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Media from 60 countries to cover Thai tourism

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military coup, martial law, lese majestee, the occasional world news murders, jet-ski & taxi ripp offs and now the CM karaoke scams in the news

do they really need to know thailand better?


Well the problem of these kind of invitations is: the journalists are just surrounded by "guards" but neither see nor feel the country and its good sides but also the wrong doing for foreigners!

In my Tv broadcasting company it was not allowed to take invitations like that for keep our independance of reporting to the german audiance and explore by ourself and maybe go deeper into investigation.

But let me tell you: in Europe the reader of the newspapers or tv viewers wont me much interested on problems of taxies or food stalls on the walk way or anything like that as they just come for holidays and aren't living here.


The TAT is giving special attention to Scandinavian tourists as statistics showed that a larger number of Scandinavian people have a tendency to travel overseas as individual tourists.

To avoid being labelled sex tourist's Swedish men say they are going to Denmark for their vacation, it's become a joke.

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