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Thai conservative activist warns of US 'terrorism'


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I know what I want to call him but the "w" word is not allowed, seriously, where do these idiots come from, all shirts are the same yellow or red, neither can do anything or say anything right/sensible.

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Presumably what we have now is a pro US faction and a pro China faction. How exactly this splits is probably a little unsure. We maybe have one faction turning on the other, with trying to stir up anti US feeling and thereby gather support. They are using this to try and discredit their opposing faction. Just a guess but seems plausible.

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I am not going to get my knickers in a knot even reading the B/S, the headlines says it all , an arse licker of grand proportions , just wait till my terrorist nomination starts undermining the Government and paying large sums of money to carry out bombings and disappearances from the rent - a crowd brigade, sorry how remiss of me I forgot to mention the country-------- China.bah.gif

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I hear something like this from a lot of anti-American Thais. They seem to think the US wants Thailand and its oil. Yes, oil! Thailand can't supply its own energy needs and the US wants their oil? Frankly, I cannot imagine why the US would want this place. Bangkok is a swamp and despite massive, massive US infrastructure support during the Vietnam War, Thailand has let all the advantages from that infrastructure head start evaporate. Were I an American policy maker, I would want NOTHING to do with administering this place. It's a dysfunctional mess from the standpoint of government. It's a wonderful place in many other respects, but it's just a nightmare to think about governing this place. Iraq was easier.

Problems with your Thai....Probably they said Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Rice Oil,

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Well lets see the troops downtown invade soi cowboy, then they hit the beaches. They won't last because there is no cold Budweiser to be had here, and it cost to much to send counterfit shirts and purses, and besides, my people can't take it for long without a Wal Mart!

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On second thoughts these incompetent right wing Elites/Hiso/thieves/Generals/Government members may not be so arrogant, stupid and incompetent as they are made out to be. Thais do have a proclivity to watching old American B movies and thinking that is how Americans live. They also believe the crap soaps on Thai TV are true but that is only because they are intellectually challenged.

However clearly in this case some of that is not true but he is clearly an old movie buff ( or should that be old buffer ? ) as he has watched the very old Disney movie "The Mouse that roared". Perhaps he is so delusional and he thinks the US are going to invade Thailand in order to stop permanently the trade in knock-offs/human trafficking and intellectual property right thefts so endemic in Thailand. Then the US will plough in so much aid, as they usually do to help the people and this idiot and his government cronies think they could skim another 35 % , as they usually do !!!!

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I hear something like this from a lot of anti-American Thais. They seem to think the US wants Thailand and its oil. Yes, oil! Thailand can't supply its own energy needs and the US wants their oil? Frankly, I cannot imagine why the US would want this place. Bangkok is a swamp and despite massive, massive US infrastructure support during the Vietnam War, Thailand has let all the advantages from that infrastructure head start evaporate. Were I an American policy maker, I would want NOTHING to do with administering this place. It's a dysfunctional mess from the standpoint of government. It's a wonderful place in many other respects, but it's just a nightmare to think about governing this place. Iraq was easier.

And look at the mess they made there!

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The OP has a point. I've been occupying Thailand for a dozen years are so. I hope he didn't miss the Super Bowl it was a great game.

Does he know the flute is an American designed musical instrument? Not really but someone please, please tell him it was.

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"Please send this news to all Thais who love their country and land, so that they know about America's covert operation,"

And please tell us what good that would do even if every living soul here thought the US intended to invade? What would you do about it, Mr Sriklindee?

"Thanit has since published a post calling for a ban on US products".


Hrm, what US products?

Would that be items imported directly from the USA, or products from US companies? Products made in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, THAILAND.

This guy is an idiot. Big mouth, no brain.

The USA invade Thailand? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Why would the USA want anything to do with this disfunctional country? Just not worth the effort.

Thailand needs to realize that Thailand needs the USA, but the USA does not need Thailand.

Edited by WhizBang
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