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Russell's statement draws more reaction in Thailand

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The US is not ignorant and know very well what is going on in Thailand. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. As for Russell's statements, they were dead on the mark, and you can bet his speech was both vetted and approved by the US government long before he delivered it. The problem with Thai is that they can't stand the truth, especially when the truth makes the look bad and "lose face".

The US are playing their usual game of silly yet hypocritical buggers from what they perceive as the moral high ground which is a region that the USA has never been in for many years. They are simply knocking at the government as a result of the overwhelming impressions that the Junta is kissing ass with the Chinese, which is not in America's best interest and is a dangerous game for these soldier politicians to play.

The US is as usual showing righteous indignation over the rights of other countries while turning a blind and hypocritical eye to their own shores.

Go back to Washington and mind your own business.

Russel is nothing but a message boy and very disposable should things go tits up.


The NLA is just part of the Junta. The US (and other nations) understand fully what the situation is. Only a deluded member of the Thai elite would actually believe their own pomposity to the extent of claiming the first world 'does not understand the situation in Thailand'. Am I surprised this was said? Not at all. They probably believe what they are saying too. That's the scary part.

The situation is this:

A corrupt (but popular) clan of politicians kept winning elections. The fascist elite (Democrats) did not engage the poor, but instead sought to bar them from the political process. A form of political eugenics, if you will. The Democrats missed a great opportunity and will never win over the poor who make up the majority of the Thai population. Not after certain speeches and some of the stunts they pulled. A coup was activated (after Suthep's mob took over the streets) in order to maintain the status quo (make the poor work for very, very low wages and to provide Thailand with a stream of young hookers from poor areas to feed Thailand's sex industry which not only creates money for bar owners, but also hotels, breweries, toursim in general and airlines etc). If you think this was about 'Shinawat collupshun' you are easily misled. Yes, i agree that the Shins were probably corrupt. However, these elitist takeovers of democracy have been going on for almost a century. Same sh.., different excuse.

Engaging the poor would mean educating them properly at some point in the future and without so much nationalistic propaganda. This would not suit the elite at all. People will see them for what they really are. It would also mean a decline in the sex industry over time with infrastrucutal developments and workers (in factories etc) actually demanding more wages and better working conditions from employers. In essence, this would cost the elite some of their fortunes.

No matter how you look at it, Thailand's elite has a history going back almost a century of ignoring the voting rights of the poor when the status quo is threatened.

That is what the US and other nations 'understand' about the current situation. We're not as easily led as you hope your own (previous) electorate are.

Nail right on the head. Excellent post.

Also interesting to note that you can protest....if it fits in with the juntas agenda.

Savior of Thailand my arse, savior of the elites only

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The US is not ignorant and know very well what is going on in Thailand. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. As for Russell's statements, they were dead on the mark, and you can bet his speech was both vetted and approved by the US government long before he delivered it. The problem with Thai is that they can't stand the truth, especially when the truth makes the look bad and "lose face".

Sorry, but I'm with the Thais on this one. Russell is about as 'on the mark' as most newbies thinking they have a handle on the place after being here all of 5 minutes. Only reason the US is pissed is because their investment and bosom buddy, Thaksin, is no longer calling the shots and the ultimate issue, China.

I've been here 8 years and you're talking blx. The US are p'd at the death of democracy here.


Danny Russel breached diplomatic protocol when he stated that the impeachment appeared to be politically driven. He needs to be recalled and relieved of his post. Who he met with and his remarks about Thai democracy were not problematic.

Danny Russel was an Obama White House staffer. He was appointed to this diplomatic post in July 2013. In his first speech following his appointment, he conceded that he was immensely unqualified, admitting that in his prior 4 years serving Obama, that he had never left the four walls of his office.

Rather obvious that you don't know much about diplomatic protocol if you think that these where just his views. His speech would of been written and approved by immensely qualified people and be the view of the US State Department!

Correct. Anybody that thinks he was just talking off the top of his head

has no clue what is going on. He was simply being the mouthpiece

for the views of the state department....

So let a poor simple fellow like me see if I can understand this.

