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Thai NACC to soon decide on impeaching 269 ex-MPs


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Yawn... Speaking of straw, you yellows sure love a strawman argument. Truth is, I see very few "reds" on this forum, just a lot of people who see a naked power grab by a selfish elite who fundamentally don't believe in equality. People who believe Thaksin is corrupt but would prefer him to have been contained through legal means until his party imploded on himself (as was starting to happen), so the system can start to clean itself out. If you can't tell the difference between that and being a Thaksin lover, you're too stupid to be posting on forums.

"People who believe Thaksin is corrupt but would prefer him to have been contained through legal means......."

I needed a good laugh to start the day, even if it is non-PC to laugh at the mentally deficient. I can imagine the DSI under Tarit, or some sycophantic bought copper investigating Thaksin. Maybe the NACC if they weren't starved of budget. But they would have to be quick. because his amnesty would have approved the day the 180 wait expired. And that would include the Yingluk, and her (non-elected) corrupt cronies with their G2G deals

Of course by then Thailand would have a B3 trillion debt (and climbing) as the B700 billion rice scam was propped up by the B2.3 trillion loan. Couldn't scrap that could they, and risk a voter backlash. Yeah corrupt is fine if you're elected.

BTW wear a hat if you're going to be out in the sun all day.

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Of course by then Thailand would have a B3 trillion debt (and climbing) as the B700 billion rice scam was propped up by the B2.3 trillion loan. Couldn't scrap that could they, and risk a voter backlash. Yeah corrupt is fine if you're elected.

BTW wear a hat if you're going to be out in the sun all day.

Corrupt is also fine if you are not elected (current situation)

What might be 2.3 trillion loan? I think you are purposely mixing up things. I think you mean the infrastructure projects, right? It is still on by the current gov. and I think they even raised the stake. Why scrap a project that is even more prone for corruption?

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