Si Thea01 Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Bill shortens head looks like a cartoon skull. I hate the man with a passion. Australia needs a successful business man tonrun the country.....Malcolm Turnbull is an astute businessman.....unlike tony who really is a douchebag. Why do you hate someone with a passion? Do you know Bill Shorten personally to enlist such a response? Now don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of him of his non policy rhetoric. I do not think the man is capable of being a leader, or can be trusted after what he did to Rudd, Gillard and the Rudd again? This party has an entitlement mentality and cares nothing for the country or it's people. Look at the open borders, 50,000 people, 1200 deaths of illegal immigrants, 5 billion spent on illegal immigrants, just spend, spend, spend. Who is gong to pay this back. Our grandchildren, their children and possibly their children. The other thing that amazes me about this lot is that they are in total denial about the nearly $500 billion debt they ran up. Also they are backed by criminal unions. The PM is a douchebag? A bit rude don't you think. Your are calling him a male with a combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behaviour. How did you reach this deduction? Please enlighten me as to what your claim to fame is and what you have done that can even compare to his scholastic accomplishments, his caring for the aboriginals, his charity work, and the volunteering in the life saving and bush fire brigade. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them? So why have you referred to him in such a manner? As for Malcolm Turnbull, he is in the wrong party. Wants an ETS or a carbon tax, Where has this arisen, from what party? When he was leader, tell me how did he poll and what did he accomplish in opposition? Don't forget he was employed by Goldman Sachs, who was establishing ETS schemes world wide. He also set up an investment company with the late Neville Wran and Nicholas Whitlam. Strong Labourites. I'll give him his dues, he has been a successful businessman but unfortunately his views are to the left and adverse to what the Liberal party stands for and heaven help this country if he is ever made PM. you obviously know nothing about Abbott other than what you read in his mentors's newspapers ... Sadly he doesn't know much about the liberal party too. Howard took a price on carbon to the 2007 election but that seems to have faded from the memory of our expert poster. It is Abbott in the wrong party, actually he used to be a DLP member which reflects his catholic right background. He's a santamaria boy through and through. Turnbull was always a creature of the liberal party and he made that clear during the mid 90s when everyone had him as a dead cert of an ALP ring-in. Don't know much about the Libs? Know a lot more than you. Typical lefty, write something that you cannot back up with facts. I'll give you one point though, Mr Howard was talking about an ETS scheme as you stated, however, it never came to fruition. But then we were never talking about him, I thought it was about Mr Abbott, so why have you gone off on this tangent? Don't you know the difference between the two? Yes, Mr Santamaria was his mentor and they have a friendship, so what are you trying to prove by bringing this to the debate? When was the PM a member of the DLP and how old was he?, Come on give some facts instead of a nothing statement. And, if you can, it will be interesting to note where you obtained those details because what you have stated is just not true.. Why is there need to being religion into this? What has this to do with the topic? Mr Turnbull denies ever trying to get ALP membership, however, in 1999, Bob Hawke confirmed he had been approached by Mr Turnbull, who wanted to join the ALP, as he was very unhappy with Mr Howard. Apparently he asked if Mr Beazley would like him to be their finance spokesman, however, for whatever reason, this did not come to fruition .Now, if you deny this then are you suggesting that Mr Hawke was being untruthful, or are you? Mr Turnbull is so far left it isn't funny but of course you will probably deny this also.
