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'US sleeping as China courts Thailand'

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The Thais are dealing from an incredibly weak position. These MNCs can have a functioning car industry up and running in Myanmar in 5 years. The junta and the NLA need to wind their necks in now.

Or Vietnam, who it has today been reported to be in the process of changing it's foreign ownership laws from the 49/51 (same Thailand) to allow majority foreign shares, both commercial and domestic (home ownership).

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I love how this discussion is always framed from "USA needs Thailand" with zero consideration for vice versa.

What exactly does the USA need Thailand for?

Thailand has everything to lose and little to gain from China. Do these numpties imagine the Chinese will move their manufacturing to thailand in volume to replace japanese or USA investment.

Thailand will lose massively if it goes all out to befriend China and move to disavow its friendship with the USA. This junta needs to wind its neck in fast or the USA might just take these threats seriously and just realign itself with someone else in the region to replace thailand.

Then listen to the wailing from the amaart and junta supporters that they no longer get courted by the USA and have to kowtow in Beijing. The mainland Chinese won't be nearly as nice or financiallt beneficial as doing business with the USA.

"What exactly does the USA need Thailand for?"

Absolutely nothing at all.

er, prawns perhaps?


Only on TV that the general is so wrong & the majority of TV posters are so correct...

I didn't do a headcount and I'd be guessing that probably many of the posters were the same people predicting Thailand's economic demise after the military coup...

meanwhile Thailand is stable & staying strong to most of the western currencies.


"Birds of feather flock together".

Thailand is as corrupted as China. However, it would be a grave mistake to mingle with China ( big neighbour), which could start manipulating Thailnd's economy withing couple of years..

I laughed out loud ... the Americans are as corrupt, in not more so, than Thailand and China ...

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Fact of the matter is, when the USA or China tells Thailand do dance like a circus monkey, that is exactly what they do.

The Thais can beat their chests as much as they would like, but there is a pecking order around the world just as there is a pecking order in Thai society. Everyone knows their place. Everything else is just a bunch of hot heads talking.


America needs Thailand as all know for Medical Care

That is why rich Americans come to Thailand for Operations and Dental Work

The dental work is OK, but it's not great. My dentist in the USA said he is always fixing poorly done jobs done in Thailand.

I think a lot of it is like when they build a house or condo. Yes, it looks great for a few months, then it starts cracking and falling apart.


China? Well court away.

When they take over the Thai economy and all the fishing rights, what is Thailand gonna do about it? This is all smoke and mirrors. The US are not falling for Thailand's bluff and the Thai elite are throwing their toys out of the pram. This all stems from having their noses put out of joint after the US had a moan about the military government (which it is...no matter what they try and dress it up as).

Face is lost and it's a case of ''Well, this is my new bestest friend now if you don't say sorry!''

This is not the view of the real elite, and I have a feeling that there may well be a few wrists slapped over this pathetic rhetoric.

Considering most the "Thai elite" are Chinese-Thais (just like the popular newscasters etc) I think they will be happy about China controllin Thailand. Let's face it, they basically do already

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America needs Thailand as all know for Medical Care

That is why rich Americans come to Thailand for Operations and Dental Work

How bizarre. Rich Americans don't NEED to come to Thailand for medical nor dental work. Most people I know schlepp over to Malaysia from Thailand if it's anything serious on the medical front. Better and cheaper they tell me


Only on TV that the general is so wrong & the majority of TV posters are so correct...

I didn't do a headcount and I'd be guessing that probably many of the posters were the same people predicting Thailand's economic demise after the military coup...

meanwhile Thailand is stable & staying strong to most of the western currencies.

Fantastic, I love good humour


Curious why cobra gold always takes place within spitting distance of Pattaya.

Bernand Trink wrote about these visits years and years ago. He referred Thai cultural minister (?) who said they are here to visit Thai cultural sites, Wats etc. Right?


It's about time the US let Thailand have it on its own. It is obvious the military is not letting go of power until they have enough votes to get the current pm officially elected. The word democracy is dead. When a nation is silenced only the one with a voice will be heard. But as with all alliances with chin the devil is in the details.


China? Well court away.

When they take over the Thai economy and all the fishing rights, what is Thailand gonna do about it? This is all smoke and mirrors. The US are not falling for Thailand's bluff and the Thai elite are throwing their toys out of the pram. This all stems from having their noses put out of joint after the US had a moan about the military government (which it is...no matter what they try and dress it up as).

Face is lost and it's a case of ''Well, this is my new bestest friend now if you don't say sorry!''

This is not the view of the real elite, and I have a feeling that there may well be a few wrists slapped over this pathetic rhetoric.

Considering most the "Thai elite" are Chinese-Thais (just like the popular newscasters etc) I think they will be happy about China controllin Thailand. Let's face it, they basically do already

Thai Chinese run business here, but they won't be at all happy with having to really follow the mainland line to any great extent. They want the money without actually doing any serious work or making any changes to their standard way of doing things.

