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Nutcases, psychos and generally dysfunctional posters


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"Nutcases, psychos and generally dysfunctional posters"

Wondering if this definition only applies to the posters the Op disagrees with?

No not at all and to be honest I cannot see a justification or a basis for your rather rude and stimulating remark

I was merely making a point as a result of many emails (links) from TV to the different forums to which I subscribe being denied when I try to open them up.

Obviously they have been closed by the MODS for one reason or another before I could open them.

Simples really!

Maybe you could explain why it is that you think that I would consider posters whom I disagree with actually fit the description of my OP?

Of course I disagree with many posters on TV, that would be considered maybe "normal" but when faced with obvious trolling type replies or flamers I often respond in the same ilk as a bit of a put down but surely nothing malicious

I live by the simple code of "live and let live" even those who may consider me to be a bit of a pompous git and especially the one ( And I love his input on TV ) who thinks I live in an "Ivory tower" I have absolutely no thoughts of malice at all.

People (and me) occasionally make a stupid or silly reply in a post so why would I not give them the benefit that I hope a lot of posters give me ( especially when I have had a tot ot two or three)

And finally willyumiii I really rate your input on TV, you're sometimes, brief, straight to the nitty gritty approach , occasionally droll and ironic style of posting is for me a delight to read.

Now and again just like me and a few others (mainly whom I disagree with) you make a bit of a fool out of yourself, just like you did with your quoted comment when you questioned my definition.

Like you I don't have a problem with straight talk and hope that you will read my post as I did yours, with tongue in cheek!

Maybe you just want a good old debate eh and the forum content with regard to interesting topics is just lately a tad on the banal or boring side.

I feel a bit complimented that you have chosen my thread to find some stimulation, so come on, lets get to it and answer my questions for maybe the beginning of a great TV debate.

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"Nutcases, psychos and generally dysfunctional posters"

Wondering if this definition only applies to the posters the Op disagrees with?

No not at all and to be honest I cannot see a justification or a basis for your rather rude and stimulating remark

I was merely making a point as a result of many emails (links) from TV to the different forums to which I subscribe being denied when I try to open them up.

Obviously they have been closed by the MODS for one reason or another before I could open them.

Simples really!

Maybe you could explain why it is that you think that I would consider posters whom I disagree with actually fit the description of my OP?

Of course I disagree with many posters on TV, that would be considered maybe "normal" but when faced with obvious trolling type replies or flamers I often respond in the same ilk as a bit of a put down but surely nothing malicious

I live by the simple code of "live and let live" even those who may consider me to be a bit of a pompous git and especially the one ( And I love his input on TV ) who thinks I live in an "Ivory tower" I have absolutely no thoughts of malice at all.

People (and me) occasionally make a stupid or silly reply in a post so why would I not give them the benefit that I hope a lot of posters give me ( especially when I have had a tot ot two or three)

And finally willyumiii I really rate your input on TV, you're sometimes, brief, straight to the nitty gritty approach , occasionally droll and ironic style of posting is for me a delight to read.

Now and again just like me and a few others (mainly whom I disagree with) you make a bit of a fool out of yourself, just like you did with your quoted comment when you questioned my definition.

Like you I don't have a problem with straight talk and hope that you will read my post as I did yours, with tongue in cheek!

Maybe you just want a good old debate eh and the forum content with regard to interesting topics is just lately a tad on the banal or boring side.

I feel a bit complimented that you have chosen my thread to find some stimulation, so come on, lets get to it and answer my questions for maybe the beginning of a great TV debate.


I did not mean to offend.

I thought it was a valid question.

There are many on TV who would consider anyone who they disagree with as a "nutcase".

Now I know you are not one.

No time to debate now...working early and time for bed.

But, I will check in the morning and see if there's anything to disagree with!


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That is the sign of development and intelligence.


There are many on TV who would consider anyone who they disagree with as a "nutcase".

Plenty of nuts around... healthy food, they say.

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Were still here....pretty and wearing stolen panties

You obviously have a great future here on TV NickJ lad and a your sense of fun is exactly what you will need when the lads get their hatchets (keyboards) out.

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There's a hole in my bucket

Dear Liza Dear Liza..

Big Caveat: The above 4 word addition is not intended to be judgmental, rather a comment meant to enhance the original comment by one neverdie, with no slight meant against any TV member, past, present or future, even if the shoe fitswhistling.gif


the hierarchy

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I believe Mr T is our resident expert on nutters and psychos, he even has properly recognized international qualifications to back him up.

He will be along in a while to analyse your post.

The doctor is: IN

Let us begin

"Doctor, oh doctor

They call me "imposter"

When I say in all caps

To all them chaps

That I'm ex-navy seal

Oozing sex appeal

They call me a loser,

Inveterate boozer

Teller of lies

They don't realize

The lives I've saved,

Dangers braved

Waddya mean, "what's that?"

That's my tinfoil hat

Would you like one too?

I carry two

Anyway, at TV forum

A place of great bedlam

When I approach

They look with reproach

And balk...

What's wrong with them, doc?"

Sorry, I meant, the doctor is: OUT

Leave me alone and shut the door taut


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