the two Rotherham councillors are understood to have been sent to the National Crime Agency, which is investigating child-sex crimes in the town. One of the councillors is still serving.

Allegations against the police officer, who is also said to have regularly passed information to abusers targeting vulnerable children for sex, have separately been referred to the police watchdog by the South Yorkshire force.




The BBC carries this story

Rotherham Council is "not fit for purpose", an investigation into the local authority at the centre of the child abuse scandal has found.

Louise Casey's report found a culture of bullying, sexism, suppression and misplaced "political correctness".

It also has a "deep-rooted" culture of cover-ups and silencing whistleblowers, she added.


A myth might turn into reality, and eventually end up in an inferno, if you heat it up with fire. Would you like to get stuck in the flames, or would you prefer an intelligent way to avoid an inferno?

Intelligent way to avoid the inferno ?

What intelligent way would that be ? Give the whole forum the benefit of your undoubted wisdom.

Or are you advocating that Western Nations should roll over and give in to avoid confrontation ?

If you knew anything about me, you would know that " Roll over " and " Give in " are not words in my vocabulary.

Nor are the words "intelligent thought."

Let me tell you something - if ISIS or any other Jihadist organization attempted an invasion of the UK - a British Muslim army would rise to fight them. We white guys wouldn't have to do anything - our British Muslim brethren would be there in a flash.

Why? - because the tribal politics are such that these people are detested more by the greater percentage of British Muslims than we. Isn't that amazing? British Muslims hate ISIS more than we do?

I sat with several Muslim friends in Manchester last year and they explained why - they used a term to me that I can't recall - to express their hatred of the unclean tribes that have caused havoc in the UK. I'll be in Manchester in March - I'll ask them what that term is again.

The greatest threat to ISIS today doesn't come from we whitey's with our smart bombs - it comes from the multitude of Muslim tribes that are rising in anger. The Kurds of Kobane were only the start - the Jordanian tribe of the pilot burned to death are beyond vengeful. They are only one among dozens of tribes rising. Muslim money is flowing in vast quantities to fund the opponents of ISIS - and one of the greatest sources of money absurdly is Saudi Arabia. They unleashed this dragon through their ridiculous devotion to Wahhabism. Even the SA royal family has seen the light, now that ISIS are on their border. This time next year ISIS will be finished - and finished the right way - by fellow Muslims.

Will the west continue to see continuous lone wolf terrorist attacks or worse? You better believe it. That's the price we will forever pay for invading Iraq.

Let me tell you something. This is coming from personal experience.

If you think for 1 minute that ANY Muslim in the UK will rise up against IS invasion of the UK, you better check into the same asylum that micmichd was a guest of.

No Muslim will make a stand against ANY other Muslim who is attacking " Whities " as you put it.

Your knowledge of the Muslim world is about as good as your arithmetic.

Total bullshit.

Yeah sad but true. People should wake up or don't speak about they don't know.

There are many places like Rotherham in the UK where misplaced "political correctness" has over ruled common sense.

Without exception these are also usually run by Labour controlled councils.

If 1600 Muslim girls had been abused by a group of local white men the debacle would not have been brushed under the carpet.


I personally know muslims in the UK who're as outraged by ISIS as anyone else.

That is not in dispute, even by me.

What I did say, is that NO muslim will stand against another Muslim over a " Whitie "

Like I said, I hope you never have to find that out the hard way.


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

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So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

You believe what you want, I really do not care.

But I think you might just get a shock if that scenario ever arrived at your doorstep.


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

How do you know you BFF is a Muslim?


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

How do you know you BFF is a Muslim?

You think they're lying about being a muslim?

What a weird, paranoid world some of you seem to live in.

  • Like 1

So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

You believe what you want, I really do not care.

But I think you might just get a shock if that scenario ever arrived at your doorstep.

There genuinely is something wrong with you - do you not know the level of slaughter perpetrated by ISIS against fellow Muslim's? They detest the "heretics," more than the kafirs. Why do you think the tribes are rising?

Maybe that's a question beyond the capability of your racist, bigoted mind.


