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Thai National Parks ordered to charge foreigners tenfold


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Kidding aside for a moment, if you have a Thai drivers license, it should work to get you in for Thai price. If they don't agree right away, insist, and they probably will come to their senses. Even so, I don't think it's fair to judge on appearances.

What about half-Thai half-farang folks? Do they pay 5 times more?

At my bank, Siam Commercial, farang are charged twice the amount for a LOC, than Thais.

Luckily, for me, I reside in northernmost Thailand, and there's little discrimination here. I only experience it if I go do some things in Chiang Mai, which is ever-more seldom. I know many park-like areas which don't have entry fees.

Here's another tidbit: I spoke with a local pu yai ban (village headman) about making a bicycle/jogging/hiking path around a nearby beautiful hill. When he understood my plan, he suggested setting up a ticket booth, to collect entrance fee. I countered by saying it should be free entry by anyone. I then suggested someone could set-up a bicycle renting biz nearby. He then asked if I would give him Bt.100k to start the biz. I said no. Hill is still there, but choked by vines. Perhaps just as well, to leave it fallow.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is a really great idea.

It works hand in hand with Thailand attracting quality tourists, the kind who would like to visit these parks, and enjoy Thailand's natural scenery.

It also helps foreigners wishing to come here, in the sense that they will know that their trip will be vastly more expensive than it ever was.

Great work everyone!

Now, what's next?

I know, I know!

How about a beach entrance fee? Say 200THB per kid and 400THB per adult?

Blanket rule across Thailand's beaches.

Oh - and don't forget to inflate the cost of temple admissions too - tenfold would be best.

It's important to make the distinction between foreign visitors and Thai visitors as wide as possible - as this fosters a good feeling, and also will go a long way to ensure that Thais selling any other product and service don't inflate their prices too, using these new measures as a starting block.

More sterling economic advice from people whose home country economies are collapsing or struggling to emerge from recession and whose currencies are plummeting and whose sovereign debt is rated "junk."

I know, I know. I bought a house and have a $250,000 mortgage even though the market value of the house is half that and my salary from McDonald's doesn't even cover my interest payments. But I'm clever and will sell it for $100,000.

I know, I know, Let's wage a war that costs several trillion dollars without funding it.

I know I know. Let's give everyone generous pensions, short work weeks, free medical care and we'll pay for it all by selling bonds and then default on them.

I know I know, we'll unite Europe in a single economic and currency zone. What could go wrong? We'll be the biggest and "bestest" in all the world.

I know, I know. Let's share all our economic wisdom with "developing" economies so they can be just like those in Farang Land.

one can only imagine your face when the 'tiger of sea' faces its inevitable "bust",

you can but only hope it wont be on the scale of the last one.

oh you think it wont happen or you are immune?

it will and about immune as you are from birdflu......

oh my, did i get dragged so off topic by this parochial nutloop, sorry

okay back on topic

i/we (thai nationals too) go into national parks by the back roads on dirtbikes and pay nothing.

Poor fellow.

Obviously likes to take advantage of the Farang Land's language, which is known the world over, but whilst studying abroad on mummy and daddy's money, probably got banged up the bunghole by his dorm-room mates.

But let us applaud his understanding of western capitalism - because, as you can see, it's very relevant to the OP.

Funny how he's posting on a forum specifically targeted at people from Farang Land, even though he hates them and all that they stand for so much.

But let us applaud his deep and generalised sweep of understanding of ALL of the farang living in Thailand - how astute of him to notice that we are all failures in every aspect in our home countries.

He should run for PM.

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I wonder how many of the ranters on here have actually been to a national park ? Few if any if the posts are anything to go by.

It seems those posting have no idea that the prices have always been around 10 times for foreigners that they are for Thai or Thai resident, (that is the official prices).

One of the parks I went to did not charged a all for a day visit. All the others I have been to have accepted my letter of residence from immigration that I got for a Thai drivers license as proof of residence and I only pay the local price which is 30b per person, 30b per car and 30b to camp for each night.

The official price for foreigners has varied for years between 200 and 400b depending on the park with the bigger more popular parks charging the higher price.

So nothing new here except that they want to make things the same for every park, however I suspect that parks that get few visitors will use their discretion as we have found the staff to be friendly helpful knowledgeable people.

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I earn over 6 times the average Thai in our respective position. How embarrassing it must be for your average Thai schooled here, but not really educated, that he can't earn as much as a falang. It's not the students' fault. The government has been keeping Thais in the modern dark ages. So go ahead, charge me 10 fold for parks I won't visit. I walk the streets knowing I earn more than most of the population here.

I think we can all agree that you are not paid for your writing ability.

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Arrogance of a third world country is astounding.

Arrogance has never been the issue. It is stupidity and greed.

"It is stupidity and greed."

Interesting comment on a forum visited by economic refugees many of whom can't afford to live in their own countries because they didn't plan well for their retirement or who are unqualified and/or unable to find employment in those same countries that are collapsing under debt used to pay for things they were unwilling or unable to fund out of pocket.

If something is priced too high for you, don't use it or buy it. Time for some of the economic refugees from Farang Utopia to move on or stay away ... one more reason to raise prices.

