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Yingluck's rural supporters 'not happy'

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The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated , free transport to demo site plus food or 500 B a day.

There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters, many of those supporters were the victims of the great rice pledging scam scheme, they do have long memories and they do hold grudges.

They are very aware of how a number of there fellow members were ignored while in prison where some still are and they are still being ignored.

They are well aware of how a select few made themselves very rich as a result of their positions in the Red Shirt hierarchy by amassing property and airline operations to name but a couple of the bonuses awarded for the leading of the Red Shirt pawns.

"There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters," Don't know where you are mate but I see a hell of a lot of supporters, tens of thousands actually.

The thing is she doesn't hold the office of PM for the last 8 months so impeaching her isn't really correct now is it?

they did it to keep her from running again, as the charging her for corruption, well find the money she supposedly took, good luck with that but hey, pay the right people and documents can be created, anything is possible yeah, now that's corruption.

Their will be another rise of the people and the elites will deal with them as they have the last few times get their mates with the guns and steal the government yet again, Why? Because they are sick of the elites attitude just stupid dirty buffalo's should not have a vote and shut up and not ask questions.

And a common attitude of the people of the south think they are far superior then all the rest of the people.

You've been bingeing on the red Kool-Aid again, haven't you. Hallucinations, confused thinking, delusions of importance. Stop it or you'll go blind.

Maybe going blind is preferable to being as "one eyed" as you are .

Likewise sir, likewise.


Unfortunately the Supporters/Fans are getting restless for some action,there has been peace,and some good decisions made,and no bloodshed,the junta has to keep a tight rein on Thaksins Army until 2020 and we might see some semblance of a people ready for a fair Democratic vote, I only said might though?,but if peace carries on like this,then that must be a win for all the people,of Thailand!


The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated , free transport to demo site plus food or 500 B a day.

There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters, many of those supporters were the victims of the great rice pledging scam scheme, they do have long memories and they do hold grudges.

They are very aware of how a number of there fellow members were ignored while in prison where some still are and they are still being ignored.

They are well aware of how a select few made themselves very rich as a result of their positions in the Red Shirt hierarchy by amassing property and airline operations to name but a couple of the bonuses awarded for the leading of the Red Shirt pawns.

"There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters," Don't know where you are mate but I see a hell of a lot of supporters, tens of thousands actually.

The thing is she doesn't hold the office of PM for the last 8 months so impeaching her isn't really correct now is it?

they did it to keep her from running again, as the charging her for corruption, well find the money she supposedly took, good luck with that but hey, pay the right people and documents can be created, anything is possible yeah, now that's corruption.

Their will be another rise of the people and the elites will deal with them as they have the last few times get their mates with the guns and steal the government yet again, Why? Because they are sick of the elites attitude just stupid dirty buffalo's should not have a vote and shut up and not ask questions.

And a common attitude of the people of the south think they are far superior then all the rest of the people.

Tens of thousands - yeah sure if you say so. All seething at the moral injustice of daring to ask St. Yinggy a question and then impeaching her when she can't or won't answer or defend herself?

Would that be the same tens of thousands who attended the red shirt war drum meetings in her defense - you remember the ones closed early due to lack of attendance?

Documents created - yep, weren't some forged rice export documents created, allegedly?

Elite - you can't get much more elite than the multi billionaire Shin clan and their continual insistence they are above the law and beyond questioning.

Elite - you can't get much more elite than the multi billionaire Shin clan

Thaksin´s house in Dubai.




bthaland post #36.

The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated

what a bunch of BS - but it is a useful position to take if you want to not recognize that Thai people have a right to democracy and self-rule.

It might be a worthwhile move for you to look back at the history of the past P.T.P. puppet government and their impassioned attacks on what passes for democracy here in their attempts to destroy it to allow one family to obtain ultimate power and establish a new political dynasty on the backs of those who they financially and politically manipulated and exploited.

Never in my 24 years here had I seen so much blatant corruption as I saw under the Shinwatra puppet administrations in all of their assorted guises and names.

Never in my 24 years here had I seen so much blatant corruption

24 years? Then you haven't been watching what has gone on around you very closely, ...

And your blanket comment about red shirts is still BS. It's typical of people who want to marginalize other people and marginalize the beliefs of other people.

Good job - congratulations.

Then you haven't been watching what has gone on around you very closely, ..

Pot......Kettle. Time for you to open your eyes, sir.

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"A security source in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen said security agencies had been monitoring the situation, but to date no group had made any clear move to rise against the impeachment motion."

Watch what happens if they try to send her to jail.

Yes, let's see what happens. Have you seen what a ton of falling bricks does to someone when hit by it? They have been warned but not being smart and mostly idiotic, they wouldn't comprehend and should they again act like thugs they will be, no doubt, treated as such.

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