samran Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Don't know much about the Libs? Know a lot more than you. Typical lefty, write something that you cannot back up with facts. I'll give you one point though, Mr Howard was talking about an ETS scheme as you stated, however, it never came to fruition. But then we were never talking about him, I thought it was about Mr Abbott, so why have you gone off on this tangent? Don't you know the difference between the two? Yes, Mr Santamaria was his mentor and they have a friendship, so what are you trying to prove by bringing this to the debate? When was the PM a member of the DLP and how old was he?, Come on give some facts instead of a nothing statement. And, if you can, it will be interesting to note where you obtained those details because what you have stated is just not true.. Why is there need to being religion into this? What has this to do with the topic? Mr Turnbull denies ever trying to get ALP membership, however, in 1999, Bob Hawke confirmed he had been approached by Mr Turnbull, who wanted to join the ALP, as he was very unhappy with Mr Howard. Apparently he asked if Mr Beazley would like him to be their finance spokesman, however, for whatever reason, this did not come to fruition .Now, if you deny this then are you suggesting that Mr Hawke was being untruthful, or are you? Mr Turnbull is so far left it isn't funny but of course you will probably deny this also. It really is Gerard Henderson! What, not getting enough gigs on Insiders so you have to come and Grace us with your presence? Check Hansard. Abbott said it himself during the condolence motions for Whitlam recently that he was DLP when he first met Gough. And just so you can read it from a ''safe" source, here is the australians coverage 2
Si Thea01 Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Don't know much about the Libs? Know a lot more than you. Typical lefty, write something that you cannot back up with facts. I'll give you one point though, Mr Howard was talking about an ETS scheme as you stated, however, it never came to fruition. But then we were never talking about him, I thought it was about Mr Abbott, so why have you gone off on this tangent? Don't you know the difference between the two? Yes, Mr Santamaria was his mentor and they have a friendship, so what are you trying to prove by bringing this to the debate? When was the PM a member of the DLP and how old was he?, Come on give some facts instead of a nothing statement. And, if you can, it will be interesting to note where you obtained those details because what you have stated is just not true.. Why is there need to being religion into this? What has this to do with the topic? Mr Turnbull denies ever trying to get ALP membership, however, in 1999, Bob Hawke confirmed he had been approached by Mr Turnbull, who wanted to join the ALP, as he was very unhappy with Mr Howard. Apparently he asked if Mr Beazley would like him to be their finance spokesman, however, for whatever reason, this did not come to fruition .Now, if you deny this then are you suggesting that Mr Hawke was being untruthful, or are you? Mr Turnbull is so far left it isn't funny but of course you will probably deny this also. It really is Gerard Henderson! What, not getting enough gigs on Insiders so you have to come and Grace us with your presence? Check Hansard. Abbott said it himself during the condolence motions for Whitlam recently that he was DLP when he first met Gough. And just so you can read it from a ''safe" source, here is the australians coverage Thank you for your trouble in giving me the links but here we go again. You only answer what you want to. From your own source it indicates Mr Abbott first met Mr Whitlam in 1978 and the statement he made (Quote) "`I'm SUPPOSED to be DLP (Democratic Labor Party)' was my response," Mr Abbott said. The word was deliberately chosen as the overall response was attempted humour by Mr Abbott because if you take into context Gough's response, (quote): "That's even worse.", you would see that. Why did you conveniently leave that word, "SUPPOSED" out? Maybe one of two reasons, either you want to bolster your argument in an attempt to highlight your alleged knowledge or to prove me incorrect or Is it because you know the definition and did not want to highlight your putting forward a flawed argument. Jus so others know the definition of the word you left out it is "Generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so." The DLP finished in 1974, when Mr Abbott was 16. He first met Mr Santamaria in 1976, who at that time was a catholic political activist and was never ever a member of the DLP, although he tried on many occasions to influence that party. So you are saying that Mr Abbott was a member of a non-functioning party in 1978 Again, a play on words, leave words out and in doing so post not quite correct statements.