As far as arrogance is concerned, there's plenty of that in Farang Land. Why anyone should expect "third world" counties to bend over and spread their legs to cater to Khun Farang being an excellent example of the vestiges of colonial arrogant mentality.

Khun Suradit69.

I think you misunderstand. It`s not the price who bother Khun Farang. Its plain racism. Charge equal be looked at equal.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The increase there and at other parks was made in response to an announcement from the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department that admission fees for foreigners should be made consistent throughout the country as of Sunday.. should read as.. admission fees for people should be made consistent throughout the country. Seriously is there any other country in the world where foreigners are required to pay more to visit an attraction than residents ??

Yes Vietnam does the same.

I will not visit any place that charges me more than anyone else. If anything I would expect a senior discount below the local price. Anything over that I will not pay.

I have started withholding giving tip in all but the most extreme situations. Trying to fit in with the culture.wai2.gif

my wife was explaining to me that one of the reasons thais used to charge more to foreigners is that they did not understand the tipping system. back in the day they used to be confused why we would pay more (leave a tip) and assume the price was not high enough

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So a family of four rent a car to visit Khao Yai. They get stiffed for 3000 baht for a clapped out Toyota, 1200 baht for park entrance, up to five times for food in the restaurants compared to stalls outside, fail to see the same exquisite waterfall that Leonardo DiCaprio threw himself off in The Beach as it's the wrong time of the year, get turned back from the Prachinburi gate as it now closes at six pm and everybody has pissed off, and to add insult to injury the car gets sat on by an amorous elephant.

Welcome to Thailand!

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Arrogance of a third world country is astounding.

Arrogance has never been the issue. It is stupidity and greed.

"It is stupidity and greed."

Interesting comment on a forum visited by economic refugees many of whom can't afford to live in their own countries because they didn't plan well for their retirement or who are unqualified and/or unable to find employment in those same countries that are collapsing under debt used to pay for things they were unwilling or unable to fund out of pocket.

If something is priced too high for you, don't use it or buy it. Time for some of the economic refugees from Farang Utopia to move on or stay away ... one more reason to raise prices.

As far as arrogance is concerned, there's plenty of that in Farang Land. Why anyone should expect "third world" counties to bend over and spread their legs to cater to Khun Farang being an excellent example of the vestiges of colonial arrogant mentality.

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Suwan predicted the increase would not affect the number of tourists who visit the park as fewer than 100 foreigners visited the park last year.

I wonder why fewer than one hundred foreigners visited the parks last year. Surely it had nothing to do with the fact they were charged 400% more to enter than a Thai.

Now they are increasing it to 900% more than a Thai. This kind of logic is like putting gas in a car you've already wrecked.

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It's some time since I posted on this forum and it seems everybody nowadays ignores the facts of the situation and wants just score points or be sarcastic or generally have a moan.

I posted earlier and know one is interested in trying to resolve the actual situation

I hope this is not typical of forum contributors

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Wondering if close friends China and North Korea get free admission now?

Wait..if North Koreans could leave their country , they would never return.

That is why they are not permitted to ever leave!

Pure insanity!

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Additionally, Suwan predicted the increase would not affect the number of tourists who visit the park as fewer than 100 foreigners visited the park last year.

So where is the sense to charge more to foreigners if there are not many anyway? I would feel so stupid if I see a group of 10 thai in front of me of the ticket counter and they pay 400 baht and you come alone and pay 400 baht.... facepalm.gif

My only explaination is that they "DONT" want foreigners.

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I earn over 6 times the average Thai in our respective position. How embarrassing it must be for your average Thai schooled here, but not really educated, that he can't earn as much as a falang. It's not the students' fault. The government has been keeping Thais in the modern dark ages. So go ahead, charge me 10 fold for parks I won't visit. I walk the streets knowing I earn more than most of the population here.

"I walk the streets knowing I earn more than most of the population here."

A man of your wealth and quality should not be walking the streets. Limousines are available very cheaply and at the worst you could slide into a taxi and completely avoid contact with the local natives and the hoi polloi farangs that infest the streets in certain areas.

Rise above it all, the squalor and noise, enjoy the air conditioned comfort while reflecting on how very special you are in this big world of underpaid, underachievers and that you have no need or desire to enter any of their overpriced forests.

Thailand is indeed privileged to count you among us. Welcome.thumbsup.gif

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So a family of four rent a car to visit Khao Yai. They get stiffed for 3000 baht for a clapped out Toyota, 1200 baht for park entrance, up to five times for food in the restaurants compared to stalls outside, fail to see the same exquisite waterfall that Leonardo DiCaprio threw himself off in The Beach as it's the wrong time of the year, get turned back from the Prachinburi gate as it now closes at six pm and everybody has pissed off, and to add insult to injury the car gets sat on by an amorous elephant.

Welcome to Thailand!

Dont forget that they still can enjoy the view of trags bags and styropor food containers around the park roads which had been thrown away by the locals...!!

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Third world logic?

Fortunately for some countries, the "third World" is the lowest rating possible.

The "second world" was the soviet block that no longer exists

That leaves the "first world' and the rest, the not too good, referred to as the "third world"

If the rating went to forth, fifth or tenth world.....

Thailand would not be rated in the third.

maybe forth or fifth...and sinking fast!

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