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

How do you know you BFF is a Muslim?

You think they're lying about being a muslim?

What a weird, paranoid world some of you seem to live in.

If you don't get the point of my question, if you don't know how much myself I know about Islam, for how long I studied it (lets just say it was decades before 9/11), why taking the risk to answer this?


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

How do you know you BFF is a Muslim?

You think they're lying about being a muslim?

What a weird, paranoid world some of you seem to live in.

If you don't get the point of my question, if you don't know how much myself I know about Islam, for how long I studied it (lets just say it was decades before 9/11), why taking the risk to answer this?

I didn't even get the point of that sentence.


A myth might turn into reality, and eventually end up in an inferno, if you heat it up with fire. Would you like to get stuck in the flames, or would you prefer an intelligent way to avoid an inferno?

Intelligent way to avoid the inferno ?

What intelligent way would that be ? Give the whole forum the benefit of your undoubted wisdom.

Or are you advocating that Western Nations should roll over and give in to avoid confrontation ?

If you knew anything about me, you would know that " Roll over " and " Give in " are not words in my vocabulary.

Nor are the words "intelligent thought."

Let me tell you something - if ISIS or any other Jihadist organization attempted an invasion of the UK - a British Muslim army would rise to fight them. We white guys wouldn't have to do anything - our British Muslim brethren would be there in a flash.

Why? - because the tribal politics are such that these people are detested more by the greater percentage of British Muslims than we. Isn't that amazing? British Muslims hate ISIS more than we do?

I sat with several Muslim friends in Manchester last year and they explained why - they used a term to me that I can't recall - to express their hatred of the unclean tribes that have caused havoc in the UK. I'll be in Manchester in March - I'll ask them what that term is again.

The greatest threat to ISIS today doesn't come from we whitey's with our smart bombs - it comes from the multitude of Muslim tribes that are rising in anger. The Kurds of Kobane were only the start - the Jordanian tribe of the pilot burned to death are beyond vengeful. They are only one among dozens of tribes rising. Muslim money is flowing in vast quantities to fund the opponents of ISIS - and one of the greatest sources of money absurdly is Saudi Arabia. They unleashed this dragon through their ridiculous devotion to Wahhabism. Even the SA royal family has seen the light, now that ISIS are on their border. This time next year ISIS will be finished - and finished the right way - by fellow Muslims.

Will the west continue to see continuous lone wolf terrorist attacks or worse? You better believe it. That's the price we will forever pay for invading Iraq.

The Kurds are fighting ISIS for their own survival, not per se for reasons of religion. If Muslims do indeed tackle ISIS on religious grounds it will be a battle for the Caliphate, not moderates versus extremists. The Saudis you say have turned against ISIS are anything but moderate. I suspect the word your Muslim friends may have said was Takfir, in other words being outside of Islam, or apostate. The last I read the head of Al-Azhar school of Sunni jurisprudence refused to declare ISIS were Takfir, if this has changed it is significant news.

A myth might turn into reality, and eventually end up in an inferno, if you heat it up with fire. Would you like to get stuck in the flames, or would you prefer an intelligent way to avoid an inferno?

Intelligent way to avoid the inferno ?

What intelligent way would that be ? Give the whole forum the benefit of your undoubted wisdom.

Or are you advocating that Western Nations should roll over and give in to avoid confrontation ?

If you knew anything about me, you would know that " Roll over " and " Give in " are not words in my vocabulary.

Nor are the words "intelligent thought."

Let me tell you something - if ISIS or any other Jihadist organization attempted an invasion of the UK - a British Muslim army would rise to fight them. We white guys wouldn't have to do anything - our British Muslim brethren would be there in a flash.

Why? - because the tribal politics are such that these people are detested more by the greater percentage of British Muslims than we. Isn't that amazing? British Muslims hate ISIS more than we do?

I sat with several Muslim friends in Manchester last year and they explained why - they used a term to me that I can't recall - to express their hatred of the unclean tribes that have caused havoc in the UK. I'll be in Manchester in March - I'll ask them what that term is again.