Si Thea01 Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 I didn't know Andrew Bolt had come to the TV forum... I take that back actually. Sounds like Gerard Henderson is stalking us wet lefty Fairfax readers. The ultimate literalist. Hold on, doesn't he write for Fairfax too?? You're very clever and yes, he works for both publications. The latter being a propaganda machine and a must read mindless political clap trap for lefties. Dont Allan jones and Neil Mitchell also work for Fairfax as well given they own the radio shock jock stations? What are they, secret lefty propaganda machines? Poor old sun king though. Owning the small papers in Melbourne ans Brisbane did nothing to stop the lastest lnp wipe outs. I wonder if there is a newspaper Viagra he can take... Yes, Fairfax has merged with the Macquarie network, 2GB, so yes, he will be working for Fairfax, while Neill works for 3AW, which is also owned by Fairfax. Are you suggesting that the radio stations are secretly left wing propaganda machines, or are you referring to the men. At this stage, there has been no change in the content. Both are more conservative then left but they do give either side a serve if they deserve it. Take Allan Jones giving it to the Campbell-Newman government prior to the last election? But once the Fairfax gurus come in a lot may change but I don't think you will see either men change their commentary style. Insofar as the two state government elections, these were based on state affairs, maybe a little to do with the federal government, but mainly state. There has not been a wipe out, as you put it, in Queensland, the count is still ongoing and it could end up a hung parliament or a minority Labor government. Sure the LNP lost seats and the arrogant premier even lost his. But as I said, the turnaround was due mainly to state matters. Many of the labour seats, that were lost in the protest vote last time, have returned to the fold. This has not been a wipe out either, not like Labor last time, reduced to around 9 seats. Even though the LNP lost a considerable number of seats, it still remains more effectual then Labor was previously. They never had enough seats to form a party but Campbell-Newman at least allowed them to have party status. Victoria is generally to the left of politics, considering the unions are based there and there has been a huge loss of manufacturing industries and jobs which made many people, "Not happy Jane." The LNP Premier was not the man, same as Campbell-Newman, and his ineptness and failure to listen was only part of the contribution to their downfall. There are currently 8 parties forming the Victorian government. It wasn't a wipe out as you suggest. Labor has 47 seats, LNP has 38, a loss of 7 seats. The swing to Labor was only 3.57%, hardly a wipe out.
samran Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Don't know much about the Libs? Know a lot more than you. Typical lefty, write something that you cannot back up with facts. I'll give you one point though, Mr Howard was talking about an ETS scheme as you stated, however, it never came to fruition. But then we were never talking about him, I thought it was about Mr Abbott, so why have you gone off on this tangent? Don't you know the difference between the two? Yes, Mr Santamaria was his mentor and they have a friendship, so what are you trying to prove by bringing this to the debate? When was the PM a member of the DLP and how old was he?, Come on give some facts instead of a nothing statement. And, if you can, it will be interesting to note where you obtained those details because what you have stated is just not true.. Why is there need to being religion into this? What has this to do with the topic? Mr Turnbull denies ever trying to get ALP membership, however, in 1999, Bob Hawke confirmed he had been approached by Mr Turnbull, who wanted to join the ALP, as he was very unhappy with Mr Howard. Apparently he asked if Mr Beazley would like him to be their finance spokesman, however, for whatever reason, this did not come to fruition .Now, if you deny this then are you suggesting that Mr Hawke was being untruthful, or are you? Mr Turnbull is so far left it isn't funny but of course you will probably deny this also. It really is Gerard Henderson! What, not getting enough gigs on Insiders so you have to come and Grace us with your presence?Check Hansard. Abbott said it himself during the condolence motions for Whitlam recently that he was DLP when he first met Gough. And just so you can read it from a ''safe" source, here is the australians coverage Thank you for your trouble in giving me the links but here we go again. You only answer what you want to. From your own source it indicates Mr Abbott first met Mr Whitlam in 1978 and the statement he made (Quote) "`I'm SUPPOSED to be DLP (Democratic Labor Party)' was my response," Mr Abbott said. The word was deliberately chosen as the overall response was attempted humour by Mr Abbott because if you take into context Gough's response, (quote): "That's even worse.", you would see that. Why did you conveniently leave that word, "SUPPOSED" out? Maybe one of two reasons, either you want to bolster your argument in an attempt to highlight your alleged knowledge or to prove me incorrect or Is it because you know the definition and did not want to highlight your putting forward a flawed argument. Jus so others know the definition of the word you left out it is "Generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so." The DLP finished in 1974, when Mr Abbott was 16. He first met Mr Santamaria in 1976, who at that time was a catholic political activist and was never ever a member of the DLP, although he tried on many occasions to influence that party. So you are saying that Mr Abbott was a member of a non-functioning party in 1978 Again, a play on words, leave words out and in doing so post not quite correct statements. Too funny. The literalist becomes, well, not so literal when it doesn't suit him. 2
