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American Drug Dealing suspect arrested by Pattaya Tourist Police

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I have a feeling we will hear more about this. I would like to know how he got the drugs. That stupid man will sing like a canary when he is sentenced. wai2.gif

This man already sang like a canary , when he was arrested 4 months ago for possesion, did 2 weeks in Nong Plue prison did a deal with the police grassed both Thai and Falang up and then released after paying some tea money, so you cannot say he was new to this. He put himself on the radar when he was caught in possesion, did he not think then they would have him under observation. He was also a director of MyGirl massage upto 2 months ago , when he sold his shares, was mygirl massage a money laundering operation? seems it could have been

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0.4g...Looks like they got Mr Big this time!

The cynic in me says, he pi**ed somebody, somewhere off and this is retribution.


Those were my first thoughts. I didn't think it was cynical. Good Police work.


Don't expect him to serve any real time. The pattern of justice in Thailand seems to be #1 confession, #2 repetence, and #3 a fine (or whatever covers the payment for freedom). Then perhaps deportation or a better "understanding" of the suspect with police.


My brother in law is just finishing a ten year jail sentence, commuted to five, for dealing yaba

Virtually bankrupted the family paying off the police - farm gone-cattle gone-shop gone-cars gone

Seems his military service set him on the road to drug dealing - made by senior officers to deal on their behalf

Now he's in prison with more drugs available than on the outside- what chance a reformed character?

Say what you like about Thaksin but he was effective in controlling drug use and dealing

He also had little truck with radical Islamists in the South and their regular beheadings of teachers and non-believers

Ruthless? Yes! Successful? Yes!

If you play with fire expect to get burnt


I have no sympathy for anyone involved in drugs. If found guilty hope he gets the max sentence.

Me neither. All those alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and Prozac gobbling scum should be locked away too!

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Hiding his face...

Pity when convicted the police do not hold a press conference (pat on the back for job well done) and give full details of his sentence and mug shots to the attending media.


and to those who are saying he only had a little bit,

you dont know how much he has sold to get down to the little bit,,,

thailand dosnt need people whp are selling and doing drugs,,, any drugs, and that goes for the pot heads too, stay at home and get stoned all you like

Well funny thing is you don't know how much he sold to people either, and to who. You're assuming that everybody he may or may not have sold to are the dregs of society who are robbing all and sundry to scrape together enough money for their next fix. many people take a whole multitude of illegal substances for a multitude of different reasons. Not al users are crooks, in fact a healthy percentage of users of ilicit substances hold down very successful families, careers and contribute a hell of a lot to society.

You're entitled to your tough stance views but they're swiss cheese mate, sorry. Your vehemence kind of makes you sound bereft of any real experience of the real world. Might want to get a bit more informed or worldly wise maybe.

What is your take on the most destructive drug of all then, alcohol. Would love to hear your views on that.

I say fair play to the cops for nicking dealers, but the real crims (cartel bosses, financiers, money launderers etc) are who the cops should be looking to shut down. Never really hear about anything like that do we? Do you ever wonder why perhaps?

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and to those who are saying he only had a little bit,

you dont know how much he has sold to get down to the little bit,,,

thailand dosnt need people whp are selling and doing drugs,,, any drugs, and that goes for the pot heads too, stay at home and get stoned all you like

Well funny thing is you don't know how much he sold to people either, and to who. You're assuming that everybody he may or may not have sold to are the dregs of society who are robbing all and sundry to scrape together enough money for their next fix. many people take a whole multitude of illegal substances for a multitude of different reasons. Not al users are crooks, in fact a healthy percentage of users of ilicit substances hold down very successful families, careers and contribute a hell of a lot to society.

You're entitled to your tough stance views but they're swiss cheese mate, sorry. Your vehemence kind of makes you sound bereft of any real experience of the real world. Might want to get a bit more informed or worldly wise maybe.

What is your take on the most destructive drug of all then, alcohol. Would love to hear your views on that.

I say fair play to the cops for nicking dealers, but the real crims (cartel bosses, financiers, money launderers etc) are who the cops should be looking to shut down. Never really hear about anything like that do we? Do you ever wonder why perhaps?

Here we go again! rolleyes.gif Alcohol is much worse blah blah blah blahcoffee1.gif

Is it that difficult to understand the concept that you shouldn't have anything to do with drugs whatsoever in Southeast Asia?ermm.gif

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and to those who are saying he only had a little bit,

you dont know how much he has sold to get down to the little bit,,,

thailand dosnt need people whp are selling and doing drugs,,, any drugs, and that goes for the pot heads too, stay at home and get stoned all you like

Well funny thing is you don't know how much he sold to people either, and to who. You're assuming that everybody he may or may not have sold to are the dregs of society who are robbing all and sundry to scrape together enough money for their next fix. many people take a whole multitude of illegal substances for a multitude of different reasons. Not al users are crooks, in fact a healthy percentage of users of ilicit substances hold down very successful families, careers and contribute a hell of a lot to society.

You're entitled to your tough stance views but they're swiss cheese mate, sorry. Your vehemence kind of makes you sound bereft of any real experience of the real world. Might want to get a bit more informed or worldly wise maybe.

What is your take on the most destructive drug of all then, alcohol. Would love to hear your views on that.

I say fair play to the cops for nicking dealers, but the real crims (cartel bosses, financiers, money launderers etc) are who the cops should be looking to shut down. Never really hear about anything like that do we? Do you ever wonder why perhaps?

