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Tiffy works great for me.

Second this. Tiffy is like plutonium when it comes to destroying colds. I have no idea what's in it. I don't care what's in it. Stuff does the business.


buy yourself a box of the sugar free ginger tea sachets in tescos add in a squeeze of honey and squirt of lime and you will never think of Lemsips again

I like to add a shot of SangSom, too.


Tiffy -- better than anything we had in the U.S.

If I have a cough that's keeping me from sleeping I also take some little pill at night -- something the pharmacist gave me to slip to Hubby when he had a cold that was driving me crazy.

As for the hot liquid part of Lemsip -- ginger tea, honey, with a shot of Jack Daniels does the trick. That's what we used in the U.S. anyway. Nice to know we can get our cold remedy here.


with a cold...some vitamin c, some tiger balm below nose and stay as little in the office as possible and as much in the bed as possible.

I tried alcohol for better sleep but it seems it makes the congested nose worse.


Take lots of Vitamin C. My experience is that it shortens the length and severity of a cold. I always have a tube of Hicee 500mg sweetlets handy and gobble them like sweets. This may not work for everyone, but it certainly works for me. Zinc is also supposed to help.

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