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Thai talk: What do they talk about in 'attitude adjustment' sessions?


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I don't care how you dress it up, you can't defend this, being hauled in and made to sign documents for daring to say what you think?


ask costas and djjamie and others on here - they defend it!

costas almost had me crying 2 days ago with his gushing about the 'good general'

what it really means is don't do as I do, do as I say

Blaa blaa Thaksin, Waa Waa Waa Redshirts. They are evil, we are all good. If you disagree well, that is PTP logic right there folks

copyright djjamie all rights reserved,

You forgot the bit about being younger and cleverer than anyone else,

You could also have thrown in some porky pies about being threatened by reds etc - oh yes and you missed out any mention of his kids. Otherwise not a bad effort . 7 out of 10!

Edited by JAG
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