Si Thea01 Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Don't know much about the Libs? Know a lot more than you. Typical lefty, write something that you cannot back up with facts. I'll give you one point though, Mr Howard was talking about an ETS scheme as you stated, however, it never came to fruition. But then we were never talking about him, I thought it was about Mr Abbott, so why have you gone off on this tangent? Don't you know the difference between the two? Yes, Mr Santamaria was his mentor and they have a friendship, so what are you trying to prove by bringing this to the debate? When was the PM a member of the DLP and how old was he?, Come on give some facts instead of a nothing statement. And, if you can, it will be interesting to note where you obtained those details because what you have stated is just not true.. Why is there need to being religion into this? What has this to do with the topic? Mr Turnbull denies ever trying to get ALP membership, however, in 1999, Bob Hawke confirmed he had been approached by Mr Turnbull, who wanted to join the ALP, as he was very unhappy with Mr Howard. Apparently he asked if Mr Beazley would like him to be their finance spokesman, however, for whatever reason, this did not come to fruition .Now, if you deny this then are you suggesting that Mr Hawke was being untruthful, or are you? Mr Turnbull is so far left it isn't funny but of course you will probably deny this also. It really is Gerard Henderson! What, not getting enough gigs on Insiders so you have to come and Grace us with your presence?Check Hansard. Abbott said it himself during the condolence motions for Whitlam recently that he was DLP when he first met Gough. And just so you can read it from a ''safe" source, here is the australians coverage Thank you for your trouble in giving me the links but here we go again. You only answer what you want to. From your own source it indicates Mr Abbott first met Mr Whitlam in 1978 and the statement he made (Quote) "`I'm SUPPOSED to be DLP (Democratic Labor Party)' was my response," Mr Abbott said. The word was deliberately chosen as the overall response was attempted humour by Mr Abbott because if you take into context Gough's response, (quote): "That's even worse.", you would see that. Why did you conveniently leave that word, "SUPPOSED" out? Maybe one of two reasons, either you want to bolster your argument in an attempt to highlight your alleged knowledge or to prove me incorrect or Is it because you know the definition and did not want to highlight your putting forward a flawed argument. Jus so others know the definition of the word you left out it is "Generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so." The DLP finished in 1974, when Mr Abbott was 16. He first met Mr Santamaria in 1976, who at that time was a catholic political activist and was never ever a member of the DLP, although he tried on many occasions to influence that party. So you are saying that Mr Abbott was a member of a non-functioning party in 1978 Again, a play on words, leave words out and in doing so post not quite correct statements. Too funny. The literalist becomes, well, not so literal when it doesn't suit him. As I stated before, you have no arguments and just cannot answer, just put down things that are plainly, not true. So now I am a literalist, who is not being so literal when it doesn't suit me? Too funny, at least I can give you facts, not like yourself. Tell me that everything you have posted is factual, and not made up? Never worried when one puts in the right information, none of which you can refute, or even attempt to. So away you go again, now being a smarty or trying to be because you have no answers.
neverdie Posted February 5, 2015 Posted February 5, 2015 Kevin Rudd eats earwax and talks a lot if crapp. In 2007 numerous Australian douchebags voted for the Oartybthat he led at the time.....ever since he ousted Johnny H, it's been downhill for Oztralia. Some people think Kevin saved Australia from the world financial crises when in fact all he did was spend us far further into debt.....this must end as Australia is speeding towards a cliff. Shorten was partner the faceless men that fisted Kevin the db. Now he's running the opposition which is rather comical. He will fall on his own sword eventually. You can't trust a back door man The Julia Rudd and Kevin Gillard show was a joke. The ugly Sheila is up to it in evil play. Good to see her fall hard at the end. Hopeful abbot drowns like HH and Malcolm can steer the coalition toa nother term or three. Clive palmed is a douchebag too.....can believe the PUP is still active.....he must be minutes away from a heart attack morbidly obese and ugly as they come. Oztralia is's politicians are weak compared to yesteryears offerings. It's a shame.