Here we go again! rolleyes.gif Alcohol is much worse blah blah blah blahcoffee1.gif

Is it that difficult to understand the concept that you shouldn't have anything to do with drugs whatsoever in Southeast Asia?ermm.gif

Another "dead from the neck up" poster. Asiantravel I don't think any sane, rational thinking person would go near gear of any sort here. But with the amounts of money & the sheer volumes of pills, powders, leaves and whatever else being sold & consumed it is fair to say that many sane, rational thinking people will no doubt dabble in it, whether it be a nightly thing, an occasional thing or a spur of the moment thing, it HAPPENS.

I don't condone it but I understand that personal choices and precisely that.

And instead of merely brushing off the alcohol issue as blah blah blah why not state your case that it isn't so bad. I personally know of many people who have had bad situations befall them as a result of either their use of alcohol or the actions of a 3rd party who has been using alcohol either attacking them, running them over, robbing them, enfangering their kids' lives.... But again we don't assume that all drinkers and alcohol sellers are the scum of the earth do we. Beacause they're not.

Like I said, kudos to the cops for locking up a small time dealer. But how about try and bost some big big fish who flood villages with drugs & who push drugs on children. That is where the real war is happening and where the real respect can be earned if they go and tackle it effectively in a sustained & surgical way. Sounds like a lot of work, but isn't that what the BIB are paid for?

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and to those who are saying he only had a little bit,

you dont know how much he has sold to get down to the little bit,,,

thailand dosnt need people whp are selling and doing drugs,,, any drugs, and that goes for the pot heads too, stay at home and get stoned all you like

Well funny thing is you don't know how much he sold to people either, and to who. You're assuming that everybody he may or may not have sold to are the dregs of society who are robbing all and sundry to scrape together enough money for their next fix. many people take a whole multitude of illegal substances for a multitude of different reasons. Not al users are crooks, in fact a healthy percentage of users of ilicit substances hold down very successful families, careers and contribute a hell of a lot to society.

You're entitled to your tough stance views but they're swiss cheese mate, sorry. Your vehemence kind of makes you sound bereft of any real experience of the real world. Might want to get a bit more informed or worldly wise maybe.

What is your take on the most destructive drug of all then, alcohol. Would love to hear your views on that.

I say fair play to the cops for nicking dealers, but the real crims (cartel bosses, financiers, money launderers etc) are who the cops should be looking to shut down. Never really hear about anything like that do we? Do you ever wonder why perhaps?

Here we go again! rolleyes.gif Alcohol is much worse blah blah blah blahcoffee1.gif

Is it that difficult to understand the concept that you shouldn't have anything to do with drugs whatsoever in Southeast Asia?ermm.gif

Another "dead from the neck up" poster. Asiantravel I don't think any sane, rational thinking person would go near gear of any sort here. But with the amounts of money & the sheer volumes of pills, powders, leaves and whatever else being sold & consumed it is fair to say that many sane, rational thinking people will no doubt dabble in it, whether it be a nightly thing, an occasional thing or a spur of the moment thing, it HAPPENS.

I don't condone it but I understand that personal choices and precisely that.

And instead of merely brushing off the alcohol issue as blah blah blah why not state your case that it isn't so bad. I personally know of many people who have had bad situations befall them as a result of either their use of alcohol or the actions of a 3rd party who has been using alcohol either attacking them, running them over, robbing them, enfangering their kids' lives.... But again we don't assume that all drinkers and alcohol sellers are the scum of the earth do we. Beacause they're not.

Like I said, kudos to the cops for locking up a small time dealer. But how about try and bost some big big fish who flood villages with drugs & who push drugs on children. That is where the real war is happening and where the real respect can be earned if they go and tackle it effectively in a sustained & surgical way. Sounds like a lot of work, but isn't that what the BIB are paid for?

Again it shouldn’t be difficult to grasp that the lawmakers in this country and many other Asian countries have provided that harsh penalties will be imposed on those participating in drug dealing and consumption-end of story.

It’s nothing short of pathetic after people get caught to start whingeing about this and that is worse or that person is more guilty than the other person.bah.gif


Not entirely sure who is whinging here Asiantravel. The hang em high & lock em up til they die brigade peddle a tired rhetoric that holds as much water as a sieve.

Nobody is disputing that the penalties are harsh, nobody is disputing that dealers are playing with fire.

What is pathetic however when somebody attempts to shoot down completely logical arguments by saying blah blah blah and not actually offering any substance. Offers that person's opinion almost no credibility at all. So if you're done baiting it would be a help. Otherwise how about discuss the topic and related issues as was the case prior


I'm sure we'd all like to commend the hard work and bravery of the officers responsible for this high profile arrest. I'm certain that children will sleep more peacefully now that this scourge has been removed from the quiet beach community.....hahaha, clap2.gif

Yep and it took a fellow farange to nail him too. Hope he gets a Thai flag and some tea money booty for his efforts.bah.gif


I imagine that Mr. Brown will now see what the northern Thailand prison is like.

I visited the prison in Chiang Mai and there were many people locked up for

drug offences, they were all very happy to see and read the Bangkok post

newspaper I had brought with me to the prison. Many of these prisoners were

wishing that I had brought a carton of cigarettes or two, but were just happy that I

had some recent news of the world with me. I did not see many fat prisoners

during my visit, as I was told by the guards that they do not get the

same food in a Thai prison as they do in Canada or the US. Hope he likes rice and some

noodles on his lucky days!

Being that he seems to be a small time player, he will probably only do

prison time for lots of years, then kicked out of the country.

Best thing is, keep your nose clean, stay away from drugs, and maybe

stay away from the gangs if you can.


Best thing is, keep your nose clean, stay away from drugs, and maybe

stay away from the gangs if you can.

The gangs? Do you think he was reppin' the Bloods or the Crypts? Red or blue? ;)


So this is how he looks like ? Now the "whole world" knows, I am sure he got someone back home who is really proud of his "achievements" in LOS.

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