Just look at how the Chinese have caused problems in Africa. You reckon they are going to really give a damn what they get up to in Thailand?

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If Thailand prefers China to the US, and by default Japan, the US will stop providing Thailand with military assistance and both the US and Japan could pull manufacturing out of Thailand. The US and Japan have huge industrial investments in Thailand and create a lot for the Thai economy including exports and jobs.

Japan is afraid of China after having China threaten to take some of its islands and block shipping and airline routes. The US sailed some carrier groups through the area and made China back down. The US also made China back down from claiming all fishing rights in the S. China Sea - a place where several SE Asian countries including Thailand rely on for fishing.

If Thailand is stupid enough to play China against the US and by default Japan, it could lose US and Japanese manufacturing causing its economy to crash.

The US and Japan have already invested in large tracts of land in Burma at Yangon, as a backstop to Thailand. The US signed a deal with the Phils to move military forces back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base which will be a large boost to the Phil's economy.

Who is being left out and "Who is Sleeping?"

Thailand is usually too big for its britches and this writer should figure out that neither the US nor Japan needs Thailand at all.

US aid to thailand is $3.5 million per year.

US and Japan does not have investments, private companies do;)

The US and Japan can put embargos on Thailand making it illegal for private companies to do business. The US sells and gives modern weapons to Thailand including F16's and the munitions to hang on them.

There are so many ways the US, Japan and even Europe could abandon Thailand that I think you should rethink your comments.

It should be obvious to all that if the junta trashes the West and buddies up to China that it will lose in so many ways. That's not to mention the crocodile that China is and how the loss of the US would let China damage Thailand.

Yes i am sure Japan would put embargo on its bread and butter companies and remind me again who are those big American investors in Thailand?

There are over 700 US Companies doing business in Thailand with a direct investment of over $17 Billion. Some you might recognize. Ford Motor Co., General Motors, Coca Cola, Citicorp, Caterpillar, Pfizer, Dow, Esso, to name a few......http://www.amchamthailand.com/acct/asp/CorpList.asp?SponsorID=298

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Thailand will snuggle-up to any country that gives it money, military aid, etc. And it dates numerous countries at the same time and plays each against the other (just as many other countries do). But just remember, lovers can easily turn into ex-lovers who can be a downright pain.

Sounds right out of the course syllabus for Bargirl 101.


China? Well court away.

When they take over the Thai economy and all the fishing rights, what is Thailand gonna do about it? This is all smoke and mirrors. The US are not falling for Thailand's bluff and the Thai elite are throwing their toys out of the pram. This all stems from having their noses put out of joint after the US had a moan about the military government (which it is...no matter what they try and dress it up as).

Face is lost and it's a case of ''Well, this is my new bestest friend now if you don't say sorry!''

This is not the view of the real elite, and I have a feeling that there may well be a few wrists slapped over this pathetic rhetoric.

Considering most the "Thai elite" are Chinese-Thais (just like the popular newscasters etc) I think they will be happy about China controllin Thailand. Let's face it, they basically do already

Thai Chinese run business here, but they won't be at all happy with having to really follow the mainland line to any great extent. They want the money without actually doing any serious work or making any changes to their standard way of doing things.

Just look at how the Chinese have caused problems in Africa. You reckon they are going to really give a damn what they get up to in Thailand?

I'm with you on that one, they don't care what they get up to in their own country never mind somebody else's country!


Don't worry. Thailand will soon have ( what was the phrase?) oh yes: Inclusive Democracy..just like the United States and a multitude of other police states you can name.

Oh, also restrictions are to be imposed on the development of Drone technology in Korat Schools...bet that came straight from the Pentagon.


"Thailand is important to the US, but that country's role of being the guardian of democratic principles"

Hardly! They are less democratic than Myanmar who is only just getting a loosening of sanctions.

Exactly how much China will get on with Thailand is also debatable.

Onebalkso needs to look into the future....Thailand is certain to undergone some massive upheaval and China could yet get burned.


Considering most the "Thai elite" are Chinese-Thais (just like the popular newscasters etc) I think they will be happy about China controllin Thailand.

This has been discussed before...it is worth bearing in mind that many of the "Chinese" in Thailand fled here for one reason or another and their attitude to China the state is at best ambivalent.


I love how this discussion is always framed from "USA needs Thailand" with zero consideration for vice versa.

What exactly does the USA need Thailand for?

Thailand has everything to lose and little to gain from China. Do these numpties imagine the Chinese will move their manufacturing to thailand in volume to replace japanese or USA investment.

Thailand will lose massively if it goes all out to befriend China and move to disavow its friendship with the USA. This junta needs to wind its neck in fast or the USA might just take these threats seriously and just realign itself with someone else in the region to replace thailand.