Si Thea01 Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 Kevin Rudd eats earwax and talks a lot if crapp. In 2007 numerous Australian douchebags voted for the Oartybthat he led at the time.....ever since he ousted Johnny H, it's been downhill for Oztralia. Some people think Kevin saved Australia from the world financial crises when in fact all he did was spend us far further into debt.....this must end as Australia is speeding towards a cliff. Shorten was partner the faceless men that fisted Kevin the db. Now he's running the opposition which is rather comical. He will fall on his own sword eventually. You can't trust a back door man The Julia Rudd and Kevin Gillard show was a joke. The ugly Sheila is up to it in evil play. Good to see her fall hard at the end. Hopeful abbot drowns like HH and Malcolm can steer the coalition toa nother term or three. Clive palmed is a douchebag too.....can believe the PUP is still active.....he must be minutes away from a heart attack morbidly obese and ugly as they come. Oztralia is's politicians are weak compared to yesteryears offerings. It's a shame. Agree with you on a number of matters however, some of your words are a bit derogatory and although it is evident you feel strongly, it would be nice to see them left out. I definitely do not agree with you on Malcolm Turnbull. I can tell you that many supporters of the LNP do not and will not accept Mr Turnbull as the leader and if he is proven to be a liar, which we may find out on Tuesday, then many will not vote for the LNP, and with such divisiveness and two faced nobodies, then one can only hope that the party does not implode. I know Tony has made some very silly mistakes but at least he has admitted to them and it is only a LNP government who will get Australia out of its downward spiral. Malcolm never had or will ever have the full support of the majority Australians, look at his governments popularity when he was opposition leader: Just 29% and as a preferred PM it was even less. May I ask you why you think he is the saviour and will be able to lead then to two or three terms. They will be lucky to retain government. Malcolm is the Labor voter's favourite politician. What is you don't like about the PM and why don't you think he will do a reasonable job. Just remember, it is Labor, the Greens and a number of riff raff senators who are preventing any economic policies being passed, thus preventing the government from paying off the debt and they now have to borrow 137 million a day to service Labor's debt and meet their commitments. The "Me" mentality and the right to be supported by government benefits brigade do not want to give up anything regardless of Australia heading down the gurgler. Something has to give and if they can't accept some austerity measures, then they are like the majority of politicians today, do not care for the country. With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. So now according to all the polls, Australia wants Labor returned, 56% to 44%. Heaven help the country if that little turncoat, Bill Shorten becomes PM because the 48 billion debt that we have now will be much more, taxes will rise and the country will no longer be lucky, and worst of all the Labor party will owe so much to the union movement. The mining boom has finished, we have very little manufacturing left, so where are they going to get the money. At the moment it is costing the Australian people 1 billion a month in interest for what Labor borrowed, so if we get them back, Greece here we come. . 1
BookMan Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 Here is an article from 2009 showing just how that bumble head Abbott got elected as leader of the Liberal party. Unfortunately the Australian public then went and elected him. More a protest vote against Labor and a decent smattering of PR driven xenophobia about boat arrivals. Most embarrassing PM Australia has ever had. Cringe worthy. **** This article was first published in December, 2009. The Liberal Party shocked itself when it elected Tony Abbott as leader this week. The man who had masterminded the coup to destroy Malcolm Turnbull was Nick Minchin, the godfather of the Liberals' conservative wing. As soon as the results were announced – Hockey was eliminated in the first round of voting, and the final ballot was won by Abbott over Turnbull by a single vote – Minchin walked across to a shocked Joe Hockey. They had not even left the party room. Astonished members were milling about. A gang of reporters was waiting outside. "If I'd known how it was going to go," Minchin told him, "I would have slung you another 10 votes." Minchin was speakingpartly in jest. He was rebuking Hockey for failing to do his numbers, for bungling his run at the party leadership 1
