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Siam Paragon bombs: Hunt on for 'Dragon'


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So what we got here. An arrest warrant with no names. Police got the nickname but can't link to actual names!!! Surveillance picked up 2 men walking around but no footage to show they planted the bombs. Taxi man picked up 2 good looking guys and the police concluded it is linked to the bombing. In short, they have zilch evidence and yet they can linked these non evidence to a political party and political motives. Perhaps Jatuporn was right after all.

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Pay the UK (SAS) some cash-4 catch fee and you will be gaurented 100% of them in the the police station within 5 minutes from the kick off time.

While they're at it, they can solve crimes down in Koh Tao. The confidence of the Brits in this forum have in their boys is just fascinating.

Many other countries' special forces call on the SAS for advice and support - in training and real live situations. So I guess their must have some confidence too.

However, the SAS are not detectives, police, or used in tracking down suspects like this.

They have certainly operated in Thailand with the Thai military in training roles, and in joint operations with the Thai and Malaysian military in the early parts of this decade. To want extent this continues I don't know,

The British police forces are a different subject. There is a high degree of variability of capability between the individual forces and officers within those forces.

We all await the report on the Koh Tao murders with baited breath,

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So what we got here. An arrest warrant with no names. Police got the nickname but can't link to actual names!!! Surveillance picked up 2 men walking around but no footage to show they planted the bombs. Taxi man picked up 2 good looking guys and the police concluded it is linked to the bombing. In short, they have zilch evidence and yet they can linked these non evidence to a political party and political motives. Perhaps Jatuporn was right after all.

Sure, and perhaps the terrorist out on bail Jatuporn was lying, as he often does.

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Pay the UK (SAS) some cash-4 catch fee and you will be gaurented 100% of them in the the police station within 5 minutes from the kick off time.

5555,i nearly spilled my coffee,thanks for the morning joke.Next you'll be suggesting to send in the Yard,5555.

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Do you mean serving SAS members or some of the many that have retired to Pattaya?


Need all the retired SAS, Pioneers, Green Berets, & SEALS in Pattaya to join in.

Wish I had 10 baht for every one I've met down there.

At least I'm honest (and had some sense). I started out infantry & moved to maintenance in the Army.

Got out & went to staying in five star hotels & flying business class as a contractor instead of working for Blackwater in Iraq, flying C-147's & sleeping in tents, getting shot at.

I did do a few stints in hairy places, but it's mostly pretty nice as compared to a grunt.

Edited by jaywalker
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I'm no expert like every one else on here..but I do have an opinion and I personally think it was a very well orchestrated/organised explosion directed to do minimal damage at a quiet time of the day with no injury to the public!With even more sanctions being wheeled out seemingly by the day now by the ruling junta general and his cronies this could well be a stage managed event to justify more army presence and authority in the coming weeks/months!

Edited by metisdead
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I think we're all missing the point here. A taxi picked them up and not only used the meter but seems to have charged the correct fare. He probably remembers them because "you always remember your first time".

Interesting also that the stills released of the bombers leaving the packages seems fairly indistinct but the second still clearly shows the faces but they are wearing different clothes. Did they really change clothes or is this another case of RTP adjusting the story to produce the desired outcome.

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Excellent memory, the taxi- driver has there.

At least for learning all the "facts" that were handed to him and tell them to the right person at the right time and in the right order...coffee1.gif

In your opinion that is of course. No proof - nah, just a good imagination.

Maybe he's a CIA or Chinese Intelligence plant; or was it Chalerm in one of his disguises? whistling.gif

Yes- in my opinion.

Unless these guys were assembling the bomb in the taxi and bragging about it...tell me, if you could remember such detail about 2 specific customers out of...50, let's say...you had during a day, just by being shown a grainy picture!

I, for sure, could not!

But as we all know: Thai- taxi drivers might not find the shortest way from Silom to Sukhumvit, but they sure as hell have excellent memory!


Maybe the taxi driver felt in love with the handsum dragon :)

Will never forget how handsum he was..

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Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

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Give it a nickname. Does this legitimise idiot people who plant bombs?

This fool is just a mad man.

and paid by equally evil mad men

it's said he changed his clothes but his shirt remained the same colour

and the first politician that immediately came to mind after reading the OP has strong connections to sauce

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my idea:

put up full-size mirrors at strategic locations, that will slow them down since they have to check whether they are still good-looking. Actually, it'll slow everybody down. Scrap the idea. Or turn it into a revenue opportunity. wub.png

he was seen taking several selfies while fleeing the scene

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Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

Really oxymoronic for the Reds to orchestrate this bombing if they really want an early election. Could even be a PDRC/PAD set-up to influence the NRC and the NCC to insert more lopsided reforms and laws to limit PT ability to win the next election. Seem the junta has already concluded the motives and the perpetrators even before any arrest and trial.

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Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

Really oxymoronic for the Reds to orchestrate this bombing if they really want an early election. Could even be a PDRC/PAD set-up to influence the NRC and the NCC to insert more lopsided reforms and laws to limit PT ability to win the next election. Seem the junta has already concluded the motives and the perpetrators even before any arrest and trial.

Or it could have come up from the south that fully supported the oust of yingluck. Only to find they are no better off with the new lot. Maybe the ones that have been putting up anti government all over the town lately. ????

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For those jumping on the back of the red shirts, Thaksin etc, ask yourself, who has been on the ropes recently and whose position and "moral" standpoint would most benefit from the bombings? Also, is it not strange that the authorites know so much about the suspects?

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Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power

If they can make the current government look ineffective and unable to secure the peace, perhaps the current government will lose the confidence of those who are undecided. The Junta doesn't need the bombings for any reason. They don't even need the bombings to make the PTP/UDD look bad because they already plan to prosecute them to the ends of the Earth.