Then listen to the wailing from the amaart and junta supporters that they no longer get courted by the USA and have to kowtow in Beijing. The mainland Chinese won't be nearly as nice or financiallt beneficial as doing business with the USA.

"What exactly does the USA need Thailand for?"

Absolutely nothing at all.

You can use that argument for just about every other country in the world.


Considering most the "Thai elite" are Chinese-Thais (just like the popular newscasters etc) I think they will be happy about China controllin Thailand.

same situation in taiwan in which china and taiwan are of the same race except usa. in this case, china has a clear advantage over usa. likewise in thailand, china is nevertheless a close neighbor of thailand.


If Thailand prefers China to the US, and by default Japan, the US will stop providing Thailand with military assistance and both the US and Japan could pull manufacturing out of Thailand. The US and Japan have huge industrial investments in Thailand and create a lot for the Thai economy including exports and jobs.

Japan is afraid of China after having China threaten to take some of its islands and block shipping and airline routes. The US sailed some carrier groups through the area and made China back down. The US also made China back down from claiming all fishing rights in the S. China Sea - a place where several SE Asian countries including Thailand rely on for fishing.

If Thailand is stupid enough to play China against the US and by default Japan, it could lose US and Japanese manufacturing causing its economy to crash.

The US and Japan have already invested in large tracts of land in Burma at Yangon, as a backstop to Thailand. The US signed a deal with the Phils to move military forces back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base which will be a large boost to the Phil's economy.

Who is being left out and "Who is Sleeping?"

Thailand is usually too big for its britches and this writer should figure out that neither the US nor Japan needs Thailand at all.

US aid to thailand is $3.5 million per year.

US and Japan does not have investments, private companies do;)

The US and Japan can put embargos on Thailand making it illegal for private companies to do business. The US sells and gives modern weapons to Thailand including F16's and the munitions to hang on them.

There are so many ways the US, Japan and even Europe could abandon Thailand that I think you should rethink your comments.

It should be obvious to all that if the junta trashes the West and buddies up to China that it will lose in so many ways. That's not to mention the crocodile that China is and how the loss of the US would let China damage Thailand.

Yes i am sure Japan would put embargo on its bread and butter companies and remind me again who are those big American investors in Thailand?



Considering most the "Thai elite" are Chinese-Thais (just like the popular newscasters etc) I think they will be happy about China controllin Thailand.

This has been discussed before...it is worth bearing in mind that many of the "Chinese" in Thailand fled here for one reason or another and their attitude to China the state is at best ambivalent.

Not so sure about that. I seem to recall that the residents of Hong Kong were Chinese,

and they ended up not so happy about being taken over by China. Regarding the

Thai/Chinese that own and rule Thailand, I suspect their ancestors were the peasant

class ,who entered Thailand, dominated the local population, and went through

them like a hot knife through butter


Why does Thailand need the US? Investment in Thailand recently for high speed railways has come from China. Toyota has pulled out most of its investment in Thailand. Exports of rubber go mostly to China. Tourists now are mostly Chinese and Russian. The Asean communtity has its own military why do Thailand need US help? The US is 14 trillion dollars in debt mostly due to loans from China. What can the US offer Thailand? KFC?


just noticed the other day that mitsubishi opening up new plant in the phillipines,acountry with a larger population that will look for work ,

will honda follow and move production to other ASEAN member countries if stability "diplomacy" do not improve.


If Thailand prefers China to the US, and by default Japan, the US will stop providing Thailand with military assistance and both the US and Japan could pull manufacturing out of Thailand. The US and Japan have huge industrial investments in Thailand and create a lot for the Thai economy including exports and jobs.

Japan is afraid of China after having China threaten to take some of its islands and block shipping and airline routes. The US sailed some carrier groups through the area and made China back down. The US also made China back down from claiming all fishing rights in the S. China Sea - a place where several SE Asian countries including Thailand rely on for fishing.

If Thailand is stupid enough to play China against the US and by default Japan, it could lose US and Japanese manufacturing causing its economy to crash.

The US and Japan have already invested in large tracts of land in Burma at Yangon, as a backstop to Thailand. The US signed a deal with the Phils to move military forces back into Subic Bay and Clark Air Force Base which will be a large boost to the Phil's economy.

Who is being left out and "Who is Sleeping?"

Thailand is usually too big for its britches and this writer should figure out that neither the US nor Japan needs Thailand at all.

I don't often agree with Neversure, but when I do.......

His statement here is spot on.

The US has little to lose if Thailand sides with China and relations with the US continue to sour.

With modern day technology, the US no longer needs Thailand for military purposes.

Business can be taken care of from Australia and the Philippines very well now.

Thailand has a lot to lose.

If you think China will provide the military, economic and infrastructure support that the US has provided since Vietnam, think again.

Just what do you think China's long term plans are for Thailand???

Would any responsible government trade good relations with the US and Japan for better relations with China and North Korea???

Unfortunately, the average Thai has no idea of what is going on and has no say in it anyway.

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