BookMan Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 . With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. Well we call many politicians 'women' these days. I know Little Tony doesn't like women in his cabinet, but there are more and more surfacing in the elected arena in the last 20 years
neverdie Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 Kevin Rudd eats earwax and talks a lot if crapp. In 2007 numerous Australian douchebags voted for the Oartybthat he led at the time.....ever since he ousted Johnny H, it's been downhill for Oztralia. Some people think Kevin saved Australia from the world financial crises when in fact all he did was spend us far further into debt.....this must end as Australia is speeding towards a cliff. Shorten was partner the faceless men that fisted Kevin the db. Now he's running the opposition which is rather comical. He will fall on his own sword eventually. You can't trust a back door man The Julia Rudd and Kevin Gillard show was a joke. The ugly Sheila is up to it in evil play. Good to see her fall hard at the end. Hopeful abbot drowns like HH and Malcolm can steer the coalition toa nother term or three. Clive palmed is a douchebag too.....can believe the PUP is still active.....he must be minutes away from a heart attack morbidly obese and ugly as they come. Oztralia is's politicians are weak compared to yesteryears offerings. It's a shame. Agree with you on a number of matters however, some of your words are a bit derogatory and although it is evident you feel strongly, it would be nice to see them left out. I definitely do not agree with you on Malcolm Turnbull. I can tell you that many supporters of the LNP do not and will not accept Mr Turnbull as the leader and if he is proven to be a liar, which we may find out on Tuesday, then many will not vote for the LNP, and with such divisiveness and two faced nobodies, then one can only hope that the party does not implode. I know Tony has made some very silly mistakes but at least he has admitted to them and it is only a LNP government who will get Australia out of its downward spiral. Malcolm never had or will ever have the full support of the majority Australians, look at his governments popularity when he was opposition leader: Just 29% and as a preferred PM it was even less. May I ask you why you think he is the saviour and will be able to lead then to two or three terms. They will be lucky to retain government. Malcolm is the Labor voter's favourite politician. What is you don't like about the PM and why don't you think he will do a reasonable job. Just remember, it is Labor, the Greens and a number of riff raff senators who are preventing any economic policies being passed, thus preventing the government from paying off the debt and they now have to borrow 137 million a day to service Labor's debt and meet their commitments. The "Me" mentality and the right to be supported by government benefits brigade do not want to give up anything regardless of Australia heading down the gurgler. Something has to give and if they can't accept some austerity measures, then they are like the majority of politicians today, do not care for the country. With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. So now according to all the polls, Australia wants Labor returned, 56% to 44%. Heaven help the country if that little turncoat, Bill Shorten becomes PM because the 48 billion debt that we have now will be much more, taxes will rise and the country will no longer be lucky, and worst of all the Labor party will owe so much to the union movement. The mining boom has finished, we have very little manufacturing left, so where are they going to get the money. At the moment it is costing the Australian people 1 billion a month in interest for what Labor borrowed, so if we get them back, Greece here we come. . I believe Malcolm is a stronger, smarter man who IMO has a better chance of getting the govt re-elected at the next ballot. I believe he is a better man to lead the Government forward from its present state. Tony Abbotts days are numbered, writing is on the. Wall and if he was a better man he would step aside. His massive ego won't allow that to happen. I agree with you about Bill Shorten. If labour gets back to power after just one term, Oztralia is doomed. If that happens I hope shorten is Australia's next political assassination......maybehecango for a swim where Harold was last seen. Sadly Many Australians seem not to understand the position Australia may find itself in in a very short time indeed. The next blip on the world economic stage won't be so easily dodged and the only thing in the cookie jar is a massive IOU.