I don't think it is helpful for the news to print innuendo, with absolutely no proof other than the supposed bomber has connections to a PT politician in Samut Prakarn, a Red Shirt stronghold.

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It's because they are the best, that's why!!! Ask the IRA.

They would eat you're SEALS for breakfast!!

Get real mate.

The IRA don't fight - they bomb, snipe and run, or shoot unarmed people in the back. That's how terrorists operate.

The politicians didn't unleash the SAS (SEALS are an American naval special force) on them regularly, When they did, the result was always the same. Dead IRA or INLA terrorists.

Gibraltar is a good example of where a IRA active service unit ran into the SAS. And the IRA still whine about the result and the death of their assassins who were about to kill innocents.

You are simply reinforcing what I am saying!! ie: that the SAS are the best and drive fear into anyone that becomes their target - so what exactly are you on about when you say 'get real'?

As to the SEALS comment of mine, I am referring to how much better the Brit's are as compared to the US's 'very poor' equivalent forces.

Apologies - you are perfectly correct. I misread your post - eyes aren't what they were, not sure brain is either, sorry for that.

I don't believe the SEALS are "very poor" though. American special forces underwent significant improvements after Grenada and the Iran Embassy hostages rescue disaster. I think Richard Armitage led on those reforms.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

Really oxymoronic for the Reds to orchestrate this bombing if they really want an early election. Could even be a PDRC/PAD set-up to influence the NRC and the NCC to insert more lopsided reforms and laws to limit PT ability to win the next election. Seem the junta has already concluded the motives and the perpetrators even before any arrest and trial.

Has Thaksin and his red shirts always demonstrated clarity of thought and logic in their actions and statements?

Do they have a track record of getting people saying different things, lying, seeking sympathy outside of Thailand, and orchestrating bombs, attacks, intimidation?

It was be in Thaksin's great interest to destabilize the country as much as possible, including weakening the economy, causing unrest, all whilst pretending to cooperate.

He isn't interested in any kind of reconciliation. He wants total control. Reforms will be designed to prevent or at least make that harder for him. He can't wait for the statute of limitations to expire on all his outstanding court cases and needs that conviction and jail sentence squashing.

He will have a plan and it will comprise of lots of different elements as always,

An early election, even if PT win, and have an overall majority, which isn't guaranteed won't give him the amnesty he craves judging by public reaction last time. So he'll want much more turmoil and unrest, failing economy, tourist numbers way down - then he can orchestrate his return and the savior, the man who paid off the IMF "with his own money:.

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For those jumping on the back of the red shirts, Thaksin etc, ask yourself, who has been on the ropes recently and whose position and "moral" standpoint would most benefit from the bombings? Also, is it not strange that the authorites know so much about the suspects?

ah so the military planted the bomb? Jerk!
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For those jumping on the back of the red shirts, Thaksin etc, ask yourself, who has been on the ropes recently and whose position and "moral" standpoint would most benefit from the bombings? Also, is it not strange that the authorites know so much about the suspects?

Didn't you read?

They met Thailand's worst and only super- hero: Captain Supercabbie, the taxi- driver with the megamind!

Ask Baerboxer: he knows him , too!

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Another source said that the twin pipe bombs could have been planned by core leaders of a political group that had lost its political benefits, by hiring men in uniform

Because of libel laws, these reporters talk in code. I will translate: Somebody said Thaksin directed his minions in Bangkok to hire RTP officers to plant the bombs, maybe. That's what they are strongly hinting at when they make these vague, unattributed statements.

Yes - that's most likely the intent of these vague statements. But I still can't see how a small-scale bombing like this would benefit the man in Dubai. It would seem to simply give the current regime an excuse to ramp up security, extend martial law, and perhaps push off elections further into the future. Remember that the coup-makers claim that they will only allow a return to democracy when things are stable. Incidents like this suggest they still have work to do. I don't see how it helps Reds/PTP regain power...

Really oxymoronic for the Reds to orchestrate this bombing if they really want an early election. Could even be a PDRC/PAD set-up to influence the NRC and the NCC to insert more lopsided reforms and laws to limit PT ability to win the next election. Seem the junta has already concluded the motives and the perpetrators even before any arrest and trial.

Has Thaksin and his red shirts always demonstrated clarity of thought and logic in their actions and statements?

Do they have a track record of getting people saying different things, lying, seeking sympathy outside of Thailand, and orchestrating bombs, attacks, intimidation?

It was be in Thaksin's great interest to destabilize the country as much as possible, including weakening the economy, causing unrest, all whilst pretending to cooperate.

He isn't interested in any kind of reconciliation. He wants total control. Reforms will be designed to prevent or at least make that harder for him. He can't wait for the statute of limitations to expire on all his outstanding court cases and needs that conviction and jail sentence squashing.

He will have a plan and it will comprise of lots of different elements as always,

An early election, even if PT win, and have an overall majority, which isn't guaranteed won't give him the amnesty he craves judging by public reaction last time. So he'll want much more turmoil and unrest, failing economy, tourist numbers way down - then he can orchestrate his return and the savior, the man who paid off the IMF "with his own money:.

the time spent outside the country should not count towards the statute of limitations.

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I'm no expert like every one else on here..but I do have an opinion and I personally think it was a very well orchestrated/organised explosion directed to do minimal damage at a quiet time of the day with no injury to the public!With even more sanctions being wheeled out seemingly by the day now by the ruling junta general and his cronies this could well be a stage managed event to justify more army presence and authority in the coming weeks/months!

No!! it isn't.

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