The greatest threat to ISIS today doesn't come from we whitey's with our smart bombs - it comes from the multitude of Muslim tribes that are rising in anger. The Kurds of Kobane were only the start - the Jordanian tribe of the pilot burned to death are beyond vengeful. They are only one among dozens of tribes rising. Muslim money is flowing in vast quantities to fund the opponents of ISIS - and one of the greatest sources of money absurdly is Saudi Arabia. They unleashed this dragon through their ridiculous devotion to Wahhabism. Even the SA royal family has seen the light, now that ISIS are on their border. This time next year ISIS will be finished - and finished the right way - by fellow Muslims.

Will the west continue to see continuous lone wolf terrorist attacks or worse? You better believe it. That's the price we will forever pay for invading Iraq.

The Kurds are fighting ISIS for their own survival, not per se for reasons of religion. If Muslims do indeed tackle ISIS on religious grounds it will be a battle for the Caliphate, not moderates versus extremists. The Saudis you say have turned against ISIS are anything but moderate. I suspect the word your Muslim friends may have said was Takfir, in other words being outside of Islam, or apostate. The last I read the head of Al-Azhar school of Sunni jurisprudence refused to declare ISIS were Takfir, if this has changed it is significant news.

Oh be quiet - the Kurds are fighting for their lives as they are regarded as heretics by ISIS. Exactly what I've been talking about - sectarian violence.

Jeez, what's wrong with you people.


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

You believe what you want, I really do not care.

But I think you might just get a shock if that scenario ever arrived at your doorstep.

There genuinely is something wrong with you - do you not know the level of slaughter perpetrated by ISIS against fellow Muslim's? They detest the "heretics," more than the kafirs. Why do you think the tribes are rising?

Maybe that's a question beyond the capability of your racist, bigoted mind.

Nothing wrong with my head. I am not the one lopping of heads or burning people alive.

If you think the tribes are rising you are severely mistaken.

My racist, bigoted mind as you put it. Is merely interpreting what I see with my own eyes.

That possibility never enter your tiny little mind.


Oh be quiet - the Kurds are fighting for their lives as they are regarded as heretics by ISIS. Exactly what I've been talking about - sectarian violence.

Jeez, what's wrong with you people.

The Kurds are fighting exactly as Steely Dan describes.

I suggest you try to be quite.

It is quite clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.

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I didn't even get the point of that sentence.

I will make it more clear so;

How do you know your friend is a muslim? Because he told you so? There is a lot of things to do to, and to be, to be considered as a muslim.

Point is: in europe, and america there is muslims and "muslims". So if you ask me if I believe your best friend is dangerous because he says he's muslim and goes time to time to the mosque, try not to eat pork sausages and knows 3 words of arabic, my answer would be, no.


So you're saying that one of my best friends, who's firmly against ISIS, would not object if they turned up and shot me in the head?

You seriously believe that? Wow.

You believe what you want, I really do not care.

But I think you might just get a shock if that scenario ever arrived at your doorstep.

There genuinely is something wrong with you - do you not know the level of slaughter perpetrated by ISIS against fellow Muslim's? They detest the "heretics," more than the kafirs. Why do you think the tribes are rising?

Maybe that's a question beyond the capability of your racist, bigoted mind.

Nothing wrong with my head. I am not the one lopping of heads or burning people alive.

If you think the tribes are rising you are severely mistaken.

My racist, bigoted mind as you put it. Is merely interpreting what I see with my own eyes.

That possibility never enter your tiny little mind.

You're probably the only guy on the planet that can't see it's a sectarian war.


I didn't even get the point of that sentence.

I will make it more clear so;

How do you know your friend is a muslim? Because he told you so? There is a lot of things to do to, and to be, to be considered as a muslim.

Point is: in europe, and america there is muslims and "muslims". So if you ask me if I believe your best friend is dangerous because he says he's muslim and goes time to time to the mosque, try not to eat pork sausages and knows 3 words of arabic, my answer would be, no.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course they're a muslim.

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