He was sent here, purposely, by the state department with a preconceived speech and an order to seek out Yinluck and several other miscreants with the view of putting a whoopee cushion under the butt of the present powers that be.

Sounds about right. Good sound foreign policy.

Spot on except for labeling Yingluk and co miscreants.


I think the picture is becoming more clearer now...this over the top reaction...drawing attention to the Russell comments...is a diversion to cool down the Thai people's reaction to the Thai government's handling of the prosecution of a former lady PM...is that about right?


I hear what the USA is saying but considering it tried to take its form of Democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan and we see the mess these countries are in, it may be better if they kept their thoughts to themself


The US is not ignorant and know very well what is going on in Thailand. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. As for Russell's statements, they were dead on the mark, and you can bet his speech was both vetted and approved by the US government long before he delivered it. The problem with Thai is that they can't stand the truth, especially when the truth makes the look bad and "lose face".

Sorry, but I'm with the Thais on this one. Russell is about as 'on the mark' as most newbies thinking they have a handle on the place after being here all of 5 minutes. Only reason the US is pissed is because their investment and bosom buddy, Thaksin, is no longer calling the shots and the ultimate issue, China.

I've been here 8 years and you're talking blx. The US are p'd at the death of democracy here.

Good God, even the US is in the pay of Thaksin! He'll destroy us all, I tell you, all!


its 2015, there's no free speech in thailand yet, they arent playing dumb they are this smart. hearing thais or farangs yell at farangs who are educated and in the know of this out dated system and the problems it can only make again n again n again n again is trite and to be laughed at. '' how can u know anything youve only been here for 5 minutes ive been here for 12 years'', to which u say '' twelve years an still not what had at minute one''

thailand isnt hard to figure out, not for adults.

reality will never change, and greng jai is greng lie, and the bank of good luck isnt theravada buddism and a lack of free speech is a lack of free inquiry..then again at times one just needs to google thai iq's and the present problem they seem to be faceing with test scores.


small group of political activists

So I guess it was less than four otherwise it is illegal to gather in Thailand for political purposes.

Oh no wait this political gathering was pro Junta so that is acceptable.

Hypocrites should have arrested them and sent them off to the attitude adjustment factory.


Once again the Americans are telling a country what they must do.

Where? I haven't seen that and I am taking an interest in this story...?

True I haven't seen any where either where the U.S has "TOLD" Thailand what to do. All I have seen is someone with an OPINION just like every single poster on here has. It just seems to be an opinion that the dear leader doesn't like and he doesn't appear to be to differentiate between an opinion and someone telling him what to do. Young children have the same problem.


I wouldn't live in the USA with their so called democratic elected government. The whole thing is a farce and serves the rich and powerful, especially the oil barons.

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Seems to me he called a spade a spade and the powers that be don't like it,

Most people here I believe Red and Yellow supporters know that this is quite simply a purge of opposition, and they want their turn at the trough.

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NLA President Pornpetch was spot-on with his comments, peace has been restored to Thailand, a majority of Thai's approve of the clean-up now in progress, let's hope the current set-up stays there until they get the job done and, that they do stay true to the people, Always a risk where power is involved. What was the option, a megalomaniac with Emperor aspirations and self perpetuation?. Thailand deserves and needs its own style of democracy as it enters a new economic era within ASEAN. The Singapore model is an example and during the years of economic development the Government there was far from what the purists would call "democratic" but it was effective and for the people, not self centered and primarily aimed at enriching certain individuals as was the norm here.

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I see the usual support for what they like to call "democracy", by the usual whingers.

I agree totally that the government should request this man be removed for attempting to intervene in our country's internal affairs.

If you can't see that what he did is not acceptable, then you are blind.

It matters not at all whether it was the internal view of the any foreign government, it is inappropriate to voice this in public as a statement either privately, or publicly to our government.

The fact that he met with the Shin clan is hardly surprising...


The problem with democracy is, close to half the countries voters are always dissatisfied with the outcome. The great thing about totalitarianism is that once your public accepts this is the status quo........ One tends to get approval and national pride grows............ I know sounds weird, but after 20 years on the road, it's what I have seen!

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