OZEMADE Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 . With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. Well we call many politicians 'women' these days. I know Little Tony doesn't like women in his cabinet, but there are more and more surfacing in the elected arena in the last 20 years A storm in a teacup created by the media trying to get a bite, which they have. A bite from each other, no real answers from the politicians re the boil over. Tony Abbott will be there next week and it will be business as usual. 2
neverdie Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 . With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. Well we call many politicians 'women' these days. I know Little Tony doesn't like women in his cabinet, but there are more and more surfacing in the elected arena in the last 20 years A storm in a teacup created by the media trying to get a bite, which they have. A bite from each other, no real answers from the politicians re the boil over. Tony Abbott will be there next week and it will be business as usual. I hope not. If the Libs have any chance at the next election it will be with Tony Abbott in a pine box. Mark. My words. If they are wise, this time next week it will be PM Malcolm Turnbull.
neverdie Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 . With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. Well we call many politicians 'women' these days. I know Little Tony doesn't like women in his cabinet, but there are more and more surfacing in the elected arena in the last 20 years What about. That big fat ugly Sheila.....Clivette Palmer.
kingalfred Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 Abbots toast sooner or later! Tanking in the op polls and his own side are after him now. And you thought Labor was a shambles? Abbot could never make the jump from"opposition noises off"to a "prime ministeral statesman" 1
samran Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 . With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. Well we call many politicians 'women' these days. I know Little Tony doesn't like women in his cabinet, but there are more and more surfacing in the elected arena in the last 20 years A storm in a teacup created by the media trying to get a bite, which they have. A bite from each other, no real answers from the politicians re the boil over. Tony Abbott will be there next week and it will be business as usual.I hope not.If the Libs have any chance at the next election it will be with Tony Abbott in a pine box. Mark. My words. If they are wise, this time next week it will be PM Malcolm Turnbull. My money is this being a two phase operation. He will survive next week. Then the low opinion polls will make change inevitable at some point later this year. Turnbull I think will keep his powder dry this time. It suits him to, and he probably doesn't have the numbers anyway. Like howard, he'll want to be drafted.
neverdie Posted February 6, 2015 Posted February 6, 2015 . With today's politicians, the majority only care about their hold on power and survival, they certainly don't care about the average Australian. So yes, fully agree, very weak people because I wouldn't call them men. Well we call many politicians 'women' these days.I know Little Tony doesn't like women in his cabinet, but there are more and more surfacing in the elected arena in the last 20 yearsA storm in a teacup created by the media trying to get a bite, which they have. A bite from each other, no real answers from the politicians re the boil over. Tony Abbott will be there next week and it will be business as usual.I hope not.If the Libs have any chance at the next election it will be with Tony Abbott in a pine box. Mark. My words.If they are wise, this time next week it will be PM Malcolm Turnbull.My money is this being a two phase operation. He will survive next week. Then the low opinion polls will make change inevitable at some point later this year. Turnbull I think will keep his powder dry this time. It suits him to, and he probably doesn't have the numbers anyway. Like howard, he'll want to be drafted. You are probably right but the longer they let the shenanigans go on the more damage to the party.Off with abbots head, send him to the back bench.
BookMan Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 You are probably right but the longer they let the shenanigans go on the more damage to the party. Off with abbots head, send him to the back bench. Turnbull is their best chance for re- election. maybe Bishop? She is untried really
neverdie Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 You are probably right but the longer they let the shenanigans go on the more damage to the party. Off with abbots head, send him to the back bench. Turnbull is their best chance for re- election. maybe Bishop? She is untried really Yes,vcorrect. Tony is a plonker.
Blackfox Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Secret ballot it seems so I'm guessing Turnbull will get his chance again.
BookMan Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Labor voters will be hoping Abbott stays on for the next eelction
samran Posted February 7, 2015 Posted February 7, 2015 Labor voters will be hoping Abbott stays on for the next eelction Indeed. I just don't understand the theory that alp voters want Turnbull. They may like him, but they aren't going to vote for him. If you want your team to win, you don't go supporting the bloke who is going to make it more difficult. Even if you were tempted to vote for him, you wouldn't as he is surrounded by your Cory Bernadis of the world and the Allan Jones fan club. 2
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